The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘random gm tips’

In the Three Clue Rule, I assert that for each conclusion you want the PCs to make in a mystery scenario, you should include at least three clues. Many people have had a lot of success designing and running scenarios with this advice, but as GMs begin working with this technique for the first time, it can often prompt the question:

How do you come up with all those clues?

So let’s talk a little bit about what goes into making clues and a few of things I’ve learned over the years that you may find useful.

First, check out Random GM Tip: Using Revelation Lists. That article provides an in-depth look at how I organize my clue lists while designing and running scenarios, and that structure is going to be useful as you start laying the clues into your scenario.

Second, don’t overthink it. A lot of clues will flow naturally from the scenario as you’re designing it. I recommend doing an initial “structural pass” in which you’re defining the necessary revelations and assign clues to them. If you can get three clues for every revelation at this point, that’s fantastic. But if you’re struggling to fill in all the blanks on your revelation list, that’s just fine: Start working out the details of the scenario with your revelation list nearby and you’ll often find clues easily along the way. (“Oh! Silvester would definitely know that Uncle Bob used to be in the marine corps!” or “Hey! I could put a matchbook from the Silver Rodeo in Susan’s purse!”) And if that still doesn’t fill in all the clues you need, all this detailed knowledge of the scenario will make it a lot easier to come up with the clues you still need during a second brainstorming session.


Conceptually, there are six types of clues.

Static clues are a specific piece of information which can be found in a specific way. For example, a bloodstain that can be found by searching a room.

Flexible clues are pieces of information that you know are there to be found, but which can be accessed in multiple ways. For example, imagine that there’s valuable information in a computer database. The PCs could hack the database remotely, physically raid the building where the server is located; bribe, seduce, con, or otherwise subvert an employee with access to the database; and so forth.

Broadly speaking, PCs will learn about people, places, organizations, events, or other scenes where they can investigate whatever it is that they’re investigating. In the terminology of node-based scenario design, these are nodes, and static and flexible clues are placed within specific nodes.

Proactive clues, by contrast, come looking for the PCs. I talk about them at some length in the Three Clue Rule and also The Secret Life of Nodes, but Raymond Chandler provides the classic example: “A guy with a gun walks through the door.” In other words, instead of the PCs identifying a node and going to investigate it, some nodes (usually people) will come to the PCs and bring clues with them.

Reactive clues, on the other hand, kind of exist “in the cloud,” so to speak. They aren’t assigned to specific nodes and they don’t come to the PCs. Instead, these are clues the PCs will find through holistic investigation techniques that they can frequently use without specific prompting. Typical forms include canvassing, research, and divination spells. Rulings in Practice: Gather Information dives into these types of clues in greater depth.

(This terminology can be a little weird. You can think of it like this: If the clues are proactive, then the PCs are reactive – i.e., the clue walks through the door with a gun and the PCs have to react to that. If the clues are reactive, then the PCs have to be proactive – nothing is going to specifically prompt them to go looking for these clues.)

Because reactive clues are more-or-less totally dependent on the players spontaneously thinking to go looking for them, they can be very unreliable when designing an adventure. On the other hand, if looking for a particular type of reactive clue becomes a standard operating procedure for a particular group, then the exact opposite can be true!

For example, over the past couple of years I’ve spent a lot of time running the same Call of Cthulhu and Trail of Cthulhu scenarios for different groups. Groups with players who have read the rulebooks or have a lot of experience with the game will almost automatically go to the library or research the local newspaper morgues for references to whatever they’re investigating because the rulebooks establish this as a standard operating procedure for investigators. Groups without that experience just… don’t.

The Technoir roleplaying game is actually mechanically designed around the default action of “hit up one of your contacts.” If the PCs don’t know what to do next, they should go ask one of their contacts (and the game is designed so that the contact always has a clue or a job or some form of lead that gives them something to pursue). The first few times I ran the game, this worked flawlessly. Then I ran the game for a group that hadn’t read the rulebook and didn’t know to do this and the game turned into a grind for a couple of sessions until I realized that I just needed to literally tell new the players: If you’re stuck, do the noir thing and hit up a contact!

In other cases, you’ll find groups spontaneously developing their own standard operating procedures.

Dynamic clues are what the PCs find when they take an investigative action which should logically provide information despite the fact you didn’t specifically prepare a clue for it. This is what the Three Clue Rule refers to as permissive clue-finding. For example, the PCs decide to look around outside the house. You didn’t specifically anticipate them doing that, but you know that the killer ran into the tree line at the far end of the property, so you conclude that the PCs could potentially find the killer’s footprints.

