The Alexandrian

Bryn Shander Market - Wizards of the Coast

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We’ll start revising the revelation lists for Storm King’s Thunder by looking at the leads that take us from Nightstone to the Three Cities (Bryn Shander, Goldenfields, and Triboar).

A significant change in these revelations is that I’m breaking up Morak’s Quests from Nightstone (p. 31). As written, all three of these quests take the form of, “Please tell so-and-so that their family member is dead.” If you’re using all three hooks (as I recommend), this is very repetitive. I wanted both more variety and, where possible, higher stakes. So we’ve done that and also changed up the scenario hooks so that they come from different people.

Whereas it’s relatively likely that the PCs will enter the regions around Goldenfields and Triboar coincidentally during their travels (if they don’t stumble into them directly), the trick with Bryn Shander is that there’s nothing to really draw the PCs up into the Frozenfar (where we could naturally seed local activity that would hook the PCs into Icewind Dale). To counteract this, I’ve included a hyper-flexible lead in the form of a Harper’s Message that can be dropped into any one of a dozen locations.

Note that the Blod Stone and Escorting Ghalvin Dragonmoor leads are both included for completeness, but both are likely to either happen after the giant attacks these revelations are designed to introduce or preclude them from happening (for reasons described earlier).


  • Delfryndels’ Quest (Nightstone). The Delfryndels’ neighbor and friend Semile Southwell was killed by a giant’s boulder (p. 22). They’ve gathered a small bundle of Semile’s personal belongings and would dearly like to see them delivered to Semile’s brother, Markham Southwell, who lives in Bryn Shander. The PCs are wanderers… is there any chance they might be heading towards the Frozenfar? (If they see that the PCs have Semile’s gold ring, which was looted from her dead hand by a goblin, they’ll request that it, too, be given to Markham. Or express their regret that the ring is missing.)
  • Missing Everlund Merchants (Everlund). A merchant named Chenu sent agents to Bryn Shander to arrange the purchase of knucklehead scrimshaw (which is incredibly popular with the mercantile and noble families in Everlund). They were supposed to have returned two months ago, but there’s been no sign of them. She’s looking to hire some people who can handle themselves to figure out what happened to them. (Inquiries reveal that they were killed in a yeti caravan attack. They had no identifying paperwork, but the PCs can identify them by their merchant’s sigil. Duvessa Shane (p. 38) has held the money they were carrying in care; if the PCs can satisfy her that they are the rightful agents, they can receive the money and perhaps even arrange for the scrimshaw that Chenu needs.)
  • Frozenfar Caravan (Hundelstone). A caravan in Hundelstone lost its guards to a yeti attack. They’re ready to head back north into Icewind Dale, but they need new protectors. (You can find a usable caravan in Legacy of the Crystal Shard.)
  • Harper’s Message. A Harper agent asks the PCs to deliver a message to Beldora, a Harper operating in Icewind Dale. In whatever location the message is coming from, a recent string of murders was traced to a local cult of Auril. Documents found with the cult indicated that they had received visions of an “Ice Maiden” appearing on the Reghed Glacier; an omen of Auril’s “ascension.” They’d like Beldora to look into it.
  • Blod Stone (Berg of the Frost Giants), p. 156 & 165. This magical artifact points towards the nearest blood relative of Artus Cimber, which is currently Sirac of Suzail in Bryn Shander.

Note: Alternatively, if the PCs belong to a faction who might be hostile to the Harpers, you could have them sent on a mission to assassinate, expose, or blackmail Beldora.


