The Alexandrian

Twitch - The Alexandrian

If you only follow me here on the website, you might not know that the Alexandrian has started streaming on Twitch! I’d been thinking about doing this for awhile, but what finally made me take the plunge was Virtual Gamehole Con back in November 2020. I had a number of seminars planned for the convention, and it turned out Twitch was the best way to deliver those.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the stream yet, you might be interested in the Design An Adventure series, in which I literally design an adventure on stream. If you’ve ever been curious about how I use the structures and other procedures I talk about here in actual practice, this is what you’ve been looking for!


In this video we use the 5-Node Mystery template to design an adventure for Feng Shui.


Here we start designing a node-based scenario for D&D which ends up being called “Noemi’s Dream.”


I’ve also been doing work on the Descent Into Avernus remix on Twitch. This is one example of these streams.

I’ll be streaming later today at 12:00pm CST.  Stop on by!

6 Responses to “Twitch Highlights: Design An Adventure”

  1. Bruno says:

    Hey, these are great videos. Thanks for making them. Are you looking into reposting to YouTube or will they be Twitch-only?

  2. Sableheart says:

    From what I’ve seen of these streams, they are great videos, but I also found that the abrupt and jarring way twitch handles ads makes them essentially unwatchable for me. Is there any chance your streams will be edited for youtube some day?

  3. Justin Alexander says:

    I’m hoping to get a Youtube channel set up in the near-ish future. I’m not sure how much of the focus will be on original Youtube content vs. repackaged Twitch content.

  4. Sableheart says:

    repackaged twitch content would be great already. Don’t overwork yourself trying to set up yet another media presence in addition to these blogs, your streams, and your normal work for Atlas.

  5. Pedro Cosín says:

    Es una pena que los directores de juego de habla no inglesa nos perdamos estos vídeos. El blog, gracias a los traductores en linea, sí es accesible.

    En cualquier caso, quisiera agradecerte la cantidad de material de alta calidad que publicas en este sitio.

  6. Justin Alexander says:

    Gracias, Pedro.

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