The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘a night in trollskull manor’

Trollskull Alley - Map

Go to Part 1

As described in Chapter 2 of Dragon Heist, before the PCs can reopen Trollskull Manor they first have to first get it fixed up and ready for business again. The following events should be intermixed with the PCs’ first faction missions and similar activities. Adding one or two additional urban adventures into this time frame can also be an effective way of pacing this material.


  • Owned by Ulkoria Stonemarrow. She sold the tavern to go adventuring.
  • Sold to a family of shield dwarves. They fell on hard times and sold it to a woman named Arissa Mirthkettle.
  • Mirthkettle converted the building into an orphanage. She turned out to be a hag who was cooking and eating the children.
  • The building was then abandoned for several years, haunted by its horrible reputation.
  • A half-elf named Lif took over the building and converted it back into a tavern.
  • Lif was killed in a terrible accident 40 years ago when one of the support beams on his ale casks broke and collapsed on top of him.
  • A couple named the Morleys bought the property and attempted to reopen it, but the haunting of the property combined with the economic recession which preceded Lord Dagult becoming Open Lord saw them go bankrupt.
  • The property changed hands several times, but with no serious efforts to occupy it.
  • A small halfling clan named the Curlbottoms bought the property around 1476 DR. They didn’t reopen the tavern, using the property exclusively as a residence for until 1484 DR when they moved to Neverwinter, caughter in Lord Dagult’s dream of rebuilding the city.
  • Most recently, Emmek Frewn attempted to purchase the property at public auction, only to be outbid by Volothamp Geddarm (who was interested in researching its “haunted history” for his next book).


The first time the PCs show up Trollskull Manor, the Three Urchins are playing inside.

  • Nat is a lanky, 10-year-old deaf Illuskan girl with a wooden toy sword. She is the leader of the group and communicates using a sign language that she invented and taught her friends.
  • Jenks is a portly 9-year-old Turami boy with a cloak, a toy wand, and a stuffed owlbear “familiar”. He’s shy around strangers but brave when it comes to helping his friends.
  • Squiddly is a slim 9-year-old tiefling boy with an eye patch, a small bow, and a quiver of toy arrows. He rarely thinks before he talks or acts.

They’re rampaging around, playing some sort of fencing/tag game with swords.

TALE OF THE TROLL SKULL: They claim the mansion is haunetd by the ghost of a troll skull.


  • If friendly, the urchins will help sweep up. Holler on street corners to attract customers. And so forth.
  • If hostile, they’ll break windows (20 gp each) and cause other mischief.


LIF: Half-elf, former bartender. Haunts the building now.

  • Objects levitating or thrown
  • Disappearing objects
  • Knocks, rappings, footsteps
  • Message written in the dust: “CLOSING TIME”, “LAST CALL”
  • Physical attacks

APPEASING: Fixing the building up to become a tavern slowly wins Lif over. (Eventually starts helping out.) If not, Lif becomes increasingly hostile.


In place of the one-time expenses found on p. 41 of Dragon Heist, the PCs will be approached by an endless array of guild representatives. Roleplay out as many of these encounters as seems entertaining. Not all of these guild services are required, and others can be negotiated.

Carpenters’, Roofers’ and Plasterer’s Guild (Soukaev, repair roof and walls)250 gp
Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild100 gp
Guild of Glassblowers, Glaziers, and Spectacle-Makers (Colera)250 gp
Guild of Fine Carvers (make a new sign)50 gp
Launderer's Guild100 gp
Dungsweepers’ Guild (Gassan; clean up dung on the streets)25 gp
Loyal Order of Street Laborers (clean up everything else)50 gp
Stablemasters’ and Farriers’ Guild10 gp
Fellowship of Innkeepers (Broxley Fairkettle, p. 41)25-100 gp
Vintners’, Distillers’, and Brewers’ (Hammond Kraddoc, p. 41)50-1000 gp
Guild of Butchers (Justyn Rassk, p. 41 – threatens them without bribe)3 gp per delivery
Bakers' Guild25-100 gp

During this time, also mix in the first visits from Emmek Frewn (Dragon Heist, p. 42) as he begins plotting against the PCs.


