The Alexandrian

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


October 25th, 2009
The 23rd Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

Mind Flayer - Baldur's Gate 3

Kalerecent insisted on coming with them as they headed down the excavated tunnel into the Banewarrens themselves. Tee stayed ahead of the light pressing at her back (trusting to her elven sight to guide her), but as she passed into the first chamber of the Banewarrens she discovered a stygian, magical darkness blotting out the passage leading into the generator room.

She waited for the light to catch up and still the darkness didn’t budge. Not knowing what else to do – and fearing what the Pactlords might be doing at the sealed door – they plunged into the darkness.

Hidden in the darkness, the giant spider they had fought before tried to drop on top of them. Fortunately, Tee’s sharp ears heard it coming and she rolled quickly to one side. It scuttled after her, but instead found itself skewered upon the blades of Agnarr and Tor.

The spider collapsed in a spray of ichor. (Tor licked his lips: “Is that ichor?”) But even as it fell, the party found themselves attacked from above by vicious claws and the quiet beating of wings. They guessed that it was the winged lamia, but it was subtler and craftier than the spider and they were forced to fall back.

But as they did so, more of the magical darkness was laid down – extruding itself into the outer chamber and leading to a confused melee where only Tor’s blind-folded training leant an edge against their unseen foes.

Slowly, with Tor’s guidance, they managed to surround the lamia. Once they were in position, the tide of battle turned drastically.

“Nissentar!” the lamia cried out. “I don’t care how hurt you are! They’re forcing me back!”

“Fine, Wiver!” a bitter, inhuman voice called out from beyond the darkness. “I’m coming! I’m—BATS!”

Elestra had gathered the bats to her through the Spirit of the City and sent them into the chamber beyond the darkness.  Nissentar had been caught in a tornado of frenetic flying fur. A moment later, Ranthir followed suit – summoning a faithful hound of pure energy.

Tor, hanging close to the lamia in an effort to keep her under control, was taking a terrible beating. He called out for help. Nasira, still standing outside the area of magical darkness, shook her head. “I don’t want to go in there.”

But she plunged in anyway. They needed her, after all.

They had pushed the lamia back into the generator chamber itself, but discovered that the darkness extended even here. Almost simultaneously, the unseen Nissentar managed to skitter far enough away from Elestra’s bats that the swarm turned their ire against Ranthir’s hound and the flank of the front line.

Agnarr had been holding back in the outer chamber in an effort to protect the spellcasters. But, feeling that the front line had moved into a position where the risk of the Pactlords circling around unseen was minimal, Agnarr charged forward—

And ran into the wall.

Nasira called out to him: “Agnarr! The door is over here!”

Agnarr adjusted himself, charged forward—

And ran straight into the bats.


But they were completely out of Elestra’s control.

Ranthir, planning to follow close on Agnarr’s heels (without quite following his example), decided to even his odds in the darkness somewhat by turning himself invisible. He did so, leaving only Kalerecent in the outer chamber… just as an ogre came lumbering up the other hallway and dropped another blot of darkness over the knight.

Kalerecent cried out. “The foe is upon us!” The ogre was upon him only a moment later, pounding him with grievous blows (although Kalerecent gave several in return).

Agnarr turned and ran back… out of the shadow and right past the unseen ogre, who hit him hard in the shoulder as he passed. But Agnarr planted his foot, turned hard, and swung his sword. The force of his blow knocked the ogre back across the length of the chamber. It fell hard in the corner… and the darkness fell with it.

Ettercap - Tony DiTerlizziAs the full length of the generator chamber became visible they saw the spidery Nissentar crouched high upon the wall near the far end of it. And the flayer standing proudly resplendent before the sealed door. (Which, they thankfully saw, was still sealed.)

Both Nissentar and Matha withdrew towards the flayer. They were clearly planning to escape again by means of the flayer’s teleportation.

But Ranthir, with a desperate effort, hurled himself forward and cast forth a dimensional anchor: A beam of green energy shot from his finger—

And struck the wall uselessly.

But Ranthir dragged the beam across the wall, sustaining it through the sheer force of his will, and then forced it to affect the unnatural, purplish flesh of the flayer.

