The Alexandrian


June 1st, 2012

Hexcrawl Map

As part of my essay on game structures in roleplaying games, I specifically discussed the basic structure of the hexcrawl:

(1)   Draw a hexmap. In general, the terrain of each hex is given as a visual reference and the hex is numbered (either directly or by a gridded cross-reference). Additional features like settlements, dungeons, rivers, roads, and polities are also typically shown on the map.

(2)   Key the hexmap. Using the numbered references, key each hex with an encounter or location. (It is not necessary to key all of the hexes on the map.)

(3)   Use (or design) mechanics which will let you determine how far the PCs can move while traveling overland. Determine the hex the PCs start in and track their movement.

(4)   Whenever the PCs enter a new hex, the GM tells them the terrain type of the hex and triggers the encounter or location keyed to that hex: The PCs experience the event, encounter the monsters, or see the location.

Initially a core component of roleplaying games, the hexcrawl structure slowly faded away. By 1989 there were only a few vestigial hex maps cropping up in products and none of them were actually designed for hexcrawl play. 2nd Edition removed hexcrawling procedures from the rulebooks entirely. It wasn’t until Necromancer Games brought the Wilderlands back into print and Ben Robbins’ West Marches campaign went viral that people started to rediscover the lost art of the hexcrawl.

During my discussion of game structures,  I mentioned that I had been developing and playtesting a robust structure for hexcrawling. Since then I’ve received several requests to share my rules for hexcrawling. Although still very much a work in progress, over the next few days I intend to do exactly that.


Before we get to the actual hexcrawling, however, I want to take a moment to clarify what my design goals were (and are) for this project.

First, I wanted a structure which would hide the hexes from the players. Although I find the abstraction of the hex extremely convenient on the GM’s side of the screen (for tracking navigation, keying encounters, and so forth), I’m of the opinion that it has negative effects on the other side of the screen: I want the players interacting with the game world, not the abstraction. Therefore, the hexes in this hexcrawl system are a player-unknown structure.

Second, building on that, the structure is explicitly designed for exploration. The structure, therefore, includes a lot of rules for navigation, getting lost, and finding your way again. It’s built around having the players constantly making new discoveries (even in places they’ve been before).

Third, the system is built around the assumption that every hex on the map will have at least one keyed location. And note that I said “location”, not encounter. Traditional hexcrawls will often included hexes keyed with encounters like this one (from the Wilderlands of Magic Realm):

A charismatic musician sits on a rock entertaining a group of Halfling children. He sings songs of high adventure and fighting Orcs.

While this system certainly could be used with such keys, my intention was to focus the key on content that could be used more than once as PCs visit and re-visit the same areas. (Particularly useful for an open gaming table.) In other words, the key is geography, not ephemera.

Fourth, to support all of these goals (hidden hexes, exploration, reusable material) I wanted to introduce uncertainty into whether or not the keyed content of a particular hex would be experienced (instead of automatically triggering the content when the hex was entered). Furthermore, I wanted a rich system for generating encounters (in order to both create content and to replace the ephemeral hex keys I had eschewed). I accomplished both of these goals by creating a unified, streamlined system of encounter checks.

Go to Part 2: Wilderness Travel

Part 2: Wilderness Travel
Part 3: Navigating the Wilderness
Part 4: Encounter Tables
Part 5: Spot Distances
Part 6: Watch Checklist
Part 7: DM’s Worksheet
Part 8: Sample Hex Key
Part 9: Four Documents of the Hexcrawl
Part 10: Stocking the Hexes
Part 11: More Hex Stocking
Part 12: At the Table
Part 13: Hexcrawl Cheat Sheets

Addendum: Sketchy Hexcrawls
Thinking About Wilderness Travel

42 Responses to “Hexcrawl”

  1. Monstah says:

    I found your site this week, and found many, many pearls here. Today again, this is a most happy find: in my next session, two weeks from now, I’ll probably run out of excuses to keep my players trapped in a Son of Ether building, and they’ll reach the part of the quest in which they explore the Umbra.

    Great finding, great timing. Thank you!

  2. Jack says:

    I’m currently running a semi-open table-like hexcrawl game (tonight I get to be a player rather than the dm!). I’ve cobbled together a rough collection of mechanics for encountyers and getting lost and foraging for food. there are A LOT of tables involved, and even at that I feel like the content is really limited (my random tables have encounter seeds that I can/have to build details up around, but it’s only 20-30 seeds per terrain type). I’m really interested to see what sort of system you’re using and see what I can use to improve mine.

  3. Ed says:

    I don’t know if you have seen it or not, but I remember Paizo made an adventure path called Kingmaker which has several aspects for exploring a Hexmap. Perhaps you can find some cool ideas from there to mine. Wish you luck in your endeavors!

  4. Yahzi says:

    Looking forward to more of this!

