The Alexandrian

Tavern Time - Dragon Heist

Go to Part 1


1Tally Fellbranch (Bent Nail)
2Embric & Avi (Steam and Steal)
3Fala Lefaliir (Corellon's Crown)
4Vincent Trench (Tiger's Eye)
5Rishaal the Page-Turner (Book Wyrm)
6Renaer Neverember
7-8Renaer's Friends (see sub-table)
9Meloon Wardragon
10Floon Blagmaar
11Hammond Kraddoc (Vintners' Guild)
13Broxley Fairkettle (Innkeepers)
13Ulkoria Stonemarrow
14Mattrim "Threestrings" Mereg
15Jalester Silvermane
16Yagra Stonefist
17[Faction Contact]
18[Campaign NPC] (or reroll)
19Jarlaxle (or reroll)
20Faction Response Team (or reroll)

FACTION CONTACT: This result should be keyed to the PCs’ contact for whatever faction they end up doing faction missions for. (If they become members of multiple factions, randomly determine or choose one.)

CAMPAIGN NPC: This slot is left open for adding an NPC that the players like from other parts of the campaign. (I’m currently using this slot for Valetta & Nim.) This can includes characters from the Renaer’s Friends table below if the PCs seem to have forged a strong relationship with them and you’d like to increase the likelihood of them showing up. (Of course, you can always arbitrarily decide that so-and-so will be dropping by the tavern that night.)

OTHER MODIFICATIONS: Swap out other characters that aren’t resonating with your players and add NPCs who they’ve formed relationships with.

1-6Renaer Neverember + Roll Again
7-8Vajra Safahr (the Blackstaff)
9-10Laraelra "Elra" Harsard
11-12Osco Salibuck
13-14Lord Torlyn Wands
15Eiruk Weskur
16Harug Shieldmaster
17Parlek Lateriff
18Meloon Wardragon
19Floon Blagmaar
20[Faction Spy Watching Renaer]

FACTION SPY: Determine faction randomly or choose appropriately based on the events in the campaign so far.


  • A spontaneous arm-wrestling competition breaks out.
  • A local kenku street gang comes into the tavern. They try to sell traveler’s dust to the patrons. (Traveler’s Dust: Tiny roseate crystals. A single grain is usually dropped into the eye, where it dissolves. Those using it are said to be walking the crimson road. Those using traveler’s dust often have trembling hands, slurred speech, and eyes the color of blood. Creates a euphoric feeling paired to a sensation of the world slowing down around you.)
  • PCs walk in to find a horse standing in the middle of the common room. No one can explain how it got there or who owns it.
  • A patron slips a drug into a drink before returning to their own table.
  • A 12-year-old pickpocket named Stannis is working the crowd. His handler, a half-orc named Sabeen, is waiting outside.
  • A portal opens in the middle of the tavern. An elven wizard named Kyser Tameno walks out, orders a drink, and goes back through the portal. (He might become a regular.)
  • The City Watch makes an arrest on the premises.
  • Volo shows up and would like to make arrangements for a signing of Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Also has a number of questions regarding the haunting of Trollskull Manor for Volo’s Guide to Spirits and Specters.
  • Staff Event (e.g., the star elf triplets float up to the ceiling and a spontaneous light show erupts; after a few minutes they float back down and resume service as if nothing happened)

Go to Part 4: Patron Topics & Agendas

One Response to “A Night in Trollskull Manor – Part 3: Patron Tables & Events”

  1. Kashyyk says:

    You seem to be missing half of your FACTION CONTACT section, as it cuts off halfway through a sentence.

    Unrelated: Long time reader, first time commenter! Your insight and advice are incredibly useful and I’ve been working them into the campaign I’m currently developing.

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