As the green bands of force locked down around the mind flayer’s form, the enemy formation burst apart again. Tor, who had raced across the room towards the spiral staircase leading to the catwalk and the sealed door, attracted the flayer’s ire. Struck by a blast of pure mental force he was left twitching on the floor.

Nissentar, already badly injured, fled in a panic, disappearing into one of the side chambers.

It felt as if the battle were turning their way, but as they took a moment to regroup, the flayer – circling the catwalk – hit them with a second mind blast and then escaped down a side passage, leaving Tee and Agnarr on the floor.

Ranthir ran back into the outer chamber where Seeaeti had been abandoned (forgotten in the confusion of the darkness) and dropped a web across the hall leading to the iron cauldron (hoping to seal the flayer into the inner complex and preventing him from circling around behind them and escaping).

It was a lucky thing that Ranthir did, because it gave him a chance to spot that the wounds on the ogre were beginning to rapidly heal of their own accord. Drawing his dragon pistol he fired once into the corpse, and then (with a fair degree of effort) managed to convince Seeaeti to continue ripping the ogre apart in a perpetual fight against his regeneration.

But this left only Elestra and Kalerecent in the generator chamber. Wiver the winged lamia flew down at them in a savage, full-flighted charge. Elestra screamed in panic, feeling herself little match for the lamia’s leonid fury. But Kalerecent pushed her behind himself and bravely stepped forward to meet the lamia in mid-flight.

A furious melee broke out between the two, with Kalerecent dealing blows as severe as he received. But the winged lamia slowly rose into the air, maneuvering on its wings to gain an indomitable aerial advantage over Kalerecent—

At which point Elestra shot a hole through its wings.

The lamia crashed to the ground and Kalerecent finished it off.

That’s when Nissentar reappeared. It shot a glob of web from its mouth, catching Elestra fully around the torso and then hauling her off her feet to leave her hanging ten feet off the ground. Then it leapt down to attack Kalerecent, but the knight raised his arm to catch the vicious bite intended for his neck and chopped the spider-creature’s head off.

The others began to stir, slowly recovering from their mind blasts. Once they had fully recovered, they quickly searched the corpses (finding a tantalizing key on Wiver in addition to a plethora of expensive equipment), cut off the heads of Wiver and Nissentar, and then organized a manhunt for the flayer (leaving Seeaeti to continue mauling the still regenerating ogre).

Running the Campaign: Running DarknessCampaign Journal: Session 43D
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index

Ask the Alexandrian

suffering asks:

What considerations are there for structuring a scenario so that the PCs are forced to choose between options that are mutually exclusive?

For example, the PCs are investigating a smuggling operation. A ship they suspect is being used for smuggling has docked. The PCs can investigate the ship or stake out the crew, but they don’t have time for both. By the time they’re done on the ship, the crew will have finished their dealings; if they follow the crew, the ship will have been cleaned out of most of the incriminating evidence.

Whichever way they go, they’ll have enough information to proceed, but won’t have the full picture.

The simple answer is: No reason to avoid it!

Framing scenarios or scenes so that they have tough choices in them is actually a great idea! For example, I have a video about dilemma scenario hooks, another example of dilemma-based scenario, that discusses some of the really cool dynamics you can get from designing scenarios this way.

If you want to explore the more advanced answer to this question, though, there are three things I would think about.

First, dilemma-based design can create a lot of wasted prep, as described in the Smart Prep series (among other places). If the PCs can do X or they can do Y, but not both, then your prep for one of those things will end up not being used. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s something I would think about a try to mitigate. (For example, if the situation allows for it, maybe you don’t fully prep X or Y until the PCs have made the choice about which path they’re going to follow.)

This seems like less of a concern for the specific scenario you’re describing: The two sequences are pretty short, and the prep for either probably still circles back into the scenario later on. (For example, the stat blocks and write-ups for the crew members the PCs could follow will still be relevant later even if the PCs stay and search the ship.) But it’s probably worth keeping in mind.

Second, when thinking in terms of framing dilemmas, it’s really easy to fall into the trap of contingency-base prep: “If the PCs do X, then… but if they do Y, then…” But it’s going to be more useful (and probably also waste less prep) if — even while you’re aware of the potential dilemma — you keep your eye on situation-based prep.

