The Alexandrian

So You Want To Be a Game Master - Justin Alexander Audio book read by Shawn Compton

It’s audio book day!

So You Want To Be a Game Master has been adapted into an audio book by Tantor Media. The audio book is unabridged, read by the amazing Shawn Compton, and comes out today!


11 Responses to “Audio Book Day! – So You Want To Be a Game Master”

  1. Seguramente says:

    Awesome news. Unfortunately, for some reason I can’t access it from Amazon. It says that “This title is not available for you”. Maybe is because of country restrictions.

    By the way, the printed version of “So you Wanna be a Game Master” is #1 Best Seller in “Dungeons & Dragons Game” category at Amazon.


  2. d47 says:

    Is it too late for you to record a version yourself?

  3. Camila Acolide says:

    “Is it too late for you to record a version yourself?”

    Owwww… I so second that!

  4. Brooks says:

    I just got word of the great quality of your book. I’m wondering if there’s any chance in the nine shells(ok autocorrect, why not) that a copy can make it to Europe in time for Christmas?

  5. Justin Alexander says:

    @Brooks: The situation with Europe, to my understanding, is that books shipped in mid-October. So it all boils down to when they arrive, clear customs, hit the distribution warehouse, and are processed into inventory.

    The dates currently listed with online booksellers are generally conservative estimates, that MAY be superseded by the book actually arriving.

    The secondary problem is that the 1st printing is selling out and it looks like a lot of stores didn’t order enough copies. We have a 2nd printing already in process, but obviously those ALSO have to get across the ocean.

    So, for example, Amazon listed it as January delivery in Australia, but then the books arrived earlier this week: It briefly became available, but appears to have almost instantly sold out and now delivery dates are being listed as March 2024 (!!!).

    For better or worse, I suspect the same thing will happen in Europe: The first wave will hit at some point this month, but almost immediately vanish.

    The best thing I can recommend at this point is preordering and crossing your fingers. Or doing the e-book version. Or both.

  6. Mark says:

    Hi! I’m enjoying the book a great deal on Audible, but it seems that the Audiobook does not include the referenced material, like other similar books do.

    Audible does have a function to include a pdf file with an audiobook, and all my Great Courses, Lazy Dungeon Master, and other books have done this so that Audiobook listeners do not miss out on the full experience

    Do you have any plans to provide this material to those of us who have bought the audiobook?

  7. Justin Alexander says:

    @Mark: If you check the book page here on the Alexandrian, you’ll find a Resources tab which I am currently working on filling out.

    It’s up to Tantor Audio whether to include a resource packet. I’m encouraging people to reach out and let them know that the book would be much improved by including the maps, running sheets, and sample adventure in a usable form.

  8. neujack says:

    I noticed there is an Audiobook available in the USA but not the UK. When and where can I get the UK audiobook?

  9. Samuel says:

    I bought the book and it’s been an incredible help so far. Really wanting to double-dip and get the audiobook version too so I can listen to it while I work. Is there anyway to get hold of it in Europe?

  10. Lee says:

    Hello 🙂 love the book have the kindle version, just wondered what the audiobook will come over to the uk?

  11. Justin Alexander says:

    Re: Audio book.

    We’re working on it.

    The short version is that the audio book company doesn’t think they have international rights, but the book publisher thinks they gave the audio book publisher international rights. So my agent is trying to get them to talk to each other and get it straightened out.

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