The Alexandrian

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


December 20th, 2008
The 18th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

Venom-Shaped Thrall (Midjourney)

When Tee returned shortly after noon, the group retrenched its plans. They had already decided to meet with Sir Kabel for dinner that evening and they now resolved to use that meeting to lay out a complete strategy for dealing with Rehobath, the arrival of Kirian Ylestos, the affairs of the Order of the Dawn, and the decisions facing Dominic.

This, however, left them with several hours of empty time to fill. Ranthir and Elestra had a variety of minor chores that they thought they might be able to pursue (the writing of magical scrolls, the gathering of information, and so forth), but then Tee proposed going to the project site of the cultists in Oldtown and laying siege to it.

This plan met with immediate and enthusiastic support. And, in short order, they found themselves approaching the building.


Elestra called upon the Spirit of the City to cloak her companions from sight, allowing them to easily slip into the alley next to the building. Calling upon the Spirit once more, she shifted into the shape of a snake. Tee, using her boots of levitation, carried her up to the window on the second floor that she’d used before and slipped Elestra inside.

Slithering under doorways, Elestra noted several cocoons scattered around the upper level – some of them still whole, others hatched.

In a room on the far side of the building there were two of the hatched cocoons. There were also two doors, one of which had been barricaded shut with an assortment of half-broken furniture.

Elestra decided to avoid the barricade for now, and instead slithered under the other door. In the center of the next room were two of the “venom-shaped thralls”.

Fortunately, the creatures appeared to be sleeping – they were hunched down on the floor and their long, beclawed arms were drawn in close. Elestra beat a hasty retreat back into the outer room.

She considered heading directly back to the window where Tee was waiting. It would certainly be the safest thing to do. But, on the other hand, it would be helpful if she could finish scouting out the entirety of the second floor. Then they could form an accurate plan of action.

And so she slipped her way through the barricade and poked her head under the second door.

On the far side of the room there was a half-hatched cocoon. But extending from its broken shell there were writhing, gelatinous tentacles that groped grotesquely at the empty air. For a long moment, Elestra was captivated by the horrific sight of it. But then her reverie was broken by painful, stinging bites.

Wrenching her head out of the room, Elestra saw a swarming carpet of strangely deformed, red-and-black beetles pouring out of one of the hatched cocoons in the outer room. She had been literally overwhelmed by the outer edge of the swarm.

She fled back towards Tee with the chaos beetles biting and stinging her as she went. Tee, seeing her plight, flung open the window and fired once into the mass of creatures. The blast had little effect, but it did cause the creatures to fall back long enough for Elestra – momentarily freed from their mass – to escape out of the window as Tee scooped her up.

Ranthir, seeing the panicked scene above, reacted quickly. With a wave of his hand the window slammed shut.

Mere moments after the window shut, Tee saw one of the venom-shaped thralls scurry into view – evidently awoken by the sounds of the swarming chaos beetles. Before it had a chance to notice them hovering outside of the window, however, Tee dropped out of sight and returned to the alley below.


When they reached the ground, Elestra returned to human form. She quickly described what she had seen to the others. Since the second floor was so sparsely populated, they decided to quickly mop up the minimal opposition before the riled up chaos beetles alerted everything in the building to their presence.

Levitating back up, however, Tee found the window Ranthir had shut swarming with the chaos beetles – the entire surface a churning, chitinous mass. She blanched. Disgusting…

“Did we ever figure out why the bug-things were called venom-shaped thralls?” Elestra asked.

“Because they’re poisonous?” Tor ventured.

“But venom-shaped…” Dominic said.

“They’re made out of venom?” Elestra suggested.

Tee, meanwhile, was circling around to the western side of the building. There she found another window, this one looking out over the rear alley. Peeking through it she saw one of the thralls patrolling the hallway leading to the stairs. And there was another of the black cocoons attached to the far wall. But it would have to do. She eased her way up to the roof, tied off her rope, and lowered it to the others below.

Returning to the window, Tee eased it open and slipped inside. She slid in behind the banister of the stairs. From her hiding place there, she waited for Agnarr to reach the window. Then, once the patrolling thrall’s back was turned, she gave the signal: Agnarr leapt through the window, silently rolled to his feet directly behind the thrall, and then gave his familiar battlecry: FOR THE GLORY!