However, not all dynamic clues are the result of you being blindsided during a session. In some cases, they can actually be designed into the structure of a complicated scenario where you can be fairly certain the PCs will take a particular class of action, but you can’t really sure exactly what form that action will take. For an example of this, check out the Dragon Heist Remix, where, for example, the PCs might choose to research a particular faction:

If the PCs want to find a faction by doing general research, point them in the direction of one of the faction’s outposts. (Each outpost will contain clues that point to Lairs, which are generally their ultimate goal.)

And similar guidance is given for what happens when they track or interrogate bad guys. (You could also think of dynamic clues as being flexible clues that are flexible to the point of formlessness.)

Unassigned clues are basically what happens when you go whole-hog on permissive clue-finding: Instead of prepping specific clues, the GM only preps a revelation list. In some cases these revelations will be assigned to specific scenes (i.e., the fact Tony is hiding at a lake house can be found at the Silver Rodeo). In either case, the GM waits for the PCs to propose any investigation action, then looks at their revelation list and improvises an appropriate clue for that revelation.

I tend to be fairly skeptical of this approach:

  • It puts A LOT of pressure on the GM’s ability to improvise during sessions.
  • It often produces wishy-washy scenarios, that tend to lack texture. (A good mystery scenario is often as much about what you don’t find as what you do, and this technique tends to miss those beats in the story.)
  • As mentioned above, many clues will tend to emerge naturally from the details of the scenario as you design it. So this technique usually goes hand-in-hand with underdeveloped scenarios.

I’ve run mystery scenarios that were entirely improvised, so the technique certainly can work. But I think you will almost always get better results by having a robust, reliable foundation and then improvising on top of it.


When making clues, the first thing I do is think about what the PCs need to know structurally for the adventure to work. This is why I start with a revelation list: There may be a lot of other information that the PCs discover in the course of their investigation (that the villain beats her husband; the particular effects of the poison the killer is using; the cult’s beliefs on the wisdom of cats), but I really want to keep my focus on that essential structure.

Then I look at what I know about the crime – or whatever it is that they’re investigating – and think very specifically about what in the specific node I’m looking at could indicate the thing they need to know.

This may seem obvious, but I can get lost a surprising amount of the time floating around in a, “What clues are there?” haze. You really want to flip that around: Instead of thinking about what clues might be in this scene, focus on what you need the current scene to tell the PCs and then treat that as a puzzle or a problem to solve.

For example, the PCs are investigating a cabin on the lake. If you start by saying, “What clues would be in the cabin?” that’s too broad. It’s too vague.

But if you instead say, “I need a clue that points the PCs to Cai Lijuan,” that’s far more actionable:

  • There’s a crumpled up envelope in the wastebasket addressed to Cai.
  • The property owner can identify Cai as the person who was renting the cabin.
  • There’s a box of cold pizza in the fridge. Cai’s name is printed on the delivery label.
  • The family vacationing in the next cabin down the lake met Cai and knows his name.
  • Cai’s car is still parked at the cabin; you can run the license plate or VIN numbers.

And so forth.


For inspiration, look at the skill list in the game you’re using. Pick any skill. How could the PCs use that skill to get the information they need?

For example:

  • Cryptography? Cai’s left his diary, which he writes in a personal code, in the bedside table.
  • Locksmith? There must be something Cai locked up here. Let’s say there’s a safe hidden behind a picture frame with documents identifying Cai inside.
  • Photography? There’s a USB stick with photos. Nothing identifying in the photos themselves, but you could check the EXIF data.

Obviously not every skill will be relevant to every piece of information. But if you have a particular piece of information in mind, running down the skill list will probably make specific skills jump out and provide ideas.

Go to Part 2

We’ve reached the end of combat and the last bad guy is down to the dregs of his hit points. One of the players makes an attack roll… He hits!

And the Game Master says, “Don’t bother rolling damage! He’s dead!”

Don’t do this.

Before we delve into why this is a bad idea, let’s first talk about why the impulse exists: The combat is clearly coming to a conclusion and the remaining combatant poses no meaningful threat to the PCs, so there’s no longer any tension or meaningful stakes in the scene; it’s been reduced to a rote resolution. Heck! The bad guy might only have one or two hit points left, so the outcome really IS predetermined here, so why bother rolling the damage dice?

This is pointless! Let’s wrap it up!

This impulse is not necessarily wrong. It’s just mistimed.

The key thing here is the ownership of the win. When a player rolls a successful attack, deals damage, and the bad guy dies, that’s something that THEY did. They own that moment.

If you, as the GM, interrupt that process, and declare a fiat success, you take that moment away from them: They didn’t kill the monster; you did.

It’s a subtle distinction, and it won’t always result in the moment getting deflated, but it’ll happen often enough that it’s worth steering clear of this technique. Particularly since the benefit you’re getting is so minor: You’re saving… what? Fifteen seconds by having them skip the damage roll?


