The Alexandrian

5E Monster: Likho

November 9th, 2021

Likho - Alexandrian Bestiary

The likho is a lithe, slight humanoid with slick, purple-gray skin. Its slim limbs are wiry and muscular. Its face is dominated by a single large eye, beneath which are two thin slits for nostrils and a narrow gash of a mouth filled with needle-like teeth.

It has a strange, ever-changing gait — sometimes walking on its hands, sometimes on its legs, sometimes racing on all four — and will often vault and climb and clamber with wild abandon, slipping in and out of shadowy bowers or leaping out of black waters to surprise those peering into the deeps.

Personification of Misfortune. In the folk tales of the frontier, the likho is seen as the living embodiment of ill fortune and evil. “He’s had the likho on his back” is a saying that describes those who have suffered from a series of misfortunes. “Don’t stare the likho in its face” is a proverb suggesting that one should not tempt fate.

There are many who think this is just a turn of phrase. But, of course, the likho is quite real, and while most who suffer setbacks are just unlucky, some truly are cursed by the likho.

In some isolated communities that have a long history with the likho, lichy is a slang term that means something shoddy or unreliable. Some may also refer to likhoy, those who are too daring or foolhardy (and thus risk bringing ill fortune to both themselves and those around them).

Likho Items. Likho can create special bait items. These are often made to look quite valuable — e.g., a sword with a hilt of gold — in order to tempt the greed of their victims. Anyone touching a likho item will find that it is stuck in place and that they are unable to release it. (Wrenching their grasp free requires a DC 22 Strength check or a remove curse spell.) Furthermore, the likho who made the item is alerted as per an alarm spell. As the likho draws near, the one attached to a likho item will feel their presence growing like a darkness in their mind.

Many are the tales of those who have cut off their own hands in order to escape the approaching likho.

Likho’s Bargain. It is said that a likho can sometimes be bargained with. Its own evil can be turned back upon itself, if one can offer a great temptation or something of great worth related to a deadly sin. (Most commonly greed, like a blacksmith offering to make it a precious item or a wizard offering to conjure it a magical feast.)

In truth, however, the likho rarely honors these bargains: it will take what is offered and then betray the one who made the bargain with it. However, the clever can sometimes trick or cheat the likho.


Small fey, chaotic evil

Armor Class 13

Hit Points 58 (13d6+13)

Speed 30 ft.

STR 10 (+0), DEX 16 (+3), CON 12 (+1), INT 12 (+1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 14 (+2)

Skills Athletics +2, Deception +4, Insight +3, Stealth +5

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive perception 13

Languages Common, Sylvan

Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Proficiency Bonus +2

Adherence: If a creature touches or is touched by the likho, they must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the likho adheres to them and simultaneously vanishes, becoming both invisible and intangible. Truesight or other abilities that perceive the Ethereal Plane allow one to see the likho, which clings to the target’s shoulders from the Border Ethereal.

A character who has been adhered to by a likho feels a weight on their soul and suffers from bad luck. They suffer disadvantage on all checks and must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw each day at dusk or suffer one level of exhaustion. They do not recover from exhaustion after long rests.

A remove curse spell will break the likho’s adherence, freeing its victim and forcing it to return to the Material Plane.


Multiattack. The likho makes two claw attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d8) slashing damage. If the likho hits with a claw attack, the target is subjected to the Adherence trait.

Untested 5E – Fighting Kaiju

November 8th, 2021

The Knight and the Giant - Tithi Luadthong

Kaiju already exist in D&D. And, using the rules, you can already fight them.

But these mechanics tend to shrink the scope of these creatures. You can square off with a tarrasque, for example, in basically the same way you would with an ogre and poke at it with a spear until it dies. It doesn’t really matter how many squares the tarrasque takes up on the battlemap; it doesn’t feel like you’re fighting something that’s truly enormous. (Particularly if you picture the scene and realize you’re really just tickling its toenails.)

So what should a fight like this look like?

For our touchstones, let’s consider the Bahamut fight form Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children:

The dragon fight from God of War 4:

And the Dweller in Darkness fight in Shang-Chi: Legend of the Ten Rings:

Shang-Chi: Legend of the Ten Rings

(Video Coming Soon!)

