I’m pleased to announce that we’ve finished the conversion process necessary to make the 3.5 adventures and supplements from Dream Machine Productions available in print from DrivethruRPG:
The City Supplements — Dweredell, Aerie, and Anyoc — all feature a complete fantasy city: A full-page map. Gazetteer. Organizations. Characters. Adventure Seeds. They developed out of a campaign that featured a lot of overland travel: I could see my players eyes light up whenever they reached a new city and I could whip out a full map for it. I figure that other GMs might like some city supplements that could be easily slotted into their campaigns.
Rule Supplement 1: Mounted Combat was originally meant to be the first of several supplements that would have provided advanced sub-systems that could be plugged into your game. Then the 4E/PF shift happened and that plan got short-circuited. In this case, though, you’ve still got a great book featuring rules for flying mounts, mounts of unusual size, intelligent mounts, multiple riders, riding platforms, cavalry maneuvers, warpacks, contest jousting, and a lot more.
Spells of Light and Darkness is a hyper-specialized supplement featuring 50+ spells themed around magical light and darkness. There’s some really cool stuff in here and this book has seen a ton of use at my own gaming table.
Mini-Adventure 1: The Complex of Zombies is a mini-dungeon: You can slot it into a larger complex or run it solo. One of the primary goals of this adventure was to create a zombie variant that would actually strike fear into the hearts of your players. And, according to all reports (including those from my own gaming table), it’s been a huge success. I’d recommend grabbing it just for the bloodwights, even if you ignore everything else about it. (Here’s a tale from the table featuring the events of this mini-adventure.)
Mini-Adventure 2: The Black Mist is a completely different type of adventure scenario. This is more of a “mega-event” which can either become the focus of an urban campaign or serve as a horrific backdrop for the other adventures that are happening at the same time. The short version is that a magical plague has visited the city: How does the city react? How do the PCs react? If you’re looking for something plug-and-play, this isn’t it. If you’re looking for something enigmatic and strange and terrible and epic… this’ll be right up your alley.