The PCs will also need to hire staff: A bartender, barmaids, and cooks. How many of each will depend on how many shifts they want to remain open each day. (PCs may also be tempted to fulfill some of these roles themselves, but they’ll quickly learn that balancing a regular day job with adventuring is probably an impossible task.)


Lif: If the spirit of Lif can be pacified and befriended, he makes an excellent bartender.

  • The “Lif” is a custom drink special with some form of liquor (which varies each night) on the bottom and ale on top. It’s not entirely clear how the ghost is achieving this perfect separation.

Mosp: A blue-and-green-scaled kobold. Mosp has a reptilian palette and his drinks don’t always sit quite right in mammalian mouths. If he’s the bartender, however, Trollskull Manor will attract a large reptilian and draconic crowd.

Lillian Haekin: A Zakharan woman, Lillian has a modest command of liqueurs, but her true mastery is in teas. She will arrange with Fala Lefaliir of Corellon’s Crown to supply the Manor with a dizzying variety of foreign teas.


Ryba: Ryba is a wererat and a member of the Shard Shunners (see “Emmek Frewn” below). She tries to get hired as a halfing waitress so that she can work mischief.

Althaea, Elthaea, Ulthaea: These mysterious star elf triplets float through the air while sitting in a perfect lotus position. Their silver hair stands upright in a halo around their heads. Likely interview questions include:

  • Can you walk on your legs? “We have not in a very long time.”
  • Can you serve drinks from that position? [They use telekinesis to deliver a drink to the questioner.]
  • Why are they interested in working as barmaids in Trollskull Manor? “We have received a divinatory vision that we are needed here. We shall work for you for a period of twelve months. So it is written. Also, tips are important.”

Patric Nivka: Patric, an Illuskan lad, was kicked out of his parents’ house last week when his parents discovered he was dating a half-elf named Tanya Pav. He needs a job and a place to stay. (Letting him stay in a room upstairs or giving him an advance on his paycheck will help solve the latter problem.)


Isgrigg & Dupere: Just ordinary humans. They left their last gig because the bar transformed into a tinker gnome hotspot. “And if you’ve ever seen thirty-five tinker gnomes all working on the same project while drunk… well, I like my jobs to be a bit less explosive if you know what I mean.”

Turgattan Thornhammer: A dwarf chef and former adventurer. He lost his former adventuring companions in the Serpent Hills. He lacks references, but assures the PCs that he handled the cooking for his companions every night for three years, even when that meant boiling things best left unboiled. And if he could do that, then he can certainly handle a night’s shift in a kitchen with a well-supplied larder! If the PCs actually taste his cooking, they may quickly conclude that his former adventuring companions were the ones to lose him. (This is a bad hire.)

Reynardo Greenleaf: A half-elf mage who uses various cantrips to create truly remarkable concoctions. His dishes are marvels to behold; often with their components performing intricate dances across the intricately carved plates and platters and stranger dishware they’re delivered upon. His ministrations earn the Trollskull Manor an artiste reputation, but the problem is that Reynardo “does not work to a clock.” Service is slow, and becomes a serious problem if/when the Manor’s popularity grows.


If you’re using the Alexandrian Remix, I recommend timing the Trollskull’s grand opening for Ches 19th, the Spring Equinox/Fey Day. Taking advantage of the Fey Day celebrations will help propel a large launch, and it will also allow a couple days of normal operation before the Twin Parades on Ches 21st and the fireball on Ches 22nd.

The details of the Grand Opening are heavily dependent on the specific plans made by the PCs, of course. In addition to any specific invitations they may extend, you can randomize other significant guests normally. Or you might want to spend some time customizing a list based on which NPCs the PCs have had good rapport with so far. I recommend that the guest list should include:

  • Renaer and Floon, assuming the PCs have not alienated them in some way
  • One or two representatives from the other residents of Trollskull Alley, particularly if the PCs have made a point of introducing themselves
  • The Three Urchins, whether they’re friendly or not

Give some thought to whether or not Emmek Frewn is in a position to disrupt the Grand Opening. If the PCs have taken precautions, it’s probably better to let the Grand Opening succeed… and then have Emmek Frewn’s bastardy complicate matters on their second night.