The obvious alternative it to just let them roll the damage and then announce the result.

That works if the damage kills the bad guy anyways. But what if the attack doesn’t quite deal enough damage to finish the job? This fight is boring! It’s time to be done with it!

First, double-check to make sure that’s actually true. As the GM, the fight has become boring because you can see the numbers and the outcome has become certain. In your role of playing the bad guys, you have lost meaningful agency and that’s boring. But your experience here may not mirror the players: they haven’t lost agency. In fact, they’re about to reap the rewards of their agency! They’re going to win! Winning is exciting!

Second, if it IS time for the fight to be done, the next easiest option is to fudge the bad guy’s hit points. I’m generally not a big fan of fudging, but it’s probably just fine here. You aren’t actually changing the ultimate outcome here (which is where all the various problems with fudging come from); you’re just speeding it up.

Another option is to not initiate the attack roll. When the player says, “I attack the monster with my sword!” you immediately assume they have successfully done that and describe the outcome. This is, in fact, in keeping with the Art of Rulings: The player has announced an intention to kill the monster. You know that this will definitely succeed. So the appropriate ruling is actually default to yes.

You might not think this would make a difference. It seems virtually indistinguishable from interrupting the damage roll! And there is still some risk here (from the declaration of intention, the player has a mental momentum reinforced by the rhythms of the combat system that’s driving them towards the attack roll, and interrupting that momentum can be disruptive), but in my experience it’s much less likely to cause a problem.

And you can enhance this technique by empowering the player’s agency: When they say, “I attack the monster with my sword!” you can ask the players to describe the coup de grace. “Agnarr’s mighty blow finishes off the goblin! What does that look like?”

Another alternative, if the combat is lagging and you’re concerned the current PC’s attack may not deal enough damage to end it if they roll poorly on the damage dice, is to tell them how many hit points the monster has left before they roll the damage dice. This is almost the exact opposite of fudging the monster’s remaining hit points, effectively blocking you from using that technique.

The reason this works is that knowing the damage needed puts the table’s intense focus on the damage roll: Everyone knows exactly what needs to be rolled, the tension will build as the dice are picked up, and then explosively release (either in triumph or failure) as the result is revealed. If the bad guy dies: Great! You’ve injected that moment with a little extra oomph!

If the bad guy doesn’t die? That’s okay! You’ve still clearly framed that this is the Final Countdown (so to speak) and that focus will tend to carry forward to the next player’s attack.

Yet another option is to remove the moment entirely by training your players to roll attack and damage simultaneously (as described in Fistfuls of Dice).


Taking a step back, it can also be useful to consider how we got to this specific moment: How could we have avoided getting to the point where a combat encounter is ending on a whimper?

The obvious answer here is to end the combat sooner.

One option is to have the bad guys run away! The PCs take out the Big Boss and that’s the sign for the all the mooks to hightail it! Or, alternatively, the PCs take out a bunch of mooks and the Bandit King decides discretion is the better part of valor.

(Check out The Principles of RPG Villainy for a lengthier discussion of how and why having your bad guys run away is a good idea in any case.)

Surrender is another option, although that can have its own issues.

Alternatively, pursue the Default to Yes solution more aggressively: You don’t have to get down to the very last bad guy’s very last hit points to recognize that the encounter has reached its conclusion (and the end of the fight is now foreordained)! At that moment, a nice, clean option is to ask each player to describe what they do finish things up. (You can do this in initiative order to provide a little structure if that’s useful.)

A key thing here, though, is to make sure that there has actually been a conclusion! And that the players can feel ownership of that conclusion! (The example of the PCs taking down the Bandit King and then the mooks panicking is a good example: The combat ending is a clear result of the PCs doing something decisive and significant.)

I discuss this a bit in GM Don’t List #5, but a GM prematurely ending combats because they routinely get bored with the fights they set up creates a number of other problems:

  • Characters built to enjoy their spotlight time during combat are being punished.
  • Strategically clever players often spend the first few rounds of combat setting up an advantageous situation, and it’s frustrating if that gets prematurely negated.
  • If players feel that encounters are being summarily dismissed (in a way that isn’t affected by their agency), their uncertainty about which encounters are actually being determined by their actions will make it difficult for them to determine when and how to spend limited resources. (Burning a one-use potion or once-per-day ability only to have its use become irrelevant is incredibly frustrating. If the use of that ability is what effectively ends the threat of the combat, make sure you emphasize that in framing the end of the scene so that the player’s agency is given its due.)

And, as I mentioned in that earlier essay, “All of these problems only get worse when the GM defines ‘boring’ as ‘the PCs are winning,’ while remaining fully engaged and excited as long as his bad guys have the upper hand.”