  5. The Alexandrian » Hexcrawl | El trastero de Padre, Marido y Friki says:

    […] The Alexandrian » Hexcrawl […]

  6. Hexcrawl Resources | ars phantasia says:

    […] Hexcrawl: a very useful series of posts by Justin Alexander on his philosophy behind designing the mechanics of a Hexcrawl. […]

  7. Ryuutama – Winter is coming! | MONDBUCHSTABEN says:

    […] ist ein Rollenspiel, dessen Regelkern markant dem aus der OSR bekannten Hexcrawl ähnelt. Das japanische Spiel bedient sich zwar eher des szenischen Aufbaus eines Story Games oder […]

  8. Ben Scerri says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for this guide. I’ve been wanting to plan a hexcrawl / West marches game for a long time now, and have always put it off because I had no idea where to start… Until I found your guide. I’ve now plotted out an expanse for my players to rummage through based off your notes. I’m using Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition, but everything is easily transferable, and modifiable for any game system, really.

    Again, cheers. A truly awesome guide. I’d love to see something like this wrapped up alongside tips and tools for generating maps, etc, so there could be a comprehensive “How To Toolkit” for hexcrawls.

  9. Campaign Design | Follow Me And Die! says:

    […] in the Attic- Hexcrawl Series            The Alexandrian Hexcrawl Series               Ars Ludi: West Marches            The Welsh Piper on […]

  10. Sir_Scropi says:

    I love your Hexcrawl series, it has given me many ideas in an upcoming Kingmaker adventure I’m running. However, I’d like to get your take on camping/night watch rules (in a hexcrawl). I know a lot of gamers downplay the keeping track of rations, light sources, equipment, etc, but in order to have a meaningful hexcrawl, I’d think that these elements would have more emphasis.

  11. Justin Alexander says:

    (1) There are six watches per day, generally with two watches spent traveling and four watches of rest/sleeping.

    (2) Use the worksheet to record who’s keeping watch during each of the four “down time” watches. (This means that you don’t have to ask, “Who’s keeping watch?” every single day.)

    (3) Make the normal encounter checks and call for Perception checks as appropriate.

    (4) Generally, I just trust the players to track their rations and other daily supplies. If I wanted to put particular emphasis on this (if I was running something like Beyond the Mountains of Madness, for example) then I might require the group to track the supplies of their expedition on a large white board or something.

  12. Sir_Scropi says:

    Thanks, Justin. Appreciate the response 🙂

  13. Hexcrawl Encounters: Sketching Things Out | AnarchyDice says:

    […] in my hexcrawl. I take very little credit for amalgamating lots of various sources and ideas: Alexandrian, Ars Phantasia, Ivan Cannon, Ivan Cannon, Blog of Holding, Gnome Stew, and generous people on […]

  14. Five Link Friday: The Ol’ Switcharoo – AnarchyDice says:

    […] Alexandrian Hex Crawl Series Beginning […]

  15. Ролевое КБ имeни Карандаша и Бумаги | #Теория — Александрийский Hexcrawl ч.1 (перевод) says:

    […] С оригиналом статьи вы можете ознакомиться перейдя по ссылке. […]

  16. Ролевое КБ имeни Карандаша и Бумаги | #Теория — Александрийский Hexcrawl, ч.2: Путешествия в глуши (перевод) says:

    […] С оригиналом статьи вы можете ознакомиться перейдя по ссылке. […]

  17. robbbbbb says:

    Mr. Alexander,

    I’ve been spending the last few days reading over your materials on GMing in your spare time, and I love them. Thanks for sharing them.

    Do you have a published version of your hexcrawl adventure? A PDF (or something) that I could purchase/download? I’d love to be able to run a long hexcrawl adventure, but I don’t necessarily have the time to build it all from scratch. (I have kids, and Scouts, and church choir, and…) In fact, in a few years, those kids are going to be prime age for a long, regular D&D adventure, and a hexcrawl might just fit the bill.

    If you don’t, can you please recommend some shortcut materials to assist in building a hexcrawl? Adventures/dungeons to insert in places, a map, encounters, anything that might be pre-prepared for those of us who have limited time?

    I think there’s a market for your hexcrawl, if you wanted to do it in D&D 5e and publish under the OGL, or publish an OSR version for Basic D&D or a retroclone. Alternatively, if you published it as a reward for your Patreon backers, that might be an excellent idea.

    Thanks for sharing with us. I appreciate your work.

  18. [Creature Feature] Using “Screamers” in Mutant Future – Gregorius21778 says:

    […] guarded by the military can feature “the walking swords” as wandering monsters. In a hexcrawl-style game, such metal monsters might indicate a POI worth looking for… or it might just be a […]

  19. Hexcrawling and other resources | Hexapanther's RPG resources says:

    […] Hexcrawl (The Alexandrian blog) (blog article from 2012 * Hexcrawl – Part 2: Wilderness Travel (The Alexandrian […]

  20. Josh says:

    Mr Alexander,
    I’m a little late to your hexcrawl party. I just found this website a couple of months ago. Do you think the DC modifiers for size in your tracking rules could also apply to spotting buildings and other structures? Also, do you think the modifiers would need to be adjusted in any way, or would they be fine as-is?

