The Alexandrian

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We’ve analyzed the revelation lists of Storm King’s Thunder and we’ve revised those revelation lists by adding and enhancing clues throughout the campaign.

Before we move on, I want to talk for a moment about the fact that what we’ve seen so far is not what my typical revelation list looks like. In the middle of a session, of course, you don’t want to have to remember that there’s a clue on the revelation list that you need to inject into a particular scene or location. You want that information to be at your fingertips and ready to go.

So although we’ve been detailing what our revised clues will be on the Remix’s revelation lists, what I would do in actual practice is:

  • Work the clues into the actual key of the adventure.
  • Write up a much more streamlined revelation list to serve as a combination of index and checklist during play.

The revelation lists that we’ve presented here in the Remix, therefore, are best thought of as worksheets or to-do lists. The expectation here is that you’ll add this material to your prep notes, develop it where necessary, and distill a final revelation list for use in actual play (that isn’t bloated with the now extraneous details).


Let’s consider the revelation list for Deadstone Cleft. In Part 3B of the Remix, our worksheet list for this revelation looked like this:


  • Uthgardt Blessings (Stone Stand). Members of the Blue Bear tribe, which has recently formed an alliance with Kayalithica of Deadstone Cleft, seek blessings from the Grandfather Oak at Stone Stand for their efforts. They do so by describing their endeavor on the tanned hide of a bear, which is then tied with blue gut-string in ceremonial knots and left within the clefts between the old oak’s roots. One of these was left by Kriga Moonmusk (p. 66) seeking blessing for her alliance with Kayalithica. The document includes a reference to Deadstone Cleft as Kayalithica’s fortress. (The PCs should be able to make inquiries to identify the location of Deadstone Cleft.)
  • Silixia (Grayvale), p. 88. This young brass dragon will point the PCs towards Deadstone Cleft.
  • Grudd Haug – Area 13: Prisoner. Gryhawk, the Uthgardt prisoner here, is from the Blue Bear tribe (instead of the Elk tribe). He was a spy sent by Kayalithica, but was captured by the giants. If freed, he will thank the PCs (as described on p. 144) and tell them that he is certain they will also have the thanks of the greater giants that he serves when he returns to Deadstone Cleft.
  • Svardborg – Area 1G: Throne Room. Jarl Storvald has correspondence from Kayalithica, in which she proposes, with the Ordning dissolved, an alliance between them — one in which her giants will “tear apart all that the little ones have built, restoring Ostoria to its glory” under her rule, while Storvald’s reavers will “rule the seas.” Her letter notes that she has traveled to consult the oracles of Deadstone Cleft in the Graypeak Mountains, and it has suggested that the All-Father and fortune alike would smile on such an alliance.
  • Questioning/Backtracking Giants. Grayvale Run (p. 88), Llorkh (p. 96), Orlbar (Zorkh, p. 103). The origins of the giants in Grayvale Run and Llorkh are not indicated in the text, but are from Deadstone Cleft.
  • Eye of the All-Father, p. 151. Oracle gives them directions.

Ultimately, in my prep notes for the campaign this revelation list would look like this:


  • Uthgardt Blessings (Stone Stand)
  • Interrogating Silixia (Grayvale), p. 88.
  • Uthgardt Prisoner (Grudd Haug, Area 13)
  • Kayalthica’s Letter to Jarl Storvald (Svardborg, Area 1G)
  • Questioning/Backtracking Giants. Grayvale Run (p. 88), Llorkh (p. 96), Orlbar (Zorkh, p. 103).
  • Directions of the Eye of the All-Father, p. 151.

It’s not difficult, obviously, to see the rather radical difference between these two lists, and how much easier it would be to reference and use the latter during play. (For more details on this, check out Using Revelation Lists.)


In How to Prep a Module, I discuss how I prepare my notes for a published adventure like this. The short version is that, rather than rewriting entire locations, my notes usually consist of a diff doc (which simply notates what changes or new elements are added to the published key).

For example, Area 13 of Grudd Haug (STK, p. 144) reads:


In the area north of the pigpen, rivulets of water trickle down the north wall and carve shallow ruts in the floor as they snake their way across the room and through openings in the opposite wall. Five wooden cages are arranged about the room. Their doors are situated on top, with heavy rocks placed on them. A creature can use an action to attempt a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to knock off a rock or open a cage door that has a rock pressing down on it. The sound of a rock hitting the cave floor alerts the guards in this area.

Three of the five cages contain prisoners destined for Guh’s gullet. Two bugbears guard the prisoners. These bugbears can’t be surprised once the alarm sounds or if they hear combat in area 12.


Unless otherwise noted, all the adult prisoners are commoners. Child prisoners are unarmed noncombatants with AC 10 and 2 hit points each.

One cage contains human farmers: a father, a mother, and their three children (a teenage girl and two boys).

A second cage holds an unarmed tribal warrior of the Elk tribe, Gryhawk (CN male Uthgardt human). He fights alongside his liberators. If he makes it out of Grudd Haug, he bites the palm of his hand and tries to smear his blood on the faces of those who freed him. Anyone who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (Religion) check realizes that this gesture is a sign of gratitude. Gryhawk leaves to return to his tribe whether the characters accept his gratitude or not.