With those words of caution in mind, though, the art of knowing when a combat encounter is effectively done (or, perhaps, when a combat encounter is done being effective) is a really important part of your skill set as a GM.

(For a wider discussion of how to effectively end scenes, see The Art of Pacing.)

The key thing is to make sure that the players feel ownership over what happens: That THEY were the ones who won the fight.

If in doubt, have the bad guys run away and let it play out. Player agency can persist through that decision, so you have a much wider margin of error.

Candlekeep Spoilers

In “The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces,” an adventure by Michael Polkinhorn in Candlekeep Mysteries, the PCs discover a portal to an extradimensional space, go through it, and become trapped on the other side.

This is a classic trope, and for good reason. Perhaps the most memorable and well-known version are the arches of mysterious mists and the green devil faces of The Tomb of Horrors, but I’ve run some variation of this gag countless times.

Often, of course, PCs will also encounter mystic portals and strange gateways of coruscating energy that aren’t one-way affairs. But they won’t necessarily know that. And even if they don’t suspect a trap, the unknown threshold beyond which they cannot see is quite likely to inspire endless amounts of paranoia.

So, either way, the day will likely come when you hear some variation of: “Okay, let’s send Kittisoth through first to check things out.” Or: “I stick my ten-foot-pole into the portal and pull it back out.”

First: Know your metaphysic.

What does happen when you stick something halfway into a magical portal and then pull it out?

A few variations:

  • No problem. It’s just like a doorway in space, even if the field of energy blocks your line of sight. (Perhaps you might even be able to still hear what’s on the other side.)
  • You can’t pull it out. Once an object has gone partially through the portal, the only movement allowed is forward through the portal. If you pull back, it will feel as if the object is “stuck.”
  • That’s incredibly dangerous. You can pull back, but you’ll only pull back the portion that’s still on THIS side of the portal. (Make sure you walk through these portals with confidence.)
  • That’s not possible because as soon as any discrete object or creature touches the surface of the portal, it instantly vanishes and reappears on the other side. It’s more of a “touch here to activate” effect than it is a literal gateway. (This one can get tricky: If I prod it with a pole, do I vanish? Can I tie a rope to something hundreds of feet away, toss one end of the rope in, and have the whole thing go through the portal? What if the object is bolted to the floor? Or is a huge tree and the room on the other side is only 10’ x 10’? But, conversely, if I touch it with my hand do I disappear while leaving my clothes behind? One way to simplify this is to create a “threshold” before the portal – a misty arch, a field of energy, a penumbral aura, the entire room that the portal is in – and only objects within that threshold vanish when the portal is touched. Your choice whether to have something straddling that threshold get severed at the threshold or if the whole object remains even when touching the portal. But I digress.)

You want to have a clear understanding of this, because the players will want to experiment with the portal to figure out how it works / whether or not it’s safe. They’re going to come up with all kinds of crazy testing schemes, and you’re going to want a clear conceptual framework for consistently ruling what the outcomes of those tests will be.

I’m of the opinion that this metaphysic should feel consistent with the portal’s behavior on the other side: If it’s a one-way portal, for example, then you shouldn’t be able to stick things through the portal and then pull them back. (In other words, you want to play fair and reward players who take the effort to engage deeply with the scenario.)

Second: Use a portal countdown.

When the PCs send a scout through the portal, don’t immediately describe what the scout sees. Instead, stay with the PCs that remained behind: Describe the scout going through the portal, disappearing, and then… what do you do?

Keep track of the number of rounds it takes for each of the other characters to go through. Then, once they’ve all done so, you can flip to the other side of the portal and accurately play out events on the other side.

So, for example, Kittisoth walks into the portal. The other PCs wait a couple of rounds and then Edana sticks her ten-foot-pole through. Unable to pull it out, she sighs and steps through on the next round. Everyone else then nervously follows on the fifth round.

Now cut to the other side of the portal: Kittisoth emerges into a goblin ambush! Roll initiative! On the third round of combat, Edana’s pole sticks out of the portal. On the fourth round, Edana walks out. On the fifth round, the other PCs join the fray!

Even if there are no immediately “interesting” consequences from using the portal countdown (e.g., the portal emerges into an empty room and Kittisoth just patiently waits for everyone to join her), the experience is still immersive and tantalizing in its paranoia: What is happening on the other side of the portal?

When there IS something interesting happening on the other side of the portal, the experience of seeing the other side of the timeline (e.g., Edana’s pole sticking out of the portal) is a ton of fun.

What if all the PCs don’t come through? That’s fine. Run a couple rounds of the portal countdown in “combat time,” but when it becomes clear that some or all of the remaining PCs aren’t going to follow Kittisoth blindly through the portal (“She was supposed to come back!”) simply ask them how long they’d wait, note that on the countdown, and then cut to the other side of the portal.