Which is particularly notable, I think, because it features kaiju on both sides of the fight, with human combatants wedged between them.

In each of these fights, there are also common elements that jump out for me:

  • Ranged attacks obviously feature quite a bit. (Although they can usually be described as bouncing almost harmlessly off the creature’s thick hide, unless a particular weak spot can be hit.)
  • In order to be effective, characters have to literally be on the kaiju.
  • The fights feature lots of terrain being casually devastated… including, frequently, the places where the PCs are standing or were just standing a moment before.

Finally, for something a little different, let’s add literally this entire game:

Shadow of the Colossus has a very different pace from the other examples, which I think is useful for keeping in mind when considering the breadth of what kaiju encounters can be.


Some of you reading this are undoubtedly thinking, “I don’t want humans running along dragon spines! It’s silly! I want grounded, gritty fantasy! It’s not realistic to think that a normal human could solo Smaug with a sword!”

Short version: These rules are not for you.

Long version: Neither is D&D. By which I mean that the unmodified rules for D&D already let high-level characters solo Smaug. So if that’s not the sort of thing you want your D&D characters to be doing, you’re already having dissonance with the system. Check out E(X): The Many Games Inside the World’s Most Popular Roleplaying Game for an approach that will let you dial in the experience you want.


There are a lot of big monsters in D&D. What counts as a kaiju?

Some key things that I, personally, would think about are:

  • Is this monster big enough that it’s basically part of the scenery? A very active part of the scenery, yes, but basically the size of a building or even bigger.
  • Is this monster so large that it’s difficult to imagine someone standing on the ground next to them even being able to reach their vital organs?
  • Is this monster capable of trivially destroying human-scaled objects while barely even noticing that they’re doing it?

I think the lowest cut-off that makes sense to me (again, speaking only for myself personally) would be at least the size of a storm giant. (Storm giants stand 26 feet tall, are probably 6-7 feet across at the shoulders, and their knees would be about 8 feet above the ground.) And I’d probably want to aim a little bit higher than that.

So as you’re looking at the kaiju rules below, think about what scale of creature they feel right for. Here are a few options to consider.


The simplest metric would be to just declare all Gargantuan creatures to fall under the kaiju rules. This conveniently includes all our likely suspects: tarrasques, rocs, dragon turtles, ancient dragons, and purple worms.

Using this option, the rules for fighting kaiju would only apply to Large or smaller characters. (Huge or Gargantuan characters are close enough to the kaiju in size that no special rules need apply.)


Alternatively, we could extend this logic to say that any creature three size categories larger than you is considered a kaiju. This would mean that Small creatures would have to treat Huge creatures as kaiju.

This makes a certain amount of sense. If we use our previous example of a 26-foot-tall storm giant, its size relative to a halfling would be like a 50-foot giant relative to a human. (This would actually be the same height as a tarrasque!)

The drawback, of course, is a practical one: PCs can be both Small and Medium size. When encountering Huge creatures, some of the PCs would consider them kaiju and others wouldn’t. You might consider this a feature (and even a great roleplaying opportunity), but it would undoubtedly add the possibility for confusion and probably some potential issues with balance.


This is the option that treats storm giants and treants as kaiju-class foes for human opponents. However, it would also mean that Large creatures would be treated as kaiju for Small PCs, and Large opponents are actually quite common in D&D. So this would almost certainly result in the kaiju rules being used frequently.


It’s a kaiju if I say it is.

You might choose this option if you want to include specific corner cases (like storm giants, who are near the high end of the Huge class). This can also be appealing if you just want to include the occasional kaiju-themed encounter in your campaign, but then not worry about the kaiju rules every single time some big monster shows up for a tussle.


In order to engage a kaiju, you enter its space while moving or as a reaction to being the target of a kaiju’s melee attack. This usually requires some form of check (e.g., a Strength (Athletics) to jump onto the kaiju from above or a Dexterity (Acrobatics) to grab on as it flies past). This check is contested by the kaiju’s Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid the little pests.

Being engaged with a kaiju usually means that you are physically on the kaiju in some way. Being engaged is an exception to the normal movement rules preventing you from willingly ending your move in another creature’s space. As long as you are engaged with the kaiju, you will be carried with the kaiju when it moves.

