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Appearance: A tousle of shoulder-length red hair. Piercing, blue-green eyes. Slim, lithe muscles beneath clothes that are stylish but practical.
- A flair for diplomacy.
- A love for good drink.
- A share of his father’s temper and as much of his mother’s wits.
- Estranged son of Dagult Neverember, former Open Lord of Waterdeep and the current Lord of Neverwinter.
- Lives off the sizable inheritance left to him by his mother, Lady Alethea Brandath.
- Member of the Harpers.
- Renaer’s great-great-granduncle was Kulzar Brandath, a pirate.
- When Samark Dhanzscul, the former Blackstaff, was assassinated by Khondar “Ten-Rings” Naomal, Renaer and several of his friends stumbled into the plot and rescued Vajra, the rightful heir of the Blackstaff. (See Blackstaff Tower.)
Brandarthall: Four-story residence in the Sea Ward. Formerly Neverember Manor, but Renaer restored its original name in his mother’s honor.
- Friends have an open invitation to use the house as they please.
- Madrak: White-haired halfling butler. Knew Renaer’s mother; promised her to keep an eye on Renaer. Madrak’s son Bramal and his children oversee the Brandath estates.
- Gate to Varadras: Turning a stone rosebud outside the garderobe at the hallway past Renaer’s office causes the garderobe to drop out of sight and a stone staircase to rotate down from the ceiling. Shoving a metal bench over the top of the stairwell causes it to reset from the top. The stairs lead to a hidden rooftop rose garden, where there is statue of a kneeling elf maid; for as long as water is poured into the statue’s hands, a portal opens to Varadras.
Varadras: Built by Renaer’s ancestor Varad Brandath. About 100 miles due west of Beliard, near the Stone Bridge northwest of Waterdeep. Various passwords (“Kamatar,” “Palnethar,” “Dorneathr”) cause hearths and torches to flare to light.
- Varad was one of the last students of Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun, and later friends with him and also Pikar Salibuck (Madrak’s father, Osco’s great-grandfather).
- See Chapter 9 of Blackstaff Tower for additional details.
Black Tears: Founded shortly after Vajra became Blackstaff, the Black Tears were meant to “follow in the Blackstaff’s wake” just as the Tears of Selune follow in the wake of the moon.
- Members: Lord Torlyn Wands, Osco Salibuck, Eiruk Weskur, Harug Shieldsunder, Laraelra Harsard, Meloon Wardragon, Parlek Lateriff, and Renaer.
- Roarke House: Meeting place of the Black Tears, in honor of the memory of Vharem Kuthcutter and Faxhal Xoram, friends of the Black Tears’ who fell in battle defending Vajra and the city. They are interred in sarcophagi bearing the crescent moon and star in catacombs beneath Roarke House, near the location where Faxhal died. Roarke House is decorated heavily with moons and star, as Volam Roarke was a devout worshiper of Selune (he also financed the restoration of the House of the Moon after the Spellplague). The Roarkes lost their fortune and the Brandaths acquired their properties around 1440 DR. Renaer also owns a neighboring warehouse and the Gildenfires festhall on the opposite side of the warehouse.
- Rook’s Hold: The Rook was a thief of some repute in the 14th Roarke House connects to his hideout, which was located in the subterranean crypts after which Skulls Street was named. The Black Tears have resecured it.
Stats: Iluskan Swashbuckler (DH p. 216)
- Chaotic Good
- Languages: Common

Appearance: A surprisingly young woman, with an unruly tumble of black hair above piercing green eyes. She prefers practical clothes of a blackish-purplish hue, with a long coat covered in elven-inked designs.
- Eyes narrow when she’s impatient.
- Drums her fingers on the shaft of her staff.
- Makes snap judgments about whether or not she can trust someone.
- Born in Tethyr to the paladin Tamik al Tamik al Safahr and Parama yr Manshaka.
- Grew up in Sheshyr House in Tethyr with several older siblings.
- Came to Waterdeep and briefly joined the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors before becoming the apprentice of Samarck Dhanzscul, the former Blackstaff, in 1476 DR. They later became lovers.
- In 1479 DR, Samarck was assassinated by Khondar and Centiv Naomal. Vajra became the Blackstaff’s heir, but was not yet fully prepared to assume the Blackstaff’ mantle and was captured by Khondar.
- Vajra was rescued by Renaer Neverember, Laraelra Harsard, and their friends, who also helped her reach Blackstaff Tower so that she could fully integrate the personalities of the former Blackstaffs. (See Blackstaff’s Tower for details.)
- She made Laraelra Harsard the new Blackstaff’s Heir.
