The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘ptolus remix’

Estate of House Vladaam - Copyright Monte Cook Games

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Although briefly described in the Ptolus sourcebook, the Vladaam Estate was originally published and fully detailed in the Banewarrens campaign book five years earlier in 2002. This, unfortunately, resulted in some continuity errors.

The key problem is that the Vladaam family was not fully detailed in the Banewarrens. Only Iristul, Navanna, and Aliaster are mentioned, and as a result the Vladaam Estate lacks rooms for the other siblings. While it’s possible that Godfred and Gattara simply keep their rooms elsewhere, I decided it would make more sense to add the rooms to the mansion, which I did by simply adding a third floor identical to the second (as shown on the map above).

I’ve added key entries for these new rooms, as well as adding some enhancements to other rooms in the mansion. You’ll also find an adversary roster below, which is quite useful if you end up needing to run a true heist at the Vladaam Estate.


There are two adversary rosters for the Vladaam Estate: One for daytime and another at a night (when security is higher, but the servants are asleep).

If the estate is on high alert, use the nighttime roster during the day. If Navanna is leading the PCs on a fake heist (see Banewarrens, Chapter 4), use the daytime roster at night (but still have the servants asleep).

Vladaam Guards: Banewarrens, p. 45.


Action GroupLocation
5 GuardsGuard House
Stegoar (Claw) + 8 Guard WolvesKennel
1 Dire Wolf (Wolf Mum)Kennel
1d8 ClawsOutbuilding
2 GuardsHouse 2 + House 3


Action GroupLocation
5 GuardsGuard House
8 Guard WolvesGrounds
Stegoar (Claw)Kennel
1 Dire Wolf (Wolf Mum)Kennel
1d6+4 ClawsOutbuilding
2 GuardsHouse 2 + House 3
1 GuardHouse 7
1 GuardHouse 11
2 GuardsHouse 12


Action GroupLocation
6 GroomsmenStables
4 ServantsKitchen [sleep at night]
4 ServantsPantry [sleep at night]


  • Godfred: If present during Navanna’s fake heist, he’ll be drunk and potentially foul it up. 50% chance he’s in his room (1 in 10 chance he comes out looking for more liquor). 50% chance he’s out drinking (1 in 10 chance he comes home early).
  • Aliaster: 40% chance of being out during the day. 90% he’s at home at night (sleeping).
  • Gattara: 10% chance she’s present.



Very well stocked, the Vladaam library seems particularly complete on the subjects of history and magic. Many books here are valuable.

Secret Trap Door: Can be found with DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Leads down to the dungeons.

Chaos Lorebooks: Protected by a knavescour spell.

  • Book of Faceless Hate
  • Masks of Death
  • Eye of Legion
  • Hand of Gellasatrac
  • Vested of the Galchutt

4th-level Abjuration [Warlock, Wizard]

Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 days

A particularly useful foil for thieves, knavescour allows you to designate 8 objects which you touch at the time of casting, anmd again once per day to maintain the spell.

If anyone intentionally touches any of these objects without your spoken permission, this spell causes it to spray corrosive energy at that creature, dealing 8d6 acid damage (Dexterity saving throw for half).

After this discharge, the object becomes safe for anyone to handle, and the other objects retain diminished protection. The second object touched without your permission deals one less die of damage than the first, the third deals two less dice, and so on.

At Higher Levels: You can designate an additional 4 objects for each spell slot level above 4th.

This spell is covered by the Open Game License.


The original stone crest of the Vladaam family — roughly six feet in diameter — hangs above the door to Area 24.

Vladaam Family Crest - Copyright Monte Cook Games


Locked Door: DC 23 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)

This room is tastefully decorated with grand furnishings, albeit in a slightly dated style. Although kept meticulously clean, any careful inspection of the room reveals that it has not been lived in for months or possibly even years.

Black Roses: On the mantlepiece, there are four black roses, each levitating under a separate glass bell jar. (Iristul keeps one for each of the Vladaam children’s mothers. The reason for this is uncertain, as sentimentality does not seem to be one of the patriarch’s virtues.)

Weapon Collection: One wall of Iristul’s room is filled with a large collection of prized weapons. Notable items include:

  • unholy battleaxe
  • berserker axe
  • silver dagger (marked with runes which read, “For the Heart of the Wife”)
  • light hammer +1 (marked with the personal seal of Yrkyth Vladaam)
  • light hammer +2 (marked with the personal seal of Yrkyth Vladaam)
  • longbow (of blackoak, gilded with the Vladaam family crest)


All sorts of beast and animal heads, as well as stuffed specimens in their entirety, are displayed here.


A small zoo of “bonsai monsters” — living miniature monsters kept artificially small through magical “pruning.” Created and maintained by Gattara Vladaam, specimens include:

  • owlbear
  • gas spore (looks like an ocular tyrant)
  • flail snail
  • polar bear
  • mammoth
  • tyrannosaurus rex


Locked Door: DC 23 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)

Gattara’s décor is as garish as her wardrobe… or rather, her three wardrobes, each packed with bespoke outfits commissioned from the Jade Woman (Ptolus, p. 277).


Godfred’s bedchamber is decadently luxurious, the walls filled with more animal trophies. An aumbry filled with rare liqueurs is near the black-and-gold sheeted bed.

Writing Desk: A small writing desk in the corner of Godfred’s room is ill-used, but has a recent letter from Guildmaster Essetia requesting a meeting (see Part 14: Red Company of Surveyors).



See key in Banewarrens, p. 48.

In addition to the other items, there are six blood rubies in a coffer near the hand.

Blood Rubies: A blood ruby can be placed on the chest of a victim. Once per hour, It inflicts 1 point of Constitution damage (as the ruby mystically fills with blood) and forces a DC 15 Wisdom save. On a failure, the victim suffers the effects of a dominate person spell as if cast by the person attuned to the blood ruby. The effect lasts for a period of time equal to how long the blood ruby rested on the victim’s chest.


See key in Banewarrens, p. 48.

DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation): Beneath the inset mahogany floor is a seal of adamantine with an arcane lock that can only be opened with a drop of Vladaam blood. This vault leads to the Fane of the House Founder (see below).


See key in Banewarrens, p. 48.

Thariad Rivelost was brought to Ptolus aboard the Pride of Morrain, taken to the Vladaam slave warehouse (see Part 16: Slave Trade), and then selected by Gattara Vladaam and brought here. He can identify the ship and/or lead PCs to the warehouse where he was kept.


The walls of this sunken chamber are made from gleaming black chalcedony with veins of milky-purple. A green sphere, glowing with a faint light, levitates in the center of the room, bound in position by seven thick, black chains that are attached at various points across the ceiling, walls, and floor.

