The Alexandrian

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The PCs are given a map of Avernus while in Candlekeep (see Part 4C: At the Threshold of Hell). However, there are two key features missing from this map:

  • The Dock of Fallen Cities
  • Fort Knucklebones

This is a curious lack because these are, in fact, the first two locations that the PCs will need to navigate between when they leave Elturel.

The stated reason for these locations being missing from the map is so that the DM can place them “wherever they want.” But this doesn’t really make any sense. I suppose there is a kind of warped logic at work here, insofar as the only effect of all this will be to immediately convince the PCs that the map is worthless and navigation in Avernus is meaningless.

Insofar as we want navigation to be meaningful and the map to be useful, however, this is obviously an intolerable state of affairs.

Therefore, we have already placed the Dock of Fallen Cities and Fort Knucklebones in the Avernian hex key:

  • Hex H3 – The Dock of Fallen Cities
  • Hex I4 – Fort Knucklebones

The final step here is to modify the player’s map to also show these locations. To this end, you’ll find a graphical patch that can be applied to the map of Avernus below.

We’ve done this before to support our changes and additions to both Hellturel and Baldur’s Gate. As in those instances, the patch is a small section of the full map which can simply be overlaid the original image. (Reproducing the full map would not be fair use or ethical.)

You will find it easiest to apply the patch if you buy a digital copy of Jared Blando’s map from his online store. The patch has been presented at the same resolution as these high quality files, making it trivial to apply the patch using any photo editing software.


In order to place these locations in our hex key, I started by looking for a suitable location for Fort Knucklebones. There’s actually a group of unlabeled hills on the original map which seemed quite suitable.

I then decided to take the feature originally described as being the Stygian Dock, which lay appropriately near to Fort Knucklebones, and repurposed it as the Dock of Fallen Cities. (In the patch I have added several additional pillars and the images of sunken buildings.)

Having purloined the Stygian Dock’s original position on the map, I needed to find a new location for it. Locating it downriver from the Dock of Fallen Cities, I photoshopped in the appropriate features, using the illustration of the Stygian Dock located on p. 132 of Descent Into Avernus as a basic guide.

I hope you’ll be pleased with the results!

Avernus Map Patch - Dock of Fallen Cities, Stygian Dock

Go to the Avernus Remix

6 Responses to “Remixing Avernus – Map Patch: Avernus Players’ Map”

  1. Hugo says:

    The amount of work you put into fixing problems like this is awesome! That photoshop job is really impressive, especially with the new Stygian Dock. I couldn’t tell it was edited at all until I read through the article.

  2. Portal says:

    Can Wizards just hire Justin as a lead designer for the next big adventure? This way the adventure wouldn’t need that much patching up.
    On another note – maybe it’s better if the dock wouldn’t be labeled “fallen cities”? I think its supposed to be a somewhat secret evil plan, not common knowledge. I suggest “Skyfleet Dock”, to reflect common knowledge of there being a flying war machines and fortresss there, without spoiling the secret plan before the PCs go to hell.

  3. Justin Alexander says:

    @Portal: I would recommend giving the players the UNLABELLED version of the map, actually.

  4. John Forrest says:

    Hello. Maybe I’m just blind but where is the patch?

  5. SpaceCowboy says:

    It’s the final image of the article, just after “I hope you’ll be pleased with the results!”

  6. Marc says:

    The work you put in is EPIC! Thanks for all the great content.

    A small typo, the illustration of the Stygian Dock is located on p. 123 of Descent Into Avernus and not on p. 132.

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