The Alexandrian

Klaas of the RPG Heroes Podcast interviewed me for a great discussion about meaningful choice in RPGs. You can also check it out on Youtube:

Klaas has told me that it’s already proven to be one of the most popular episodes of the podcast. Unfortunately, it was also the last as he’s moving onto new projects. But you can still check out all 24 episodes!

5 Responses to “Check This Out – RPG Heroes: Meaningful Choices in RPGs”

  1. Avian Overlord says:

    It was, in fact, DM of the Rings.

  2. Xercies says:

    I think this interview made me understand that I was running three clue rule/node based design a bit wrong. When I tried it I couldn’t help but feel it was a little mechanical and railroady.

    I think the reason was is because I was putting emphasis on the clues, I was almost putting a neon sign on them. So it flooded the scene and the play with those clues, so there wasn’t much playing for the characters to actually do. What you said in the interview made me think that the clues are more like things in the scene that the players may interact with and may not interact with.

    This is making me think I have to re-think how i prep the nodes, because my thoughts as a GM is being worried about the players not noticing the clues and not knowing where to go and what to do.

  3. Avian Overlord says:


    That’s kind of the point of the three clue rule in the first place. Since you have redundant clues, the PCs don’t need to find all of them.

  4. Michael says:

    I couldn’t find any way to purchase the Magical Kitties.. pdfs here:

  5. Justin Alexander says:

    Click from that page to the specific boxed set/book you want. Menu on the right side has a drop down menu for selecting Physical or Digital. Select Digital and then hit the Buy button!

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