Characters who are not engaged with the kaiju suffer disadvantage on their melee attacks targeting the kaiju. Characters engaged with a kaiju gain advantage on their melee attacks targeting the kaiju.

Shake Loose: As a special melee attack, a kaiju can attempt to shake off anyone currently engaged with it. When they do so, all engaged characters must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the kaiju’s Strength (Athletics) check. On a failure, the engaged character is shaken loose into an adjacent space of their choice and is no longer engaged with the kaiju. They must also succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or suffer 2d6 falling damage (or more if the creature was flying at a height greater than 20 feet).

Siege Monster: All kaiju are given the Siege Monster ability. They deal double damage to objects and structures.

Kaiju Destruction: All kaiju are given the Kaiju Destruction ability. They can deal damage to structures within reach as a bonus action.

Design Notes: These rules are deliberately quite simple. Our goal is not to weigh the system down with a lot of detailed mechanics, but rather to provide a straightforward prompt for DMs and players to dynamically describe these battles.


Flying Characters: Flying characters and characters on flying mounts do not suffer disadvantage when making melee attacks against a kaiju.

Engage with Vantage: If circumstances allow a character to attack a kaiju’s vulnerable areas, then, at the DM’s discretion, it will not be necessary to engage with the kaiju in order to avoid suffering disadvantage on melee attacks against it.

For example, a character might be located on a wall or in a tower that the kaiju is passing by. Or they might be riding another kaiju.

Such vantage points do not grant advantage on attacking the kaiju, but may grant advantage on skill checks to engage the kaiju.

Hey! I Was Standing On That! When a kaiju destroys a structure that a PC is standing on, they can attempt a DC 15 Dexterity check as a reaction to land on the kaiju and immediately engage it.

Helping Others to Engage: This can be done with a standard Help action, granting advantage to the aided character’s skill check to engage the kaiju.

Knocked Off: If a character is knocked off a kaiju, the DM may allow them a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to grab hold of a lower point on the kaiju and remain engaged. In addition to deliberate enemy action (kaiju gnats or other allies fighting the PCs on the kaiju’s back), the DM might also call for such saving throws (possibly at a higher DC) in response to environmental conditions — when the kaiju smashes through a wall or flies through a waterfall, for example.


Nothing in the rules of 5th Edition requires motion, but these creatures are simply massive and even a single step that might only be a small adjustment for a human-scale character can easily chew up significant distance.

So you’re under no compulsion, but describe your tarrasques not only staggering back from mighty blows, but actually moving across the battlefield as they do so (and even chewing up their bonus action to unintentionally smash through a wall along the way). Have your ancient dragons constantly swooping back and forth across the battlefield.

Also keep in mind that these gargantuan creatures may not immediately pay any attention to the PCs, or simply disregard them as irrelevant. (In much the same way that we might see a chipmunk or sparrow in the woods and just… not care that much.)

This, in turn, sets up the moment when the kaiju is suddenly VERY MUCH PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU. That’s a big moment. Play into it.

It’s not unusual for the property damage inflicted by a kaiju to unwittingly prove its undoing: Leave large, heavy, sharp objects dangling precariously and then let the kaiju linger under them for a round or two.


The limited range of size categories in 5th Edition (compared to previous editions) prevents this idea from being directly supported by the rules, but it might be fun to frame an adventure or encounter in which the PCs are the kaiju.

Their opponents might be diminutive Lilliputians or perhaps a scurrying mass of anthropomorphized mice. Either way, the kaiju mechanics work the same in both directions, and you can describe the little folk clutching the PCs’ hair or scurrying inside their armor.

Another option along these lines is to give the PCs temporary (or permanent) control over a gargantuan construct, which can benefit from its status as a kaiju-class combatant.

5E Monster: Cerberus Spawn

November 7th, 2021

Cerberus Spawn - Iuliia Kovalova

A cerberus spawn is a large, three-headed dog. They usually have sleek, grey-brown fur, although some are jet black. One can often seen their veins, which glow like red-hot lava through their skin. Their eyes, too, glow red above their slavering maws.

Spawn of Hades. Cerberus spawn are said to be the get of Cerberus itself, the great hound who stands guard upon the gates of Hades. Like their forefather, cerberus spawn are used throughout Hades to keeps souls from escaping their gaols and masters.

