The Alexandrian

The Vladaam Affair - Dreadwood Grove

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Fletchers (x4)Area 1
FletcherArea 2 or 3
Vladaam ResearcherArea 3 or 4
Vladaam MageArea 5
Vladaam ResearcherArea 4

Fletcher: Use commoner stats, MM p. 345. Proficient in fletcher’s tools. Wear Vladaam deot rings.

Vladaam Mage: Use mage stats, MM p. 347. See Part 13: Red Company of Magi.

Vladaam Researcher: Use acolyte stats, MM p. 342. See Part 13: Red Company of Magi.

Ptolus Map - Dreadwood Grove on Vanguard Street

Guildsman District
Vanguard Street – K8


This workshop belongs to the Red Company of Fletchers and does not generally sell goods directly to the public.

PASSWORD: “Bloodfury” will get the fletchers to sell +1 dreadwood arrows.

SECRET DOOR — DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation): Wooden panel that slides aside. A staircase leads down to Ghul’s Labyrinth (which has a distinctive, cream-colored stone clearly older than the rest of the building).

There is a 10% chance of an iron coffer containing 500 gp, 40,000 sp, and 50,000 cp with instructions to have the Ithildin couriers ship it to the Red Company of Goldsmiths on Gold Street.


This is a grated walkway that passes over the grove in Area 3. A wrought-iron, spiral staircase at one end of the walkway leads down to the floor of Area 3, which is twenty or thirty feet below.


Three long grooves in the domed ceiling glow with a fast-cycling yellow-blue light. The grove is filled with a dozen stunted, twisted trees with barkless, lusterless black trunks with red veins that seem to pulse with thick, turgid blood.

LIGHT: The light is magical, creating a bio-sustaining atmosphere in which plants can be grown. It has been modified to speed the growth of the dreadwood trees (which normally don’t require sunlight); the effect is disquieting if observed for any length of time.

DREADWOOD TREES: A dozen dreadwood trees grow here. Make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 12 on the walkway, DC 25 in the grove) or turn aside with loathing and fear.


Long, high tables of stone (designed for Ghul’s orcs) now keep two dozen dreadwood seedlings, ready for transplant to the main grove (or a new grove) when needed.


DOOR: DC 14 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)

A work area for creating dreadwood arrows. It contains supplies for both traditional fletching, processing dreadwood, and dreadwood horticulture.


A bluesteel door leading deeper into Ghul’s Labyrinth. (See Ptolus, p. 391).

The guild does not know the password for this door.


The dreadwood tree is a stunted, twisted thing. Its barkless trunk is a lusterless black run through with red veins which seem to pulse with thick, turgid blood. About such a tree there is an aura of the unnatural profoundly disturbing to the mortal mind. Any who would approach a dreadwood tree must succeed at a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or turn aside with loathing and fear. This DC is increased by +1 for every additional dreadwood tree in the area, up to a maximum DC of 25.

If the wood of the dreadwood can be harvested and treated with the proper alchemical substances, its red veins can be made to pulse even in death. Those near an object crafted from dreadwood suffer a -1 penalty on Wisdom saving throws. Those handling an object of dreadwood or entering a room built of it suffer disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened as long as they are near the dreadwood and for 1d6 rounds thereafter.

A dreadwood tree does not require sunlight in order to grow and many are found deep beneath the surface of the earth. In fact, the dreadwood’s manner of sustenance remains a mystery much studied by arcanists and druids alike.

(Fantasy Materials)

DREADWOOD ARROWS: Those near a dreadwood arrow suffer a -1 penalty on Wisdom saving throws. Those handling or shot by a dreadwood arrow have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for as long as they are near the dreadwood and for 1d6 rounds thereafter.

A +1 dreadwood arrow costs 1,500 gp per 50.

DREADWOOD QUIVER: Not a quiver designed from dreadwood, but rather designed to hold dreadwood arrows so that the owner is not perpetually affected by the dreadwood kept within it. Cost: 150 gp.

Go to Part 11: Guild – Founders’ Workshop

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