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Vladaam Affair - Map: Goldsmiths' Guild

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The Red Company of Goldsmiths is maintained as a small subsidiary of the Goldsmiths’ Guild (which, in turn, is largely controlled by the Ironworkers’ Guild). The Vladaams maintain it primarily to launder stolen funds and goods from their other enterprises.

Gold Strips: Suitable for crafting. Each strip is marked with the “V” sigil of the Vladaams (making them easily traceable).

2 Vladaam Advanced GuardsEntrance
2 Vladaam Advanced GuardsArea 1
Goldsmiths (2d4+2)Area 1
TelidorArea 4 (60% chance)
2 Vladaam Advanced GuardsEntrance
4 Vladaam Advanced Guards + 2 Vladaam MagesArea 2
TelidorArea 4 (10% chance)

Goldsmiths: Use artisan stats, Ptolus, p. 606.

  • Proficiency (+2): Jeweler’s Tools
  • Equipment: 1d10 x 1d10 gp, jeweler’s tools, Vladaam deot ring

Vladaam Affair - Goldsmith's Guild Location

Guildsman District
Gold Street – E9


Gilted worktables with comfortable seats fill the room.

DAY: There’s roughly 8,000 gp worth of gold strips and 5,000 gp of jewelry in this room. 12 sets of jeweler’s tools.

NIGHT: The tools have been tidied away and the gold strips/jewelry moved to Area 2: Gold Safe.

SAFE DOOR (10-in. iron, to Area 2): AC 19, 300 hp, DC 24 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools). An alarm spell is keyed to Guildmaster Telidor.

SECRET DOOR: DC 30 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The wall is hollow and this section is designed to be unscrewed.


The safe contains 25 pp, 350 gp, and 1,300 sp. It also contains large, heavy stacks of gold strips totaling 32,000 gp in value.

NIGHT: An additional 8,000 gp in gold strips and 5,000 gp of jewelry (secured from Area 1).

DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation): There is a hidden compartment in the tiled steel floor of the safe. It holds a number of small, mimatched bags containing 3,116 gp, 43,457 sp, and 103,900 cp.

DM Background: This money flows in from all the illegal operations of the Vladaams. After being held here, it’s transferred from the Goldsmiths’ Guild to legitimate banks.


A long, heavy table of polished oak runs the length of this room. A chandelier of wrought gold and rubies, lit with continual flame, hangs from the ceiling (5,000 gp value).


A tidy, well-sorted desk. A gold inkwell (worth 100 gp) stands on top of the desk.

DESK: Ordinary guild correspondence is neatly stacked in one drawer; blank parchment and quills in another. A third drawer holds a black velvet pouch containing 770 gp.

  • DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation): One of the drawers has a false bottom. DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) to open. It contains paperwork relating to the money laundering operations of the guild. There’s usually enough compromising material here to reveal 1d4+2 pieces of uncommon and 1d3 pieces of rare information from the Vladaam gather information tables.


This appears to be a small, dusty, and forgotten room with a dirt floor.

DC 24 Intelligence (Investigation): Scraping away about a half inch of dirt reveals a trap door leading down to a tunnel which leads under the city wall and emerges about 500 feet away in a small copse of trees.

DM Background: This smuggling hole has not seen much use in recent years. (The Vladaams don’t want to attract unnecessary attention to a guild that’s very successfully laundering their money. But the Guildmaster and a few others in the guild are aware of its existence.)


A striking woman with long black hair plaited with golden wire. She wears a beautiful golden necklace depicting a phoenix being consumed by flames formed from three large and several small red-gold tourmalines (3,000 gp). She also has a pair of matching bracelets, which are actually bracelets of friends (keyed to Navanna twice, Gattara once, Godfred once, Aliastar once, Marcus Corellius twice, and her two bodyguards).

Through her black market work and money laundering with the Vladaams, Telidor has become a very rich woman. As a result, over the past decade her social circle has rapidly escalated. And she likes it. Her ambition has led her to consider buying a familial share in House Abanar in order to raise her star even higher; the only thing holding her back is a fear of retaliation from the Vladaams.

Guildmaster Telidor: Use knight stats, MM p. 347, except she uses a cudgel (1d8+3 bludgeoning) and hand crossbow (1d6 piercing) for her attacks and she has Wisdom 15 (+2).

  • Proficiency (+2): Jeweler’s Tools
  • Equipment: bracelet of friends (x2), phoenix necklace (3,000 gp), diamond ring (250 gp), Vladaam deot ring
  • Bracelet of Friends: This silver charm bracelet has four charms upon it when created. As a bonus action, the owner may designate one person known to them to be keyed to one charm. When a charm is grasped and the name of the keyed individual is spoken as an action, that person is called to the spot, along with their gear, as long as the owner and the called person are on the same plane. The keyed individual knows who is calling, and the bracelet functions only on willing travelers. Once a charm is activated, it disappears. Charms separated from the bracelet are worthless.

Telidor’s Bodyguards (Harla & Jarla): Female lizardfolk. Use gladiator stats, MM p. 348.

