The Alexandrian

And We’re Back…

January 19th, 2009

I’ve got things set-up now so that I can do regular updates without breaking my mind or the website. Now all I need is the time to do it.

What have I been up to? Well, in addition to the new house that I mentioned awhile back (and which triggered the sporadic nature of recent updates), I’ve had several major projects on my platter.


The Seagull - South High School

I did a proxy translation of Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull and have been directing it at South High School (my alma mater). The show opens next week with a preview on the 26th. It’s high school theater, but it’s very good high school theater.


The Flickering Wall - Illusion Theater

I am also appearing in The Flickering Wall, an original play written specifically for the Illusion Theater. It’s a really fascinating installation piece in which the audience moves through the backstage spaces of what was once a Masonic temple and is now one of the premiere theaters of the Twin Cities.

Between these two projects, I’ve been doing back-to-back rehearsals for most of the past two months. It’s been exciting, but also exhausting.


Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire

One of the perks of finishing the moving and renovation process is that we’ve been able to meet for more regular game sessions in the ongoing campaign I’ve been DMing. Before the disruption to the website, I’d been posting the early campaign journals. I’ll be getting more of those campaign journals up soon, along with various snippets of commentary and analysis.


Legends & Labyrinths

I have several 3rd Edition products in development.

Many people have been asking me about the current status of Legends & Labyrinths. Development is progressing, but the long and the short of it is that it will be done when it’s done. The truth is I’m probably being too much of a perfectionist with it.

Response to Spells of Light and Darkness and City Supplement 3: Anyoc have been strong. For now I’m taking that as an indication that the 3rd Edition market is still extant. It’ll be interesting to see how that progresses over the next several months, particularly with so many publishers pulling down their 3rd Edition material.


I’ve actually been backlogging a lot of material for the website during this technological furlough. If you come back tomorrow, you’ll get to see some of it…

(I’m such a tease.)

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