As the flaming greatsword bit deep into the creature’s chitinous hide, acidic ichor sprayed from the wound and oozed down its side. Agnarr’s arms burned at its touch.

The thrall whirled with a hideous, chittering hiss that echoed through the upper level of the ruined apartment complex. Tee, timing her move perfectly, circled it in the opposite direction and buried her sword in its back. It howled its hiss again, its serrated beak and claws going into a furious flurry at Agnarr’s expense.

Agnarr was forced back a step by the thing’s furious onslaught. “They’re bigger than we thought!” he shouted over his shoulder.

But then Tor, who had scrambled through the window behind them, stepped up and beheaded the creature with a single smooth stroke. Its head went bouncing down the length of the hall… but as it passed over the cocoon at the far end of the hall, a thrall-claw suddenly burst forth from the purplish-black mass and impaled it in mid-air.

“Oh shit…” Tee turned towards it and drew her dragon pistol. But as she prepared to fire, she saw – through one of the gaping holes in the wall – the chittering mass of the chaos swarm sweeping towards her like an ambulatory carpet. “Oh shit!” She swung her pistol in that direction and fired.

Her blasts had little effect, but then Ranthir stepped forward, lowered his hands, and bathed the creatures in flame. Unfortunately, they kept coming. Elestra, calling on her own magical might, dropped a ball of roiling fire into their midst, but the creatures swarmed around it and clambered up Ranthir’s legs – leaving hideous red welts in their wake.

Ranthir screamed. But then Elestra swung the ball of fire back into the midst of the swarm and, this time, the flames shattered the swarm’s hivemind, sending the desultory remnants scattering into the corners of the room.

Tor went racing past them and plunged his sword into the hatching cocoon – but to no avail. The half-dozen claws of the creature continued ripping their way to freedom.

Tee dropped her dragon pistol and drew her bow, wanting its greater accuracy. As the newborn thrall ripped its way free from the cocoon, Tee loosed her shot – placing the arrow straight through the emerging creature’s eye.

With a flip of her hand, Elestra engulfed the thrall’s head in a ball of the flame. And then Tee shot again, her arrow ripping through its second eye and bursting through the back of its skull – leaving a slightly flaming arrow flicker in the wall at the center of a splash of green ichor and black brain. The creature slumped forward over the edge of the cocoon.

Meanwhile, another of the thralls – the second of those Elestra had seen before – had burst through the door on the far side of the room. Agnarr moved to engage it and Ranthir quickly scurried in that direction. Laying his hand on the barbarian’s back, he released a sharp burst of arcane energy. Agnarr grew and grew and grew… finally reaching thirteen feet in height.

In a panic, the venom-shaped thrall scuttled backwards – its flashing claws and beak lashing Agnarr, but doing little real harm. Agnarr drove it back and then cut it in ichorous twain.


Ranthir and Tee could both feel the venom of the chaos beetle swarm burning in their blood. As its effects grew worse, their limbs began to shake uncontrollably. Dominic was able to help Tee, but they lacked the proper resources to fully cure Ranthir (who was left shaking with a severe palsy).

Tor wanted to finish their sweep of the upper level as quickly as possible, convinced that anything on the lower level of the apartment building must already be aware of them. He moved into the next room, verified it was empty, and started heading towards the barricaded door.

But then, on the ceiling, he spotted an effervescent patch of violet-colored slime. It looked… unpleasant.

Since Agnarr was thirteen feet tall (and stooping even in the high, vaulted ceilings of these ruined apartments), Tor called him over to take a close look at the patch of slime – and deal with it if necessary.

But as Agnarr cut through the room at the center of the complex, the floor suddenly buckled beneath him – plunging him down to the first floor in a loud, splintering crash of broken wood.

Looking around, Agnarr saw the problem: Several support walls had been completely destroyed and there were several broken floor beams. He tried climbing back up to the second floor, but the acid-eaten floorboards broke beneath his weight a second time and dropped him back down again.

