The Vladaam maintain four alchemical labs in Ptolus, all located in the Guildsman District.
The alchemical labs are run by four dark dwarf alchemical masters:
- Grui (Bodyworks)
- Thornai (Poisoner’s Guild)
- Kilana (Shadowworks)
- Kaldri (Common Labs)
These are two types of alchemical lorebooks that are maintained in each laboratory (see Addendum: Alchemical Lorebooks).
Common Lorebooks: These are written in Common or Old Prustan and require an Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check to decode the appropriate recipes. (DC 12 to identify a recipe; DC equal to the crafting check to actually know what the recipe entails.)
Secret Lorebooks: These are maintained by the dark dwarves. They are written in Undercommon and also encrypted. It requires a DC 18 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check and a DC 18 Intelligence (Deception) check to decode a secret lorebook.
The Bodyworks and Poisoner’s Guild are maintained as low profile guild workshops that are generally not open to the public.
The Shadowworks maintains a small public shop for selling alchemical bolts and arrow.
Goods are shipped from these three labs to the Storefront/Common Labs on Guilder Street. This storefront is officially the Red Company of Alchemists in city records.
Apprentice Alchemist: Use commoner stats, MM p. 345.
- Intelligence 12
- Proficiency (+2): Arcana, Alchemist’s Supplies
- Acid Flask: ranged attack, 2d6 acid damage
- Equipment: acid, dagger, alchemist’s supplies, Vladaam deot ring
- CR ⅛
Journeyman Alchemist: Use artisan stats, Ptolus, p. 606.
- Intelligence 16
- Proficiency (+2): Arcana, Alchemist’s Supplies
- Equipment: caltrips x5, oil of mending x2, potion of climbing, potion of healing, Vladaam deot ring
Many of the journeymen alchemists are half-orcs:
- darkvision 60 ft.
- Proficiency: Intimidation
- Relentless Endurance: Once per long rest, when reduced to 0 hp, instead drop to 1 hp.
- Languages: Orc
Dark Dwarf Masters: Use mage stats, MM p. 347.
- Characterize spellcasting as deploying alchemical admixtures.
- Proficiency (+3): Alchemist’s Supplies
- Alchemical Master: Double proficiency bonus on checks related to alchemy.
- Equipment: alchemist’s fire x2, oil of mending x5, potion of healing x2
Dark dwarf traits:
- darkvision 60 ft.
- speed 25 ft.
- Dark Dwarf Resilience: Advantage on saving throws vs. spells.
- Tool Proficiency: Smith’s Tools
- Stonecunning: Proficient in Intelligence (History) checks related to the origin of stonework and add double proficiency bonus.
- Languages: Dwarvish
Vladaam Gladiators: Use gladiator stats, MM p. 344 with orc traits (darkvision 60 ft., as bonus action can move up to its speed towards a hostile creature).
Vladaam Guards: Use guard stats, MM p. 347, with AC 17. (Equipment: breastplate, shield, longsword, longbow, arrows x20, potion of healing, Vladaam deot ring.)
Advanced Vladaam Guards: Use knight stats, MM p. 347.