  21. Os exploradores de hexágonos: Introdução | Mundos Colidem says:

    […] anotações em cima do mapa e tracejarem rotas para suas jornadas. Justin Alexander, em seu blog, The Alexandrian, definiu muito bem a estrutura dessas campanhas em quatro etapas […]

  22. The Value of a Setting Bible and Its Contents | Funny-Shaped Dice says:

    […] along with a few details about any points of interest. If you are familiar at all with the idea of Hex Crawl, this should be […]

  23. Das Ideal – Herr Meiers RPG Gedanken says:

    […] Gebiet welches nach genreinternem Realismus aufgebaut wurde, mancher denkt sicherlich Hexcrawl [2] und hat damit wohl vollkommen […]

  24. What’s All This? – Campaign Basics – Apes Triumphant says:

    […] be running the game in a style of an an old-fashioned hex crawl (What’s a hex crawl?). You’ll be exploring a radically changed environment, and braving strange dangers such as […]

  25. Getting Your Shit Together is Hard – Outstriding says:

    […] doing all of these little (or big) projects I’ve got in the back of my mind. Nope! This blog, a hexcrawl map for D&D, riding my bike, working on long-form fiction, hiking, any number of other things […]

  26. Tides of War – The Hex Crawl – Terry Herc says:

    […] also going to take a bunch of inspiration from these two sites, the Ste amtunnel blog as well as The Alexandrian. I’ve made a hex map of the forest with points of interest and some basic topography. My […]

  27. Why the Hex Journal? – Cycles of Fate says:

    […] Pathfinder kingdom building rules and other hex-based game structures interested me at the time, so I devised a way to use random generators to make a complex campaign […]

  28. Random Thoughts: Hexcrawls – The Clubhouse RPG & Tabletop Gaming Blog says:

    […] but there are already tutorials all over the internet that could explain it far better than me *cough* The Alexandrian *cough*. Thus, I will instead discuss theoretical hexcrawls that people can work […]

  29. A base do meu Hexcrawl – Mapas & Mundos says:

    […] essa sequência de posts aqui, do The Alexandrian, que explica detalhadamente tanto como povoar os hexes quanto como manter a […]

  30. Hexcrawl Procedure – RPG Downtime says:

    […] Acknowledgements – Forbidden Lands RPG (Free League), Old School Hacks: Hexcrawling (Tim Bannock), The Alexandrian: Hexcrawl. […]

  31. Age of Blades – The Roleplay Rescue Blog says:

    […] the “Carapace” scenario outright. To top it off, I think I’ll probably adapt the Hex Crawl ideas from The Alexandrian to suit my own […]

  32. So what about a hexcrawl? | univoxs says:

    […] off, there are tons of people who have covered this subject from The Alexandrian to Web DM, all great resources, check them out. I am not trying to go into the specifics of their […]

  33. Kaique de Oliveira says:

    I’m thinking about ways of reducing the prep load of an hexcrawl. Would be a problem to just stock the hexes around the party current location (maybe 2 or 3 rings around) instead of the whole map?


    […] Hexcrawl […]

  35. Mark Katerberg says:

    I know I’m a decade late to this party, but just wanted to say thank you for this. I have a lot of trouble with overland exploration being boring and this has a great way to make that exciting.

  36. Hex Crawl – GURPZine says:

    […] Justin. Hexcrawl. In: The Alexandrian.BALBI, Rafael. Jogando no estilo hexcrawl. In: Pontos de […]

  37. Gábor „Melan“ Lux: Hexcrawly – jednoduchý průvodce | Zpátky do dungeonu says:

    […] přístup obhajuje Justin Alexander kvůli hlubšímu ponoření do hry. Já bych kvůli lepší použitelnosti doporučil přesný […]

  38. System Reviews: Ryuutama – Slice of Beef says:

    […] well (or, rather, it’s not the focus). Unless you’re a hexcrawl master like Justin from The Alexandrian, travel is probably one of the weakest points I’ve seen in other GMs (and in my own GMing). […]

  39. Много разных ссылок. Пока полежит здесь. — Киборги и Чародеи says:

    […] A great multi-part sandbox design/theory discussion: […]

  40. Thinking Smaller(?) | RPG Wandering says:

    […] of my brainstorming this week has been based on Justin Alexander’s blog post series on hexcrawls, so for this week’s map, here’s what I drew. This is the players’ version of the […]

  41. Hexcrawling | Wilderness Adventures – Chaos Magick-User says:

    […] for alternatives, I came across The Alexandrian method, but it seemed excessively detailed and overwhelming, when what I needed was a system that […]

  42. Band of Blades, Banner Saga and Campaigning as Caravan – CaseyCrits says:

    […] [2] If hexcrawls are your thing check out Jusin Alexander’s great 13 part hexcrawl system […]

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