  • Proficiency (+3): Perception, Stealth, Survival
  • Equipment: flaming claw tips (Harla) / frost claw tips (Jarla), javelin of lightning (x2), potion of superior healing, Vladaam deot ring
  • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) piercing damage.
  • Hold Breath. Lizardfolk can hold their breath for 15 minutes.
  • Flaming Claw Tips: +1 to attacks and +2d6 fire damage.
  • Frost Claw Tips: +1 to attacks and +2d6 cold damage.

Go to Part 13: Red Company of Magi

Vladaam Affair - Founder's Workshop Map

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A guild of brass and bronze workers which actually serves as a focal point for Vladaam chaositech research.

2 Guild Apprentices + Vladaam GuardArea 1
Vladaam GuardArea 2
Apprentices + Master CraftsmanArea 3
3 Chaositech Masters + 2 ApprenticesArea 4
Vladaam GuardArea 2

Vladaam Affair - Founder's Workshop (Location on Ptolus Map)

Guildsman District
Brass Street – H8


A variety of workbenches cluttered with tools. Guildsmen on duty here will do minor repair work.

TOOLS: Two sets of jeweler’s tools and a set of tinker’s tools.

MERCHANDISE: Various works of brass and bronze, mostly knick-knacks, cheap candelabras, or specialized components of little value. Total worth of 150 gp if it’s all hauled out of here. There are two sextants worth 250 gp each and a set of brass marbles worth 1 gp.


The stairwell is guarded with three alarm spells which are triggered by anyone traversing the stairs who isn’t wearing a guild badge.

  • An audible alarm (heard throughout the workshop and out on the street).
  • A mental alarm that notifies Aliaster Vladaam.
  • A mental alarm that notifies the guioldmaster.


This workshop contains ten sets of smith’s tools, two sets of tinker’s tool, and two sets of jeweler’s tools., along with a large supply of brass, bronze, and copper (2,000 pounds, worth a total of 1,000 gp). Two small forges are positioned near windows (for ventilation).

PAPERS: A few miscellaneous papers are strewn about, including a Bill for Repairs Done to a Spiked Pit Trap.

SECRET DOOR – DC 16Intelligence (Investigate): The chaositech workshop in Area 4 is actually the second floor storey of the building next door (which has no access to its second floor, just a long stair that goes up to its third floor), so it’s not immediately apparent that there should be any access to it.


To the attention of Arquad—

A request of remuneration for the services of the Founders’ Guild in the repair and servicing of the safeguards in the back hall of Marquette’s Textiles, Pitch Street, Guildsman District.

To whit—

Repair of hinge mechanisms in door.

Replacement and treatment of spikes.

Additional items—

Blue whinnis commissioned from the Poisoners’ Guild on Black Str. Paid in full. Inc. in billed amount.

Billed amount—

1,875 gold thrones.

DM Background: The trap mentioned here is located in the hallway of Part 17: Undead Shipping Warehouse. The poison (blue whinnis) is being sourced from Part 7B: Alchemy Lab 2 – Poisoner’s Guild.


A faint, pink-purple haze clings to the ceiling. There’s sickly-sweet scent raw with some form of potent pheromone. (Ask the players what the emotional reaction of their PCs is to the powerful pheromones.) Strange machinery – some combination of bronze and an unidentifiable black metal – crawls up the walls, although it’s difficult to tell where one device ends and another begins. Several work tables in both halves of the room are covered with softly bubbling chemicals, strangely glowing items, and an eclectic effluvium of technomantic components.

CHAOSITECH: Among a variety of half-completed devices and experiments, there is a sickening rod and blight bomb. There is also a copy of the Book of Greater Chaos. (See Addendum: 5E Chaositech.)

RIFLE CRATE: An open crate that originally contained 12 hellsbreath rifles from the Shuul Foundry. 6 remain in the crate, 2 others have been partially disassembled (and are in various states of study), and 4 have been repacked into a smaller container with a note attached: “Have these sent to the security cache in the temple on Malav Street.”

  • DM Note: The temple referenced in the note is Part 6: Abandoned Temple of the Great Mother.

IRON COFFER (10% chance): There’s a 10% chance of an iron coffer containing 500 gp, 40,000 sp, and 50,000 cp with instructions to have the Ithildin couriers ship it to the Red Company of Goldsmiths on Gold Street (see Part 12).


Guild Apprentices: Use artisan stats, Ptolus, p. 606.

  • Proficiency (+2): Arcana, Smith’s Tools
  • Equipment: dagger, hourglass, magnifying glass, oil of mending (x2), Vladaam deot ring

Master Craftsman: Use artisan stats, Ptolus, p. 606.

  • Proficiency (+2): Smith’s Tools
  • Equipment: hourglass, magnifying glass, oil of mending, Vladaam deot ring.

Chaositech Master: Use mage stats, MM p. 347.