“I’m just going to stay down here,” Agnarr said, heading towards the far door of the room he’d fallen into. “Tip-toe… through the tulips…”

Running the Campaign: The Traps That Move You  Campaign Journal: Session 32B
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index

Trail of Destruction - Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel (Wizards of the Coast)

Go to Part 1

TRAIL OF DESTRUCTION (Alastor Guzman): Powerful fire elementals known as tlexolotls slumber deep beneath the surface of Tletepec. Above them rise volcanoes, their smoke and eruptions reflecting the uneasy dreams of the fiery gods below. Now Izel, one of the tlexolotls, has awoken and seeks to similarly awake his brethren, leading to massive volcanic eruptions and earthquakes which are racking the region.

This is a cool concept. Unfortunately, I find the adventure to be fairly baffling.

First, the adventure obviously revolves around erupting volcanoes. The PCs travel along ash-choked roads, crisscrossing the region alternately trying to figure out what’s happening and delivering offerings to the volcano gods. Given this concept, there are two things that would be super useful to include on the map: The roads and the names of the volcanoes.

On the actual map, unfortunately, there are no roads. (Oof.) Most of the volcanoes are also not labeled, although what appears to be a single volcano is labeled the “Onyx Volcanoes” (sic) and another set of volcanoes is labeled the “Twin Gods Volcanoes.” There are actually four volcanoes near this latter label, but I’m pretty sure I know which two were meant to be the Twin Gods. Also the “Twin Gods” are, as far as I can tell, never identified. It’s possible they’re supposed to be the “two lovers” mentioned in the Legends of Tletepec? But the lovers aren’t given names, either.

This ties into a general cosmological confusion which is the other major liability of the scenario: The tlexolotls are the volcanoes, but no one in the area believes that the tlexolotls actually exist. Instead, they believe that there are unnamed(?) gods inside each volcano. The local religion (or possibly multiple religions?) offers sacrifices to keep the gods placated, but the sacrifices are actually going to the tlexolotl and placating them instead.

This is a needless layer of confusion that doesn’t have any real impact on the scenario. There’s something potentially interesting about the PCs revealing that “your gods are actually not gods,” they’re just semi-mindless beasts who, if not kept fed, periodicallyTrail of Destruction - Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel (Wizards of the Coast) “emerge in a rage, rampaging forth” to “gorge themselves on massive amounts of animal and plant life … until its belly is full,” except:

  • The consequences of this metaphysical nuclear bomb being dropped on the local culture is entirely ignored;
  • the PCs figure out the truth by studying the prominently displayed carvings in all the shrines of the local religion (which is hilarious — “Yo! Your religion is wrong! The proof is all the bas reliefs you keep making!”); and
  • even the “gorging beast” thing isn’t consistent, since Izel the main villain of the piece, is an awakened tlexolotl who explicitly doesn’t do that.

So it’s all kind of a big ol’ mess. This is also reflected in the central thru-line of the adventure, which is all over the place, but mostly revolves around the idea that Ameyali, a local religious(?) leader, is trying to deliver a shipment of offerings to the Gate of Illumination so that they can be given up to the gods and placate their fury. This is a problem, though, because Izel has dispatched his salamander minions to intercept the offerings and bring them to… the Gate of Illumination.

It feels like the adventure is missing a location (possibly due to word count?): Structurally it really needs the offerings to be going to Location X and then being redirected to the Gate of Illumination (where Izel is). There’s even a fire giant wandering around the area who will helpfully tell the PCs that:

Salamanders and fire snakes serve this tlexolotl. They have been stealing offerings meant for the gods and carrying them back to [the Gate of Illumination].

But instead the whole logical backbone of the adventure is broken.

There are some potentially big, interesting ideas here, but as written these are not coherently developed. Furthermore, it’s very hard for me to imagine running the adventure as written without it being a painful experience at the table.

Grade: D-

Prep Notes: The key to sorting this adventure out would be to clearly add the concept that every volcano in the region has its own shrine. (This concept is present in the adventure as written, it’s just completely obfuscated from the players.) The local cities are trying to send offerings to the shrines, but the salamanders and other servants of Izel keep intercepting them and taking them to the Gate of Illumination (the shrine at Jademount, which is the volcano formed around Izel).

(You could probably run with the idea that each shrine is referred to as a “Gate,” and create unique philosophical identities for each Gate.)