Key Info:
- Controls Force Grey, a corps of elite adventurers who work with Waterdeeps’ Guard and Watch to deal with situations that require their expertise.
Stats: DH, p. 217
Appearance: Sharp, strong cheekbones along with long black hair frame a pale face. She dresses practically, usually wearing a heavy woolen cloak covering an oiled leather tunic, pants, and sealskin boots.
- Assumes that anyone not belonging to the working class is a fool or a villain or both until proven otherwise. Often sniffs dismissively at their assertions, although she’s gotten better at controlling her hot tongue.
- Tries to blow away errant black hairs that fall in front of her face.
- Believes Renaer is too foolhardy and trusting. She will try to protect him from his own mistakes.
- Sighs heavily if anyone confuses her name with Laeral Silverhand and tells them to use her nickname.
- Daughter of Malaerigo Harsard, the guildmaster of the Cellarers’ & Plumbers’ Guild. Their relationship became strained as a result of Malaerigo’s dislike for Laraelra’s sorcery and Laraelra’s advocacy for workers’ rights in the guild (particularly when it came to tackling anti-dwarf racism in the ranks).
- In 1479 DR, she hired Meloon Wardragon to help her protect a dwarven team of cellarers repairing a damaged sewer tunnel. They heard the tortured cries of a woman in pain. Investigating, they discovered that the cellar they were hearing the cries coming from belonged to Renaer Neverember. (In reality, it had been secretly rented out by Renaer’s father.)
- She and Meloon confronted Renaer, who joined them in investigating the tortured womans’ cries and rescued Vajra Safahr, the Blackstaff’s Heir who had been kidnapped by Khondar. They, along with several of Renaer’s other friends, helped rescue Vajra and get her to Blackstaff Tower, where she assumed her rightful place as the new Blackstaff.
- Vajra made Laraelra Harsard her apprentice and named her the new Blackstaff’s Heir. (See Blackstaff Tower for details.)
- She briefly dated Renaer around 1482 DR. They both recognize that this was a huge mistake.
Key Info:
- Her friends call her Elra.
- Knows the sewers and other passages beneath the city like the back of her hand.
- The Blackstaff’s Heir. She can wield a Blackstaff and channel Vajra’s power through it.
- Vajra’s right-hand woman in running Force Grey.
- Member of the Black Tears.
Stats: Swashbuckler (DH p. 216)
Appearance: A halfling with curly, chestnut-brown hair and long sideburns. He wears silver rings in his left ear and nostril.
- A charming, boyish grin.
- A finely developed palate for fine wines and liquers.
- Grandson of Madrak Salibuck (Renaer’s butler) and son of Ellial Salibuck. One of his aunts is named Delalar. Not to be confused with Osco Salibuck the Elder, who was his ancestor (and a former associate of Khelben “Blackstuf” Arunsun).
- In 1479 DR he snuck in the magical mansion of Varadras (see Renaer Neverember’s character background) and was discovered there by Renaer and his companions raiding the wine cellars. He joined them in returning Vajra Safahr to Blackstaff Tower and seeing her securely ensconced as the Blackstaff. (See Blackstaff Tower for more details.)
- He was invited to become a founding member of the Black Tears.
- Osco has been employed for several years as the Chief of Household Security for the Roaringhorn family. (Note: This family is engaged with the Great Game, although their efforts are currently far astray. See the Cassalanter’s Report on the Grand Game for details.) Be became close friends with Zelraun Roaringhorn after preventing his death as the result of an undead curse dating back seven generations. Lately he’s had his hands full trying to keep up with the escapades of Harchan Roaringhorn, the young heir.
- Zelraun Roaringhorn (LN male Chondathan human archmage) is seventy-four years old, but has taken enough potions of longevity in his life that he still looks like he’s in his forties. Zelraun’s brother, Tylandar (LN male Chondathan human noble), is the younger brother at nearly seventy-years old, but actually looks his age.
Key Info:
- Member of the Black Tears.
Stats: Spy (MM p. 349)
- Brave: Advantage on saving throws vs. being frightened.
- Halfling Nimbleness: Move through the space of any creature that is a size larger than your own.
- Lucky: When rolling 1 on 1d20, reroll the result (once only).
- Small size
- Speed 25 ft.
- Languages: Common, Halfling
- Has a dagger named Osco’s Luck. (A simple stone dagger with a red, cabochon-cut jasper stone in its pommel. Its name is engraved in Trade Common on the blade.)

Appearance: Mahogony hair with a fully beard. He wears silk shirts unbuttoned to reveal the top tufts of his hairy chest. His stomach has just a little middle-aged padding about it. He has surrendered to the fashions of the court, but insists on wearing practical, waterproofed boots.
