The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘interview’

Dungeon Master of None - Episode 249: O.G. Hell

After the bombshell report by friend-of-the-show Linda Codega on Wizards of the Coast’s disastrous new version of the Open Gaming License, we discuss the controversy with two guests: Justin Alexander and LegalKimchi. We dive into what the Open Gaming License (OGL) is, its history and context, the legal issues raised by the new document, why no company in their right mind will sign the new license, the reasoning that may be guiding WotC’s decision, and where companies and fans can go from here.

Listen Here!

The Smart Party

I join the self-described UK’s Premiere RPG Podcast,

Armed with “Stunt Baz” Guy Milner off of the Burn After Running blog, this time Gaz interviews RPG producer and designer at Atlas Games, Justin Alexander. The chat covers the excellent RPG resource The Alexandrian, as well as what’s hot at Atlas Games and some great game design discussion.

If you dig actual plays and reviews of played modules, check out the new YouTube channel.

You can check out the podcast here:

What Would the Smart Party Do?

Roleplay Rescue

I sat down with the folks over on Roleplay Rescue. We chatted about open tables, my current work, future plans for the Alexandrian, and all things RPGs.

I know I said that Season 10 had come to an end after 22 episodes but when opportunity strikes it’s best to grasp it with both hands. Besides, episode 23 also has a nice, mystic ring to it. My guest today is the single biggest influence on this podcast, a huge inspiration to me as a gamer and Game Master, and just about the best source of roleplaying wisdom I have come across on the internet. When he suggested he’d be open to doing an interview, well, I was thrilled. How could I say no?

You can check out the podcast here:

Roleplay Rescue @ Acast
Roleplay Rescue @ Apple Podcasts
Roleplay Rescue @ Spotify

Worldbuild With Us - Episode #81

Check out this long-awaited interview I did with the Wouldbuild With Us crew. We talk about stuff like the modules that inspired me the most and Scarface-inspired werewolves.

Episode #81: An Interview With Justin Alexander

Klaas of the RPG Heroes Podcast interviewed me for a great discussion about meaningful choice in RPGs. You can also check it out on Youtube:

Klaas has told me that it’s already proven to be one of the most popular episodes of the podcast. Unfortunately, it was also the last as he’s moving onto new projects. But you can still check out all 24 episodes!


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