In other words, think less about what the PCs might do and more about what’s happening. There’s a practical difference between prepping “the PCs can follow the crew or investigate the ship” and “this is what the crew of the ship are doing… I wonder what the PCs will do?”

For example, maybe the PCs spit up and do both. Or maybe they decide to ambush the crew and kill them. Or they wait for one crew member to become isolated, grab ‘em, and interrogate them. Or they set the ship on fire. Or they stage a fake crime so that they can call the cops and have them investigate the ship. Any or all of this could come from “half the crew goes into town on business; the other half stays on the ship and offloads the cargo.”

To read more about contingency-based prep, check out Prep Tools, Not Contingencies.

Finally, what effect does dilemma-based design have on node-based design and the Three Clue Rule?

To some extent, we can simplify this question by ignoring the dilemma aspect and instead focusing on time-limited nodes. For example, there are clues that the PCs can only get by following the smuggler crew while they’re doing their business in town. (Or only at the dark ritual or only at Lord Dalton’s party or only by observing the fall of the blue meteor or whatever.)

This can be even further generalized to “the PCs missed a node” — e.g., they never actually to Danner’s Meats for whatever reason. And even more generalized to “they missed some clues” (because they didn’t find them, couldn’t figure them out, etc.).

The good news is that the core function of the Inverted Three Clue Rule is to solve the problem of “they missed a clue.” So as long as you haven’t put all your eggs in one basket, you probably don’t need to worry about it.

With that being said, if your have a strongly-framed dilemma (such that the PCs can definitely only do A or B, but not both), it probably wouldn’t hurt to toss a few more redundant clues into the scenario and/or prep a proactive element to act as a backup.

Go to Ask the Alexandrian #1

19th century French porphyry bowl with bronze snake handles

In the Shadow of the Spire – Session 43B: Kalerecent’s Cry

Porphyry House stood on one end of an open plaza in the Guildsman’s District near the Warrens facing a large, dilapidated open-air rotunda which stood along the Old Sea Road near East Street. It was an elegant, two-story structure constructed of dark purple and mauve porphyry. Minarets rose from each of the buildings’ four corners, and a central dome served as the roof. Its façade was decorated with several statues, bas-reliefs, and other carvings of handsome men and beautiful women (many of them striking a variety of lewdly suggestive poses).

Here’s a fun fact: For a very long time I thought porphyry was some kind of incense or spice. Perhaps something similar to frankincense or ambergris. (Although ambergris was also something that I misapprehended, assuming it be far more akin to amber than its etymology would, in my opinion, suggest.) The trick was that I had only encountered “porphyry” in print, usually as part of a pulp story where it would be tucked into a list of treasures or opulent extravagances.

(Along similar lines, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that many “serpentine statues” became significantly more orphidic in my mind’s eye than an author had intended.)

In reality, of course, porphyry is actually a beautiful, purple-red stone.

“The Porphyry House of Horrors” is an adventure by James Jacobs which first appeared in Dungeon Magazine #95. When I first read the title and even the opening pitch, I was still belaboring under my false understanding of porphyry’s nature.

“Ah yes,” I thought. “A high-class whorehouse of porphyry. The luxurious chambers must be redolent with the rich scents of porphyry.”


In any case, Jacobs’ adventure quickly cured me of my misapprehension and running the adventure locked the true beauty of porphyry into my imaginative lexicon.

This is just one minor example of how D&D, and roleplaying games in general, can be so potently educational. As a text-based medium, of course, they carry all the benefits of vocabulary and knowledge that any reading does. But, as a creative medium, they also encourage research into a vast array of topics.

Even more so than that, playing RPG adventures creates “living memories” that are, in my experience, far more powerful than stuff you just read in a book. It’s not the same thing as real life, obviously, but it’s still “stickier.” Sometimes, of course, this means that you know more about Ptolus than you do western European geography, but there’s also all kinds of “real” stuff you can pick up along the way. (Like what porphyry is.)

For example, while putting together the Malta chapter of the Alexandrian Remix of Eternal Lies, I did A LOT of research into the island and its history. Running the sessions built on top of that research really locked it in.