Having done this, there will still be some pretty drastic rehab required to beat the rest of the scenario into a coherent structure that will make sense to the players in any way other than “the NPCs told us to go there, so we went there.” But it would, I think, ultimately be salvageable.

In the Mists of Manivarsha - Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel (Wizards of the Coast)

IN THE MISTS OF MANIVARSHA (Mimi Mondal): Okay, good news! The festivals are back!

This time it’s the Shankha Trials, a vaguely defined athletics-and-art competition that dates back to the dawn of Shankhabhumi’s history. When the first human settlers arrived in Dishahara Bay, they discovered a land dominated by countless water spirits known as riverines. Each riverine is a guardian of a waterway, and the constant struggle for dominance among the riverines had turned this place into a hopeless maze of marshland.

The elven leader of the settlers, Kubjhatika, killed a giant mollusk and carved its shell into a beautiful work of art. She “offered it in tribute to the riverines, appealing to them for refuge amid the unforgiving lands,” and the “four greatest riverines — Adirohit, Iravati, Mehul, and Joltara – each wished to claim the Riverine’s Shankha.” Kubjhatika proposed the creation of the Shankha Trials to determine how the Riverine’s Shankha would circulate between the riverines. The riverines, in return, each raised up a large area of dry land where the people of Shankhabhumi could build their cities. These four cities became the major centers of civilization here, each supported by their patron riverine.

Five hundred years ago, however, catastrophe struck. At the conclusion of the Shankha Trials that year, a huge tidal wave swept down the Adirohit River and wiped out the city of Manivarsha. The riverine Adhirohit then vanished and its river dried up. The few surviving members of the Manivarshan people were scattered as refugees among the other three cities, but (apparently at least) remain a distinct cultural group in their diaspora and continue competing in the Shankha Trials.

The PCs are in attendance this year when an artist-athlete named Amanisha becomes the first Manivarshan to win the Shankha Trials since the catastrophe. The moment that happens, another tidal wave — considerably smaller — comes sweeping down the Iravati River. It simultaneously wreaks vast destruction, but also very specifically seeks out Amanisha and the Riverine’s Shankha and sweeps them upriver.

This whole concept, however, will naturally lead you to peruse the map of Shankhabhumi with a particular focus on the riverways. Then you’ll rub your eyes and look again. And then eventually you’ll give up because these rivers do not make sense. And that’s even before you get to the weird mismatches between map and text, like the Tinjhorna riverine who hopes to “one day be a mighty river,” but which, according to the map, is already the second longest river in the region.

(If you want a head canon, I recommend leaning into the fact that all these rivers are semi-sentient elemental gods and assume that they can just arbitrarily flow however they want to.)

The fact that the rivers don’t seem to make any sense is particularly unfortunate because the entire structure of the adventure is: Sail a boat upriver looking for where the tidal wave took Amanisha and the Riverine’s Shankha.

(Isn’t the Riverine’s Shankha like the most important political and religious artifact in their entire civilization? Yes. Does it seem likely that local leaders would mount an expedition to retrieve it? Yes. Are they going to do that? Absolutely not. They will send the PCs and nobody else. They will not pay for the PCs to rent a boat.)

Because the rivers don’t make any sense, the PCs can’t just sail upriver. Instead, they have to be supplied with a chain of NPCs who sequentially tell them where to go. That’s unfortunate, but ultimately this boils down to a sequence of river encounters, and these are mostly well done culminating in a conclusion that mostly makes sense if you don’t look at it too closely.

Grade: C

Between Tangled Roots - Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel (Wizards of the Coast)

BETWEEN TANGLED ROOTS (Pam Punzalan): The shining star of “Between Tangled Roots” is the setting of Dayawlongon, a vast archipelago of islands linked by the awe-inspiring skybridges built in ages lost by the bakunawa dragons. That single, grand image captures the imagination.

The adventure begins with the PCs approaching the city of Kalapang when it’s attacked by a bakunawa which has been corrupted by evil spirits. The adventure confidently declares that “no matter what methods the characters use to reach Kalapang, the bakunawa has already departed by the time they reach town”… apparently forgetting that these are 10th level characters and it’s more than plausible that they could just dimension door straight into the attack.

