The Alexandrian

Posts tagged ‘hexcrawl’

Go to Part 1

When designing my hexcrawl, as I mentioned at the beginning of this series, I key every hex on the map and every key entry is a location (not an encounter). The distinction between a “location” and an “encounter” can get a little hazy if you stare at it for too long, but in practice it’s usually pretty obvious: If your key reads “an ogre walking down the road”, then the next time the PCs pass along that road the ogre would presumably be gone (particularly if they killed it). If your key instead reads “an ogre living in a shack”, then even if the PCs kill the ogre the shack will still be there.

Of course, one might argue that the PCs could do some quick demolition work on the shack and make it disappear, too. (That would be an excellent example of staring at the distinction for too long.) But the general point remains: You’re looking to key permanent geography, not ephemeral events.

What follows are several examples from the actual hex key I use for my Thracian Hexcrawl. The goal is to demonstrate the range of different key types that I use, so let’s start with the shortest:

K16 – HONEYCOMB CAVERNS (Secrets of Xen’dik)

No detail.

This one’s pretty simple: I’ve grabbed a pre-existing adventure (in this case selected from the Secrets of Xen’drik sourcebook) and plugged it straight into the hexcrawl. If the PCs encounter this hex, I just yank the book out and start running it.

I’ve actually been doing less of this recently because I’ve reached the point where I find the existing layout and presentation of adventure modules too frustrating to run on-the-fly even when the actual content is good. (They tend to bury way too much information into the middle of lengthy paragraphs.) But I digress. Here’s another simple one:


See hex detail.

In this case, the location was too detailed to include in my primary hex key. Much like the published adventure, I’m telling myself to go look somewhere else for the details: In this case, a separate file folder in which I keep separate documents for each hex like this. (The rule of thumb here is that if it takes more than one page to describe the place, it gets a separate detail document.)

The details for the Ruined Temple of Illhan were previously posted here on the site. They can be found here. (The presentation there is somewhat polished from what would have been found in my original notes, but is substantially similar.)


A giant statue, worn by weather. Depicting an elephantine beast of prey with black- and yellow-striped fur. (An orluk.) The yellow and black stone is not painted, but rather two different types of colored granite which have been quarried and then shaped to take advantage of the quarried strata.

This is an example of what I think of as a “landmark”. Sometimes these landmarks are more involved or have hidden features to them, but generally they’re just single points of interest distinct from the surrounding wilderness. Regardless of their other characteristics, they’re almost always useful for PCs trying to orient their maps.


Landscape is scorched. No foraging is possible in this hex.

Another short one. This is basically similar to a landmark, but it covers a vast swath of territory. (In this case, an entire hex.)


60 foot deep shaft that serves as the lair of a wyvern. The wyvern has dug an escape tunnel that emerges from a hill a quarter mile away.

WYVERN: Has a large scar on its left side from a spear wound; has preferred to stay away from intelligent prey ever since.

TREASURE: 7,000 sp, 5 zircons (50 gp each)

A simple monster lair. I usually don’t bother with maps for this sort of thing: It’s easy enough to improv any smaller complex of a half dozens rooms or less. (Assuming there’s nothing radically unusual about them, of course.)

F15 – SKULL ROCK (on river)

Map of Hex F15: Skull Rock - Dyson Logos

A rock shaped like a skull thrusts out of the river. Crawling through the mouth leads to a crypt.

AREA 1: Mummified red dragon’s head (huge). Breathes flame that fills most of the room. Secret entrance to treasure chamber under the head.

AREA 2: 5 wights (50% in lair), no level drain but paralyzing strike. The two rooms off this area have been pillaged.

AREA 3 – BURIAL OFFERINGS: 3000 gp, 3 golden spinels (200 gp each)

AREA 4: Trapped hallway. Arrows shoot from wall and alchemist’s fire from nozzles in the ceiling. (Room to the left has an incense burner in the shape of a squat, fat man worth 7000 cp.)

AREA 5: Wight, no level drain but can detect magic, life, and invisibility at will. (Sniffs out magic and lusts for it.)

AREA 6: Bas relief skull. Insane. Asks incredibly bad riddles (“What flies in the air?” “A bird.”), but then blasts those who answer with 1d6 magic missiles regardless.

AREA 7: Slain wights.

AREA 8: Staked vampires.