Behind the sphere is an inhumanly large statue carved from the same purplish-black stone of the vault. It depicts a faceless, androgynous figure with bat-like wings. Its left hand is extended beneath the sphere, as if presenting it to the room.

Sphere: The sphere represents the lost (or hidden) moon of Vallis. At the touch of someone with Vladaam blood, the “moon” can be opened, revealing a small chunk of Vallis rock within that has a 100 spell level capacity (see Ptolus, p. 648).

Figure: The figure depicts Vladaam, one of the original Vested of the Galchutt who helped the Lords of Chaos identify the Seven Chains that held the soul of the world upon the Vallis moon.


Navanna and the Twelve Claws - Copyright Monte Cook Games

Navanna’s “werewolf” bodyguards, known as the Twelve Claws, are not actually werewolves at all. Their hybrid transformations are the result of wolf’s paw totems that they wear on golden chains around their necks. These are linked to Navanna’s master totem (also known as the Thirteenth Totem) and using them requires on to swear loyalty to Navanna.

The master’s totem is crafted from the mummified heart of a werewolf. The wolf’s paw totems are crafted from the left front paws of werewolves infected by the werewolf from whom the heart of the master’s totem was taken.

Go to Part 6: Abandoned Temple of the Great Mother

Gathering Information (Midjourney)

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The Vladaams are one of the ten major noble houses of Ptolus. For all of their nefarious affairs, both they and large slabs of their businesses are well-known in the city. Therefore, if the PCs looking for information about the Vladaams, there’s a lot that they can find.


You can use the tables below to seed general topics of conversation, interrogations, or any other social interaction the PCs might have, but they’re primarily designed for PCs who canvass the city for information. By default, a Charisma (Investigation) check will determine the number of facts they gain, which are divided into three categories — common, uncommon, and rare.

In addition to specific pieces of information, any successful Charisma (Investigation) check will acquire the basic information list below.

You’ll want to decide how often checks can be made. In my campaign, I allowed one check per day. You might want to spread things out a bit, depending on the pace of play in your game. Rulings in Practice: Gathering Information has more practical advice on canvassing and other forms of intel acquisition.


DC 101 common
DC 121d3 common
DC 141d4 common, 1 uncommon
DC 161d6 common, 1d2 uncommon
DC 181d6+1 common, 1d3 uncommon, 1 rare
DC 201d6+2 common, 1d4 uncommon, 1d2 rare
DC 241d6+4 common, 1d4+1 uncommon, 1d3 rare
DC 281d8+4 common, 1d4+2 uncommon, 1d4 rare


DC 10Vladaams are one of the ten major noble families in Ptolus. Their estate is in the Nobles’ Quarter.
DC 14Vladaams have a terrible reputation. They deal in drugs, slaves, illegal magic, and the like. It’s open, blatant, and nobody does anything about it because of how much power they have.


  1. Prince Iristul Vladaam is not currently in Ptolus.
  2. There are four members of the Vladaam family in Ptolus: Aliaster, Gattara, Godfred, Navanna.
  3. Aliaster Vladaam, the eldest brother, is a potent arcanist. He withdrew from most public circles of sorceries many years ago, however, but is well-known to continue his researches in private.
  4. Gattara, the eldest sibling, recently abandoned her study of arcane studies.
  5. Godfred, the younger brother, is a lumbering oaf who enjoys violence.
  6. Navanna, the younger sister, is the de facto leader of the family in Ptolus. She mostly keeps out of the public eye.
  7. Vladaam is one of the smaller houses, claiming a total deot of 636 citizens. (However, it’s suspected that their actual total may be higher due to shadow members of the deot who participate in criminal activities.)
  8. They own an alchemical lab, operating as the Red Company of Alchemists, on Guilder Street in the Guildsmans’ District.
  9. Red Company of Fletchers is well-known for the distinctive black shafts of their arrows. These arrows have become particularly favored by assassins in Ptolus, although the Vladaams deny any direct connection: After all, anyone is free to purchase their guildcraft; they have no control over what they do with it after that.
  10. Red Company of Founders is a guild of brass and bronze workers located on Brass Street.
  11. Red Company of Glaziers: Essentially the only guild in Ptolus specializing in paned glass. They achieve this distinction – and the monopolistically high prices that come with it – by virtue of violently shutting down competitors. (The term “glass-shatterer” has become common slang in Ptolus for guild-on-guild violence.)
  12. Red Company of Goldsmiths: A small metal-working guild associated as subsidiary to the Goldsmiths’ Guild (which, in turn, is run by the Ironworkers’ Guild). Located on Gold Street.
  13. Red Company of Surveyors: This company of mapmakers rose to prominence nearly three centuries ago when they began producing incredibly detailed maps of the Teeth of Light based on the exploration ships that were sent into the southern reaches of the island chain by Yrkyth Vladaam. These charts greatly expanded trade throughout the Southern Sea during the decades leading up to the Great Sea War in 563 YD. The Red Company of Surveyors still uses as its mark the great seal Yrkyth used when he was head of the household.
  14. Red Company of Surveyors: Apprentices work as boy messengers on the Docks, purchasing interesting data from docking ship captains.
  15. Red Company of Surveyors: Chart-making workshop and headquarters located on the High Road in Oldtown.
  16. Red Company of Painters: Colloquially known on the streets as the “Forgers’ Guild”. They provide portraiture and murals of all kinds, but fifteen years ago they were involved in a minor scandal involving their forgeries. The company was able to successfully weasel their way out of it by claiming that the works were merely imitations and were never meant to actually deceive anyone.
  17. Red Company of Paviors: Responsible for laying much of the original roadwork for Rivergate, the company still holds license for maintaining most of those paving stones and also the maintenance of the Rivergate Bridge. A century ago, the Red Company of Paviors was involved in a scandal involving repeated sabotage of the Wings Fall Bridge. Their tolling rights for the Rivergate Bridge were stripped from them, but the Vladaams responded by getting all bridge tolls banned within the city.
  18. Vladaams are known to deal primarily in three drugs: Snakeweed and Abyss Dust from Freeport; and a particularly vile substance known as either “agony” or “liquid pain” from an unknown source.
  19. Vladaams reported run a number of “curse dens” in the city: Dens of iniquity featuring a rich drug culture mixed with strange curse magicks and gambling.
  20. Fleet of Iron Sails: The Vladaams maintain a fleet of trade ships which are active throughout the Southern Sea. They are notable for their dull grey sails. The current Fleet of the Iron Sails contains 18 ships. See Fleet of Iron Sails.
  21. Knights of the Golden Cross have a long history of enmity with House Vladaam.
  22. House Dallimothan and House Khatru have long been Vladaam’s rivals.
  23. There’s a long-standing feud between Sheva Callister and the Vladaams.
  24. No one knows who the mother of Navanna, Aliaster, Godfred, or Gattara is. (But they are believed to be different women.)
  25. Vladaams maintain residences for their deot members all around town, but a large number of them are housed in five apartment buildings on Crossing Street in Oldtown. One of these apartment buildings was recently gutted by chaos cultists. (GM Background: The chaos cultist incident is tied to the Night of Dissolution.)