Guard Dogs of the Lower Planes. From Hades, the cerberus spawn have spread throughout the Lower Planes, where many demons and devils employ them as guardians. Even wild packs are sometimes seen, roaming the Abyss, feasting upon the damned souls of Avernus, or  adding their howls to the lamentations of Cocytus.

Ghost Hounds. The gifts of cerberus spawn are also renowned on the Material Plane, where their affinity for souls makes them expert trackers of ghosts and other incorporeal undead.

Packs of cerberus spawn are also often brought to the Material Plane by more powerful fiends. They are sometimes abandoned by these masters, or left feral after mortal heroes dispose of their keepers. Such hounds often seek a way home, although some find the easy prey of the mortal world to their liking and settle down.

Cerberus spawn breed true, but rarely (only going into heat once every thirteen years), so fortunately these packs rarely become endemic. Druids often seek to eliminate them, however, because they tend to violently displace native predators. (It’s not unusual, for example, to find dead wolves marking the limits of a cerberus spawn’s territory.)


Large fiend, neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 85 (10d10+30)

Speed 50 ft.

STR 22 (+6), DEX 9 (-1), CON 17 (+3), INT 8 (-1), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 5 (-3)

Skills Perception +5

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 15

Languages Infernal

Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Proficiency Bonus +3

Three Heads: A spawn has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and on saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious.

Soul Scenter: A cerberus spawn gains advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks related to ghosts and similar undead.

Magic Resistance. A spawn has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The spawn makes three bite attacks.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack. +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10+6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Even More Editions of D&D

October 31st, 2021

This video is a sequel to Every Edition of D&D: A Quick History of the World’s First Roleplaying Game, and it’s a deep dive into all the oddball corner-cases that I missed (or that others insisted I’d missed) the first time around. Some of them, like the D&D board games, you’re probably familiar with, but I’m guessing that everyone will be surprised by something on the list. (I was!)

Am I still missing something? Let me know!

I’d mentioned on my last video that my efforts to set up a better video production pipeline by hiring a professional editor had spectacularly failed when they were completely incapable of turning in a single professional video that could actually be shared. I’m still working on fixing that issue so that we can get more regular updates on the Youtube channel! I’ll keep you posted!

Dark Castle - Liu Zishan

Go to Table of Contents


As described in Part 7B: Avernian Hex Map, the Avernian Hexcrawl features unique terrain types. You can use the following table to determine encounter distance in Avernus.

TerrainEncounter Distance
Ashlands6d6 x 20 feet
Bone Brambles2d6 x 10 feet
Caustic Bogs6d6 x 10 feet
Hills, Avernian2d6 x 10 feet
Mountains, Avernian4d10 x 10 feet
Plains of Fire4d6 x 10 feet
Pit of Shummrath4d6 x 10 feet
Wastelands6d6 x 40 feet
Wastelands, Cracked6d6 x 20 feet
Volcanic Plains4d6 x 10 feet


Reaction checks in Avernus are made by rolling 2d6 on the following table.

2-3Immediate Attack

If you roll doubles, however, the encounter’s reaction will be deceptive, in which case the encounter’s reaction will appear to be the opposite result on the table:

  • Immediate Attack/Hostile encounters will appear incredibly friendly and welcoming… right up until they slip the knife in.
  • Threatening encounters will appear cautious, most likely using that posture to put the PCs at a disadvantage. (“Your weapons scare me! Put them down and we can talk!”)
  • Cautious encounters will attempt to scare the PCs away with a display of dominance.
  • Neutral encounters are unchanged.
  • Amiable encounters will present behavior that seems overtly hostile, but most likely due to cultural differences. (The demon is brandishing its venom-glistened fangs at you so that you’ll see that it’s having its venom sacs discharge a clear fluid instead of poison!)

Deception is possible in any setting, of course. By having it systemically occur one-sixth of the time in Avernus, our goal is to leave the players feeling unsettled and uncertain. Hell is an alien environment filled with lies and liars.


Devils encountered in Avernus will usually belong to or be allied with a faction. (Hell is all about its hierarchies.) You can randomly determine an encounter’s faction using this table.

16-17Purple City
20Demonic (Quisling)

Go to Part 7I: Avernian Rumor Tables


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