A third cage holds an unarmed prisoner: Emerald Enclave member Ghalvin Dragonmoor (CG male half-elf scout). If freed, he asks the characters to escort him to Goldenfields, so that he can report to the Abbot what he has seen.

In my prep notes I would simply write:


Gryhawk: Blue Bear tribe member.

  • Spy sent by Kayalithica.
  • If freed, tells PCs that he is certain they will also have the thanks of the greater giants that he serves when he returns to Deadstone Cleft.

And that’s it. Super simple.

When running adventures like this, my procedure is simply to check my prep notes first to see if there are any modifications to an area and then refer to the printed adventure. (This means that I have the changes I need to make in mind as I scan the text, and can easily apply them as I go.)

On rare occasions, an area or scene may need to be so completely redesigned that it’s easier to just rewrite the whole thing. If that’s the case, I indicate this in my prep notes (with a tag like [REVISED]) and then I know I can just ignore the printed adventure entirely for this bit.

I also recommend paying attention to opportunities to prep physical props. Kayalithica’s letter to Jarl Storvald is a perfect example of this: Actually writing out the letter will take a little extra effort, but it will be a big value-add for the campaign and pay dividends as the PCs explore the sprawling twists and turns of Storm King’s Thunder.

Go to Part 4: Hekaton is Missing!

16 Responses to “Storm King’s Remix – Part 3E: Implementing the Revelations”

  1. Travis Lawrence says:

    I am currently running Storm King’s Thunder and I was wondering if this is something you will return to and finish at any point soon

  2. Muxor says:

    Yeah, same here.

    I’ve been wanting to run this campaign for a while, and struggled with exactly the same issues you mentioned. I found these entries super inspiring, I used them to start prepping my own version of this module. I’m planning on starting it in a few weeks.

    I’d love to know how you adapt the end of the module.

  3. Alexander says:

    I’m just starting this campaign and would love some insight into how to end it! Thanks!

  4. Jo says:

    Been absolutely loving this remix series as I’ve adapted and taken inspiration from it for my own SKT campaign that I’m running at the moment.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful work on this campaign and your countless other incredible D&D resources and articles!!!

    I’m definitely considering becoming a patron/supporter of your content soon, hoping you get a chance to finish off this remix series for SKT soon!!

    Many thanks

  5. Johnson says:

    Man, if I’d had found this earlier, I’d saved myself a lot of pain! The insights here are incredible!
    Thank you for your work and guidance, I am trying to build my own follow-up campaign once the “OG” SKT is finished in order to ultimately reach a satisfying conclusion.

    I am immensely curious, if and how you will proceed and finish the the remix here!

  6. Kelly says:

    Absolutely loving this series!

    Please please please return and finish off the final sections, this would be really useful for when I run the campaign in the future!

  7. Justin Alexander says:

    I’ll be coming back to this series at some point, if all goes well. My most recent attempt got derailed by the OGL nonsense. I’m hoping nobody decides to momentarily blow up the industry the next time I have a gap in my schedule to work on it.

  8. Gareth says:

    Hope this gets finished now i’ve

  9. Keltox says:

    This has been a godsend for me and my campaign and I thank you so much for it. Would there be a way to get alerts for when this is updated? And any updates on when this will continue. Thanks 🙂 love your stuff

  10. Justin Alexander says:

    @Keltox: You can follow my Patreon. The site also has an RSS feed.

    I’m currently working on wrapping up a bunch of dangling projects that got left hanging partly because I was working my new book, So You Want To Be a Game Master, and this one is on the list.

  11. Keltox says:

    @Justin Alexander thank you so much! You’re awesome

  12. Keltox says:

    In your patreon, if I set my max to 1/month, do I get to see the post title and then choose to have that post as my 1/mo or is it automatically the first post made?

  13. Justin Alexander says:

    You get access to everything. Your support is just capped at 1 post per month (at whatever amount you choose to support per post).

    Think of it like this: If you want to encourage me to produce lots of posts each month, support multiple posts. If you’d rather just do a monthly “subscription,” just set the amount of monthly support you want to give and set the 1 post cap.

    You should also be able to Follow my Patreon without becoming a patron.

  14. Mike says:

    I admit I don’t care for how poorly executed the 5th ed. adventures have been. I’m not sure they are even worth the money for mining ideas at the prices they cost and time spent to find those ideas. But, Storm King’s Thunder is one that I can’t seem to part with because it just scratches something I like about fantasy adventure. So thanks for offering your ideas on how to improve it and use it at the table. Look forward to Part 4/5 and any other thoughts you have on this one. Thanks!

  15. Travis Lawrence says:

    Travis again 😀 still running this campaign fantabulously enough, players have been romping about the Sword Coast (Mustah’ra in my world) and have been dealing with stuff from their characters’ backstories, but I think it’s time to reign it back in and return to the module. Really happy to be able to tie in the stuff in this series and give them real reasons to be going where they’re going. Have also been running Descent, love the work you did on that as well.

  16. Jack says:

    Just wondering if you’re are still planning on finishing this remix?

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