The Alexandrian

Player's Map of Avernus

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It’s time to explore Hell itself on the war-torn plains of Avernus!

… except there’s a problem.

Descent Into Avernus frequently talks about how the PCs are going to be “exploring” Avernus. Unfortunately, it goes out of its way to stop them from doing that in almost every way possible.

For example, it’s impossible to make a map. And the reason it’s impossible to make a map is because navigation is meaningless. Descent Into Avernus revamps the metaphysics of the Lawful Evil plane of Avernus into a chaotic, ever-shifting place where direction and distance are unfathomable and any attempt to make a map drives the cartographer insane. If the PCs attempt to go somewhere, you just roll a completely random die to determine if they get there or not.

Why have they done this?

I honestly have no idea

Despite maps being both impossible and meaningless, the adventure nevertheless gives the players a poster map (pictured above).

It’s unlabeled and, again, the spatial relationships it depicts don’t actually exist, so it’s utterly useless for literally anything you might actually use a map for. The map also doesn’t include Elturel (where the PCs would begin their exploration of Avernus) or Fort Knucklebones (the first place they’re likely to be going), but the DM is instructed to put these locations anywhere on the map they want. (Although, once again, this is totally meaningless.)

The module actually says:

Your players should never feel like they understand Avernus geographically, providing an unsettled and disorienting feeling as they roam the hellscape.

And, to be clear, this is not how things used to work in Avernus. The designers of Descent Into Avernus did this deliberately. They repeatedly sell the experience – in both marketing and the book itself – as “exploring” Avernus, but then go out of their way to discard the existing lore and the established 5th Edition rules for wilderness travel in order to create a custom experience designed to make actual exploration completely impossible.

I should mention that the one thing the map DOES do is magically talk to the PCs: Every time they go somewhere, the map tells them exactly what the location is before they have a chance to explore and find out for themselves.

Without actually seeing it in the book, it’s difficult to believe the lengths Descent Into Avernus goes to in order to make sure that the players absolutely cannot explore Avernus in any possible way.


For the Remix, we’re basically going to just toss all of that out:

  • The geography of Avernus will be comprehensible.
  • Navigation (and therefore exploration) will be possible.
  • The map the players receive will be meaningful.

To achieve this, we’ll be redesigning Avernus to use a hexcrawl scenario structure for wilderness exploration.

Now, one thing I’ve heard from a number of people while working on the Remix is that they’re really looking forward to seeing how I redesign Avernus as a sandbox. So I think it’s important to make something clear:

I am NOT going to be redesigning Avernus as a sandbox.

An RPG sandbox exists when the players can either choose or define what the next scenario of the campaign will be. For example, the opening chapters of Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden are a sandbox.

Descent Into Avernus, on the other hand, isn’t a sandbox. It isn’t designed for the players to choose or define the scenario. The scenario is saving Elturel.

By using a hexcrawl structure to create a massively non-linear exploration experience while simultaneously blowing open the potential solution space for saving Elturel (as described in Part 6B: The Avernian Quest), we’re creating a huge playground in which the players will have enormous freedom to chart their own course through the campaign.

But, ultimately, they are not choosing their destination. Their destination is saving Elturel.

And this is significant because our design of the Avernian hexcrawl is going to be driven by that knowledge; it is going to be designed and structured for the PCs to save Elturel.

Now, with that being said, there are almost certainly going to be a lot of sandbox-like elements in our Avernian hexcrawl, and the hexcrawl itself is a very robust and flexible structure. So if you (or your PCs) were to ditch the idea of saving Elturel, it would probably be just a hop, skip, and a jump to use the Avernian hexcrawl as the basis for a pretty cool sandbox campaign. But there are meaningful structural changes and accompanying expansions of material that you’d want (or need) to make to truly shift the focus from saving Elturel and realize a fully functional and effective sandbox.

