The Alexandrian

I’m pleased to announce that we’ve finished the conversion process necessary to make the 3.5 adventures and supplements from Dream Machine Productions available in print from DrivethruRPG:

City Supplement 1: Dweredell - Justin Alexander  City Supplement 2: Aerie - Justin Alexander  City Supplement 3: Anyoc

Mini-Adventure 1: The Complex of Zombies   Mini-Adventure 2: The Black Mist

Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Combat   Spells of Light and Darkness: The Art of Flame and Void - Justin Alexander

The City Supplements — Dweredell, Aerie, and Anyoc — all feature a complete fantasy city: A full-page map. Gazetteer. Organizations. Characters. Adventure Seeds. They developed out of a campaign that featured a lot of overland travel: I could see my players eyes light up whenever they reached a new city and I could whip out a full map for it. I figure that other GMs might like some city supplements that could be easily slotted into their campaigns.

Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Combat was originally meant to be the first of several supplements that would have provided advanced sub-systems that could be plugged into your game. Then the 4E/PF shift happened and that plan got short-circuited. In this case, though, you’ve still got a great book featuring rules for flying mounts, mounts of unusual size, intelligent mounts, multiple riders, riding platforms, cavalry maneuvers, warpacks, contest jousting, and a lot more.

Spells of Light and Darkness is a hyper-specialized supplement featuring 50+ spells themed around magical light and darkness. There’s some really cool stuff in here and this book has seen a ton of use at my own gaming table.

Mini-Adventure 1: The Complex of Zombies is a mini-dungeon: You can slot it into a larger complex or run it solo. One of the primary goals of this adventure was to create a zombie variant that would actually strike fear into the hearts of your players. And, according to all reports (including those from my own gaming table), it’s been a huge success. I’d recommend grabbing it just for the bloodwights, even if you ignore everything else about it. (Here’s a tale from the table featuring the events of this mini-adventure.)

Mini-Adventure 2: The Black Mist is a completely different type of adventure scenario. This is more of a “mega-event” which can either become the focus of an urban campaign or serve as a horrific backdrop for the other adventures that are happening at the same time. The short version is that a magical plague has visited the city: How does the city react? How do the PCs react? If you’re looking for something plug-and-play, this isn’t it. If you’re looking for something enigmatic and strange and terrible and epic… this’ll be right up your alley.

2 Responses to “3.5 Supplements – Available in Print!”

  1. Brooser Bear says:


    That’s a solid body of work. Great illustrations! If they could be published on heavy stock paper with high quality color offset printing, you got yourself some winners and a unique look for your products. Now, if you’d have only written a book on adventure design, I’d have bought it from you!

  2. Neal says:

    @ Justin,

    Plenty of other things I don’t agree with, but as you’ve stated, you have no issues with disagreement, and it makes your gaming and writing better to hear such comments on your site. I’ve noted that in spite of that sentiment, a fair amount of the time, even when I’m the first poster, my comments are ignored in favor of poster #5, etc. All things being what they are, it’s a small issue, but I don’t think anything I’ve said really warrants ignoring requests for information. In this case, I agree with Brooser Bear, that if you wrote a book on adventure design, I’d probably buy it.

    Any chances of that happening in the near future? I don’t know how quickly you can produce these things, but if you began on an idea like this, any idea of the time from start till completion, the number of pages, and the cost via PDF, and/or in print?

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