(25% chance of getting a family member’s schedule information)

  1. Gattara Vladaam is said to be dabbling in Reformist cults. (False: She’s actually worshipping the Galchutt.)
  2. The family has demon-tainted blood: Navanna shows this most in the current generation (black skin and horns), but usually uses glamers when going abroad in public.
  3. In addition to the Red Company of Alchemists (which operates out of a storefront on Guilder Street in the Guildsmans’ District), the Vladaams operate three other alchemical labs: The “Bodyworks” on Brewer’s Close; the “Poisoner’s Guild” on Black Street; and the “Shadowworks” on Wayfarer’s Street.
  4. Red Company of Fletchers maintains a black market in dreadwood arrows out of their guild headquarters on Vanguard Street.
  5. Word on the street is that the Shuul believe the Red Company of Founders is responsible for a recent theft from the Foundry. They have been unwilling to make an official complaint due to the prestige of House Vladaam, but they are currently looking to hire some mercenaries to steal their goods back.
  6. Red Company of Goldsmiths: No one dares to hit them because they’re Vladaams, but young thieves like to talk big about planning a job. It’s rumored that they have as much as 40,000 gp worth of gold on the premises.
  7. Red Company of Surveyors: Rumor is that they were intimately connected with the creation of something known as the “Enigma Engine” for Yrkyth Vladaam during the 6th century. According to conspiracy theories, this device is supposed to be capable of all sorts of things: Communicating with the gods. Granting eternal life. Mass creation of undead. Becoming a lich. A massive energy source. The ultimate scrying device, granting the user a form of omniscience. A super-weapon capable of destroying entire cities or boiling oceans.
  8. Brotherhood of Yrkyth: Little is known about this organization except the name. It was reportedly founded by Yrkyth Vladaam in the 7th century. Although conspiracy theorists occasionally claim it still exists, it seems to have died with Yrkyth.
  9. At least some of the Surveyor apprentices acting as dock messengers also smuggle drugs for the Vladaams.
  10. Curse Den: Located on Nethar Street in Guildsman District.
  11. Curse Den: Located on Yarrow Street in Oldtown.
  12. Curse Den: Located on Outer Ring Row in Rivergate.
  13. Slave Trade Ships: Pride of Morrain.
  14. Slave Trade Ships: Eye of the East.
  15. Slave Trade Ships: Sarathyn’s Sail.
  16. Vladaams maintain a warehouse somewhere in Midtown which is reportedly used as part of the slave trade in Ptolus.
  17. The Vladaams own an abandoned temple on Malav Street in the Temple District.
  18. A man named Makett who belonged to the Red Company of Surveyors and was reportedly embezzling money from the Vladaams recently disappeared.
  19. Fleet of Iron Sails: Shipment of illicit goods (determine randomly) coming in on (determine random ship) on (date 1d6 days from now).
  20. Fletchers Guild: Is looking for someone who can decipher the password for a bluesteel door. Reportedly willing to pay as much as 10,000 gp for it.
  21. Founders Guild: Has reportedly been looking for lorebooks on chaositech.
  22. See Common #25: Repairs on the apartment complex have been going on for weeks, but none of the construction guilds have been contracted and there aren’t many workers going in or out. (GM Background: This incident is tied to the Night of Dissolution.)
  23. Guildmaster Telidor of the Red Company of Goldsmiths has two bodyguards that she can summon to her at will: They are drakken named Harla and Jarla. They stay at the Welcome Inn in the South Market.
  24. Gattara was putting together plans for a Nocturdei celebration in an abandoned temple on Malav Street (Abandoned Temple of the Mother) to which she was inviting members of the Balacazars and Forsaken. (Apparently she thinks she can form an alliance between them and against the Killravens.) But Navanna reportedly quashed the idea of using the temple.
  25. Lord Zavere was once a bodyguard and enforcer for Iristul Vladaam
  26. A thief stole 25,000gp worth of gold strips from the Red Company of Goldsmiths. Vladaams have offered a 2,000gp reward for anyone giving them information on the thief. Word on the street is that they’ve also hired a Vai assassin to take retribution. It’s unclear how the thief got in and out of the guildhouse. (GM Background: He used the smuggling hole.)
  27. Archmage Cretai of the Red Company of Magi is addicted to abyss dust.
  28. Archmages in the Red Company of Magi can issue imperiums to junior guild members which the junior member must obey. (This concept, however, is also a broader invocation of the lines of authority that exist within the guild: One who has “imperium” over another in either a specific field of study; their mastery of the arcane arts; or within the guild hierarchy itself. It’s a core philosophical underpinning of the Red Magi which dates back to Flambara.)
  29. The pearl statues of Guildmaster Arzan outside the Red Company of Magi are actually pearl golems – animate statues that are immune to magic.
  30. The paving stones taken from the Temple of the Ebon Hand and now affixed to the Ghostly Minstrel were originally purchased from the Red Company of Magi.
  31. There are carpets within the guildhouse of the Red Company of Magi which are filled with images of snakes which are said to be living: Intruders will be consumed by the snakes or dragged back into the carpet by pythons (depending on which story you believe).
  32. Madame Hammala is the cook at the guildhouse of the Red Company of Magi. She is known to brag in local taverns about holding her own among “those witch-bitten windbags”. Although the Red Magi keep trying to convince her to let them “improve” the kitchen with various magical accoutrements she always refuses them.
  33. The next guild meeting at the Red Company of Magi is 1d6 days from now.
  34. There’s a significant collection of Aliaster’s sculptures reportedly kept at the Red Company of Magi.
  35. There is said to be an alliance between the Vladaams and the Ennin slave traders. The Vladaams are somehow involved in transporting or housing the slaves for the Ennin.


