The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘gen con’

Gen Con 2024

July 27th, 2024

Gen Con logo

Because of my two ENNIE Awards nominations, it turns out I’ll be at Gen Con 2024!


On Friday @ 4pm, I’ll be making a stealth appearance / doubleheader with Baron de Ropp as part of his Geopolitical Worldbuilding Masterclass.


The Alexandrian is nominated for Best Online Content and So You Want To Be a Game Master is nominated for Best RPG Related Product in the 2024 ENNIE Awards. I’ll be attending the awards ceremony on Friday night.


On Saturday morning, I’ll be at Hit Point Press (Booth 1538) in the Exhibit Hall for a book signing. I’ll have copies of So You Want To Be a Game Master available for sale, and you can bring anything else you’d like me to sign!


On Saturday @ 3pm, I’ll be appearing on the Hack With Impunity! panel with Professor Dungeon Master, Baron de Ropp, Bob World Builder, Kelsey Dionne, and Ben Milton in Stadium:12.

Gen Con Seminar - Hack With Impunity. Featuring: Professor DM, Baron de Ropp, Bob World Builder, Justin Alexander, Kelsey Dionne, and Ben Milton

A very big thank you to Professor Dungeon Master, Baron de Ropp, and Hit Point Press for finding space for me at the last minute! It’s very, very cool of them to help me out!

If you’re at Gen Con, too, I hope to see you there!

Gen Con Schedule – 2019

July 30th, 2019

Gen Con Logo

Gen Con has both consumed about 85% of my waking thoughts for the past few weeks and ALSO snuck up on me. Here’s where you can find me this weekend:


I’m designing and running the Cthulhu Masters Tournament this year with a team of crack professionals (Chris Malone, Sarah Holmberg, Heather Burmeister, and Peter Heeringa). The eight sessions of the first round run at 8am/12pm/4pm/8pm on Thursday and Friday, with semi-final rounds on Saturday, and the final on Sunday morning.

(I will not be running all of these sessions. But if you sign up, you’ll have a literally 50% chance of being in a game I run during the first round. Also 66% chance if you advance to the second round and 100% chance in the final round. Although currently sold out, it’s not unusual for people to get in with generic tickets.)


Robin D. Laws, Darcy Ross, Jonathan Tweet, and myself will be talking about the fundamentals of being a GM and doing a Q&A session in Crowne Plaza : Pennsylvania Stn A.

(Not to be confusing with GMing 101, which is a completely different panel running Thursday morning.)


I was nominated for a 2019 ENnie for Best Online Content, and I’ll be attending the awards ceremony in the Grand Hall at Union Station.


I’ll be introducing people to the concept of open game tables. If you want to ask me a question, this is probably your best opportunity all weekend. We’ll be in Crowne Plaza : Pennsylvania Stn A.


Join the Atlas Games team as they discuss everything from solar panels to the next role playing game on the horizon. John, Michelle, Jeff, Justin, Kyla & more, available for your questions. Still in Crowne Plaza : Pennsylvania Stn A. Little double-header action here.


Not a panel, but I’ll be appearing with Jonathan Tweet on the Gen Con Live stream. So even if you’re not in Indianapolis this weekend, you’ll still be able to tune in!


I will also be opportunistically dropping in at the Atlas Games booth, running demos and generally hanging out. I won’t be doing as much of that as I would like because the rest of my schedule is packed to the gills, but even if I’m not there, the odds are good you’ll have a chance to meet Jonathan Tweet and have him run an Over the Edge demo for you (as he’ll be there most of the weekend).

Gencon 2014 - The Best Four Days in Gaming

I mentioned a couple days ago that I’d just returned from Gencon and a few people asked me to talk a little bit about my experiences there. As I mentioned, I ran 5 games and played in 4:

  • Numenera: Into the Violet Vale (ran 3 sessions)
  • The Strange: Eschatology Code (ran 2 sessions)
  • Cthulhu Masters Tournament (played in 2 rounds)
  • Eclipse Phase: Detente
  • Eclipse Phase: Overrun

This was more intense but considerably less varied than last year, when I played in 6 games (including Call of Cthulhu, Lady Blackbird, Eclipse Phase, Shabal-Hiri Roach, and Numenera).

The sessions of Numenera and The Strange I ran were actually the very first con games I’ve ever run. And I made a very conscious decision to jump in with both feet by signing up to run two sessions of each. What I wasn’t anticipating was that this would, in turn, lead to a very intense pre-con experience, too: I didn’t receive the scenarios I was running from Monte Cook Games until August 2nd, which meant I had less than two weeks to read them, prep them, and playtest them. (I ended up running two playtest sessions of The Strange: Eschatology Code and one session of Numenera: Into the Violet Vale with various assortments of my local players.) The core rulebook for The Strange was also just released and so I found myself having to run the game without actually having read the core rulebook yet. (I actually still haven’t finished the core rulebook.)

The Strange - Bruce Cordell and Monte CookTHURSDAY MORNING SURPRISE: I was supposed to launch my Gencon experience by playing in an 8 AM game of Numenera run by an independent GM unassociated with the official MCG events. I haven’t had much of a chance to actually play the game since last Gencon and I was looking forward to it. Unfortunately, the GM was a no-show. That meant that I was sitting at a table in the Marriott with four players who were all desperate to try out this awesome game. Meanwhile, right next door at the JW Marriott, I had all my supplies for running Into the Violet Vale.