Go to Part 3: Patron Tables & Events

Dragon Heist - Trollskull Manor

In Chapter 2 of the Dragon Heist campaign, the PCs are rewarded with the deed to an abandoned inn named Trollskull Manor. The expectation is that they will rehabilitate the abandoned building and re-open the tavern, integrating themselves in Waterdhavian sociey and laying down the sort of roots that can really make an urban campaign meaningful.

For Trollskull Manor to truly become the centerpiece of your campaign, however, you’ll need to make the tavern truly come alive. Part of that will be letting your players take the lead in designing and decorating the manor just the way that they want it, so that it truly becomes their place. A place that they can call home. But once the tavern opens, your job is to make the tavern truly come alive; to make it more than just a place where they can take a long rest.

That’s where A Night in Trollskull Manor comes into play. Using the Tavern Time system, it provides a selection of flexible tools and the simple structure you can use with those tools to bring the tavern’s common room to life each and every night. Those tools include:

  • Patron Tables
  • Events
  • Topics/Agendas
  • Patron Roleplaying Templates

To get maximum use out of A Night in Trollskull Manor, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the Universal NPC Roleplaying Template.


For each night at the tavern:

1. There is a 1 in 1d6 chance that an Event will occur that night.

2. Roll 1d6 to determine the number of significant patrons in the tavern that night, then use the Patron Table to randomly determine which patrons are present. If a result of “Renaer’s Friends” is rolled, roll on the Patrons – Renaer’s Friends table to determine the final result.

3. Look at the Topics/Agendas for the patrons who are present. Generally speaking, you can use one per patron or just select one from among the patrons. When in doubt, default  to the first unused bullet point. Supplement or replace these topics with other major events occurring in your campaign.

Using this material is as much art as it is science. The random tables serve as an improv prompt, thrusting different elements together in unexpected ways in order to prompt the frisson of your own creativity as a GM. Once the players start interacting with the patrons and the emerging situation, things will develop in even more unexpected ways. Roll with the punches and see where it all takes you. Don’t be afraid to make bold, strong choices that can completely disrupt the status quo.

USING PATRONS: Note that the significant patrons present on a particular night may all clump together in a single interaction, or they may be separate interactions happening simultaneously or spread out over the course of the evening. Even if various patron interactions do start out separate from each other, don’t be afraid to have them crossover and collide with each other as the events of the evening continue to play out.

Pay attention to which NPCs resonate with the players: Who do they find interesting? Who do they like? Who do they enjoy interacting with? Find ways to keep bringing those characters back. Reincorporate them into other facets of the campaign (and vice versa).

USING TOPICS/AGENDAS: These are conversational gambits, interpersonal developments, or needs that a particular patron has. Think about what reactions the other patrons present in the tavern that night will have to the topic or agenda as it occurs.

You should be able to very quickly reference this material and then rapidly generate a 5-10 minute roleplaying interaction any time the PCs choose to engage with the common room. (In some cases, of course, these interactions will also expand to the players’ level of interest and take more time to fully resolve.)


The patrons used for A Night in Trollskull Manor draw heavily from the Dragon Heist campaign itself. This is intentional, deliberately reincorporating NPCs so that Blackstaff Tower - Steven E. Schendthe life of Trollskull Manor’s common room is intertwined with the rest of the campaign.

Many other patrons, particularly Renaer’s friends, are drawn from Steven E. Schend’s Blackstaff Tower. This novel — which is a delightful romp of pulp fiction — was the first introduction of characters like Vajra, Renaer, and Meloon who would return in Dragon Heist. Schend’s other creations — like Osco, Lord Toryln Wands, and Elra Harsard — were so much fun that I wanted to find a way to bring them into the campaign, too. (Reading the novel, however, is not required to make use of this material.)

On that note, it should be mentioned that A Night in Trollskull Manor will work particularly well with the Alexandrian Remix of Dragon Heist, but the remix is also not required and you should get great results even if you’re just running the base version of the campaign.

Part 2: Setting Up Trollskull Manor
Part 3: Patron Tables & Events
Part 4: Patron Topics & Agendas
Part 5: Patrons
Part 6: Renaer & Friends

Addendum: Manor Menu




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