The Alexandrian

Ptolus: Pythoness House

In the Shadow of the Spire – Session 23C: Beneath Pythoness House

But when they returned to the statue, they found that the hole in its stomach had closed up.

“It’s like its reset or something,” Elestra muttered.


Now, standing in this hall, they were sure that the voice was emanating directly from the statue itself.

Last week we talked about techniques that break down the natural firewall of the dungeon: Techniques that will have you and your players thinking holistically about the entire dungeon environment instead of just one room at a time.

Today’s journal entry features a similar technique in the form of cyclical dungeon activity.

Basically, all of these techniques seek to take a static dungeon — in which each room passively exists in a status quo until the PCs enter it — and transform it into an active complex. The advantages of this are myriad and probably obvious: it deepens the players’ immersion by making the game world seem truly alive; it increases the strategic challenge of the scenario; it emergently creates complex dramatic situations and difficult dilemmas.

Cyclical dungeon activity is one way of accomplishing this.


The concept of a “global timer” comes from video games. To simplify greatly, it’s a counter that is constantly iterating and helps keep all of the events in the game in sync. In video games this can range from the broad to the very specific. (For example, in Mario 64 small snowflakes generate when the counter is even and large snowflakes are generated when the timer is odd.)

You are not a computer and you shouldn’t run your game as if you were.

But we can borrow the concept of the global timer and apply it fruitfully. You can see a simple example of this in Pythoness House:

  • When the statue says, “Come to me…” the spirit within it seals the castle so that the PCs cannot easily escape.
  • When the statue says, “I must feed…” the statue itself is warded by a curse.
  • When the statue says, “Chaos is the key…” the depression into which the spiral contrivance can be inserted opens on the statue’s belly.

In short, your “global timer” is a set of discrete states, with each state determining particular features in the dungeon. As the state changes, the topography, feature, and/or inhabitants of the dungeon will shift.

The advantage of the technique is that you only need to keep track of one thing — Which state is the dungeon currently in? — and you can apply that one piece of information to whatever area the PCs are currently in. This lets you manage dungeon-wide changes and activities with incredibly simple bookkeeping.


As you can see in the example of Pythoness House, the switch state can be both diegetic (i.e., something actually shifting in the game world) and directly apparent to the players (everyone in the dungeon can hear the spirit’s declaration).

Neither is necessarily true. There may be no clear “signal” that will notify the PCs that the state of the dungeon has changed (or what it has changed to). It’s also quite possible for the global timer to be partially or entirely an abstraction that exists only for your managerial benefit.

For example, you might design a slavers’ fortress in both a Day state and a Night state, but this doesn’t mean that the slavers all become clockwork automatons. (Although a fortress of clockwork slavers has some fascinating thematic implications. But I digress.) The global timer is a useful tool for broadly modeling the fortress, but if the PCs start closely examining the place what they’re “really” going to see is quite different than that abstraction.

Regardless, as you can see in the campaign journal, this type of cyclical dungeon activity can naturally function as a puzzle for the players, ranging from the simple to the complex. In addition to more specific effects, figuring out how the dungeon’s cycle works will make it easier for the PCs to navigate and overcome the dungeon’s challenges. (For example, figuring out when the best time to strike the slavers’ fortress would be.)

Something else to consider are player-triggered state changes. This might be something they deliberately choose to do, but more often it’s not: The dungeon might shift every time they enter a particular room, go down a particular staircase, or drink from a particular fountain.

When combined with obfuscated or nonexistent signals, these player-triggered state changes can create delightfully complicated puzzles.

(It’s also fun when the players think that there must be something they’re doing to trigger the state changes, but it’s actually just random or on a global timer.)

Such state changes could also be a one-time event: The dungeon is in one state until the PCs trigger a trap, and then the whole dungeon shifts into a different (and presumably more dangerous) state.

This also creates the possibility for NPC-triggered state changes: Everything is fine until one of the bad guys manage to hit the big red PANIC button and the alarm klaxons start sounding.


With only a little imagination, it’s easy to see how such timers could be made quite complex, dynamic, and perhaps even conditional.

So let me just briefly reiterate: Don’t do that.

You are not computer. The whole point of this technique is to simplify your bookkeeping and management of the dungeon. It’s real easy to become enamored of the Rube Goldberg device you’re constructing until the tail starts ferociously wagging the dog.

If you do want to increase the complexity of your dungeon states, try adding a second global timer — unconnected to the first and out of sync with it — to your dungeon. I suspect you’ll find the combinatory interactions between the two cycles will add a delightful amount of complexity while keeping your bookkeeping dead simple. This will, in particular, be more than sufficient to mask the nature of cycles you would prefer to keep hidden from your players (because, for example, they’re a non-diegetic abstraction intended to create a living world).

Campaign Journal: Session 23DRunning the Campaign: The Price of Magic
In the Shadow of the Spire: Index

4 Responses to “Ptolus: Running the Campaign – Dungeon Cycles”

  1. Toren James Darby says:

    I’m starting to run a Ptolus campaign.
    Are you thinking of sharing your personal notes and broadsheets at some point? I know it won’t all transfer between campaigns, but it sounds very helpful.

  2. Justin Alexander says:


    My full campaign notes are hundreds of thousands of words, a lot of which is tailored very specifically to the PCs. My notes are also “incomplete” in the sense that I don’t fully develop nodes that the PCs don’t go to.

    So the utility of my notes for anyone else, despite their depth, is suspect.

    But I have presented some material in the past, like Laboratory of the Beast. I will most likely present more in the future. (Including the Goblin Caverns adventure that’s connected to the Laboratory in the near future.)

    I strongly suspect that my expansion of the Banewarrens will get presented around the time that the 5E version of the Banewarrens is released.

  3. Aeshdan says:

    Something that occurs to me is the idea of a digetic cycle that advances based on a timer, but that the PCs can also interact with.

    For example, imagine a dungeon consisting of several concentric rings of rooms which rotate on different timers, changing the way the rooms connect to each other (like your Crypt of Luan Phien). Now imagine that in one room, there’s a lever you can throw that reverses that ring’s direction of rotation, or that there’s a crank in another room that you can turn to cause that ring to rotate even when the timer doesn’t call for it.

  4. Sarainy says:

    For purely mechanical non-player facing counters you could also tie this to something very much out of game, such as the date.

    Adding the two individual numbers of the date together gives you a range of 01st = 1, to 29th = 11, for 1-11. It produces a kind of weird pattern, with a loop of 1 through 9 twice, a 10, then 2 through 9 followed by 10, 11, 3 and 4. It’s really complicated in terms of what result you get, making it difficult to work out, yet its very easy to actually work out on any given day. Maybe too weird though to be useful!

    For something much more simple, perhaps certain dungeon doors are locked if the session is played on an even date, whereas an odd date means they are unlocked. This could either be non-gameable if it follows the real world calendar, or within the fiction if you use the actual date in the narrative.

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