The Alexandrian

Book Signing - Tower Games (Minneapolis, MN) - December 8th, 4-7pm

As the pic says, I’ll be doing a signing at Tower Games in Minneapolis, MN on Thursday, December 7th @ 4pm to 7pm.

Tower Games
3920 Nicollet Avenue

Minneapolis, MN 55409

They will have copies of the book available for sale, but you’re of course welcome to bring your own. And, of course, I’ll be more than happy to sign any of my other books or games, too.

This is currently the only dedicated signing event I have planned for So You Want to Be a Game Master, so if you’re in the area, I hope you’ll drop by!

6 Responses to “Book Signing – Tower Games @ Dec 7th”

  1. Denver says:

    Just got my book in the mail. Excited to read it, and grats on publishing!

  2. Andrew says:

    My favorite book on the Art of GMing. For whatever reason, your articles click with me. Maybe its just your teaching style or how you frame your examples. Frequently I read books that pose ideas that seem good but I have trouble visualizing how they would play out at the table. Your book includes lots of good examples and the “whys” for doing things certain ways. I also like your emphasis on no “one true way” to do things and emphasizing on doing what is good for your game. Great book.

  3. Justin Alexander says:

    @Denver: Hope you enjoy it as much as Andrew! And thank you!

    @Andrew: Thank you! That’s very kind. And it’s really great to hear that the book is working exactly the way I was hoping it would.

  4. Noah Kunin says:

    Woot! Will be there.

  5. Brandon says:

    I wish I could make it, I’d love to thank you for your excellent work in person.

  6. Matthew W Freebairn says:

    This book is amazing and is the most useful DM resource I have read to date.Thank you for taking the time to compile your GM experince and wisdom into one very usfull tome. I only have 2 issues.

    1. The type font is so small.
    2. There is no hard cover version available. When are you going to hold a kickstarter or work with your publisher to release a hard cover version of this book.

    I would like to see a larger hard cover book with nice large font. Hoping this something you would consider in the future. A tome of this value deserves more than just a small flimsy paperback!

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