The Alexandrian

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San Angelo, like the rest of the world, is very different in the year 2070.

The most noticeable change, of course, are the two arcologies which now dominate the area. These massive structures were erected by the massive conglomerate corporations which came to dominate the world economy in the aftermath of the war. They are controlled ecologies, designed in response to the worsening conditions of the outside world. Like the gated communities of the late-20th century they are the result of those with power and resources wishing to control the environment in which they live, free from the influences of those people and things which they consider to be “negative”. Like the corporate towns of the 19th century they are a way for companies to exert massive amounts of control over the lives of their employees.

San Angelo - PhotonIn the early part of the 21st century Stephen Bow – also known as the supervillain Photon – succeeded in taking over Eclipse Industries. Bow proved adept at charting a course through the turbulent times and succeeded, through means both legal and illegal, in guiding Eclipse Industries to a preeminent position in the global marketplace. After swallowing up many other regional companies, Eclipse Industries was one of the pioneers of the arcology concept. Initially the idea was sold as a public works project designed to reclaim the urban areas which were disintegrating under the economic and population pressures placed on it. Later Bow would take advantage of his political ties in a time of increasing destabilization to put Eclipse Industries in place as the sole owner and authority over the arcology – cementing the company as a preminent power in the region. Bow died in 2050. The company is now run by his son, Christopher. Christopher inherited his father’s superpowers and adopted the moniker Neutron when supers began to reappear.

During this same time the only company which came even close to keeping pace with Bow and Eclipse Industries was Orion Labs, run and operated by Franklin Colt. As the local economy slowly disintegrated Colt found himself forced unwillingly into a position of direct competition with Stephen Bow, a person he considered contemptible. He had little choice, however, because without the continuing strength of Orion Labs – maintained primarily through Colt’s adeptness at landing military contracts during the war – Eclipse Industries would have quickly beome the sole corporate interest in the area (a trend which was being followed in most of the urban centers around the country). Colt eventually even embraced the emerging arcology concept – due to his influence, however, the Orion Arcology remains the largest member of the ANAA, primarily because of the miles-long park and nature rehabilitation area which runs down its center (known as Central Park). Colt supposedly died in 2012 during an accident in his laboratory. Unknown to all except a select few, Colt’s research was an attempt to expand on the work of Hal Revette. An accident in Colt’s experiments caused the instability in the singularity which would eventually cause it to collapse. His son, Laurence, took over the company. Laurence made some bad choices during his tenure and lost controlling interest of the company, which is now run by the board of directors. Laurence was killed under mysterious circumstances in 2067. His daughter, Elizabeth, is attempting to retake control of the company, which has broken down into several different factions which are largely unaware of what the others are doing.

Orion Labs (not the same one, but a cool logo)

Elizabeth, for her part, was the one who reopened her grandfather’s research into Revette Singularities as a potential energy source. In 2064 she succeeded in creating a stable singularity which could be harnessed for energy production. Much to her surprise, however, this action resurrected her grandfather – who had been saturated with flux radiation and captured in a pocket dimension during his accident. So far Franklin’s existence has been concealed, but he is secretly helping Elizabeth to retake the company. Franklin is also helping his granddaughter in another way: He has the ability to channel flux energy directly, but only through a secondary host. With his help, Elizabeth has assumed the identity of Sunflare.


Urban areas outside of the arcologies have come to be known by the term “out-towns”. In most cases these areas have been almost wholly abandoned by the corporate interests within the arcologies, except insofar as they are either necessary to provide necessary supplies, serve as markets, or act as potential threats. The dynamics of the inter-corporate interplay between the Orion and Eclipse Arcologies, along with several other factors, means that the out-towns of San Angelo are a little more rife with activity than might otherwise be the case. The one thing both arcologies can agree on, however, is that the out-towns cannot be allowed to descend into complete chaos. Corporate Security forces (known as CorpSec), therefore, are the law of the land. CorpSec is only concerned with maintaining the law insofar as it supports the corporate interests. If you’re poor and without anything of value, going to CorpSec is probably a waste of your time.

The area known as Old San Angelo during the late 20th century is now a ghost town living in the northern shadow of the Eclipse arcology, seeing only the briefest glimpses of sunlight. The sole residents are the biker gangs known as the Rovers. Although these gangs are often thought of collectively, in truth they are composed of many different “clans” – sharing a common cultural base, it is certain, but also possessed of wide divergences, allegiances, and interests.

San Angelo 2070 - The Shacks

On the other side of the Eclipse Arcology, just south of the old city border, is the area of town known as the Shacks. The Shacks were originally the site of the tent camps which are formed up at the end of the Third World War. Since then some formalization has taken place – the tents have been replaced largely by wooden shacks and shanties of various varieties – but the overall living conditions in this wide expanse of slums is downright primitive. Common conveniences such as plumbing and electricity are absent from large expanses of the area.