  • Nightstone’s Need (Nightstone). Nightstone’s food stores have been destroyed or looted. They need a large shipment of food as soon as possible, and the best place to go for it is Goldenfields. Whoever ends up in charge of Nightstone when the dust settles will ask the PCs to make the journey and arrange things.
  • Call for an Old Friend (Uluvin). If the PCs save Uluvin from the hill giants, the community will need help rebuilding. The grateful widow Zorandra Heller (p. 112) remembers a moon elf druid named Aerglas who lived in the town for awhile when she was a young girl. She believes he would be able to help them now, and gives the PCs a ring of protection with his sigil which was given to her mother as a gift by Aerglas. She knows that Aerglas now resides in Goldenfields.
  • Dead Messenger. (Dessarin Valley) While passing through the Dessarin Valley, the PCs find the body of a dead messenger in the livery of House Thann of Waterdeep (Dragon Heist, p. 162). He’s carrying a message addressed to Zi Liang of Goldenfields informing her that her father has died. (Zi Liang’s Quest, p. 52, is now in immediate response to her father’s death.)
  • Zhentarim Payroll (Bargewright Inn). Zhentarim-affiliated PCs will be asked to deliver a coffer to Shalvus Martholio in Goldenfields (p. 46). The coffer contains cash Shalvus will be using to make strategic bribes to officials in Goldenfields to further the Black Network’s goal of taking control of the community.
  • Escorting Ghalvin Dragonmoor (Den of the Hill Giants), p. 144. Freed from the hill giants, Ghalvin asks the PCs to escort him back to Goldenfields.

Note: The Call for an Old Friend hook points the PCs to Lifferlas’ Quest in Goldenfields.


  • Morak’s Quest (Nightstone), p. 31. Morak’s friend and neighbor, Darthag Ulgar, was eaten by giant rats. Darthag ran the Lionshield Coster trading post in Nightstone, and his ex-wife runs a similar trading post in Triboar. The trading post is a vital lifeline for Nightstone’s economy. Morak asks the PCs to travel to Triboar, deliver news of Darthag’s death, and try to make arrangements for the Lionshield Coster to send an agent to Nightstone.
  • Deed to the Frog (Helm’s Hold). If the PCs accept the quest given to them in Helm’s Hold (p. 91) and encounter the raiding frost giant, they will discover that he has taken a prisoner named Artus Riversword. The frost giant knows that his lord is seeking Artus Cimber and when he heard Artus’ wife shout her husband’s name (just before the giant killed her), he concluded this must be the guy. Riversword is unrelated to Cimber, but he is the descendant of Alatha Riversword, who was once the proprietess of the Frost-Touched Frog in Triboar (p. 56). Artus and his wife were heading back to their farmstead from a local village market. Artus will ask the PCs to help him carry his wife’s body home for burial, and then give them the deed to the Frost-Touched Frog as thanks for saving his life.
  • Armorial Order (Citadel Felbarr). King Morinn and Queen Tithmel once received splendid suits of ceremonial armor from Ghelryn Foehammer of Triboar (p. 57). They would now like to order an armorial crest of their coat of arms from the talented smith. Since the PCs are outsiders, would they consider carrying the royal request to him?

Note: The king and queen are already designed to give the PCs a lead pointing at the Forge of the Fire Giants (p. 79). I recommend sequencing these requests with Ghelryn Foehammer’s Quest (p. 62): The PCs are asked by the king and queen to deliver their message to Foehammer; Foehammer then asks them to let the king and queen know he will deliver the armorial crest and also writes them a letter of recommendation; on the strength of the letter of recommendation, the king and queen then send the PCs to investigate the fire giants.

Since Citadel Felbarr is somewhat out of the way, you might want to strengthen this by adding an extra lead or two pointing at Felbarr to begin with. However, this is probably not necessary: Because Triboar is a major crossroads, the leads here can afford to be a little more esoteric.

Go to Part 3B: The Giant Lairs

2 Responses to “Storm King’s Remix – Part 3A: The Three Cities”

  1. Wyvern says:

    “The PCs help one of the giant factions achieve victory in the new Ordning, ending the conflict.”

    That sounds like a great idea. First, I think it’s never a bad thing to challenge players by presenting them with problems that can’t be solved by stabbing them in the face. Secondly, it means that the players’ choices will have a lasting impact on the campaign setting, which should make them feel important.

  2. Chili Sunrise says:

    Love the guide so far^^ Definitely helps pinpointing the issues and how to fix them, which is why I often come to the website when I see new guides 🙂

    Would you recommend giving all the Nightstone Quests for the three cities at once? Or one or two, then try to “redirect” the Players to the other cities once the location condition (such as Helm’s Hold for Deed to the Frog) has been met?

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