  1. Prince Iristul Vladaam is searching the world for hungerswords.
  2. Godfred Vladaam wields a hungersword.
  3. Gattara Vladaam worships the Galchutt.
  4. It is suspected that the Red Company of Fletchers has a dreadwood grove under the guild headquarters.
  5. Red Company of Founders performs chaositech research at their headquarters on Brass Street.
  6. Red Company of Goldsmiths: Vladaams use this guild to launder stolen funds and goods from other enterprises.
  7. Red Company of Surveyors: Somehow involved in bringing four dark dwarf masters of alchemy – Grui, Thornai, Kilana, and Kaldri – from across the Southern Sea to work for the Vladaams.
  8. The Vladaams are said to keep a secret cache of hot goods somewhere in the Temple District.
  9. Captain Hinmos of the God’s Pearl recently brought in a cargo of black lotuses from the Teeth of Light. (DM Background: Went to alchemical workshop; now stored at Abandoned Temple.)
  10. Vladaams have reportedly been stepping up production of acidpoint, firepoint, and frostpoint alchemical bolts and arrows at their “Shadowworks” facility at the request of the Commissar in anticipation of the Atapi.
  11. There are two keys for the vaults in the Alchemical Labs: One held by the guildmaster and another which is held in copy by all of the journeyman members of the guild.
  12. Security at the curse dens are generally light – the Balacazars and Killravens might fight each other, but nobody fucks with the Vladaams. However, there are usually a few guards and a mage about (for providing the curse spells).
  13. Den Master Marcus Corellius oversees the curse dens of the Vladaams and is also responsible for providing cover for other illegal activities.
  14. Curse dens provide a “snuff” service.
  15. See Uncommon #10, #11, or #12 (randomly determine). Security at the curse dens includes a Vladaam Mage and several Vladaam guards, but is generally pretty light. (Everyone knows that the Vladaams respond violently to anyone disrupting their operations: The Balacazars and Killravens might fight each other, but they don’t fuck with the Vladaams.)
  16. See Uncommon #12: A hostess at the curse den in Rivergate has run up significant gambling debts with the Killravens at the Gilded Phoenix (see NOD5C Mrathrach Table Raid).
  17. There are huge supplies of illegal drugs maintained at all the curse dens.
  18. The stables at the Oldtown curse den aren’t used or horses.
  19. There’s a smuggling hole that runs from the Red Company of Goldsmiths under the wall of the city. (Location given second time this rumor results; or on a rare result if specifically sought.)
  20. See Uncommon #22: Aliaster, Navanna, and Gattara have all been seen entering or leaving the apartment building gutted by chaos cultists. (GM Background: This incident is tied to the Night of Dissolution.)
  21. Slave Trade Warehouse: Run by a centaur named Dilar.
  22. The taxes of Marquette’s Textiles on Pitch Street are being paid by the Red Company of Goldsmiths. (This is the Undead Shipping Warehouse.)
  23. Guildmaster Telidor of the Red Company of Goldsmiths is interested in purchasing a familial title with House Abanar, but she fears House Vladaam retaliation. Despite this, she’s trying to put together a stake large enough to purchase a significant title (which might be enough to dissuade the Vladaams taking direct action against her).
  24. The bertrant table at the Curse Den in the Rivergate District is showing bias towards the fangs. It could pretty easy to manipulate that to increase your winnings. (False: Possibly planted by the curse den management itself to encourage betting.)
  25. There’s a golden disc depicting a map of the world in the guildhouse of the Red Company of Magi. It is said to somehow track the location of every Red Magi in the world.
  26. Red Company of Magi is offering to pay very high prices for any lorebooks pertaining to the Demon Court.
  27. There is a slave warehouse maintained on Runshallot Street in Midtown. Although common word on the street is that it’s run by Dark Leaf, it actually houses Ennin-owned slaves and is managed by House Vladaam.
  28. Marquette’s Textiles is reportedly a front organization for some sort of illegal Vladaam activity. There’s no word on exactly what the illegal operation might be, but ratlings have been seen in the area.

Go to Part 5: The Vladaam Estate

Neural Networks - dimadesigner (Edited)Go to Table of Contents

This clue list provides an authoritative reference for every clue in The Vladaam Affair and where that clue can potentially lead the PCs in their investigation of the family.

It should be noted that this is in, fact, organized as a clue list, not a revelation list. For more information, check out Random GM Tip: Using Revelation Lists. (The revelations found here consist almost entirely of the node list for the scenario, which equates to the table of contents. If you want a revelation list, you can easily convert this clue list to one. Keep in mind, however, that Part 4: Gathering Information provides alternate vectors to many of the nodes in The Vladaam Affair.)

Some of the clues in The Vladaam Affair point to organizations or locations in Ptolus which are not part of the Vladaam deot. They are indicated with page references on the table.