Note: There’s a fairly popular supplement called Avernus as a Sandbox. It’s also not a sandbox. They are misusing the term to just mean “non-linear scenario.” It’s actually a Choose Your Own Adventure structure. This is a really effective way of repackaging the Choose Your Railroad structure of the published campaign, but it’s not a sandbox.


The first thing we’ll need for an Avernian hexcrawl is a hex map.

In designing the hex map, we’re going to want to keep the player’s map of Avernus in mind: If the players use their map to navigate, the navigational choices they make need to product coherent results when translated into the hexcrawl system.

(For example, they might be at the Hellwasp Nests and see, on their map, that the Demon Zapper lies to the “southwest.” If they tell the GM that they’re heading southwest, then when the GM plugs that movement into the hex map, they should generally end up at the Demon Zapper.)

The good news is that the player’s map is (a) illustrative instead of strictly representational and (b) lacks a scale. In other words, the only specific navigational information encoded into the map is a directional relationship (and even this can be arguably distorted by the imprecision of the illustrations). This gives us a great deal of latitude in tweaking the map.

(No pun intended.)

To create the map, I’m simply going to drape a hex grid over the top of the labeled DM’s version of the map:

Avernus - Hex Map in Progress

In doing this, I’ve played around with the precise positioning of the grid to (as much as possible):

  • Keep each location in a unique hex; and
  • Maintain as many of the clear directional relationships as possible.

I’m fairly satisfied with the results here, so the next step is to start creating our hex key by assigning all the locations on the map to the corresponding hex. For example:

  • A4 is the Arches of Ulloch
  • B1 is Arkhan’s Tower
  • C1 is the Monument to Tiamat.
  • G6 is the Wrecked Flying Fortress.

And so forth.


I’ve used a 6 x 10 grid here, but because the player’s map has no scale, we have a pretty free rein in what the size of the hex map can be. (We could, for example, have just as easily made this a 10 x 20 grid or even distorted the map to achieve something like a 30 x 30 grid.)

In deciding the initial size of your hex map in a hexcrawl, there are basically two factors. First, you need to stock all these hexes with content, so you don’t want so many hexes that the task is overwhelming. Second, the hex map needs to be large enough that the PCs won’t immediately run off the edge of it and into uncharted territory.

(It’s quite likely they’ll eventually end up deciding to see what’s beyond the edge of the map, but if it happens in every single session including the first it can be problematic.)

In the case of Descent Into Avernus, we also have to consider the amount of time and narrative space we want to dedicate to exploring Avernus. If we had a 30 x 30 grid, for example, there would be 900 (!) hexes. That would probably mean spending twenty or thirty times longer in Avernus than the rest of the campaign combined (which would make it very difficult to maintain focus) OR it would mean the players only experiencing a tiny, tiny fraction of the hexcrawl (which would mean a ton of wasted prep).

Based on my experience, I generally recommend a 10 x 10 or 12 x 12 hex grid for an initial hexcrawl campaign (assuming the PCs’ homebase is located in the center of the map).

Our 6 x 10 map, therefore, is a little undersized in one dimension. I think this will be fine in practice because the existence of the map will act as a soft constraint on the PCs’ navigation: Having a map in hand focuses a group’s attention on the area depicted by the map, and they will tend to make their decisions within the confines of the map. There are also mountain ranges depicted to both the north and south, which will act as natural navigational constraints as well.


There are roughly two dozen locations described in Descent Into Avernus. So even after placing those locations, we’ll still have three dozen empty hexes that we’ll need to fill with new content. We’ll take a closer look at that in Part 7C: Avernian Hex Key.

However, among the existing locations, as mentioned above, there are two that need to be added to map: The Dock of Fallen Cities (where Elturel is currently located) and Fort Knucklebones.

These two locations need to be placed in relation to each other, as Lulu can hypothetically see Fort Knucklebones from the Dock of Fallen Cities. Furthermore, we know that the Dock of Fallen Cities is located on the Styx.

We could put both of these locations in a single hex, but it probably works just as well to put them into two separate hexes.