Either way, the PCs are coming to Kalapang to meet with a binukot storyteller named Nimuel. In fact, they’ve been summoned by Nimuel so that she can introduce them to Lungtian, a dryad who was once friends with the bakunawa and believes its actions are due to its lair on the island of Lambakluha being corrupted.

This, of course, cues a road trip across the skybridges and then a journey across the haunted isle of Lambakluha. Along the way they’ll meet fellow travelers and, naturally, face uncanny dangers. When they reach the baknuawa’s lair, they’ll have the opportunity to either cleanse the corruption eating at the dragon’s heart or slay the dragon. Either way, the threat is ended.

“Between Tangled Roots” is just a rock solid adventure. The concept is simple, but has some nice thematic twists. The characters are varied and interesting to roleplay. The haunted isle is creepy.

Grade: B

Prep Notes: One thing to note is that the journey across Lambakluha requires rolling at least eight times on a random encounter table that only has five entries on it (and one of those including rolling again for another encounter). You should probably flesh that out a bit.

Go to Part 6

Alchemy Lab - Common Lab

Go to Table of Contents


Action GroupLocation
2 Advanced Vladaam GuardsEntrance
2 ApprenticesArea 1
2 Apprentices + Vladaam GuardArea 4
4 Journeymen* + 4 Apprentices***Area 5


Action GroupLocation
2 Advanced Vladaam GuardsArea 1
2 Advanced Vladaam GuardsArea 4
Kaldri** + 2 Journeymen*Area 5

* Carries common vault key.
** Carries master vault key.
*** One of the apprentices sneaks away from work and goes to the curse den in the Guildsman District (see Part 8: Curse Dens). This same apprentice takes his fellow apprentices back to the curse den after work.

Alchemical Lab: Common Lab Location

Alchemical Lab – Storefront/Common Labs
Guildsman District
Guilder Street – J9


The pillars out front are each engraved with the Vladaam alchemy sigil.

STOREFRONT: Maintains a current supply of common alchemical items, plus 3d6 items costing less than 100 gp; 1d6-1 items costing more than 100 gp; and 1 slowfall cloak. (Most of this inventory is kept in Areas 4 & 5.)

IRON COFFER: 10% chance of being present.

  • 500 gp
  • 40,000 sp
  • 50,000 cp
  • Instructions to have the Ithildin Couriers ship it to the Red Company of Goldsmiths on Gold Street (see Part 12).


This area has an alarm triggered by anyone not wearing a Vladaam deot ring (Detect DC 24). If triggered, it alerts Kaldri and the night captain of the watch station on Contable Way (Ptolus Map, K8).


The claustrophobic shelves here contain 12,000 gp in alchemical supplies.

SAFE: DC 30 Thieves’ Tools to open. Can also be opened with the common vault key.

  • Alchemical Lab 4 – Secret Lorebook
  • potion of growth
  • potion of gaseous form
  • 605 gp


This shipping dock contains items shipped from the other alchemy labs. Empty and partially full shipping crates contain addresses for Brewer’s Close, Blackstreet, and Wayfarer’s Street.


Several long worktables cross the width of this room.

ALCHEMY LAB: 3 sets of Alchemist’s Supplies.

  • 2,000 gp of alchemical components
  • 3d4+2 types of items currently being made (1d6 doses of each).


  • Abjurer’s Chalk
  • Antitoxin
  • Brittlemaker
  • Caltrips
  • Chameleon Fabric
  • Desiccating Ash
  • Essence of Acacia
  • Essence of Wolfsbane
  • Firesnuff
  • Flashpot
  • Glowchalk
  • Homing Rods
  • Houndscent
  • Mindblinder Draught
  • Naiad’s Tears
  • Orc’s Drool
  • Serenity Draught
  • Silvervein
  • Silvervein, Improved
  • Slowfall Cloak
  • Smokestick
  • Snappowder
  • Sunrod
  • Stinkbomb
  • Tanglefoot Bag
  • Thaumaturgical Drops
  • Thunderstone
  • Tindertwig
  • Weatherstone

Go to Part 8: Curse Dens

Alchemy Lab - Shadowworks

Go to Table of Contents


Action GroupLocation
ApprenticeArea 1
2 Advanced Vladaam GuardsArea 2
Journeyman + ApprenticeArea 3
2 Journeymen Area 4


Action GroupLocation
2 Advanced Vladaam GuardsArea 2
Journeyman + Apprentice (25% chance)Area 4
Kilana + 2 JourneymenArea 5

Alchemy Lab - Shadowworks Location

Alchemical Lab – Shadowworks
Guildsman District
Wayfarer’s Street – K9


The lower level of the Shadowworks presents a respectable shop for alchemical weaponry.