Crate of arrowsAbandoned TempleGuild – Dreadwood Grove
Dagger of the Black SapphireAbandoned TempleGuild – Surveyor’s Headquarters
Black Lotus noteAbandoned TempleAlchemical Lab – Poisoner’s Guild
Black Lotus noteAbandoned TempleFleet of Iron Sails
Alchemy Order from NavannaAlchemical Lab – BodyworksOldtown Apartments
Note from Kilana to GruiAlchemical Lab – BodyworksAlchemical Lab – Shadowworks
Shipping containerAlchemical Lab – BodyworksUndead Shipping Warehouse
Letter from Guildmaster EssetiaAlchemical Lab – BodyworksGuild – Surveyor’s Headquarters
Bill of Shipping Right / Taxes PaidAlchemical Lab – Poisoner’s GuildFleet of Iron Sails
Unfulfilled Order for PoisonAlchemical Lab – Poisoner’s GuildUndead Shipping Warehouse
Shadow Detector Research NotesAlchemical Lab – ShadowworksHouse Sadar (Ptolus, p.99)
Inventory for Shop on Guilder St.Alchemical Lab – ShadowworksAlchemical Lab – Storefront
Shipping cratesAlchemical Lab – StorefrontAlchemical Lab – Bodyworks
Shipping cratesAlchemical Lab – StorefrontAlchemical Lab – Poisoner’s Guild
Shipping cratesAlchemical Lab – StorefrontAlchemical Lab – Shadowworks
Interrogation: Apprentice AlchemistAlchemical Lab – StorefrontCurse Den – Guildsman District
Interrogation: SlavesCurse DensSlave Trade – Ships
Interrogation: SlavesCurse DensSlave Trade – Warehouse
Interrogation: Apprentice AlchemistCurse Den – Guildsman DistrictAlchemical Lab – Storefront
Letter from Marcus CorelliusCurse Den – OldtownCurse Den – Rivergate
Note in Dreadwood QuiverCurse Den – OldtownGuild – Dreadwood Grove
Imperium from Archmage UstalloCurse Den – OldtownGuild – Red Company of Magi
IOU from Korben TrolloneCurse Den – RivergateKillravens – Korben Trollone (Ptolus, p. 335)
Report on the Debt of DilarCurse Den – RivergateSlave Trade – Warehouse
Dragonscales setCurse Den – RivergateCurse Den – Oldtown
Crate of Hellsbreath RiflesGuild – Founders’ WorkshopShuul Foundry (Ptolus, p. 127)
Other Crate of Hellsbreath RiflesGuild – Founders’ WorkshopAbandoned Temple
Bill for Repairs to a Spiked Pit TrapGuild – Founders’ WorkshopUndead Shipping Warehouse
Bill for Repairs to a Spiked Pit TrapGuild – Founders’ WorkshopAlchemical Lab – Poisoner’s Guild
Inscription on the Golden DiscGuild – Red Company of MagiGuild – Surveyor’s Headquarters
Letter from Gattara to TiantGuild – Red Company of MagiSlave Trade – Warehouse
Letter from Gattara to TiantGuild – Red Company of MagiCurse Den – Guildsman District
Reports from Crossing StreetGuild – Red Company of MagiOldtown Apartments
Tithe Payment of RentGuild – Surveyor’s HeadquartersOldtown Apartments
Cutting from Seedling of GalielGuild – Surveyor’s HeadquartersAbandoned Temple
Thoth’s IncenseGuild – Surveyor’s HeadquartersAlchemical Lab – Bodyworks
Report on the Erthuo/Sadar AffairGuild – Surveyor’s HeadquartersFleet of Iron Sails / House Sadar (Ptolus, p.99)
Letter from Essetia to UllothGuild – Surveyor’s HeadquartersAbandoned Temple
Correspondence Regarding the HandGuild – Surveyor’s HeadquartersVladaam Estate
Letter of Thanks from GodfredGuild – Surveyor’s HeadquartersVladaam Drug Running
Sextant/Telescope Guild MarkGuild – Surveyor’s HeadquartersGuild – Founders’ Workshop
Letter from Grui to AliastarOldtown ApartmentsAlchemical Lab – Bodyworks
Note on Alchemical SuppliesOldtown ApartmentsAlchemical Lab – Storefront
Letter: Founder’s Guild to MorsulSlave Trade – ShipsGuild – Founders’ Workshop
Shipping AddressSlave Trade – ShipsAlchemical Lab – Shadowworks
Letter to Guildmaster ArzanSlave Trade – ShipsGuild – Red Company of Magi
Threat Concerning Dilar’s DebtSlave Trade – WarehouseCurse Den – Oldtown
Secret Door to Slave MarketSlave Trade – WarehouseEnnin Slave Market (Ptolus, p. 399)
Business of the Slave WarehouseSlave Trade – WarehouseEnnin Slave Market (Ptolus, p. 399)
Business of the Slave WarehouseSlave Trade – WarehouseCurse Den – Guildsman District
Business of the Slave WarehouseSlave Trade – WarehouseCurse Den – Oldtown
Business of the Slave WarehouseSlave Trade – WarehouseCurse Den – Rivergate
Dark Leaf badgesSlave Trade – WarehouseDark Leaf (Ptolus, p. 108)
Interrogation: SlavesSlave Trade – WarehouseSlave Trade – Ships
Interrogation: SlavesSlave Trade – WarehouseEnnin Slave Market (Ptolus, p. 399)
Letter from Aliastar to ArquadUndead Shipping WarehouseOldtown Apartments
Request from House SadarUndead Shipping WarehouseHouse Sadar (Ptolus, p.99)
Letter from Gathar to ArquadUndead Shipping WarehouseDark Reliquary (Ptolus, p. 237)
Letter of Caution from UrastaUndead Shipping WarehouseDark Reliquary (Ptolus, p. 237)
Vats of Holy WaterUndead Shipping WarehouseAbandoned Temple
Letter from Thornai to ArquadUndead Shipping WarehouseAlchemical Lab – Poisoner’s Guild
Bill for the Ratling ArrowsUndead Shipping WarehouseGuild – Dreadwood Grove
Drug RunnersVladaam Drug RunningCurse Den – Rivergate

 Note: Most of the illegal operations of House Vladaam have a small chance of having a large shipment of money about to be delivered to the Red Company of Goldsmiths.

Go to Part 4: Gathering Information

The Vladaam Affair - Navanna's Vision (Midjourney)

Go to Table of Contents

Iristul Vladaam is not currently located in Ptolus, and is not further detailed here. Each Vladaam heir, however, is detailed with:

  • A universal roleplaying template, as detailed here, for easy use.
  • Connections to other factions, scenarios, or major players in Ptolus.
  • Responsibilities, which summarize which aspects of the Vladaam deot they oversee.
  • A schedule of their activities, as detailed below.

Along with any additional details that are relevant.


Schedule information is given below for each family member. If a specific investigation is made into the schedule of a specific heir, a Charisma (Investigation) check (DC 15) turns up one piece of information plus one additional piece of information for every 4 margin of success.

Use the following table to determine what sort of scheduling information is gained:

1d4Type of Schedule Information
1Regular Activity
2-3Recent Activity of Interest (random table)
4Upcoming Planned Activity (random table)

Note that the same random table is used for both recent activity and upcoming planned activity. Some of these activities may be one-time events; others might be something that happens semi-regularly. (Use your best judgment to determine whether or not to repeat certain events.)


Aliaster Vladaam (Midjourney)

APPEARANCE: Bushy sideburns down to his jowls. A man in his fifties. Six fingers on each hand (and six toes on each foot).

  • GM Note: His eyes are completely black. (But he wears magical lenses to make them appear normal.)


  • Lacks ambition and drive, but makes up for it with a thirsting desire for knowledge.
  • Extreme cowardice.
  • Jut the head forward and down; the eyes looking slightly up at anyone standing across from him.
  • Traces figures in his left palm with his right index finger.

BACKGROUND: Aliastar is on friendly terms with Navanna and has no interest in vying with her for control of the house. He manages only those concerns within the deot that he finds personal interesting (primarily matters of magic or alchemy or, lately, chaositech).

Aliaster helps his half-sister with her schemes by casting spells on her or for her in the simple hope that she will leave him alone and not actually force him into a dangerous situation.

STATS: Ptolus, p. 101


Aliaster is part of the thoughtstone network. (Ptolus, p. 158)


Aliaster handles anything magical or alchemical in the family’s portfolio. This includes:

  • Alchemical Labs (Part 7)
  • Red Company of Fletchers (Guild – Dreadwood Grove)
  • Red Company of Founders (Guild – Founders’ Workshop)
  • Oldtown Apartments (Part 15)
  • Red Company of Magi (Part 13)


Regular Activity: Visits Haven’s Haven every Fireday to shave and trim his beard.

1d6Random Activity
1Crown Theater (Ptolus, p. 268): Attending Lothian Ascendant, an experimental opera sponsored by Adlam Theobald.
2Tess’ Cauldron (Ptolus, p. 313): Aliaster is trying to convince Tess Essani to join the Red Company of Magi. (It’s possible he’s romantically interested in her.)
3Winsome Galleries (Ptolus, p. 277): Aliaster dabbles in magical sculpture (pieces that move; pieces that create charm effects; compositions of magical light; magic mouth statuary; etc.). He will occasionally deliver some of these pieces to the Winsome Galleries for sale.
4Attending a guild meeting of the Red Company of Magi.
5-6Oldtown Apartments: He’s here most days studying the askara or artifacts Navanna is pulling out of the Banewarrens.