- An avid book collector, eager to discuss the most recent titles he’s acquired and those he’s looking to acquire.
- A booming voice, full of mirth.
- Although a happily married man, he still flirts shamelessly with men and women alike.
- Married Natasha Phullbrinter in 1483 DR. His sister is Nhaeran Wands. He became the head of the Wands family in 1479 DR after his cousin, Hurnal Wands, was killed during the Khondar affair that led to Vajra becoming Blackstaff. (See Blackstaff Tower for details.)
- He’s been friends with Renaer Neverember since childhood. His father was a dear friend of Lady Alethea Brandath before her death.
- Although initially reluctant to join the Black Tears, he secretly supported them for several years and helped Renaer fund their activities. Later, he officially became a Black Tear during the Codswallop Affair (although his participation is still largely one of support rather than active duty).
Key Info:
- Member of the Black Tears.
List of Rare Books: Lord Torlyn has either recently acquired or is currently seeking.
- The Salt of the Abyss by Ableworth Dirkley, being a collection of poems inspired by various demonic incursions on the material plane.
- I Remember Him by Piergeiron, a copy that was once owned by Renaer (who lost it in a bet).
- Eladrin Friezes of the 11th Century as Collected by Lord Wendell of Cormyr
- The Day of Fire by Tussaud
- Essays on the Nature of Love by Lord Fulgin Athara
- The three volumes titled Truth, Beauty, and Love by Alyssa of Athkatla
- The Celestial Tower and Tower of the Infernal by Alyssa of Neverwinter
- Arienthil’s Journeys in the Moonshae Isles
Stats: Noble (MM p. 348)
Appearance: A handsome hawknose juts out from between hollow cheeks. He has tightly curled black hair and wears black robes stitched with arcane patterns of silver thread.
- Holds his elbows out and up from his body, forming a kind of platform with his hands from which he gestures.
- An uncanny knack for spotting what people are seeking to hide or deny.
- Steadfastly loyal to those who have earned his friendship.
- Joined the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors in 1473 DR.
- He became friends with Vajra Safahr during the brief period during which she was a member of the Watchful Order and before she was apprenticed to Samarck the Blackstaff.
- During the period in which Khondar was using the Watchful Order to hunt Vajra, Eiruk realized that Khondar had someone impersonating the Blackstaff. He defected to Vajra’s cause and assisted Renaer and his companions in escorting her to the Blackstaff’s Tower. (See Blackstaff’s Tower for details.)
- His mother’s name was Ainla.
Key Info:
- Founding member of the Black Tears, backup heir to the Blackstaff (after Laraelra), and current Maester of the Journeymen in the Watchful Order.
- Loves Vajra, but knows she only returns it as a dear friendship and has come to terms with that.
- Knows that Bowgentra Summertaen, Lady Master of the Watchful Order, has acquired a nimblewright.
Stats: Mage (MM p. 347)

Appearance: Harug is old. His face is craggy even for a dwarf’s. His features look like melted candlewax roughly hewn with a sharp stone.
- The most cantankerous dwarf in the city.
- His shoulders are sagged with a weary weight (although he can still shake it off when he puts his mind to it).
- If you demonstrate your solidarity with the dwarves, he still stand fast by your side through any trouble.
- “Sewyrm shit” is one of his favorite curses.
- Harug was a tunnel worker for the Cellarers’ & Plumbers’ Guild.
- In that work he became friends with Laraelra, who was the daughter of the guildmaster (Malaerigo) but also a steadfast advocate for workers’ rights in the guild (particularly when it came to tackling anti-dwarf racism in the ranks).
- In 1479 DR, he became a founding member of the Black Tears and helped retrofit the basements of Roarke House.
- Harug is now the Dwarf Master of the guild; a position created in order to guarantee the rights of dwarf workers.
- His nephew, Dorn Strongcroft, was also a member of the guild. He was killed in a collapse in 1486 DR.
Key Info:
- Friends with Laraelra Harsard.
- Founding member of the Black Tears.
Stats: Commoner Dwarf (MM p. 345)
- Dwarven Resistance: Advantage vs. poison saving throws. Resistance to poison damage.
- Stonecunning: Add double proficiency bonus to Intelligence (history) checks related to the origin of stonework.
- Speed 25 ft.
- Darkvision 60 ft.
- Languages: Common, Dwarvish
Appearance: Older man with a close-cropped gray beard, wearing spectacles near the end of his long nose.
- Adjusts his spectacles.
- Will frame his conversation by either referring to obscure tomes or by revealing a canny understanding of Waterdeep’s street-lore – the separation of what’s being gossiped on the street from why it’s being gossiped about.
