The Alexandrian

Fantasy Clock Woman - Stefan Keller

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These are the essential kaostech items that tie into the core rules for using kaostech. Other kaostech items can be found in tomes whose names are forbidden to us by strange rites. A few are described in the Laboratory of the Beast.

CHAOS SIPHON: One end of this black tube can be inserted into any kaostech device, with the other end fitting into a chaos storage cube in order to refuel the device. See the siphon chaos spell for more details. This item need never check for chaotic failure.

CHAOS STORAGE CUBE: This is the grey power battery for all kaostech devices. It has a hardness of 10, 50 hp, and Break DC 30.

(No activation; Craft DC 50; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.)

DEMONIC CONVERTER: This device looks like a flexible tube with a spike on one end. If a demon (or chaotically aligned undead or other extremely chaotic outsider) thrusts the spike into its flesh, inflicting 2d6 points of damage, it can connect the tube to any kaostech device. This effectively makes a non-intrinsic device into an intrinsic one. The demon’s own essence, rather than raw chaos, powers the device, so no chaotic failure can occur. However, each time the demon would have normally checked for chaotic failure with the device, it suffers 1 point of Constitution damage (or 2d6 points of damage in the case of undead). It also suffers 1d2 Constitution damage (or 2d6 points of damage in the case of undead) when it initially connects the device to the converter.

It requires a full-round action to hook up the converter to a kaostech device and thrust it into the demon’s flesh, and a full-round action to disconnect a device so that one might use it normally.

(Use activation; Craft DC 42; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.)

HEADCLAMP: A chaos surgeon inserts this small device in to the temple of a living creature, or otherwise near the brain. The living portions of the device instantly heal the surgical wound, then extend tiny filaments into the host’s brain while keeping a small circular opening available on the outside of the head. Numerous non-intrinsic kaostech devices have tubes or other extensions that attach to this opening and clamp into place. This connection allows a device to receive mental commands or to transfer information directly into the host’s brains.

The headclamp has no intrinsic abilities or benefits. A host can have no more than two headclamps.

Should someone attack a headclamp cord, it has AC 14 + the host’s Dexterity bonus. The DM may also grant the cord any of the host’s dodge, deflection, or other Armor Class modifiers, but not armor bonuses unless the headclamp is part of the armor. The cord has a hardness of 1 and 5 hit points. Headclamp cords are fairly easy to repair (Craft Kaostech, DC 18) but a device that requires the connection cannot function until the broken cord is repaired. One can pull a cord out of a headclamp with a Strength check (DC 8).

(Chaos Surgery DC 22; Procedure Time 1 hour; Recovery Period 1 day; Price 10,000 gp)

NUTRIENT SOLUTION/NUTRIENT SALVE: This thick liquid feeds intrinsic kaostech devices, so they do not feed off their host or so that they can survive without a host. To feed an external kaostech item, apply the salve to the item. To feed an implant or other internal item, the host must drink the solution. Once the kaostech device is sated, a Medium creature can down another dose of this solution as a (distasteful) replacement for her own week’s worth of food and water.

(Craft DC 40; Price 50 gp)

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