AREA 9: A lich has been chained to the wall. Arcs of purple electricity spark off him in eternal torment.

Notice the “on river” designator next to the key title. That indicates that the location is on the river flowing through this hex on the map: If the PCs are following the river, they’ll automatically encounter this location.

The map here was taken from Dyson Logos’ website. His site proved invaluable for stocking my hexcrawl, and there are a lot of other bloggers offering free maps out there.

This sort of fully-keyed, “mini-dungeon” represents pretty much the upper limit of what I’ll handle in a key entry before bumping it into a separate document.

Go to Part 9: The Four Documents of the Hexcrawl

Go to Part 1

Hexcrawl - DM's Worksheet

(click for PDF)

This worksheet may not be the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen, but I designed it for tracking key information while running a hexcrawl and I’ve found it to be useful. The sheet is broken down into several parts.

HEX TRACKER: The left column is a hex tracker. Write down the current day and watch in the left hand column (for example, 3-1 is the first watch on the third day), then mark the hex the party is currently in and their intended direction of travel. Add information on veer if the party gets lost and use the check boxes to mark off progress.

When you run out of check boxes, the party has left the hex. Reference their intended direction of travel and veer to determine what hex they’ve entered and write that down in the next row. Repeat.

ENCOUNTER LIST: In order to save time, I’ll pregenerate encounters and write them down here. Use left hand column to note what day and watch the encounter will occur during, write the encounter you generate in the center column, and indicate if it’s a lair or tracks encounter (if necessary).

If you generate a location encounter, just write LOCATION in the encounter box.

MARCHING ORDER: Below the encounter list there’s a graphical depiction of a dungeon corridor that you can use to write down the party’s current marching order. (It works as well in the wilderness as in the dungeon, of course.) The worksheet was designed for the original 1974 rules, so it gives enough space for 3 people to march abreast down a standard 10′-wide corridor. If you’re using a rule system that only allows for 2 people to march abreast, adjust accordingly.

WATCH LIST: Below the marching order we have a watch list. This basically assumes that the party travels for two watches per day and then rests for four watches. Write down the characters standing guard during each watch in one of the boxes.

PARTY’S BASE MOVEMENT SPEED: Fairly self-explanatory. Figure out who the slowest member of the party is and jot down the appropriate values here.

Go to Part 8: Sample Hex Keys

This material is covered by the Open Game License.

Go to Part 1

This checklist pulls all of the preceding material together into a clean procedure. Simply follow the checklist for each watch, and you should generally find running the hexcrawl to be smooth sailing.




  • If they are not following a landmark or trail, make a Navigation check.
  • If they are lost, determine veer. If they are already lost, veer can be increased but not decreased.


  • Determine time within the watch (1d8 for the half hour).
  • TIP: If encounter occurs before last half hour of travel, use travel by hour to determine progress before the encounter occurs, then jot down the number of hours left in the watch.


  • Roll 2d6+3 x 10% x Average Distance.
  • Make a Navigation check see if they accurately estimated their distance traveled.
  • TIP: If their progress would cause them to leave a hex during a watch and that would cause their terrain type to change, calculate progress by hour. When they reach the hex edge, note how many hours are left. Then you can reference the new hex, calculate the new average distance, and continue marking progress.


  • It takes 12 miles of progress to exit one of the hex’s 3 far faces. It takes 6 miles of progress to exit on the hex’s 3 near faces.
  • Changing direction within a hex will result in the loss of 2 miles of progress.


  • Determine new hex (by applying current veer to their direction of travel).
  • If they were lost, make a Navigation check to see if they recognize it. If they do, they can attempt to reorient. If they do not, veer accumulates. (Note: Using a compass automatically resets veer at the hex border even if they don’t recognize that they were off course.)

Go to Part 7: DM’s Worksheet

This material is covered by the Open Game License.

Go to Part 1

This is a useful cheat sheet I created for understanding what characters can see in the wilderness. In practice, sight lines will vary quite a bit (due to hills, forest canopies, and other obstructions), but I’ve found it useful to have some reference points and rules of thumb.

HORIZON: The horizon is 3 miles away at sea level.

NEIGHBORING HEXES: Passing through the center of a hex, neighboring hexes cannot be seen. If the path is biased, the nearest hexes can usually be discerned (depending on terrain).