A long, L-shaped display case blocks easy access to the wrought iron spiral staircase in the back corner. The surface of the table is inset with five Vladaam alchemy sigils.


  • Acidpoint Arrows (x100)
  • Acidpoint Bolts (x50)
  • Firepoint Arrows (x100)
  • Firepoint Bolts (x50)
  • Frostpoint Arrow (x100)
  • Frostpoint Bolts (x50)

CASHBOX: 200 gp in miscellaneous coin.

Vladaam Alchemist Sigil


This workshop is used to

  • Fletcher’s Tools
  • Alchemist’s Supplies specialized for creating bolts and arrows
  • 500 gp in fletching supplies


At the center of the room is a large vat filled with acid, surrounded with equipment designed for injecting alchemist’s fire in order to create acidic fire.

  • 1 full set of Alchemist’s Supplies


A large, well-ventilated area with a skylight that’s kept propped open during the day.

ALCHEMY LAB: Two sets of alchemist’s supplies.

  • acid (x10)
  • acidic fire (x5)
  • alchemist’s fire (x10)
  • alchemist’s frost (x10)
  • darklight candle (x4)
  • magicbane (x4)
  • Alchemy Lab 3 – Common Lorebook
  • Inventory from the Shop on Guilder Street
  • Order from the Commissar
  • 8,000 gp of alchemical supplies

IRON COFFER: 10% chance of being present.

  • 500 gp
  • 40,000 sp
  • 50,000 cp
  • Instructions to have the Ithildin Couriers ship it to the Red Company of Goldsmiths on Gold Street (see Part 12).

DM Background: The “great need” referred to in the Commissar’s decree is the barbarian invasion described in the Night of Dissolution adventure.


The current inventory of the labs and shop on Guilder Street stand at:

13 acid flasks10 acidic fire
120 acidpoint arrows and bolts
10 alchemist’s fire
7 alchemist’s frost
80 firepoint arrows and bolts
9 frostpoint arrows and bolts
1 slowfall cloak

Please advise on when we can expect a resupply, particularly on our low stocks of alchemist’s frost. Master Grui had suggested that you might also an excess supply of acidbane salve, which we could use. I’ve sent along a supply of abjurer’s chalk as well, but you should let us know what else might be of use to you before we start our midweek brews.

Vladaam Alchemist Sigil


By Request of the Commissar of Ptolus—

That the Red Company of Alchemists should increase and prioritize its production of acidpoint, firepoint, and frostpoint alchemical bolts and arrows in anticipation of the great need of the City-State of Ptolus for its own defense.

In exchange for this consideration, the Commissar shall guarantee a payment of no less than 25,000 gp and the subsidization of any additional stock at a price of forty percent, that stock to remain with the Red Company of Alchemists for its own aggrandizement.

Ptolus - Commissar's Heraldry - Copyright Monte Cook GamesIgor Urnst


A smaller laboratory, notably more intimate than the almost industrial-scale operations of the other laboratories here. Black liquids burbling in glass tubes.

ALCHEMY LAB: A set of Alchemist’s Supplies.

  • 2 pint of liquid shadow (Ptolus, p. 647)
  • Alchemy Lab — Secret Lorebook
  • Liquid Shadow Alchemical Recipes
  • Shadow Detector Research Notes (DC 12 Intelligence (History) check to recognize the seal of House Sadar on these documents.)

DM Background: In addition to developing the shadow detector for House Sadar, the liquid shadow developed in this laboratory is sold directly to Sadar’s shadowmancers.


These notes detail an alchemical recipe for synthesizing liquid shadow. The process requires 1,500 gp in supplies and a successful DC 30 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check.

DM Background: The recipe is not particularly economical (costing more to create than the market value of liquid shadow), but it has the advantage of being producible on demand and in quanity.


