The Alexandrian

Archive for the ‘Site News’ category

Alexandrian X Hexed Press

December 6th, 2023

The crossover you’ve been waiting for! I had a fantastic time visiting Hexed Press yesterday for a livestream Q&A about So You Want to Be a Game Master, the withering of dungeon design, and so much more! If you didn’t have the chance to join us, the great news is that you can still watch the whole thing!


So You Want To Be a Game Master - Justin Alexander Audio book read by Shawn Compton

It’s audio book day!

So You Want To Be a Game Master has been adapted into an audio book by Tantor Media. The audio book is unabridged, read by the amazing Shawn Compton, and comes out today!


Book Signing - Tower Games (Minneapolis, MN) - December 8th, 4-7pm

As the pic says, I’ll be doing a signing at Tower Games in Minneapolis, MN on Thursday, December 7th @ 4pm to 7pm.

Tower Games
3920 Nicollet Avenue

Minneapolis, MN 55409

They will have copies of the book available for sale, but you’re of course welcome to bring your own. And, of course, I’ll be more than happy to sign any of my other books or games, too.

This is currently the only dedicated signing event I have planned for So You Want to Be a Game Master, so if you’re in the area, I hope you’ll drop by!



According to Dave Thaumavore, I’m an RPG Superbrain.

I should put that on my business cards.

While you’re waiting for those business cards, though, you should check out How Do You Become a Good GM? Justin Alexander Has Some Answers, which is the far-ranging and deep-diving interview I did with Dave which dug into the darkest corners of my GMing philosophy, my approach to adventure design, and the driving passion which led to the publication of So You Want To Be a Game Master.

Here’s an excerpt:

But what it DID have was a really awesome McGuffin motivating the whole campaign, solid set-pieces, and four really cool villain factions with awesome hideouts. (Hideouts which, oddly, the published adventure told the DM they should never, ever allow the PCs to go to.) Basically, just a bunch of cool bits either glued to a railroad or bizarrely locked in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying BEWARE OF THE LEOPARD BEHOLDER.


So You Want to Be a Game Master!

November 21st, 2023

So You Want to Be a Game Master - Justin Alexander

It’s here!

For those braving their first dungeon, it’s a step-by-step guide. As one delves deeper into mysteries, raids, heists, wilderness exploration, and urbancrawls, So You Want to Be a Game Master transforms into the ultimate GM’s survival guide.

If you still need to snag your copy, it’s available in both physical and e-book formats from these fine purveyors of the written word, plus other bookstores and game stores worldwide:

Hard to believe this is really happening!

If you’re a fan of the Alexandrian and would like to support the book, the next couple of weeks are a really critical juncture. Some things you can do:

Buy the book. See above!

Buy the book for other people. I know it’s crass commercialism, but this book is the perfect gift for your GM. Or, if you’re already a GM, for players you think would be interested in running a game for the first time.

After direct support, the biggest thing is letting people know about the book. This could include:

  • Taking a picture of the book when you get it and posting it to social media.
  • Retweeting/reposting my social media posts when you see them (on BlueSky, Mastodon, or Twitter).
  • Link to the reviews, interviews, and other media appearances I’ve done for the book. You can find links here.
  • Link to my Youtube videos talking about the book.
  • Mention the book on reddit, social media, Discord, etc. when it’s legitimately relevant to a conversation. (Don’t spam, please!)

Make a library request and ask your local library to carry a copy of the book!

It also makes a big difference if, after reading the book, you write a review. This only needs to be a few sentences, but it can be posted sites like:

And did you know that you could post the same review on multiple sites? Cool fact.



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