The Alexandrian

Archive for the ‘Site News’ category

So You Want To Be a Game Master was a double feature on Heath’s Geekverse.

First up, Heath dived into the book, giving an extensive sneak peek between the covers, on the Morning Grind.

Then, later in the evening, I joined him for a session of Table Talk, where we took questions from viewers. We ruffled some feathers with this one!

Morning Grind / Table Talk

I was utterly thrilled to finally be able to hang out with Dael Kingsmill. She had the incredibly clever idea of using the table of contents from So You Want to Be a Game Master as a map for exploring what books, films, graphic novels, and games have deeply influenced me as a creator. If you want to watch us geek out about both GMing and Narnia, this is a video to watch ASAP!

Welcome to MonarchsFactory! On this channel you can find videos covering D&D, mythology, games, ridiculous fun with friends; all kinds of stuff. Today’s video is a chat with Justin Alexander, the author of the Dungeons & Dragons blog The Alexandrian AND the brand new book So You Want to Be a Game Master.

Watch now!

I’m on the Questing Beast! (I… am a questing beast? How does this work?)

Ben Milton and I had a really great time chatting about my upcoming book So You Want To Be a Game Master, and he’s apparently declared that it’s the solution to the DM crisis!

Ben also asked his subscribers to send in questions, and we spent a lot of time answering them. The questions were fantastic, and I’d like to give a big Thank You! to Ben’s fans for creating such a great discussion.

Watch Now!

The DM Lair - New GM Advice with the Alexandrian

Tonight at 6pm ET, I’ll be appearing on The DM Lair with Luke Hart! If you don’t see this until later, that’s okay! The interview will be archived on Youtube and you can watch any time!

Justin Alexander of the Alexandrian joins us in this live stream to offer our top new GM advice and answer your questions. Check out Justin’s latest book, So You Want to Be a Game Master, here!

Watch now!

Wandering DMs: Adapting Content for D&D

I’ll be appearing on the Wandering DMs livestream today at 12pm CT to discuss Adapting Content for D&D and So You Want To Be a Game Master. If you don’t see this until later, that’s okay! The podcast is archived on Youtube and you can watch any time!

Dan & Paul host Justin Alexandrian, creator of the Alexandrian and the new book So You Want to be a Game Master, for an in-depth chat on the best ways to adapt content to and from D&D and other RPGs. What tricks work well? What things should you avoid? And what content is simply incompatible with other systems?

Watch Now!

You can find links to my previous appearance on Wandering DMs at the Alexandrian Auxiliary.


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