MOUNTAINS: Mountains can be seen from 6 hexes (75 miles away).

ELEVATION: Distance to the horizon in miles is the square root of (feet above sea level x 1.5 feet). Add the height of tall objects to the viewer’s. Atmospheric haze will eliminate the ability to see even the largest objects more than 3-5 hexes away.

Halfling2 miles
Human3 miles
10 ft.4 miles
25 ft.6 miles
50 ft.9 miles
100 ft.12 miles (1 hex)
400 ft.24 miles (2 hexes)
1000 ft.39 miles (3 hexes)
1500 ft.48 miles (4 hexes)
2500 ft.60 miles (5 hexes)
TerrainEncounter Distance
Desert6d6 x 20 feet
Desert, dunes6d6 x 10 feet
Forest (sparse)3d6 x 10 feet
Forest (medium)2d8 x 10 feet
Forest (dense)2d6 x 10 feet
Hills (gentle)2d6 x 10 feet
Hills (rugged)2d6 x 10 feet
Jungle2d6 x 10 feet
Moor2d8 x 10 feet
Mountains4d10 x 10 feet
Plains6d6 x 40 feet
Swamp6d6 x 10 feet
Tundra, frozen6d6 x 20 feet

Go to Part 6: Watch Checklist

This material is covered by the Open Game License.

Go to Part 1

ENCOUNTER CHANCE: Check once per watch. The time at which an encounter takes place during the watch can be determined randomly (see Watches).

1 in 1d616%66%
2 in 1d633%91%
1 in 1d813%57%
2 in 1d825%82%
1 in 1d1010%46%
2 in 1d1020%73%
1 in 1d205%26%

BORDER ENCOUNTERS: % chance in a hex bordering on a different region of rolling on that region’s encounter tables.


Exploration encounters only occur during watches in which the characters are traveling or otherwise exploring the area. They do not occur during watches in which the characters are resting or otherwise stationary.

LOCATION: This exploration encounter indicates that the characters have encountered a keyed location within the hex. Most hexes have only a single keyed location. For hexes with multiple keyed encounters, determine the location encountered randomly. (Some locations may have occurrence probabilities.)

On Road/River/Trail: The location is on a road, river, or trail. Parties traveling along the road, river, or trail will automatically encounter the location. Parties not on the road, river, or trail will usually not encounter the location.

Visible: The location is large enough or tall enough to be seen anywhere within the hex. Parties entering the hex automatically spot the location. (If a distance in hexes is given, then the location can be seen from that many hexes away.)

Hidden: The location is difficult to spot. When this encounter is generated, make a second encounter check. If an encounter is not indicated, the location has not actually been found. (If the party is in exploration mode, make the second check twice.)

% LAIR: The percentage listed is the chance that the creature is encountered in their lair. If the creature is encountered in their lair, the encounter is considered an exploration encounter.

Note: This check functionally generates a new location for the current hex (the lair of the indicated creature type). Over time and thru play, this encounter system will continue to add new content to your hex key (helping to fill the vast, howling emptiness of a typical hex).

% TRACKS: The percentage listed is the chance that the creature’s tracks are found (not the creature itself). Tracks are only found as an exploration encounter. Characters must make a Survival check at the appropriate DC to notice the tracks. Tracks are usually 1d10 days old. DMs can determine where the tracks lead (although they’ll usually circle back to the creature’s lair in both directions).

Note: Check to see if the encounter is tracks. If it is not, then check to see if it’s a lair. If it is not, then it’s a wandering encounter. Notice that these additional checks will substantially reduce the odds of a night time encounter (when the party is not on the move).


Encounter Check: 1 in 1d8

Border Encounters: 50%

Encounter Type (1d20):


11-20: OTHER

Lizardmen (hex A10, A13)
1d2 tree trolls (hex C13)
Ghouls (hex A12, E9)
Zombies (hex E9)
Bat Swarm
Jungle Bear (hairless, use black bear stats)
Carrion crawlers
Giant leech
Orcs (hex B7)
Wild boars
Tyrannosaurus Rex

Note: I indicate hexes which are already keyed as potential lairs for this creature type. This can inform the nature of wandering encounters and/or suggest a potential origin/terminus for tracks.

Go to Part 5: Spot Distances

This material is covered by the Open Game License.


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