The Alexandrian

Alchemy Lab - Shadowworks

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Action GroupLocation
ApprenticeArea 1
2 Advanced Vladaam GuardsArea 2
Journeyman + ApprenticeArea 3
2 Journeymen Area 4


Action GroupLocation
2 Advanced Vladaam GuardsArea 2
Journeyman + Apprentice (25% chance)Area 4
Kilana + 2 JourneymenArea 5

Alchemy Lab - Shadowworks Location

Alchemical Lab – Shadowworks
Guildsman District
Wayfarer’s Street – K9


The lower level of the Shadowworks presents a respectable shop for alchemical weaponry.

A long, L-shaped display case blocks easy access to the wrought iron spiral staircase in the back corner. The surface of the table is inset with five Vladaam alchemy sigils.


  • Acidpoint Arrows (x100)
  • Acidpoint Bolts (x50)
  • Firepoint Arrows (x100)
  • Firepoint Bolts (x50)
  • Frostpoint Arrow (x100)
  • Frostpoint Bolts (x50)

CASHBOX: 200 gp in miscellaneous coin.

Vladaam Alchemist Sigil


This workshop is used to

  • Fletcher’s Tools
  • Alchemist’s Supplies specialized for creating bolts and arrows
  • 500 gp in fletching supplies


At the center of the room is a large vat filled with acid, surrounded with equipment designed for injecting alchemist’s fire in order to create acidic fire.

  • 1 full set of Alchemist’s Supplies


A large, well-ventilated area with a skylight that’s kept propped open during the day.

ALCHEMY LAB: Two sets of alchemist’s supplies.

  • acid (x10)
  • acidic fire (x5)
  • alchemist’s fire (x10)
  • alchemist’s frost (x10)
  • darklight candle (x4)
  • magicbane (x4)
  • Alchemy Lab 3 – Common Lorebook
  • Inventory from the Shop on Guilder Street
  • Order from the Commissar
  • 8,000 gp of alchemical supplies

IRON COFFER: 10% chance of being present.

  • 500 gp
  • 40,000 sp
  • 50,000 cp
  • Instructions to have the Ithildin Couriers ship it to the Red Company of Goldsmiths on Gold Street (see Part 12).

DM Background: The “great need” referred to in the Commissar’s decree is the barbarian invasion described in the Night of Dissolution adventure.


The current inventory of the labs and shop on Guilder Street stand at:

13 acid flasks10 acidic fire
120 acidpoint arrows and bolts
10 alchemist’s fire
7 alchemist’s frost
80 firepoint arrows and bolts
9 frostpoint arrows and bolts
1 slowfall cloak

Please advise on when we can expect a resupply, particularly on our low stocks of alchemist’s frost. Master Grui had suggested that you might also an excess supply of acidbane salve, which we could use. I’ve sent along a supply of abjurer’s chalk as well, but you should let us know what else might be of use to you before we start our midweek brews.

Vladaam Alchemist Sigil


By Request of the Commissar of Ptolus—

That the Red Company of Alchemists should increase and prioritize its production of acidpoint, firepoint, and frostpoint alchemical bolts and arrows in anticipation of the great need of the City-State of Ptolus for its own defense.

In exchange for this consideration, the Commissar shall guarantee a payment of no less than 25,000 gp and the subsidization of any additional stock at a price of forty percent, that stock to remain with the Red Company of Alchemists for its own aggrandizement.

Ptolus - Commissar's Heraldry - Copyright Monte Cook GamesIgor Urnst


A smaller laboratory, notably more intimate than the almost industrial-scale operations of the other laboratories here. Black liquids burbling in glass tubes.

ALCHEMY LAB: A set of Alchemist’s Supplies.

  • 2 pint of liquid shadow (Ptolus, p. 647)
  • Alchemy Lab — Secret Lorebook
  • Liquid Shadow Alchemical Recipes
  • Shadow Detector Research Notes (DC 12 Intelligence (History) check to recognize the seal of House Sadar on these documents.)

DM Background: In addition to developing the shadow detector for House Sadar, the liquid shadow developed in this laboratory is sold directly to Sadar’s shadowmancers.


These notes detail an alchemical recipe for synthesizing liquid shadow. The process requires 1,500 gp in supplies and a successful DC 30 Intelligence (Alchemist’s Supplies) check.

DM Background: The recipe is not particularly economical (costing more to create than the market value of liquid shadow), but it has the advantage of being producible on demand and in quanity.


These research notes constitute an effort to filter liquid shadow with silver nitrate in an effort to create a “shadow detector.”

The goal appears to be create a device which can be used to “sift the Shadow of Ptolus” as part of an effort to “locate Kadmiel, the Shadow Tower.” The notes for this are incomplete, apparently having been copied from a more complete source in order to provide the alchemists with sufficient detail for developing their device. These notes are marked with a seal:

Ptolus: House Sadar Heraldry - Copyright Monte Cook Games

Apparently the specific difficulty is that an appropriately modified shadow walk spell will allow one to enter the “Shadow of Ptolus.” (This equires a casting of the spell and a DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check.) But there are actually many “Shadows of Ptolus” that overlap each other like shadowy mist. The Shadow Tower is only located within a specific Shadow of Ptolus and the effort of the shadow detector is to be able to quickly peer through these many layers of the Shadow and find the particular attunement on which Kadmiel exists.

DM Background: See Kadmiel Tower and Shadow of Ptolus in Ptolus, p. 303-4.

Go to Part 7D: Alchemy Lab 4 – Storefront & Common Labs

One Response to “The Vladaam Affair – Part 7C: Alchemy Lab 3 – Shadowworks”

  1. JiSK says:

    Two things missing here:

    “AREA 2 – BOWYER’S WORKSHOP This workshop is used to” cuts off early.

    And the secret door between Areas 4 and 5 is absent.

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