Similarly, a bunch of the Zalozhniy Quartet campaign for Night’s Black Agents takes place in western Europe. Doing research for that and running the PCs through transnational chases through the region means I’m not nearly as shaky on western European geography as I was five years ago.

The great thing is that there’s always new stuff to learn. And RPGs are a really fun – and effective! – way of doing it.

Campaign Journal: Session 43CRunning the Campaign: Running Darkness
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


October 25th, 2009
The 23rd Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

Blue Monster - likozor (edited)


Their conversation with Rehobath reminded them that it had been several days since they had checked on the situation in the Banewarrens. Since Kalerecent had not contacted them with the missive token they assumed everything was all right, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to do a quick check-up.

This was Nasira’s first visit to the Banewarrens. All she knew was what Tee had told her the other evening, but she found it unnerving nonetheless.

Kalerecent, it turned out, was fine.

“I’m sorry you’re stuck down here,” Elestra said.

“It’s all right,” Kalerecent said. “It’s peaceful here. I spend the long hours in meditation, reflecting upon the lost soul of Rasnir and trying to find the balance to release my rage.”

“I understand,” Elestra said, reflecting upon her own longing to find the time to commune with the Spirit of the City.

“But my thoughts do turn to the city above,” Kalerecent said. “What news has there been?”

“Dominic has denounced the Novarch,” Elestra said.

“That false dog!” Kalerecent cried. “May such traitors perish on my steel!”

“But Rehobath suspects that it might have been an impostor,” Tee said.

“Of course! Oh, vile men who could defame so fair a man!”

They chatted with Kalerecent for awhile and then returned to the surface. While the others returned to the Ghostly Minstrel, Tee and Nasira went back to the Welcome Inn to make sure everything was all right there (it was; quiet and sedate). When they returned to the Ghostly Minstrel, they joined Elestra in Tor’s room. (“I’m not sleeping in that room again,” Tee vowed, meaning where she had been nearly killed by Arveth.)



Near midnight Ranthir was abruptly awakened by Kalerecent’s missive token: “The fiends have returned! I need help! Come quickly! Would that you had stayed the night!”

Ranthir roused the others, racing from room to room. Elestra transformed into a hawk and winged away; Tor and Tee ran to where Blue was stabled; and Nasira hailed down a carriage, piling into it with Agnarr and Ranthir.

Ranthir cast a charm of speed upon the hooves of the carriage horse, allowing them to whip past Blue (despite Blue’s head-start). But they still couldn’t match Elestra’s swift wing, which (literally) carried her straight as an eagle could fly.

When Elestra reached Nibeck Street she winged in through a broken window on the backside of the mansion—

And was almost immediately attacked.

The blue troll-spawn they had faced in the Banewarrens below materialized out of the Ethereal Plane. It had grown in size; bulging muscles engulfed in crackling blue halos of energy that rippled across its body in great arcs emanating from its head. Its powerful arms smashed Elestra to the ground. She bounced up, and its claws – already coagulate with gored blood – raked painfully across her wings and body. Blood and feathers flew through the air, and Elestra was barely able to limp-wing her way back through the window and high into the sky. Behind her, the troll-spawn vanished in an expanding cloud of blue lightning, leaving behind a telepathic wail and the scent of ozoned terror.

“Well… I think I know what killed Kalerecent.”

Elestra, her entire body aching from the sudden and savage attack, circled above the mansion for several minutes before settling onto a perch above the door… dripping blood down into the street below. A few minutes later, the carriage carrying Ranthir, Agnarr, and Nasira pulled up in front of the mansion. As the carriage doors flew open, Elestra flew down, returned to her human form, and quickly told them what had happened.

But even as she spoke, Agnarr was heading for the door.

“Perhaps we should wait for the others?” Ranthir suggested.

But to no avail. Agnarr kicked in the door and strode through the house, down to the basement, and plunged along the tunnel – pulling the others along through the sheer force of his will and purpose.

They found Kalerecent left for dead in the antechamber where they had spoken with him only a few hours before. Nasira dropped to her knees beside him and poured healing energy into him until he awaked… which was right around the time that the rest of the party was arriving. Tor had ridden Blue down the stairs and along the tunnel, although now he swung out of the saddle to check on Kalerecent.