The map actually has a number of unlabeled locations, and to simplify my life it would also be great if I could grab one of them and use it for either the Dock or the Fort or both. I’d also prefer a relatively central location.

Scanning the map, this hill looks promising:

Proposed Site for Ft. Knucklebones

You could pretty easily make the case for that depicting Fort Knucklebones. That’s in Hex I3, so we’ll go ahead and slot the Dock of Fallen Cities in Hex H3.

Go to Part 7B: Avernian Hex Map

17 Responses to “Remixing Avernus – Part 7: Exploring Avernus”

  1. Matt says:

    Putting Knucklebone at that hill is galaxy brain. I was wondering for the longest time what to make that location, because I stuck FK on the other side of the river (but still in close proximity to the Stygian Dock, which I stuck Elturel right next to).

    It also presents an interesting problem, that the PCs need to immediately figure out how to get across the Styx if they wanna access the left half of the map (but one that will ultimately be an interesting solution).

  2. Ian says:

    This is fantastic, I think I speak for all of us running this when I say thank you so much for all the work put into this.

    Do you think it would be possible to get a transparent overlay of the hex grid? I’m running on Roll20, and it would be wonderful to have something I could drop over the existing map, preferably on the GM layer so I can see the hexes for my reference but my players will be doing more naturalistic trailblazing.

    Even if not, thanks again.

  3. CritFailsafe says:

    That cloud on A3 could very easily be a Mad Max: Fury Road type of sandstorm that is perpetually raging, possibly due to an evil Storm Giant Quintessent that got sent/dragged to Hell eons ago. Possibly a warlord exclusive to that region? Might be willing to parley with the party and grant extremely unique insights on the Avernian Hellwastes!

    In typing this, I also realized that said giant would probably know about Kostchtchie!

  4. Luca says:

    Oh, yeah, I agree with Ian.
    Thank you very much!

  5. Colubris says:

    I wonder what you think about using a draw distance rather than filling every hex. I think it cuts down on unused prep.

    I’m sure you know in video games the world is rendered a certain distance from the player to save on processing power. I ran across this article from Chgowiz and it really solidified the concept.

    Rather than fill the 3 dozen empty hexes, I prepare a few situations I can drop anywhere. Since they’re on-deck, I can use them to bait hooks. When the players bite, I assign a hex and mark the location. Once that situation is used, I create a new one to fill the empty slot.

    This definitely works well at my open table. I can’t imagine the idea didn’t occur to you, so I wonder if you ran across a downside I haven’t seen, or if the fill-the-map method creates a benefit I’m not aware of.

  6. Erik says:

    That map looks like pizza.

  7. Justin Alexander says:

    @Erik: Now I’m devilishly hungry.

    @Colubris: That technique works fine, with certain cautions.

    There are a couple reasons I, personally, lean to the full key.

    First, in most of the applications I’ve used for hexcrawls I want to front load my prep. For example, I often use hexcrawls with open tables. Although it’s not strictly necessary, one thing I like about my open tables is that they’re pick-up-and-play; I don’t need to prep for individual sessions. I can play whenever. So I’d rather front load all the prep I can and just be able to run, rather than continuing to generate more hex content.

    Similarly, for a project like Avernus I’m trying to share it with the public: So I’m going to have to come up with all the hexes. I might as well assign them.

    Second, as we can see with Avernus, I like to heavily cross-connect content: Clues in A4 point to the temple in C5, etc. You can still do that with indeterminate locations that haven’t been assigned to a specific hex (assigning it to a hex when the cross-connection requires it), but it tends to be more of a headache: It’s just a lot clearer to say “this clue points to the temple in C5” than it is to say “this clue points to the temple whose location is TBD.”

    (This also effectively prevents certain types of clues, like treasure maps, which rely on specific location information, unless they can be improvised during play.)

    A hybrid approach can work well, with major locations (like those shown on the player’s map or heavily linked to other locations) keyed and a flexible “on deck” list of content that can be dropped into the other hexes on an as-needed basis.