Vladaams - Aliaster's Arcane Sigil

Aliaster’s Arcane Sigil


Gattara Vladaam (Midjourney)

 APPEARANCE: A round face and shoulder-length, dark brown hair with reddish tints. She wears scandalously revealing garments and large, glittering jewelry much of the time.


  • Hopelessly mad, given to fits of irrational rage without notice.
  • A high-pitched, tittering laugh.
  • A raw, desperate flirtation that craves a mixture of acceptance and adoration. (Can easily flip into a cruel sadism.)

BACKGROUND: Once thought a promising wizard, she gave up her studies to serve as a priestess to the Galchutt. She maintains a fancy of opening a temple to the Galchutt in the Temple District (perhaps even using the Abandoned Temple of the Great Mother, see Part 6), but there is nothing concrete to any of it.

She has some contact with the chaos cults, but no direct contact with Wuntad. (He was initially intrigued, but he considers her madness and her irrational fervor too much of a liability.) Gattara has convinced Navanna to provide supplies to the chaos cults through various parts of the Vladaam deots.

Despite her madness (or perhaps because of it), she serves as something of the “family sage.”

STATS: Ptolus, p. 608


BALACAZARS: Gattara has been good friends with Malkeen Balacazar (Ptolus, p. 103) since childhood. Rumors of them being lovers are false, but Malkeen will regularly consult with her regarding sorcerous matters – particularly those of the macabre or sadistic bent that he knows she will enjoy.

MARCUS CORELLIUS: Gattara has a good (and periodically intimate) relationship with Den Master Marcus Corellius (Part 8: Curse Dens). Although Godfred is technically in charge of the curse dens, Gattara liaised with Corellius regularly regarding the slave trade cover operations (Part 16).

THOUGHTSTONES: Gattara is part of the thoughtstone network (Ptolus, pg. 167)


Gattara likes slaves. She really, really likes them. Navanna generally leaves her to it, although she makes a point of regularly checking the books.

  • Part 16: Slave Trade


Regular Activity:

  • Danbury’s (Ptolus, p. 192): Socializing at this tavern for wizards and sorcerers three nights out of four.
  • Jade Woman (Ptolus, p. 277): Visits roughly once a week to shop for a new set of garish outfits.
1d4Random Activity
1Curse Dens (Part 8): Gattara likes to play with the slaves in the curse dens. She favors the Rivergate location, where she can also meet with Den Master Corellius.
2Soaring Idyll (Ptolus, p.276): Gattara likes to use the Idyll for her sexual liaisons. (There is a 50% chance this involves Den Master Corellius.)
3Shadow Theater (Ptolus, p. 310): Gattara has been regularly attending performances and has been going backstage in an effort to learn the shadow-magic arts of the performers. She has also met Renn Sadar (Ptolus, p. 99) in the audience on a few occasions. (Note: Tellith’s father is the manager of the theater. She’s somewhat estranged from him because he’s terrible at business and left her and the mother in poverty for much of her childhood. See the Ghostly Minstrel, Ptolus, p. 194.)
4Onyx Spider (Ptolus, p. 203): Meeting with Malkeen Balacazar.


Godfred Vladaam (Midjourney)

APPEARANCE: Tall, dark-haired, and pale, with extremely broad shoulders. Thick hair and bushy eyebrows. A long scar down one side of his often unshaven face.


  • Slow witted and rash. A lumbering oaf.
  • Haughty, with an immense sense of entitlement.
  • Looks down his nose (literally) at anyone he deems to be a lesser being… which is virtually everyone.

BACKGROUND: Youngest of the heirs and Iristul’s favored, but Iristul is smart enough to know that the boy isn’t capable of being in charge.

Godfred is a master of the greatsword and wields the only hungersword Iristul has yet found.

STATS: Ptolus, p. 102


None of note.


Navanna has handed over responsibility for the drug-running activities of the Vladaam deot to Godfred and, with them, the family’s shipping concerns. This is ideal because these aspects of the deot largely run themselves (either through the Fleet of Iron captains or the Red Company of Surveyors), and she also figures that if these activities were to ever blow up, she could lay the whole thing on Godfred and call it a day.

  • Curse Dens (Part 8)
  • Fleet of Iron Sails (Part 9)
  • Red Company of Surveyors (Part 14)
  • Vladaam Drug Running (Part 18)


Regular Activity: Godfred’s entire schedule is relatively predictable. The White House, Lady Cardie’s, and the Waterfall are all basically daily activities for him. The Arena is only irregular because it largely depends on when his fighter is scheduled.

1d8Random Activity
1Arena (Ptolus, p. 292): Godfred has been sponsoring a fighter named Cardric Dragonkin.
2-4White House (The Mrathrach Agenda): He’s been gambling here regularly.
5-6Lady Cardie’s (Ptolus, p. 313): Visits this brothel on most nights. (It is also a front for the Vai, and he’ll use the visits to arrange for assassinations and hits. See Ptolus, p. 131.)
7-8The Waterfall (Ptolus, p. 324): Godfred’s favorite bathhouse.


Navanna Vladaam (Midjourney)

APPEARANCE (GLAMERED): A black dress with burnished armlets which send patterns of magical shadow writhing up her arms. A large glittering ruby in a simple fixture of taurum has been affixed directly to her breastbone. All of this stands out starkly and sharply against her dusky skin.

  • GM Note: The ruby functions as a hat of disguise.

APPEARANCE (ACTUAL): Short-haired, pointy-chinned, extremely fit and thin. Her hair is dark brown and her skin is extraordinarily black – almost blue. Her teeth are bright yellow and she has four tiny red horns on her forehead right at the hairline.


  • Polite, charming, and perfectly willing to stick a dagger into your back at the first opportunity if there’s any profit in it.
  • Coolly asexual, although she can drape other personalities (from femme fatale to gregarious bard) onto her false identities.
  • If driven to true fury, she hisses like a cat. (She has not hissed in years.)

BACKGROUND: While Iristul is away, Navanna runs House Vladaam. Like her siblings, she is wicked and cruel – but she is also extremely devious and painstakingly cautious. She is not the most powerful of the family, nor the eldest, but she is the best leader.

KEY INFO: Navanna is constantly accompanied by at least four of the Twelve Claws (her personal werewolf bodyguards; see Part 5: The Vladaam Estate).