- Likes to show off a cantrip he has that sorts “like with like” (useful for components or spilled jewelry supplies); he learned it from Laraelra and think it’s incredibly clever.
- Sage, smith, and sorcerer.
- Makes replica and counterfeit jewelry for nobles.
- Lives up on Mountainside.
Key Info:
- Founding member of the Black Tears.
List of Rare Books: Parlek has either recently acquired or is currently seeking.
- Arturo’s Moonsea Atlas
- Arienthil’s Journeys in the Moonshae Isles
- Grimoire of the Dukes of Fey
- Duke Nary’s History of 14th Century Teshendale (primarily detailing the fall of Teshendale to Zhentarim slavers out of Zhentil Keep)
- The Idylls of Menzoberranzan by Krenaste Baenre (largely believed to be a forgery)
- Eldarin Friezes of the 11th Century as Collected by Lord Wendell of Cormyr
- Onymatical Analyses of Clockworks by Belgos Glannath
- Memories of Kara-Tur
Stats: Mage (MM p. 347)
- Advantage on History checks.

Appearance: Meloon was once a northern barbarian in all his glory – tousled blond locks, glistening muscles. Now closer to forty than thirty, he cuts his hair short and has a beard that tends more toward scruff than not. Strapped to his side is a battleaxe forged from silver, electrum, and steel, with a handle wrapped in blue dragon hide, and a star sapphire set into its pommel.
- Over his heart he has a tattoo of the family crest of the Wardragons of Loudwater: A serpentine dragon wrapping vertically around a sword resting point down on a green field.
Roleplaying Notes:
- Endlessly optimistic, regardless of how dire things appear.
- Has the wily cunning of a veteran of many battles.
- Is drawn to young adventurers, seeing himself as a younger man in their exploits.
- Squints with one eye.
- Grew up in Loudwater, a thriving community home to humans and half-elves.
- He used to play on the Flying Fish Bridge in Loudwater: Ancient wards on the bridge cause trout trying to swim under the bridge to instead fly over the top of it. It was a local custom to catch one of the fish and then throw it back into the river for good luck.
- His father used to say, “Never trust a man who’s not got a little stuff on his boots. If a man is worried about where he’s stepping, he’s not working hard enough.
- In 1479 DR, he was a mercenary hired by Laraelra Harsard to help rescue Harug Shieldsunder and several other tunnel workers from a collapsed sewer tunnel under Waterdeep. They heard the tortured cries of a woman in pain. Investigating, they discovered that the cellar they were hearing the cries coming from belonged to Renaer Neverember. (In reality, it had been secretly rented out by Renaer’s father.)
- He and Laraelra confronted Renaer, who joined them in investigating the tortured womans’ cries and rescued Vajra Safahr, the Blackstaff’s Heir who had been kidnapped by Khondar. They, along with several of Renaer’s other friends, helped rescue Vajra and get her to Blackstaff Tower, where she assumed her rightful place as the new Blackstaff. (See Blackstaff Tower for details.)
- As a founding member of the Black Tears and, later, a member of Force Grey, Meloon spent years adventuring in the service of Waterdeep.
- Three weeks ago, he accompanied a fledgling band of adventurers on an expedition into Undermountain. While resting, the band was ambushed by a Xanatharian troupe. Meloon was overcome by an intellect devourer and became a slave to Nihiloor and Xanathar.
Key Info:
- Currently infested with an intellect devourer controlled by Nihiloor, a mind flayer working for Xanathar. (It requires a wish spell to restore Meloon’s brain.)
- His magical axe, Azuredge, wants a new wielder due to the intellect devourer and Meloon must engage in a contest of wills each morning (see Dragon Heist, p. 36).
- Keeps a room at the Yawning Portal.
- Founding member of the Black Tears.
- Member of Force Grey who reports directly to Vajra.
Stats: Dragon Heist, p. 210
Appearance: Dazzlingly handsome. Flowing locks of red hair pour down over his shoulders. Blue-green eyes that swim with the depths of the Sea of Swords. A square jaw framing an enchanting smile.
- More beauty than brains, he expects to be well-liked by everyone he meets.
- A dazzling smile.
- Flirts shamelessly with attractive men and women (but desists if they show no interest).
- Used to work as an escort in festhalls, but is currently unemployed.
- Several months ago, he came upon a married noble engaging in some indiscreet behavior, and now lives off the generous bribe he is being paid to keep quiet.
Key Info:
- Friends with both Renaer and Volo.
- Very well connected, with friends all over the city.
Stats: CG Illuskan human commoner (MM p. 345).
- Ability Scores: Intelligence 7 (-2), Charisma 13 (-1)
- Languages: Common
Addendum: Manor Menu