The Alexandrian

Site Update

June 30th, 2013

Comments have been restored.

I finally got the hosting company to update the PHP on my server so that  I could install the latest version of WordPress. That also let me update my plugins. I don’t know if this will solve the periodic problem of all the comments on the site turning off, but it does drastically reduce the odds of the site being hacked. (Which, sadly, just happened to a different site I run.)

On a purely positive note, I’ve got a full slate of material scheduled for July here at the Alexandrian. And I’m hoping there’ll be a couple more beefy essays wrapped up in the next couple of days to add even more.

On an almost purely negative note, there will be an update on Legends & Labyrinths tomorrow.

I’ll also be at GenCon this year, this time with a little more forewarning. Anybody running a game I should check out? Even with proper preregistration this year I managed to get into precisely zero of the events I signed up for, so I’ll be roughing it with generics again. Hopefully I won’t be literally cutting my phone in half this year.

Last year I played in a great Star Wars event called Lord of the Hives. Threat Detected is running the scenario again this year. I recommend checking it out.


4 Responses to “Site Update”

  1. Joseph says:

    “On an almost purely negative note, there will be an update on Legends & Labyrinths tomorrow.”

    I usually see updates as good news and not negative news. Even the tragic end of the project would at least mean that you can move on and develop other projects and plans in the future.

  2. Neal says:

    I’ve been reading and enjoying The Alexandrian for the last few months, since I discovered it online. For the last two months there didn’t seem to be any posts and I kept checking with the hope the site wasn’t being shut down due to a need to pursue other ventures. I’m very glad this site is going to continue.

    While I moved away from anything D&D related back when it was still only called AD&D, and haven’t looked back, this site has some very intriguing ideas about fleshing out a world that would be usable by any system with a little bit of work.

    Justin, I wasn’t able to post earlier, since the Reply function for this site didn’t seem to work. I lost my father a few years ago, and my heart went out to you at the loss of your mother a few months back. It sounds like your news for Legends and Labyrinths is negative and has been something of a bitter pill for you to have to swallow only a few months after your previous loss.

    Manifestly you have abundant talent and a way with succinctly putting advanced gaming concepts into sequential and well ordered, visualized essays. Without sounding trite, if Legends and Labyrinths wasn’t appreciated enough, then I have no doubt you’ll launch other projects that will be significant successes.


  3. kaloo says:

    I’m glad you’ve started posting things again. I pretty much got used to this site being dead.

  4. Justin Alexander says:

    Me, too. Unfortunately, sometimes the Alexandrian has to take a backseat to the paying work. (April, May, and June were primarily about developing and playtesting a puzzle-based LARP for the Minnesota Historical Society.)

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