These research notes constitute an effort to filter liquid shadow with silver nitrate in an effort to create a “shadow detector.”

The goal appears to be create a device which can be used to “sift the Shadow of Ptolus” as part of an effort to “locate Kadmiel, the Shadow Tower.” The notes for this are incomplete, apparently having been copied from a more complete source in order to provide the alchemists with sufficient detail for developing their device. These notes are marked with a seal:

Ptolus: House Sadar Heraldry - Copyright Monte Cook Games

Apparently the specific difficulty is that an appropriately modified shadow walk spell will allow one to enter the “Shadow of Ptolus.” (This equires a casting of the spell and a DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check.) But there are actually many “Shadows of Ptolus” that overlap each other like shadowy mist. The Shadow Tower is only located within a specific Shadow of Ptolus and the effort of the shadow detector is to be able to quickly peer through these many layers of the Shadow and find the particular attunement on which Kadmiel exists.

DM Background: See Kadmiel Tower and Shadow of Ptolus in Ptolus, p. 303-4.

Go to Part 7D: Alchemy Lab 4 – Storefront & Common Labs

Alchemy Lab - Poisoner's Guild

Go to Table of Contents


  • Thornai**
  • 2 Journeymen*
  • 4 Apprentices
  • 2 Vladaam Gladiators


  • 2 Advanced Vladaam Guards
  • 50% chance: 1 Journeyman*
  • 50% chance: 1 Apprentice

* Carries common vault key.
** Carries master vault key.

Alchemy Lab - Shadowworks Location

Alchemical Lab – Poisoners’ Guild
Guildsman District
Brewer’s Close – I9


The large space is filled with a chaos of lab tables and work stations. A thick, acrid smell fills the green-hazed air.

ALCHEMIST’S LABS: 6 sets of alchemist’s supplies.

  • DC 14 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies): The labs here contain a predominant amount of equipment specialized for the handling and refining of poisons.

ALCHEMY SUPPLIES: 2,000 gp in alchemical supplies.

One crate of unopened supplies still has the Bill of Shipping Right issued by the Docks attached to it. It identifies the Prince’s Servant, commanded by Captain Therech and registered to the Fleet of Iron Sails, as the ship which carried the crate to Ptolus. The taxes were paid by the deot of House Vladaam.

ALCHEMY CONCOCTIONS: banecord (x6), benecord (x2), beastbane incense (x2), beastbane salve (x2), beastgrace perfume (x1), poisonbane unguent (x12), verminbane incense (x2), verminbane salve (x2)

DC 20 INTELLIGENCE (INVESTIGATION): A concealed trapdoor reveals a small compartment with an iron coffer (DC 24 Thieves’ Tools) containing augur’s draught (x3), cassandra’s tears (x6), and soul’s draught (x3).

SECRET DOOR: DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation), two DC 24 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) made simultaneously. Requires both the master vault key and one of the common vault keys to be turned simultaneously in twin locks.


This vault contains:

  • 3 vials of every poison in the DMG (p. 357) except for midnight tears, purple worm poison, and wyvern poison.
  • Alchemy Lab 2 – Secret Lorebook (located on pedestal; see trap below)
  • Unfulfilled Order for Shadow Essence Poison
  • 5,000 gp in alchemical supplies

IRON COFFER: 10% chance of being present.

  • 500 gp
  • 40,000 sp
  • 50,000 cp
  • Instructions to have the Ithildin Couriers ship it to the Red Company of Goldsmiths on Gold Street (see Part 12).

TRAP: If the lorebook is removed from the pedestal without first pushing a trigger concealed on the back of the pedestal, six crossbow bolts tipped with purple worm poison fire into the room (determine targets randomly). Detect DC 20, ranged attack +10, 1d8 piecing damage + purple worm poison (12d6 poison damage, DC 19 Constitution saving throw for half damage).



I’m running low on shadow essence, and I’d dearly appreciate a fresh supply of thirty doses at your earliest convenience. Our guests can get dreadfully out of sorts without it.

I’ll take delivery at Marquette’s on Pitch Street.


Go to Part 7C: Alchemy Lab 3 – Shadowworks


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