  8. Avian Overlord says:

    Would say a sandbox requires what you’ve referred to as a “holographic goal”?

  9. Justin Alexander says:

    @Avian Overlord: No.

    So a sandbox is a campaign in which the players are empowered to choose or define their scenarios.

    An open table is a campaign where the table is “open” for each session — i.e., different players and/or characters will be at each session.

    An open table can be a sandbox (and vice versa), but they don’t have to be.

    So a holographic goal is generally recommended for an open table (because you want people to feel like they got a complete experience in each session and not be disappointed that they have to miss the conclusion of the story they’ve begun), but is largely irrelevant to the sandbox (although the sandbox certainly CAN have holographic goals).

  10. Fernando says:

    This is great, I love it!
    What about scale though? How long the characters take to travel through one hex will obviously affect the duration of travel times (and thus their time in avernus).
    To keep some of the uncertainty of traveling the plane as described in the source book, could one implement something like a variable hex size? I,m thinking something on the line of “the time to traverse each hex is 1d6 hours”.
    This would make travel a little more uncertain, but keep the geographical directions logical…

  11. Nick says:

    What is Avernus exactly?
    Is Avernus, and by extension all of the Nine Hells, more like an alien world, a different plane where different creatures live? Or is it more like the religious notion of Hell we have on Earth, where its sole existence is to punish evildoers? I understand it’s a bit of both, but the way it was described in the book confused me. How should I represent the people who live here: as prisoners being punished or as a more regular civilization?

    Also, given that Avernus is the gateway to Hell, non-fiends like the warlords should be pretty common right? Where do they live, how does trade and commerce work if devils are just drafted into the war, and who shops at Mahadi’s Emporium?

    I envision Avernus as a mix of a war zone and the Wild West, but I’d love to hear how other DMs have answered these questions in their own games or just any cool ideas you guys have. Also @Justin, are you planning on adding cities or towns as some of the new locations?

  12. Wyvern says:

    So what would *you* do to give the players an “unsettled and disorienting feeling” while exploring Avernus?

  13. Tram says:

    Thanks Justin! One side note – to me majority of the the Fort Knucklebones looks like to be in hex I4 rather than I3. You placing it to I3 is intentional?

  14. Tim says:

    It occurred to me the likely reason why the designers made Avernus impossible to straightforwardly explore: They were trying to gate access to the Bleeding Citadel behind the rest of the adventure. In their framework, then, the Bleeding Citadel is like the pirate island from the first Pirates of the Caribbean: you can’t find it if you don’t already know where it is.

    This seems like a worthy goal, although I agree that undermining the cosmology of the Nine Hells isn’t the most elegant way to achieve it. You may already have this worked out, but how do you keep the PCs from stumbling on the Bleeding Citadel before interacting with enough of Avernus to have discovered the background that makes its final reveals work properly?

  15. dnob_nalon says:


    This will be explained in the future posts, but apparently the simple solution was having the Bleeding Citadel not apparent on the Avernian surface. The Alabaster Sanctuary is completely immersed under the Scab, and so the PCs can easily walk past it without knowing the Sword of Zariel lies within. This makes the revelation of where the Sword is hidden a bit more effective.

    Just explained this on one of his Twitch streams, which stream every Tuesday at 6:30 CDT.

  16. Jesper says:

    Would you give the players the map above, with the place names? Or would you still just give them the one without. And have them travel in the “blind”?

  17. Braininthejar says:

    There are three semi-plausible reasons for why Avernus would be so ‘chaotic’ despite being a lawful plane.
    1 The constant demon invasion bringing in chaos
    2 Space is just a suggestion – the plane is metaphysical, and always large enough to take in all the souls from countless prime material worlds – you can literally die of old age before reaching your destination if you don’t know where you’re going. That’s how the map is simultaneously big enough to contain most famous locations of Avernus and small enough to have a meaningful campaign in.
    3 The plane isn’t so much chaotic as actively malevolent – it stops you from trying to map it, because you’re an intruder.

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