Nestled between the two arcologies are the Shadows. This neighborhood retains many of the original buildings which would have been found here in the San Angelo today. Although little new building has taken place, the Shadows are possessed of some technological sophistication – largely due to the fact that they are home to the most of the San Angelo underworld of 2070. The old Riverfront remains as part of the Shadows, but has sunken to new levels.

During its construction the Eclipse Arcology displaced the residents of Chinatown, which has ceased to exist. Most of the members of this community ended up moving to Poverty Gulch, whose residents were generally moving into the new arcology. This area became known as Little China and inherited the spirit of Chinatown; a reputation which it maintains to this day.

Where the old Government Center and East Side neighborhood stood is now Hightown. Here can be found those corporate interests which are still independent from Eclipse Industries and Orion Labs. Such areas in other North American communities are generally composed almost strictly of branch offices of other arcologies which have an interest in keeping close relations with the local companies, but in the case of San Angelo several subsidiary megacorporations have managed successfully over the decades to play the interests of Eclipse and Orion (as well as others) off each other, maintaining their independence.

In the 2050s Eclipse Industries created the Out Towns Housing Project (OTHP) in an effort to gain some control over the chaos of the out-towns by creating tightly controlled housing projects. Brackett Park became the center of this project. The old buildings were razed and largely replaced with clone-like apartment buildings which resembled nothing so much as rows of concrete blocks. Although the OTHP still ostensibly exists, it is rife with corruption. The entire project has become a disaster, in many ways attracting specifically those types of individuals whose behavior was supposed to be discouraged and controlled by the effort.

Most of the rest of the city is a patchwork of various sorts, with two important exceptions. The University area has become a heavily guarded compound – maintained primarily so that corporate brats can take advantage of its facilities. The La Vista neighborhood, on the other hand, has become the ritzy area of town. Executives who want it and can afford it have purchased massive estates in the area, which is tightly guarded by a special security force.


The urban areas which previously surrounded San Angelo have been largely deserted. Individual farmers or organized collectives occasionally attempt to make out a meager living on the rural land, but they are constantly harassed by roving bands of raiders. North America has turned inward onto itself – the rural areas abandoning themselves to the urban centers and the urban centers, in turn, abandoning themselves to the corporate arcologies. A few notable exceptions should be noted, however.

The Oro Dam has become the central headquarters of the Undergang. The Undergang is an anti-corporate militia army of sorts. Although it would be nice to think that they are united in their Undergang Memberopposition, they actually spend almost as much time fighting amongst themselves over what their true goals are than they do fighting corporate interests. Some believe that mankind should be removed from the face of the world entirely; others want to retreat to nature; some embrace terror tactics and others do not; a large group (with the majority of control) imagines a return to the glory days of the United States of America when a constitutional government ruled over all (what their particular version of those glory days might be, however, tends to vary wildly as well). Whatever their differences, however, Undergang is united in their hatred of the corporate arcologies and well organized enough to produce their own counter-propaganda and similar efforts. The Undergang is also notable for their formation of the Low Riders, a group of “lawmen” who attend to those who CorpSec ignores.

The Canfield Indian Rancheria has become a land unto itself. Following the aftermath of the Third World War it became a gathering point for many local Indian tribes. Since then it has gained an enclosing cement wall with constantly manned guard posts. Few outsiders are allowed inside the walls. Those that do enter and return speak of a highly communal, cooperative society – but one which is wary of letting the chaos of the outside world within their walls. The residents of Canfield are extreme isolationists.

Finally, Lakeview was the site of the last major showdown of the Pogroms. The supers who refused to either quietly disappear or surrender to government forces made their final stand here. Much of the town was destroyed in this final confrontation and was never rebuilt.

Today San Angelo has again captured the heart and mind of the world as it has resumed its role as the center of superhuman activities. The supers are idealized by many around the globe as the bright hope of the future (although some of those hopes have been dashed with the assassination of Savior). The Neo Justice Foundation has its main headquarters in London, the capital of the new League of Nations; but its primary field branch is located in San Angelo and they are often seen in the city. The New Liberty Corps, rumored to have been founded by a super who somehow survived the pogroms and all the chaos which followed, has become the hometown team, so to speak. The Rogue Squadron also makes San Angelo their home, but are still generally mistrusted by the general public. Although many supers have appeared elsewhere, San Angelo has been home to the largest number of appearances – a fact no doubt connected to the fact the new singularity is being secretly maintained by Elizabeth Colt in the Orion Arcology.

The Third Age of Heroes has come to the world and a new light has appeared upon the horizon. The question which must be answered is whether that light will be embraced… or snuffed out.

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