STATS: Ptolus, p. 101


  • Renn Sadar (Ptolus, p. 98)
  • Commissar Igor Urnst (Ptolus, p. 140)
  • City Council (Ptolus, p. 140)
  • Menon Balacazar (Ptolus, p. 103)


Navanna officially runs the deot of House Vladaam while Prince Iristul is away. Although certain aspects of the deot are handed off to her siblings for daily operations, she still oversees everything.

  • Abandoned Temple of the Mother (Part 6)
  • Ithildin Couriers (Part 1)
  • Red Companies (Part 1)
  • Undead Shipping Warehouse (Part 17)
  • Vladaam Family Estate (Part 5)


Regular Activity:

  • Visits the Winsome Gallery (Ptolus, pg. 277) every week on Airday to see the latest arrivals and occasionally purchase pieces she fancies.
  • Meeting of City Council. (1 in 6 chance of meeting each day. She has, however, been leaving a larger number of votes in the Trade Circle to the family’s proxies.)
1d8Random Activity
1Aristocrat’s Table (Ptolus, p. 284): 1 in 4 chance of meeting Red Company leader, otherwise she’s dining alone.
2City Courts (Ptolus, p. 318): She’s seeking reparations from the city for their “occupation”of the Oldtown Apartments (Part 15, this is dependent on events from the Night of Dissolution).
3Meeting with Menon Balacazar.
4Meeting with Renn Sadar.
5Meeting with Adlam Theobold: She’s interested in the church’s involvement with the Banewarrens. (This is dependent on events from the Banewarrens, otherwise re-roll.)
6Arena at the Dark Reliquary (Ptolus, p. 237): PCs can try to wrangle an invitation by making a complex Charisma (Investigation) check (DC 20/4/3). For each failure, someone becomes aware of their attendance (Vladaams, chaos cults, Lilith, Vai assassins, etc.).
7-8Tends to disappear (or at least become unaccountable) for large stretches of time. (If she has become aware of the Banewarrens, these periods have increased in frequency since that time.) See “False Identities,” below.


Navanna maintains a number of false identities in the city. She is constantly discarding old identities and creating new ones as opportunities and needs arise.

Navanna will use her ruby of disguise and then simply teleport out of the Vladaam House Estate. Some of her identities maintain rooms at the Soaring Idyll across the street (so she simply teleports there). She also rents a room in Oldtown almost directly below the House Estate and she can teleport there.

ELLA FENRIS: A swarthy-skinned half-orc. Master Delver of the Delver’s Guild (Ptolus, p. 108). Rarely goes on actual delves, but uses guild contacts to find out the latest discoveries beneath Ptolus.

IDORU: As Idoru, Navanna works as a freelance representative of the Eight Shadows (Ptolus, pg. 377). In that role, she either approaches (or is approached by) would-be clients of the Eight Shadows (either for vile fantasies at their brothel or, more likely, their job as drug dealers, assassins, spies, and enforcers). The Eight Shadows are part of the Balacazar criminal cartel, but neither they nor the Balacazars know that Idoru is secretly Navanna.

NICALON REGELIS: A new member of the Knights of the Golden Cross (Ptolus, p. 120). Spread story of being recently imprisoned by the Vladaams and would speak out strongly against the House in order to find out what her enemies have to say. She sacrificed this identity (blowing months of work) in order to identify the Hand of the Banelord and steal it from the PCs. See Banewarrens, p. 42.

OALA: A hostess at the Onyx Spider (Ptolus, p. 203). The owner of the Spider knows that Oala is an agent of House Vladaam, but doesn’t realize she’s actually Navanna in disguise. Navanna finds it useful to be able to move freely through the crowds here, eavesdropping wherever it seems wise.

Go to Part 3: Clue List

Ptolus - Monte Cook Games

Go to Table of Contents

This is a brief overview of the entirety of House Vladaam, including its members, citizens, business affairs, and criminal enterprises. You can use it to orient yourself as you explore and run the adventure.


IRISTUL VLADAAM: Leader of the Vladaams. Currently searching the world for hungerswords. (Ptolus, p. 100)


ALIASTER: Eldest brother. Specializes in arcane magic and alchemy.

GATTARA: Eldest sibling. Given to fits of irrational rage. She abandoned arcane studies to become a priestess of the Galchutt.

GODFRED: Younger brother. A lumbering oaf who enjoys violence.

NAVANNA: Younger sister. The de facto leader of the family in Ptolus. Mostly keeps out of the public eye.

The heirs are described in more detail in Part 2: The Vladaam Family.


Vladaam is one of the smaller houses, claiming a total deot of 636 citizens. (However, it’s suspected that their actual total may be higher due to shadow members of the deot who participate in criminal activities.)


The Vladaams own dozens of properties throughout Ptolus and many more through their various guilds (see below). Notable properties include:

  • Vladaam Family Estate (Part 5)
  • Abandoned Temple of the Great Mother (Part 6)
  • Alchemical Labs (Part 7)
  • Oldtown Apartments (Part 15)


If a search of a property’s deed is made at the Administration Building — DC 25 Charisma (Investigation), -1 per 5 gp of bribe, minimum DC 15 —the following ownership can be discovered:

  • The ownership of any guild’s properties is generally in the name of the guild (and these guilds are recognized as being part of House Vladaam’s deot).
  • The deed for the Abandoned Temple of the Great Mother is held by the Red Company of Goldsmiths.
  • The Alchemical Labs are all directly owned by House Vladaam, except for the Storefront on Guilder Street (which is officially the Red Company of Alchemists).
  • The Curse Dens are all owned by Marcus Corellius (Curse Den Master).
  • The Oldtown Apartments are all directly owned by House Vladaam.
  • The Slave Trade Warehouse is owned by Marcus Corellius (Curse Den Master).
  • The Undead Shipping Warehouse is officially owned by the Guild of Silver Seamstresses (an organization that doesn’t actually exist, but pays its taxes regularly).


Red Companies - House Vladaam
The house guilds of the Vladaams are also known as the Red Companies. (The Red Company of Glaziers, for example.) The house controls a couple dozen guilds of various sizes and importance. Notable red companies are listed below.


Red Company of Alchemists. Officially operating out of a building on Guilder Street, the Red Company of Alchemists maintains a network of secret alchemy labs around the city for making illicit substances. (Part 7: Alchemical Labs)


Well-known for the distinctive black shafts of their arrows. These arrows have become particularly favored by assassins in Ptolus, although the Vladaams deny any direct connection. After all, anyone is free to purchase their guildcraft; they have no control over what they do with it after that.

The Red Company of Fletchers also maintains a black market in dreadwood arrows. They harvest the wood from an underground grove maintained by the guild. (Part 10: Guild – Dreadwood Grove)


Publicly a guild of brass and bronze workers. In practice, however, this guild has become the focal point for Vladaam research into chaositech.