Should I have players leave the room? If you’d like. I’ve not generally found it to be necessary and, as I mentioned, I’ve found the audience stance of seeing the other side of the timeline to be fun. But I’ve also been given to understand that the experience of going into another room and waiting while your fellow players join you one by one can also be mysterious and fun. Play it by ear and get a feel for what works.

(If you’re splitting the players up anyway, you may also want to just go back and forth between the two rooms each round instead of using a portal countdown.)

What if it’s not a one-way portal? This technique works best with one-way portals because the events on one side of the portal are generally firewalled from the other side of the portal, but since the players don’t always know if the portal is one-way or not, it can also be effective to use the technique regardless. (If nothing else, it means you’re not tipping your hand when they do encounter a one-way portal.)

But what if, for example, Kittisoth simply walks back through the portal?

If that outcome is quite likely, of course, then you don’t want to use the portal countdown technique in the first place. Or use it in a modified form. For example, if Kittisoth’s intention is to walk through the portal and then immediately turn around and walk back and there’s nothing on the other side that would prevent that from happening, you can just run it normally. Or you might take Kittisoth into another room, describe what she sees, and get a sense of her intentions: If it looks like she’s going to explore a bit – or get cut off from the portal by the goblin ambush – then you can go back and run the portal countdown.

But if you are using a portal countdown and Kittisoth comes back “early” (i.e., before all of the declared actions on the countdown have played out), that’s just fine. You can simply retcon the rest of the countdown; those actions belong to an alternative version of reality, I guess.

(The portal countdown is basically an extended form of declaring an intention. It’s similar to combat systems in which everyone declares their actions at the beginning of the round before resolving them in initiative order: If someone declares that they’re going to run down an open passageway, but then the passageway gets blocked with a wall of stone before they can take their turn, they’re not going to just mindlessly grind their face into the wall like a computer game NPC with bad pathing. They just won’t take the action.)

What about other continuity issues? Keep in mind that premature portal returns aren’t the only contradiction of continuity you can run into. For example, those on the far side of the portal might use a telepathic ability to contact their comrades. Or Kittisoth might grab the end of Edana’s pole and yank her through the portal.

Again, that’s fine. Just end the countdown and begin resolving actions normally from that point. (Which might even include starting a new portal countdown depending on what’s happening.)

Similarly, you generally pause the countdown and begin resolving actions on the far side of the portal when everyone has either gone through or definitively decided NOT to go through. But actions on the near side of the portal can also trigger this decision earlier: For example, if it’s Edana who chooses to use a telepathic ability to contact Kittisoth (assuming that she can do so), you’ll need to pause the countdown and resolve Kittisoth’s side of the portal.

No Through Road

You’re running a scenario. The PCs have a fistful of leads telling them where they’re supposed to go next. (If you’re using node-based scenario design, they might have a fistful of clues pointing them towards multiple places they could choose to go next.) But instead of doing that, they head off in a completely different direction.

And there’s nothing there.

Maybe they’ve made a mistake. Maybe they’ve made a brilliant leap of deduction which turns out not to be so brilliant after all. Maybe they have good reason to look for more information in the local library or the newspaper morgue or the records of the local school district, but there’s nothing to be found there.

It’s a dead end.

And dead ends like this can be quite problematic because, once they have the bit in their teeth, players can be relentless: Convinced that there must be something there, they will try every angle they can think of to find the thing that doesn’t exist. In fact, I’ve seen any number of groups convince themselves that the fact they can’t find anything is proof that they must be on the right track!

Not only can this self-inflicted quagmire chew up huge quantities of time at the table to little effect, but once the players have invested all of this mental effort into unraveling an illusory puzzle, their ultimate “failure” can be a demoralizing blow to the entire session. The effort can also blot out the group’s collective memory of all the other leads they had before the wild goose chase began, completely derailing the scenario.

Fortunately, there are some simple techniques for quickly working past this challenge.


First things first: Is it really a dead end?

Just because they’re doing something you didn’t explicitly prep, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing there. In fact, the principle of permissive clue-finding means that you should actually assume that there is something to be found there.

So, start by checking yourself. Is it really a dead end, or is it just a path you didn’t know was there?

Maybe the players thought of some aspect of the scenario that you didn’t while you were prepping it. (That can be very exciting!) And even if something is a wild goose chase, there can be interesting things to be found there even if they don’t immediately tie into the scenario the PCs are currently engaged with.

