The Alexandrian

Bone Brambles - Descent Into Avernus

Go to Avernian Hex Key Index


  • Descent Into Avernus, p. 99

Rigorath can offer the PCs knowledge about:

  • Leads on a location for the four dream machine components (roll on the Dream Machine Component Rumors table in Part 7I).
  • Details of Zariel’s history, particularly her fall after the Battle of Avernus and her role in the Reckoning.
  • Whatever other valuable knowledge seems relevant and/or requested by the PCs. (Perhaps pass-keys to Zariel’s flying fortress?)


Feonar has a supply of Phlegethosian sand which is useful for her necromantic work.

Feonor is in a relationship with Carol D’Vown (Hex D2). She previously was in a relationship with Mahadi, but fell in love with D’Vown when she met her at the Wandering Emporium. There is a 1 in 4 chance that D’vown and her gang of infernal constructs are visiting Feonor here.

The Amphibious Warlord: Feonor has a number of amphibious infernal machines, including some which can operate on both water and land. Her lair is built around a cavern located along the Styx.

Ossuary Arsenal: Lady Bladeharrow is an undead devil forgemaster created by Feonor herself. She is described in Forges of Avernus, p. 4.

Design Note: As described in Forges of Avernus, Lady Bladeharrow has a “mobile forge” called the Ossuary. We are removing the mobile concept and ensconcing her in Feonor’s Lair. Remember that soul coins can be used to create undead, so Feonor is likely to have a substantial cache of them.


This site resembles a druidic stone circle (like Stonehenge), but the sarsens are formed from plasmic masses of flame. Half sunken into the acidic muck (much of it polluted run-off from Bel’s Forge, Hex H2), several of the flame-sarsens gutter and flicker like torches on the verge of being blown out.


  • Descent Into Avernus, p. 80

See Part 6C.


  • Descent Into Avernus, p. 96

The devilish work crew knows details of the surrounding area (major landmarks, keyed locations, etc.) to a distance of two hexes.


Respen Shadowswimmer escaped Plagueshield Point (Hex G5b) shortly after it was sucked into Hell and eventually found his way to this abandoned tower, which he has made his own. An arcane researcher, he is fascinated by the properties of the Styx and has been researching its long-term effects on various creatures. Most recently this has resulted in the creation Stygian behemoths.

Respen Shadowswimmer used a heartstone during his research at Plagueshield Point, but wasn’t able to bring it along. He’d dearly prize a replacement, as he thinks it would prove invaluable in continuing his research here.


A tower of reddish, Avernian stone thrusts into the sky near a gaping black maw tunneled into the side of an obsidian peak.

Abandoned Tower: The tower was once barracks and armory for hundreds of Blood Legion troops, with half-finished construction suggesting it was destined to house thousands more. But the tower stands unfinished and empty today, its strategic purpose lost with the end of the Reckoning and the abandonment of the mineworks.

Mineworks: The tunnel is artificial, having been carved into the mountain. The work was begun during the Reckoning, when Zariel was laying siege to Dis. Stymied by the defenses of Dis, Zariel had the idea to create a second passage between the first and second levels of Hell.

At the bottom of the shaft is an infernal drill that, in that bygone era, might have been able to pierce the planar boundaries and undermine Dis. With the end of the war, the drill was abandoned and has long since decayed to uselessness. However, astral pistons were used in its construction and can be salvaged.

Hellwasp Nests: The tunnel struck a number of natural caves and other cavities. Hellwasps have established a hive in one of these.

Note: You could fill this dungeon with any number of cross-chambers filled with various denizens or Avernian wildlife (or even stranger stuff). Particularly relevant would be anyone seeking to hide from Avernian authorities. (Perhaps there’s a force of inbred demons who got stuck behind the lines when the Blood War moved Abyss-ward. Or even Baatorians who escaped Zariel’s wrath at the end of the Rift War.) Some of these inhabitants could have blocked the main passage, forcing the PCs to either excavate or find a route around the blockage.


  • Descent Into Avernus, p. 104

Kostchtchie is more than willing to team up against Zariel if freed. What form that assistance takes will depend a lot on the plan the PCs propose (don’t feel bound by the adventure’s script here).

As described in Dance of Deathless Frost, the demon cannot be permanently killed unless Kostchtchie’s phylactery is destroyed. This is why Zariel has imprisoned Kostchtchie instead of killing him. PCs who obtain the phylactery (see the Witch-Queen’s Abode, Hex B3) would have something of value to Zariel… and even greater value to Kostchtchie.


Raggadragga and his gang got into a war with Princeps Kovik and the 8th Remnant (Hex J5), which the Goreguts decisively lost. Raggadragga and a ragged band of survivors managed to escape, but their lair was ravaged by Kovik.

Inverted Crucifixes: Kovik took the dead and nailed them to inverted crucifixes in the former courtyard. Words blasted into the stone wall here read, “Damned be those who challenge Princeps Kovik of the 8th.” There are three dead wereboars and five dead wererats.

Ruined War Machines: Three burned out husks of what were once infernal war machines are just outside the walls.

Raggadragga has several potential scenario hooks related to these recent events:

  • He’s actively seeking anyone with resources or skills who might help him rebuild the lair.
  • He’s also looking for alternative locations for a lair (including the possibility of seizing one).
  • He would also like to return to the lair long enough to bury his dead.
  • He’d like to stage a raid on the 8th Remnant’s lair (Hex J5) to steal back the infernal war machines they took from him.

For more details on the Avernian warlords, see Part 7E of the Remix.

Design Note: As you’re working up the key for this location, think about dropping clues pointing to both its original owners (the Goreguts) and its destroyer (Princeps Kovik).


This dungeon is located beneath a razed demonic fortress that was wiped out when Zariel’s forces drove back the front lines of the Blood War from the banks of the Styx.


Princeps Kovik and the Eighth Remnant are ensconced within the bone brambles. Signifier Hraxioch of the 9th Cohort (Hex J6) has been charged with hunting down these rebels and there is a constant guerilla warfare of sorts between them within the twisted eaves of the brambles.

Fetterworks: The Eighth Remnant has a forge for weapons and infernal machines maintained by an enslaved centaur named Hobblehoof. See Forges of Avernus, p. 3.

For more details on the Avernian warlords, see Part 7E of the Remix.


Camped on a low mesa overlooking the area is the 9th Cohort of the 497th Infantry Legion (9/497) commanded by the chain devil Signifier Hraxioch.

The 9th is charged with guarding the narrow pass between the mountains and the Styx here. From atop the mesa, they can see the entirety of this hex. Characters passing through this hex are likely to be spotted and a patrol sent out to intercept them.

Go to Part 7D: Raid on the Flying Fortress

2 Responses to “Remixing Avernus – Part 7C: Avernian Hex Key (Hexes I1 thru J6)”

  1. Jacob says:

    Awesome! Now that the hex key is out, I have no more excuses for my game to be on hold!

  2. Paul S Goodman says:

    “The Amphibious Warlord: Feonor has a number of amphibious infernal machines, including some which can operate on both water and land.”

    Isn’t that just the definition of “amphibious”? Is this just a typo or does she have amphibious infernal machines that cannot operate on both water and land? What are those like?

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