Word on the street is that the Shuul believe the Red Company of Founders is responsible for a recent theft from the Foundry. They have been unwilling to make an official complaint due to the prestige of House Vladaam, but they are currently looking to hire some mercenaries to steal their goods back. (Part 11: Guild – Founders’ Workshop)


Essentially the only guild in Ptolus specializing in paned glass. They achieve this distinction – and the monopolistically high prices that come with it – by virtue of violently shutting down competitors. (The term “glass-shatterer” has become common slang in Ptolus for guild-on-guild violence.)

The company also supplies alchemical glassware.


A small metal-working guild. The Vladaams use it to launder stolen funds and goods from their other enterprises. (Part 12: Guild – Goldsmiths)


This is a wizard’s guild directly under the control of Aliaster Vladaam. Although relatively small by some standards, in the shadow of the Inverted Pyramid, the Red Company of Magi is one of the largest groups of organized spellcrafting in Ptolus. (Part 13: Guild – Red Company of Magi)

The group is ostensibly dedicated to research, but the junior members of the company are deeply enmeshed into the illegal activities of the Vladaam family (providing arcane might where and when it’s necessary). The company’s dedication to research is not entirely a sham, however: The senior members of the company – referred to as “Archmages” – are often pursuing arcane research.


This company of mapmakers rose to prominence nearly three centuries ago when they began producing incredibly detailed maps of the Teeth of Light based on the exploration ships that were sent into the southern reaches of the island chain by Yrkyth Vladaam. These charts greatly expanded trade throughout the Whitewind Sea during the decades leading up to the Great Sea War.

The Red Company of Surveyors still uses as its mark the great seal Yrkyth used when he was head of the household. It’s also said that the company was intimately involved in the creation of Yrkyth’s “Enigma Engine”. The company’s influence considerably declined following Yrkyth’s disappearance in 651 IA, but continues to be known for their accurate navigation charts.

The company’s chart-making workshop is located in Oldtown. Their apprentices work as boy messengers on the Docks, purchasing interesting chart data from docking ship captains. (Some of these apprentices are part of Part 18: Vladaam Drug Running.)

The guild uses a diamond-feather badge (representing the quills of the cartographers, but also having deeper meanings for the Brotherhood of Yrkyth).

See the Brotherhood of Yrkyth, below, and Part 14: Guild – Surveyors’ Headquarters.


Colloquially known on the streets as the “Forgers’ Guild”. They provide portraiture and murals of all kinds, but fifteen years ago they were involved in a minor scandal involving their forgeries. The company was able to successfully weasel their way out of it by claiming that the works were merely imitations and were never meant to actually deceive anyone.


Responsible for laying much of the original roadwork for Rivergate, the company still holds license for maintaining most of those paving stones and also the maintenance of the Rivergate Bridge.

A century ago, the Red Company of Paviors was involved in a scandal involving repeated sabotage of the Wings Fall Bridge. Their tolling rights for the Rivergate Bridge were stripped from them, but the Vladaams responded by getting all bridge tolls banned within the city.


Red Figures - fergregory


The Brotherhood of Yyrkyth is a secret society founded by Yrkyth Vladaam in 600 IA. Its membership is primarily made up of the senior members of the Red Company of Surveyors and the captains of the Fleet of Iron Sails.

In the early decades of the 7th century, the Brotherhood coordinated the gathering of arcane knowledge from the arcane isles of the Whitewind Sea using the Fleet of Iron Sails and the Red Company of Surveyors. They were also involved in the creation of Yrkyth’s “Enigma Engine” (the plans for which are still held in their secret headquarters beneath the Red Company of Surveyors). Following Yrkyth’s disappearance in 651 IA, the Brotherhood withdrew itself into a greater cloak of secrecy.

The Brotherhood is deeply tied to a variety of Vladaam activities, but is notable because none of the current Vladaam family are members. It’s a secret within a secret. However, the Brotherhood does arrange for certain arcane information gathered by the Brotherhood to be transmitted to the family for its benefit. (For example, the Brotherhood was responsible for forging the family’s connection with the dark dwarves in Catar, which resulted in the family gaining the services of the dark dwarf alchemy masters. See Part 7: Alchemical Labs.)

The sign of the brotherhood are four quills laid over each other to form the pattern of a diamond.

See Part 14: Guild – Surveyor’s Headquarters.


These dens of iniquity feature a rich drug culture mixed with strange curse magicks and gambling. (Part 8: Curse Dens)


The Vladaams deal primarily in three drugs. The Fleet of Iron Sails (see Part 9) is used to smuggle in Snakeweed and Abyss Dust from Freeport, while the slave trade (Part 16) is used to create Liquid Pain. (See Vladaam Drug Running.)


The Vladaams also run one of the many companies of couriers in Ptolus. The Ithildin Couriers carry small badges of ithildin (a decorative silver that glows at night but is dull and almost invisible during the day) and are notable for three reasons: First, they operate primarily at night, a time when most other courier services are either shut down or operating at a reduced capacity. (This has also earned them the nickname of “the night couriers”.)

Second, the ithildin badges they carry provide a rudimentary form of message authentication. The message sender takes the badge and speaks a password to it. The receiver can then speak the same password and the ithildin will flash brightly.

Finally, they carry the full and brutal protection of House Vladaam. No one dares to interfere with an Ithildin Courier, and that includes the Watch.

As a result, the Ithildin Couriers are one of the most secure methods for sending a message in the city.


The Vladaams maintain a fleet of trade ships which are active throughout the Whitewind Sea. They are notable for their dull grey sails. The current Fleet of the Iron Sails contains 18 ships. See Part 9: Fleet of Iron Sails and Part 16: Slave Trade Ships.

Note that all ship captains of the Fleet of Iron Sails are members of the Brotherhood of Yrkyth.


The Vladaams are involved in the slave trade in two ways.

  • The Fleet of Iron Sails – specifically the Pride of Morrain, Eye of the East, and Sarathyn’s Sail – are regularly used to transport slaves for the Ennin. These ships collect slaves from the Teeth of Light and deliver them to the Ennin Headquarters (Ptolus, p. 168).
  • The Vladaams maintain a warehouse as a place where the Ennin can temporarily store slaves who are going to be sold at the Ennin Slave Market (Ptolus, p. 399). It’s used as either an overflow storage facility or as a place to move the current stock of the Slave Market if  it’s threatened by law enforcement. The Vladaams offer this service gratis in exchange for being allowed to use the slaves to process Liquid Pain (see Drug Running, above).

See Part 16: Slave Trade.


The Vladaams maintain a black market for undead in Ptolus based out of a warehouse in the South Market. See Part 17: Undead Shipping Warehouse.

Go to Part 2: The Vladaam Family


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