(This is also why I’ll tend to give my players more rope in exploring these “dead ends” during campaigns than I will during one-shots: The consequences of doing something completely unexpected can develop in really interesting ways in the long-term play of the campaign, but don’t really have time to go anywhere in a one-shot, and are therefore usually better pruned. Also, if the scenario runs long because you had a really cool roleplaying interaction with Old Ma Ferguson that everyone enjoyed — even though she has nothing to do with the current scenario — it’s fine to hang out the To Be Continued shingle in a campaign and wrap things up in the next session, which is, once again, not an option in a one-shot.)

If it’s not really a dead end, then you should obviously roll with it and see where it takes you. If you don’t feel confident in your ability to improvise the unexpected curveball, that’s okay: Call for a ten minute break and spend the time throwing together some quick prep notes.

Although you don’t need to announce the reason for the break, it’s generally okay for the players to know that they’ve gone diving off the edge of your prep. Most players, in fact, love it. The fact you’re rolling with it shows that you creatively trust them, and they will return that trust. It also deepens the sense of the game world as a “real” place that the players are free to explore however they choose to, and that’s exciting.


But what if it really is a dead end? There’s nothing interesting where the PCs are heading and, therefore, nothing to be gained by playing through those events.

Well, if there’s nothing there, there’s nothing there.

At its root, this is a problem of pacing. And, therefore, we’re going to turn to The Art of Pacing for our solution. In short, you’re going to frame hard into abstract time, quickly sum up the nothing that they find, and then move on.

For example:

  • “You spend the afternoon asking around the Docks for anyone who’s seen Jessica, but you can’t find anyone who saw her down here.”
  • “You roll up on Jefferson Sienna, haul him down the precinct, and grill him for four hours. But you come up dry: He doesn’t know anything.”
  • “You drive over to Mayfair to see if the library has the book you’re looking for, but their selection of occult books is pretty sparse.”

The most straightforward, all-purpose version of this is to simply tell the players, “You’re barking up the wrong tree. This isn’t the solution, there’s nothing to be found here, and the scenario is in a different direction.” But this direct approach is usually a bad idea: You know all that stuff I said about how much the players love knowing the game world exists beyond the boundaries of your prep and that they’re truly free to do anything and go anywhere? Well, this is basically the opposite of that. Even if you don’t strictly mean it that way, the players are going to interpret this as, “You can only go where you’re allowed to go.”

The distinction between “this isn’t the right way, try something else” and “you did it and didn’t find anything, now what?” might seem rather small. But in my experience the difference in actual play is very large.

(I suspect the difference is partly diegetic: One is a statement about the game world, the other is a directive from the GM to the players. But I think it’s also because the formulation of “you did it” still inherently values the players’ contribution: I didn’t tell you that you couldn’t do the thing you wanted to do; I was open to trying it, you did it, and it just didn’t pan out. It’s a fine line to walk, but an important one.)

The key here, once again, is to quickly sum up the totality of their intended course of action, rapidly resolve it, and then prompt them for the next action: “What do you do next?”

A good transition here can be, “What are you trying to do here?”

This pops the players out of action-by-action declarations and prompts them to sum up the totality of their intention. You then take their statement, rephrase it as a description of them doing exactly that, and then move on.

Player: Okay, I’m going to drive over to Mayfair.

GM: What are you planning to do?

Player: I want to check out the library there, see if they have a copy of My Name is Dirk A that hasn’t been stolen yet.

GM: Okay, you drive over to the Mayfair library to see if they have a copy of the book. But their selection of occult books is pretty sparse. It doesn’t look like they ever had a copy for circulation. It’s about 6 p.m. by the time you pull out. The sun’s getting low. Now what?

It’s a little like judo: You just take what they give you and redirect it straight back at them.


Where appropriate, further empower the players’ intention by calling for an appropriate skill check: Streetwise to ask questions around the Docks. Detective to interrogate Jefferson Sienna. Library Use to scour the stacks at Mayfair Library.

The check can’t succeed, obviously, since you already know that there’s nothing to find here: Jessica wasn’t at the Docks. Jefferson Sienna isn’t involved in this. Mayfair Library doesn’t own the book.

Calling for the check, however, is part and parcel of allowing the player to truly pursue the action they want to pursue and resolving it truthfully within the context of the game world, while also letting the player know that this is what you’re doing.

If the group is currently split up, you can also “disguise” the simple judo of this interaction by cutting away once they’ve declared their intention and then cutting back for the resolution.

GM: Bruce, you find Jefferson Sienna smoking outside of his club. What are you planning to do here, exactly?

Player: I want to haul him down to the precinct and grill him about the missing diamonds.

GM: Great. Give me a Detective check. Tammy, what are you doing?

[run stuff with Tammy for a bit]

GM: Okay, Bruce, you spent the afternoon grilling Jefferson Sienna in Interrogation Room #1. What did you get on your Detective check?