Ranthir questioned the knight about a blue troll-spawn, but Kalerecent had seen none of that. Instead, he reported that the same bone-ring wearers who had attacked them before had returned to the complex.

Running the Campaign: D&D is EducationalCampaign Journal: Session 43C
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index

D&D 2024: The Bastion Bubble

January 31st, 2025

Wizard erecting a bastion stronghold through magic - Dungeon Master's Guide 2024

The D&D 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide introduced a new Bastion system, giving PCs the opportunity to create personal strongholds. To briefly sum up the Bastion system:

  1. Your bastion is made up of facilities which can (a) be ordered to provide a special benefit and (b) include a number of hirelings. (Some facilities will also let you recruit defenders.)
  2. A bastion turn is 7 days. On each turn, you can issue orders to any/all of your facilities.
  3. If you DON’T issue any orders to your bastion, then a bastion event is rolled.

Each PC automatically gets a bastion at 5th level. All or any of the PCs in a group can choose to combine their bastions into a single physical location. PCs gain additional facilities at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

You can’t spend money to make new facilities, but some facilities can be enlarged by spending 2,000 gp and you can swap one facility for a different facility each time you level up.

If your bastion is attacked (as part of a bastion event, for example), then:

  1. You automatically defeat your enemy.
  2. Lose 6d6 defenders.
  3. If you end up with 0 defenders, then one of your facilities has been damaged and can’t be used for one bastion turn.

The bastion facilities mostly avoid dissociated crap, but there are a handful of hilarious exceptions, such as:

  • Performing a play to gain +d6 to any later d20 roll of your choice.
  • Expert skill trainers who can make you proficient in skills, but only for 7 days.
  • Warrior lieutenants who won’t defend your bastion if it’s attacked, but CAN raise armies for you. (The armies also won’t defend your bastion.)

Overall, though, the Bastion system is meaty. It packs a lot of stuff into just twenty pages. I’m also a big fan of the conceit of “assume your bastion has a complex economy that usually breaks even.” It immediately knocks out a bunch of bookkeeping that can keep people from wanting to interact with systems like this. (It would probably work even better if the system was more explicit in (a) stating this conceit and (b) embracing it in the design. For example, you could have bastion events that could include stuff like “Shortfall — this month you’re in the red; what are you going to do about thast?” But I digress.)

Perhaps the most important feature, in my opinion, is that PCs automatically gain that bastion stuff when they level up. I’ve long argued that if you want strongholds to be a core part of the D&D experience, then you need to go back to the PCs getting them as an automatic perk. If the players see a cool toy on the list of stuff they when they level up, they’ll want to go play with their toys.

Which would then, ideally, position the DM to use the group’s bastion(s) to create cool adventure hooks, complications, and evolving narratives. And, simultaneously, the players would be set up to use their bastions to cleverly solve problems, set goals for themselves, and explore new opportunities for their characters.

Unfortunately, those hooks and opportunities don’t exist. In fact, because of how the system is designed, they can’t exist.


The problem is that bastions have been designed to exist in a bubble.

The advantage of this bubble is that you can have bastion play without changing the way you run campaigns: It’s a downtime action PCs can take without taking a break from adventuring. Bastions are a little solo game that the players run off to the side that occasionally pops out a healing potion.

The problem, though, is that the bubble also means that there’s no clear vector for integrating bastions into your campaign:

  • there’s no way to level up from doing Bastion stuff; and
  • there’s no way to improve your bastion without leveling up.

As written, the DM can’t say, “Go on this adventure and your Bastion will get this cool improvement!” And a player can’t say, “I want this cool improvement for my Bastion, how can I make that happen?”

Meanwhile, bastion events are all designed to be neat, tidy, and basically resolve themselves. (If they mad a mess, after all, the PCs might have to stop following the plot and go clean it up!) So the system also doesn’t generate adventure hooks.

It’s not just that the Bastion system doesn’t plug into or generate adventure content. It’s designed to actively REPEL attempts to do so: Nothing goes in. Nothing comes out. (Except the gachapon prizes.)

This is why bastion events only trigger when the PCs aren’t home (and don’t issue any orders).

