Due to the prodigious efforts of 子奇, the complete Alexandrian Remix of Dragon Heist is now available in a Chinese translation.
I can’t read a word of it (more’s the pity!), but I am simply blown away by the stupendous effort which went into this project.
子奇 – 的龙金劫
Alexandrian Remix – Chinese Version
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Places to Go, People to Be, a French RPG ‘zine, has finished posting all 16 parts of Structures de jeu, which is the translation of my series on Game Structures. (The original essay can be found here.)
You can check out previous PTGPTB translations of Alexandrian content here and here.
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Bastión Rolero has been translating articles from the Alexandrian into Spanish:
You can find the original versions of these articles in Gamemastery 101.

Places to Go, People to Be, a French RPG ‘zine, has published Structures de jeu 1-2-3, which is a translation of the first three parts of my series on Game Structures. (The original version can be found here.)
They’ve also told me that we can expect translations of Chapters 4-8 within the next few months.
You can check out previous PTGPTB translations of Alexandrian content here and here.
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Check out L’Art du Rythme, Des Descriptions Évocatrices, and La préparation intelligente, the French translations of The Art of Pacing, Random GM Tips: Evocative Descriptions, and Smart Prep, respectively.
… que faites-vous? has also started translations of the GM Don’t List, under its English title. (For reasons I’m curious to understand.) English versions of the GM Don’t List can be found here.
Since I’ve been making some efforts to learn French this year, I’ve quite enjoyed my fairly inept efforts to read my own prose as rendered in a foreign language.
I’m actually a fair bit behind on sharing these international efforts, so if you’ve sent me an e-mail letting me know about a translation you’ve completed and it hasn’t been highlighted either here or on my Twitter account, I’ll be getting to it ASAP.
On that note, if you’re interested in writing translations of articles here on the Alexandrian, please contact me from the About page. I’m generally pretty easy going about giving permission unless there’s some specific reason why an article can’t be translated, and I appreciate knowing when the translations are available so that I can share them with other people.
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Places to Go, People to Be, a French RPG ‘zine, has posted a translation of my review Ten Candles. (The original review in English can be read over here.)
They’ve also done a translation of Opening Your Game Table, which I promptly rendered obsolete by writing the Open Table Manifesto. (Sorry, guys!)

Node-Based Scenario Design has been translated into Hungarian by LFG. (The original for that is located here.)
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