The Alexandrian

Dweredell – On Sale Now!

June 10th, 2007

City Supplement 1: DweredellCity Supplement 1: Dweredell is now available for sale through Dream Machine Produtions’ preferred vendor,! You will also find it for sale through DriveThruRPG, although their software is buggy at the moment and crashes whenever I try to upload a cover image. It was also supposed to appear on RPGNow and the ENWorld Download Shop, but — as of this writing — this has not yet been achieved (for reasons unknown, since they’re run by the same organization that runs DriveThruRPG).

A print-on-demand hardcopy edition of City Supplement 1: Dweredell will be available as soon as I’ve had a chance to review a production proof from Lulu. In the future I anticipate releasing the POD edition at the same time as the PDF edition, but since this is our first product I want to review it and make sure it meets my personal standards of quality before asking anyone to lay down cold, hard cash for it.

However, in the interest of being perfectly up front with all of you, allow me to point out that City Supplement 1: Dweredell was designed as a PDF product. It only serves up 12 pages of content, which presents a pretty solid value for a $2 PDF product once you factor in the full-page map of the city and the special bonus map of the Tower of the Sorcerer. But as a POD product it’s going to have a price tag of $6.49 (due to the minimum costs associated with any POD product). That’s a pretty hefty price tag for a fairly slim package.

(To give you some idea of how much those minimum costs end up being, I end up making less money on the $6.49 POD than I do on the $2 PDF.)

So why offer it as a POD at all? Because there’s no reason not to. It costs me essentially nothing to offer the POD option. And if someone wants a professionally published copy of the book, with a full-color cover and saddle-stitch binding, there’s no reason I can think of for why they shouldn’t have it. (Besides, I’m a raging egomaniac and I’m looking forward to holding a copy in my own hands.)

So why talk about the price here? Because in the future we’re going to be offering larger and more substantial products — products that probably make more sense for the POD format. And I don’t want anyone ordering a POD copy of City Supplement 1: Dweredell, being surprised by its slim size, and writing off those future products as a result.

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