The Alexandrian

Archive for the ‘Random’ category

Neil Gaiman Contest

April 27th, 2011

I mentioned this a few days ago, but people were having some difficulty finding my button on the website in order to vote. The contest site seems to have realized they had a problem and improved their interface.

This should solve the problem. Just click thru. You can vote once per day.


Bloody Deer Path

Deer in Scotland have begun biting off the heads of baby birds, sucking out their bones, and leaving behind deformed carcasses of deflated meat. Apparently they’re seeking to supplement the limited calcium in their diet (which they need in order to support the growth of their mating antlers)

But slap on a ritualistic patterning to the bird murders, and you’ve got the basic building blocks of a pretty decent horror scenario. (Or are the birds the real problem with the deer being enchanted by a local druid circle to stop whatever cuckoo terror is nesting on the island?)

Alternatively, crank up the stakes in a fantasy horror game: Replace “baby birds” with “actual babies”. Replace “deer” with “dire deer”. (Possibly deer who have become dire due to their blood-drinking rites. And what happens when the bloodcraze begins to spread?)


Nightfall - Isaac AsimovI’m not sure why I’ve never noticed it before, but Asimov’s “Nightfall” short story is totally a tale of the Lovecraftian Mythos.

Think about it: You’ve got a strange cult whose primordial origins predate the rise of civilization which predicts the end of the world. Forward thinking men of the modern age learn of the cult’s beliefs, scoff at first, but then begin discovering strange and disturbing correlations with their own researches.

And then the Stars Are Right and everyone is driven mad in a cataclysm of truth.

Justin Alexander - HeadshotIf you’ve got a couple seconds, I’d much appreciate your electoral muscle.

There’s a contest for appearing in a minor role as part of the upcoming full-cast audio book for Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. If you go here:

Justin’s Awesome Entry

You can hear me read a short passage from the book. And then, if you don’t feel I suck too much, you can vote for my entry.

Don’t throw your vote away! Rock the vote! Vote early, vote often! No taxation without representation! Umm… Vote Dunkelzahn for President!

(And thanks.)

Oh! Gnomes!

April 6th, 2011

Oh! Gnomes!

Squish the gnomes! SQUISH THEM GOOD!

Wizards know that you should never keep your money under your mattress. That’s why you’ve placed your coins in a decorative circle in the garden and enchanted a magical groundling to guard them.

But now the garden gnomes are coming to steal your coins to fund their nefarious schemes! It seems easy enough to keep them at bay (just crush them with your thumbs!), but as the elves will tell you: Never trust a gnome! They’re wily creatures, and before you know it squishing won’t be enough to stop them.

Oh Gnomes!

Available for the Android NOW
Coming to the iPhone SOON

EDIT: This post didn’t have enough context. I didn’t have anything to do with this game, but I have done some scripting work for some other unreleased projects from Groundling Games. This particular post was just me saying, “This game is fun! Check it out!”


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