Player: 18.

GM: Hmm. Okay. Unfortunately, you come up dry: He really doesn’t know anything. What are you doing after you cut him loose?


Sometimes it’s not the whole scene that’s a dead end (whether you planned it ahead of time or not): Jefferson Sienna wasn’t involved in the heist, but he’s heard word on the street that Joe O’Connell was the one fencing the diamonds. That’s an important clue!

… but then the PCs just keep asking questions. They’re convinced Sienna must know something else, or they’re just paranoid that they’ll miss some essential clue if they don’t squeeze blood from this stone. The scene has turned into a dead end.

Now what?

First, you can give yourself permission to just do a sharp cut: If the scene is over, the scene is over. Frame up the next scene and move on.

However, if the PCs are actively engaged with the scene and trying to accomplish something (even if it’s impossible because, for example, Sienna doesn’t actually know anything else), this can end up being very disruptive and feel very frustrating for the players.

You can soften the blow using some of the techniques we discussed above. (For example, you might cut to a different PC during a lull in the interrogation and then cut back to the PCs who were doing the interrogation while framing them into a new scene. You can also just ask, “What’s your goal here?” And when they say something like, “I want to make sure we know everything Sienna has to tell us,” you can judo straight off of that to wrap up the scene.)

But we can also borrow a technique that Kenneth Hite uses for investigative games: When the characters have gained all the information they’re going to get from a scene, hold up a sign that says “SCENE OVER” or “DONE” or something like that. The statement cues the players to let them know that there’s no reward to be gained by continuing to question the prisoner or ransack the apartment or whatever, while using a sign is less intrusive on the natural flow of the scene (so if there’s something they still want to accomplish of a non-investigative nature, the scene can continue without the GM unduly harshing the vibe).

You can adapt this pretty easily to other types of scenes, too. You’re basically signaling that the essential question the scene was framed around has, in fact, been answered, and you’re inviting the players to collaborate with you to quickly bring the scene to a satisfactory conclusion and wrap things up.

Then you can all drive out of the dead end together.

Possibly the single most important skill for a GM is pacing: Cool challenges, awesome drama, incredible roleplaying, stunning set pieces, breathtaking props. These are all great. But they can be rendered almost irrelevant if your sessions are bloated with boredom or choked with dead air. It won’t necessarily kill your game deader than a doornail, but the constant drag from poor pacing will make everything else a little harder and a little worse.

So a very large part of being a great GM is developing the tools and techniques to keep things moving and to keep the players engaged at the table. I’ve already written a whole series about the pacing of narrative elements, but effective pacing also includes the more practical elements of managing the moment-to-moment details of the conversation at the game table.

When it comes to mechanics, this often just boils down to resolving things swiftly and efficiently: Virtually any time that you’re interacting with the mechanics, the right answer is to move through the interaction as quickly as possible.

Note: This isn’t because we inherently don’t like mechanics or mechanical choices. It’s because the actual rote execution of the mechanic is usually not the interesting bit of the game and you want to get to the next interesting bit (which can just as easily be another mechanical choice as a cool character detail or dramatic dilemma). There are also MANY exceptions that prove this rule. For example, knowing when to build the stakes up around a specific, momentous die roll so that everyone at the table is holding their breath through every jittering bounce of the polyhedron can be a very effective technique.

A large part of this efficiency, of course, is simply knowing the rules. But it can also be techniques that let you essentially fake knowing the rules – like using a cheat sheet, prepping your scenario notes using a hierarchy of reference, or identifying the rules guru at the table who you can provide that mastery by proxy.

Of course, this can only take you so far. However, once you’ve more or less maximized your efficiency in mastering the rules, you can still push things farther still by multitasking – i.e., resolving multiple mechanical interactions wholly or in part simultaneously.

There are a number of ways that you can do this, but today we’ll focus on one of the easiest: Rolling multiple dice at the same time.


Start by rolling your attack die and your damage die at the same time.

I’m not sure this really needs more explanation: Do it just a few times and you’ll quickly realize how much time you’re saving. Teach your players to do it, too! In a typical combat with fifteen combatants, your group will be making ninety attack rolls (or more!). If you’re saving just four seconds per roll, that adds up to 5 minutes per combat. Running three or four combats per session? That’s fifteen or twenty extra minutes of play!

This, obviously, assumes that you’re playing a game like D&D that has a randomized component to damage. But it broadly applies to any mechanic that uses two-step rolling: These mechanics rarely have a decision point between the two rolls, so there’s no reason not to make both rolls at the same time.


On the GM side of the screen, you’ll often be making rolls for a whole gaggle of NPCs. Stop rolling them one at a time! If you’ve got five bad guys who are all attacking, scoop up five dice and roll all those attacks at the same time!

