I had mentioned a few days ago that I was holding off on offering City Supplement 1: Dweredell as a printed book until I’d had a chance to personally review a galley proof from Lulu. Well, the galley proof arrived in the mail over the weekend and, after a thorough review, I’m happy to report that everything looks simply fabulous.
And so I’m quite pleased to announce that you can now buy City Supplement 1: Dweredell from Lulu.com for $6.49. And, of course, you can still buy the PDF e-book for just $2.00.
UPDATE: OneBookShelf has gotten things straightened out, and you can now find the book on RPGNow and the ENWorld Download Shop.
I thought you might be interested! I am using Dweredell in my current game. Here is the map without the keyed entries, for sharing with the players:
Adventure reports:
(Look for “The Road to Dweredell,” “None of Your Beeswax,” “Welcome to My Parlor,” and “Good Neighbors.”
The characters now have a lair in the dwarven quarter.