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Zariel's Flying Fortress - Raid Map


There are a few things to keep in mind as the PCs are exploring the flying fortress.

Announcements: There are frequent announcements that can be heard throughout the ship. They include things like:

  • Summons for particular devils to go to various places. (“Signifier Yurtarth, report to the abjuration generator.”)
  • Navigational announcements. (“Prepare for acceleration.”)
  • Personnel announcements, like shift changes, mess calls, or general quarters. These can include obscure references like “condition omega” or “enact red protocol.”
  • Blaring alarm klaxons (if, for example, the PCs trigger an alert).

All verbal communication, of course, will be in Infernal.

Telepathic Communications: Are likely to be jammed by the Telepathy Station.

Teleportation: Is blocked by the Abjuration Generator.

Scrying: Is blocked by the Abjuration Generator.


ROOFTOP HATCH: Found on the Lookout Deck (see Locations, below).

SIGNAL VENTS: Tiny hatches on the hull connect to 1-foot-diameter chutes that lead to the Imp Roosts. Imp couriers use these chutes to enter and exit the flying fortress.

  • Can be accessed by Tiny or gaseous creatures.
  • Vent Labels in Infernal indicate if a vent is intake or exhaust (to avoid imps having head-to-head collisions).
  • There is a chance of encountering an imp when the vents are used: 1 in 10 when ship is in dock; 1 in 8 when ship is in the field; 1 in 4 when ship is in battle. (PCs observing the vents – and able to see the potentially invisible imps – may be able to discern a traffic pattern to reduce or eliminate the possibility of encountering an imp.)

SOUL INTAKE PIPE: Grilled vent on the bottom of the fortress, just above the ventral battery, leading to a 5-foot-diameter pipe.

  • Pipe leads to a 10-foot-diameter, spherical iron cistern.
  • Souls from the River Styx are drawn up into the flying fortress when it is docked at the Stygian Dock and used for fuel in the cistern.
  • The pipe and cistern are flooded with necrotic energy, and any creature starting its turn in either location takes 16 (3d10) necrotic damage.
  • The cistern is located in the Engine Room, and there is a maintenance hatch allowing access. From the inside, there is no handle, but it can be broken open (DC 20 Strength check). This will also flood the Engine Room with necrotic-infused soul fuel.

LOWER PERCH: It’s not unusual for one or two of the lower perches to be open during flight to allow flying devils to come and go, so it’s often possible for the PCs to simply fly in (if they can somehow avoid being detected by the devil legionnaires on security duty and also actively working throughout the perch).

UPPER PERCH: The Upper Perch is generally not open except during an actual deployment. The doors can be raised or lowered from a control room at the back of the bay.

Go to Part 7D-C: Fortress Locations

3 Responses to “Remixing Avernus – Part 7D-B: Fortress Raid Map”

  1. Travis says:

    I love this, and I want to use the map in game, but I would like to reveal the locations over time. Can I bother you for the source of the original image of the flying fortress?

  2. Justin Alexander says:

    Page 250 of Descent Into Avernus. I’m 80% certain the D&D Beyond package for the book has a high-res version. IIRC, I scanned my copy from the book and did some quick Photoshopping to remove the overlaid image of Falaster Fisk.

  3. Travis says:

    Oh wow, I have the book, and I never noticed that picture back there, I’ve been looking all over for a good profile of that thing and it was sitting right next to me! Thank you for the help and for all your work here!

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