The Alexandrian

Nightfall - Isaac AsimovI’m not sure why I’ve never noticed it before, but Asimov’s “Nightfall” short story is totally a tale of the Lovecraftian Mythos.

Think about it: You’ve got a strange cult whose primordial origins predate the rise of civilization which predicts the end of the world. Forward thinking men of the modern age learn of the cult’s beliefs, scoff at first, but then begin discovering strange and disturbing correlations with their own researches.

And then the Stars Are Right and everyone is driven mad in a cataclysm of truth.

6 Responses to “Thought of the Day: Nightfall = Mythos”

  1. Hautamaki says:

    This is a cool thought but I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s also very interested in your thoughts on Game of Thrones, potentially the coolest thing to happen to television… ever…?

  2. Confanity says:

    An interesting way of looking at in. In that light, hasn’t Asimov out-Lovecrafted Lovecraft? Instead of needing to invent an Unspeakably Horrible Monster, he drew on not only the idea that the outer universe cold and dark and uncaring, but also that our own minds are full of madness and death just waiting for their chance. And instead of the story requiring one researcher-protagonist to be isolated to build atmosphere, he constructed a scenario where nobody is safe — whether alone or in a large group.

  3. Reverend Shannon says:

    I’ll second the request for a game of thrones analysis. I enjoyed your take in your review of the first couple of books. It seems like you never got back to them (small wonder, with your awesome rate of posting the last few (six?) months.
    Also, I’m trying to locate your what I have been reading #x, wherein you reviewed a book about a “living” dungeon, with a ‘main road,’ or something similar.
    When I search the archives, I get a couple of recent WIR and then it jumps to #59 or something. Please help!!
    I think I’ll pick up Nightfall, too, as I’m intruiged the the ‘nobody is safe’ threat.
    Thank you for you intruiging and enjoyable blog – I can get analysis of Shakespear and articles about stairs. Please keep it up!!

  4. Justin Alexander says:

    The missing review is probably falling in the gap of yet-to-be-converted posts. Go to and you should find it.

    Re: AGoT. I actually haven’t read the fourth book yet. I’ve been debating whether to let the series sit until its finished, but I’m wavering in my resolve. (Ironically I own four copies of the fourth book, having bought one for myself and then being gifted with it multiple times.)

    But I will definitely be checking out the TV series ASAP.

  5. Hautamaki says:

    I watched the first two episodes. Totally awesome. Have some other thoughts, but really want to hear the professionals breakdown =p

  6. Reverend Shannon says:

    Thank you very much. WIR #66 Sign of the Labrys. Just ordered it.
    Ditto on game of thrones. Not sure how it works if you haven’t read the books, but I like it. I’m watching episode 2 tonight.

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