It’s why defenders and hirelings don’t have stat blocks: You can’t take a hireling with you on an adventure. You can’t join your defenders in fighting to protect your bastion.

It’s even why the bastion economy is kept entirely separate from the PCs’ money. (And don’t worry your pretty little heads about any of the details.)

And even though it’s never explicitly said, it’s also why it’s strongly implied that if the PCs have retreated to their bastion, then they should be left alone.

The campaign is over here. The bastion is over there. Stay in your lane.

Okay, but can’t we just burst this bubble?

Even if the Dungeon Master’s Guide says that we can’t, that doesn’t we couldn’t, for example, reward the PCs with a new bastion facility.

Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. To use the example of facility rewards, consider how many facilities each PCs from leveling up: Two at 5th level; two more at 9th; once more at 13th; and one more at 17th.

Assume we have a group with five PCs who have their bastions physically united: At 5th level, when they get their bastions, they’ll have a total of ten facilities… but there are only nine Level 5 facilities. Similarly, at 9th level they’ll get +10 facilities, with only ten Level 9 options to “choose” between.

While you can duplicate facilities and a few of them have benefits that would make that worthwhile, you can see how, in a pretty typical group, there are no hard choices when it comes to the group’s collective bastion. Your players can just say, “One of each, please!”

As analogy, imagine that PCs automatically got magic items when leveling up. In fact, they get so many magic items from leveling up that they can have one of every single magic item in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. If that were true, it would be quite difficult to motivate the PCs with the promise of a magic item. And the same thing happens with bastion facilities.

You can work around the edges a little bit here. For example, as I mentioned, there are some bastion facility upgrades. You could expand the number of meaningful upgrades available and offer them. You could create new facilities. You could also play around with the idea of granting access to level-gated facilities.

There’s other stuff we can do, too: We could create stat blocks for our hirelings and defenders. We could replace the bastion event triggers and revise the whole system into something that the PCs can meaningfully interact with. But it turns out the bastion bubble is baked in pretty deep and, if we want to burst it, we would need to rip a lot of stuff out and rebuild it.


The bastion bubble is, ultimately, rooted in a more significant and widespread problem with the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide: The lack of a clear vision of play.

If the Bastion system, for example, had been built with a clear vision of play in mind, then we would expect Wizards of the Coast to write their upcoming adventures/campaigns with the Bastion system in mind: Since we’re assuming that all PCs will have them, we should logically account for them in our prep and expectations.

I suspect, however, that this will not be the case, for much the same reason that — while most of the sample adventures in the Dungeon Master’s Guide feature overland travel — only one of them actually uses the Journey system that’s presented as the scenario structure for that. (And this despite the fact that, unlike the bubble of the Bastion system, the Journey system has a clear integration with play!)

This is also why the Bastion system has some weird level-gating. Some of these are inexplicable. (Why, for example, can’t you run a Pub until you’re 13th level?) Others, however, are pretty clear-cut: Since there’s no clear vision of play — of how the Bastion system is supposed to actually work at the table — anything requiring novel or challenging storytelling — like leading an army or running a guild — is just dropkicked to a high enough level that Wizards, whose campaigns that virtually all end at 15th level or before, can just shrug and say, “Not our problem. Figure it out yourself.”

This is why I think the Bastion system will, unfortunately, just wither on the vine. And I strongly suspect that, rather than the ideal outcome of Bastion-based adventures, we’ll instead see a worst-case scenario. Like the half-formed downtime mechanics in the 2014 Dungeon Master’s Guide, this half-functional Bastion system will only become an impediment to people trying to implement better and fully functional solutions.

You’ll see a lot of people trying to implement, say, Trollskull Manor from Dragon Heist in the system and getting stuck.

Which is too bad, because there’s something almost brilliant about the Bastion system. And I do think that, thanks to their automatic acquisition, we’ll see a lot of groups, possibly even a majority of groups, using strongholds, something which hasn’t been true since the ‘80s (which, not coincidentally, is the last time they were a core part of the D&D rules).

In truth, I hope to be proven wrong here. I think it would be marvelous for Bastions to burst out of their bubble.

For that to happen, though, someone will need to find the thing that strongholds in D&D have always struggled to find: A clearly understood structure and vision of play.


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