Often these bad guys are all using the same stat block and may even be attacking the same target, so it won’t really matter which die gets assigned to which bad guy. (You can almost think of a mob of eight goblins in melee as just being one mass that makes eight simultaneous attack rolls.)

But you can also use this technique with disparate stat blocks and/or bad guys attacking different targets. You just need to figure out how to assign the dice in front of you:

Color coding. Use dice with different colors and assign those colors to the different attacks. In my experience, this tends to work best when you can make long-term color assignments. (For example, when I make iterative attacks in 3rd Edition I use red dice for the first attack, black dice for the second attack, and blue for the third.)

On the other hand, trying to remember that the ogre was blue, the goblin was red, the other goblin was purple, and… Wait was the ogre purple and the second goblin blue? … Yeah, it tends to bog down. There are workarounds for this (or maybe your memory is just better than mine), but you may want to use a different technique for assignments that vary from one encounter to the next.

Tip: One work-around that DOES work smoothly, though, is when you’re rolling for two groups of bad guys that are numerically distinct – five goblins and three ogres, for example. Roll five blue dice for goblins and three black dice for ogres and there’s really no confusion about which color goes with which group. This might also be “the five halflings attacking Alaris and the three halflings attacking Dupre.”

Read left to right. When you roll the dice, they’re generally going to scatter across the table. I tend to roll across the table in front of me (instead of in a straight line onto the table), so my dice tend to spread out left-to-right. I can then just “read” the dice left to right – assigning them to the bad guys on my list in the same order.

(You might find a top-to-bottom reading of the dice works better for you. Whatever works.)

Geometric reading. This is a similar technique, but rather than linearly assigning the dice, I’ll equate the cluster of the dice on the table to the grouping of the bad guys in the game world. A simple version of this is to take a left-to-right reading of the dice, as above, and then, similarly, look at the bad guys on the battlemap left-to-right from my point of view. But you might also look at the battlemap (or imagine the scene in your mind’s eye) and see that the bad guys are arranged in two ranks with three of them in the front rank, so you just grab the three dice closest to you for their attacks.

You can also flip this around and group according to target. So if the PCs are standing three abreast in a dungeon corridor, for example, the dice on the left will be those that target the PC on the left, and so forth.

The most important thing with these techniques is to not over-think it: Whatever method you’re using, quickly shift the dice for clarity (if at all) and then move immediately to resolution.

Note: Sometimes when I describe this technique, people will express concern about the possibility of cheating – e.g., assigning your best rolls to the bad guy with the most powerful attacks or whatever. Basically… don’t do that. If you want to cheat (and you shouldn’t), there are ways to do it with a lot less rigamarole.

If you’re concerned, hard-coded color coding avoids the issues entirely. In practice, it’s not really a problem: When I’m assigning the dice, I’m treating them as objects. It’s only after I quickly and definitively shift them to the appropriate stat blocks that I actually starting processing the numbers on the dice.

This technique of rolling fistfuls of dice is often only use to the GM, but there are systems where it may be useful to also teach it to your players. For example, the aforementioned iterative attacks of D&D 3rd Edition: The groups where I can get the players to simultaneously roll all their color-coded attack dice and matching-colored damage dice at the same time sees combat resolve MUCH more quickly than in the groups where I can’t make that happen.


A final dice trick for speeding up resolution is to pre-roll the dice. For example, while the PC wizard is counting up his fireball damage you look ahead and see that the horde of goblins is going next: You know that regardless of the fireball, they’re going to attack the paladin. So you can scoop up those d20s, roll them, and have them ready to go once you’ve finished adjudicating the fireball.

There are two keys to pre-rolling:

  • You have to be nigh certain that the circumstances of the battle aren’t going to change the character’s intended action.
  • You have to be able to stick with the intended action even after seeing the roll and realizing it’s not going to work. (Some people find they just can’t resist the temptation to switch things up. That’s not a sin. Just be self-aware enough to avoid the problem by not using the technique.)

What’s really great is when you get a group of players who are mature enough and trusted enough that they can ALSO use this technique without any problems. I can’t express how amazing it can be to say, “Okay, David, what you are you doing?” and for David to immediately say, “I’m attacking the ogre, hitting him for 32 damage.” (In this case, David has also used an open difficulty number to good effect.)

And when you get a whole sequence of players doing the same thing – pre-rolling attacks, pre-rolling fireball damage, etc. — it can be like you’re playing a totally different game! You can just roar through the mechanical portion of combat, which then immediately opens up all kinds of space for the group to instead focus on the strategic choices, dramatic dilemmas, and narrative description of the conflict!

So grab those dice and get rolling!


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