Well… you can guess what happened next. We headed over to the JW Marriott’s bar, sat in comfy chairs, and I inaugurated my experience of GMing at con twelve hours earlier than I was anticipating. The session, albeit somewhat abbreviated on time, proceeded fabulously. (This was followed by a desperate scramble to print out new character sheets for the scenario so that I would have enough for my official games. Fortunately, the JW Marriott has a FedEx store on the second floor.)

THE STRANGE: Since Gencon last year, Numenera has rapidly dominated my roleplaying, displacing D&D 3.5 as my most played game. I am just as excited about The Strange. I talked more about it over here, but the short version is this: If you’ve dismissed this as just a simple “dimension hopping” game, take the time to give it a second look. It’s doing some really interesting and unqiue stuff within the genre.

I will also say that Eschatology Code, the scenario Bruce Cordell wrote for Gencon, is simply fantastic. It has certain limitations as a scenario for home play (although it would be a strong way to kick off a campaign), but it’s one of the tightest and most effective convention scenarios I’ve had the pleasure to see. No spoilers, but if you get a chance to play it, I recommend seizing the opportunity.

ECLIPSE PHASE: I’m a huge fan of Eclipse Phase and my experiences with their games this year were great. I had some confusion with my schedule (Google Calendars shifted the times of all my events when I switched time zones heading into Indianapolis) and I ended up being an hour late for the first scenario. After apologizing profusely for being an unintentional jackass, however, I settled into a really nifty scenario involving multiple factions fighting over control of one of the Pandora Gates. Midway through the scenario I had a Crowning Moment of Awesome(TM) and actually got a round of applause at the end of the session for it. Woot!

(During the convention I also got two rounds of applause while GMing, one after pulling a back-to-back doubleheader of Numenera and ThStrange that lasted until midnight on Friday.

CTHULHU MASTERS TOURNAMENT: This was my second year participating in the Cthulhu Masters Tournament and this year (after fleeing a Hound of Tindalos during the Fall of Saigon in a very memorable scenario where they actually built a helicopter for use to roleplay in) I advanced to the second round. This tournament is really fabulous and the caliber of players it attracts is simply marvelous.

THE LOOT: The two Gencon acquisitions I’m most excited about are Run, Fight, or Die and Level 7: Invasion. (The Strange would also be on the list, but I kickstarted it and received the rulebook a couple weeks earlier.)

Run, Fight, or Die - Richard Launius

Run, Fight, or Die was designed by Richard Launius (of Arkham Horror fame). I first glanced at it many moons ago when it was being kickstarted, but the pitch for the game was basically “King of Tokyo with zombies” and my response to that was, “Meh.” (As it is with pretty much all “it’s X plus zombies!” pitches.) But I slid into a demo game on the con floor and really, really enjoyed the game: The central keep-and-roll mechanic is similar to King of Tokyo, but that’s where the similarity ends: Run, Fight, or Die features immediate punishment for pushing your luck, which adds an extra dynamic of risk to the standard procedure or looking for the most favorable combination. The combinations themselves are actually progressive in interestingly discontinuous ways, which means that you can actually end up shooting past your desired result. Finally, the central conflict of the game — in which hordes of zombies move closer and closer towards you — creates a rich tactical environment in which you have to balance and choose between short-term and long-term consequences.

The whole package is just fabulous. I’ve played it a dozen times since getting home from Gencon and I’m pretty firmly convinced that it’s going to be a huge hit at my Game Night parties.

Level 7: Invasion - Privateer Press

I haven’t actually had a chance to play Level 7: Invasion yet, so I really can’t pass any kind of judgment or provide any kind of insight about it. But I’m a huge fan of Level 7: Escape and Level 7: Omega Protocol. The progressive storytelling in the series evolving through radically different types of games (Level 7: Escape is a co-op ‘crawler, Level 7: Omega Protocol is a players-vs-masters tactical combat game, and Level 7: Invasion is a geopolitical wargame) is really fascinating to me.


Site Update

June 30th, 2013

Comments have been restored.

I finally got the hosting company to update the PHP on my server so that  I could install the latest version of WordPress. That also let me update my plugins. I don’t know if this will solve the periodic problem of all the comments on the site turning off, but it does drastically reduce the odds of the site being hacked. (Which, sadly, just happened to a different site I run.)

On a purely positive note, I’ve got a full slate of material scheduled for July here at the Alexandrian. And I’m hoping there’ll be a couple more beefy essays wrapped up in the next couple of days to add even more.

On an almost purely negative note, there will be an update on Legends & Labyrinths tomorrow.

I’ll also be at GenCon this year, this time with a little more forewarning. Anybody running a game I should check out? Even with proper preregistration this year I managed to get into precisely zero of the events I signed up for, so I’ll be roughing it with generics again. Hopefully I won’t be literally cutting my phone in half this year.

Last year I played in a great Star Wars event called Lord of the Hives. Threat Detected is running the scenario again this year. I recommend checking it out.


While I was at GenCon this year I played in one of the most memorable convention scenarios: Lord of the Hives by Threat Detected. It featured three gaming tables participating in a series of linked, timed tournament scenarios: The success or failure of a group during a particular round would directly impact the situations encountered by the other groups during the next round.

I was at the pilots’ table and played a young Admiral Ackbar in his pre-admiral days. There were, of course, copious outcries of, “It’s a trap!” We actually started the game playing a game of sabbac on the hangar deck, so my first line of dialogue in the game was:

Admiral Ackbar - It's a bluff!

Good times. Like most good gaming experiences, it featured a combination of clever scenario design and people who were fun to hang out with.

I bring this up, because Threat Detected has posted a Gallery from the event and a podcast featuring a Post-Play Round Table from the session. You can see me obliquely in the former and hear me briefly in the latter.


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