  • Proficiency (+3): Medicine, Chaositech Tools, Smith’s Tools
  • Equipment: oil of mending, chaositech tools, chaos storage cube (Ptolus, p. 535), any 1 chaositech weapon (Ptolus, 535), Vladaam deot ring
  • Chaositech Stabilizaiton: 50% chance of negating chaotic failure of chaositech device.
  • Resist Insanity: Advantage on saving throws made when working with chaositech.
  • Tinker: Work 1d4+6 days to double a chaositech item’s range, area, duration, or add +2 to its damage or save DC.

Spellcasting: 9th-level spellcaster. Spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks.

  • Cantrips (at will): acid splash, dancing lights, mage hand, sense spell (Ptolus, p. 632)
  • 1st level (4 slots): detect chaositech (Ptolus, p. 628), mage armor, magic missile, shield
  • 2nd level (3 slots): meld into stone, siphon (Ptolus, p. 633)
  • 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, gaseous form, lightning bolt
  • 4th level (3 slots): private sanctum, stoneskin
  • 5th level (1 slot): mislead

Vladaam Guards: Use guard stats, MM p. 347, with AC 17. (Equipment: breastplate, shield, longsword, longbow, arrows x20, potion of healing, Vladaam deot ring.)

Go to Part 12: Guild – Goldsmiths

The Vladaam Affair - Dreadwood Grove

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Fletchers (x4)Area 1
FletcherArea 2 or 3
Vladaam ResearcherArea 3 or 4
Vladaam MageArea 5
Vladaam ResearcherArea 4

Fletcher: Use commoner stats, MM p. 345. Proficient in fletcher’s tools. Wear Vladaam deot rings.

Vladaam Mage: Use mage stats, MM p. 347. See Part 13: Red Company of Magi.

Vladaam Researcher: Use acolyte stats, MM p. 342. See Part 13: Red Company of Magi.

Ptolus Map - Dreadwood Grove on Vanguard Street

Guildsman District
Vanguard Street – K8


This workshop belongs to the Red Company of Fletchers and does not generally sell goods directly to the public.

PASSWORD: “Bloodfury” will get the fletchers to sell +1 dreadwood arrows.

SECRET DOOR — DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation): Wooden panel that slides aside. A staircase leads down to Ghul’s Labyrinth (which has a distinctive, cream-colored stone clearly older than the rest of the building).

There is a 10% chance of an iron coffer containing 500 gp, 40,000 sp, and 50,000 cp with instructions to have the Ithildin couriers ship it to the Red Company of Goldsmiths on Gold Street.


This is a grated walkway that passes over the grove in Area 3. A wrought-iron, spiral staircase at one end of the walkway leads down to the floor of Area 3, which is twenty or thirty feet below.


Three long grooves in the domed ceiling glow with a fast-cycling yellow-blue light. The grove is filled with a dozen stunted, twisted trees with barkless, lusterless black trunks with red veins that seem to pulse with thick, turgid blood.

LIGHT: The light is magical, creating a bio-sustaining atmosphere in which plants can be grown. It has been modified to speed the growth of the dreadwood trees (which normally don’t require sunlight); the effect is disquieting if observed for any length of time.

DREADWOOD TREES: A dozen dreadwood trees grow here. Make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 12 on the walkway, DC 25 in the grove) or turn aside with loathing and fear.


Long, high tables of stone (designed for Ghul’s orcs) now keep two dozen dreadwood seedlings, ready for transplant to the main grove (or a new grove) when needed.


DOOR: DC 14 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)

A work area for creating dreadwood arrows. It contains supplies for both traditional fletching, processing dreadwood, and dreadwood horticulture.


A bluesteel door leading deeper into Ghul’s Labyrinth. (See Ptolus, p. 391).

The guild does not know the password for this door.


The dreadwood tree is a stunted, twisted thing. Its barkless trunk is a lusterless black run through with red veins which seem to pulse with thick, turgid blood. About such a tree there is an aura of the unnatural profoundly disturbing to the mortal mind. Any who would approach a dreadwood tree must succeed at a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or turn aside with loathing and fear. This DC is increased by +1 for every additional dreadwood tree in the area, up to a maximum DC of 25.

If the wood of the dreadwood can be harvested and treated with the proper alchemical substances, its red veins can be made to pulse even in death. Those near an object crafted from dreadwood suffer a -1 penalty on Wisdom saving throws. Those handling an object of dreadwood or entering a room built of it suffer disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened as long as they are near the dreadwood and for 1d6 rounds thereafter.

A dreadwood tree does not require sunlight in order to grow and many are found deep beneath the surface of the earth. In fact, the dreadwood’s manner of sustenance remains a mystery much studied by arcanists and druids alike.

(Fantasy Materials)

DREADWOOD ARROWS: Those near a dreadwood arrow suffer a -1 penalty on Wisdom saving throws. Those handling or shot by a dreadwood arrow have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for as long as they are near the dreadwood and for 1d6 rounds thereafter.

A +1 dreadwood arrow costs 1,500 gp per 50.

DREADWOOD QUIVER: Not a quiver designed from dreadwood, but rather designed to hold dreadwood arrows so that the owner is not perpetually affected by the dreadwood kept within it. Cost: 150 gp.

Go to Part 11: Guild – Founders’ Workshop

Fleet of Iron Sails - Catmondo (edited)

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The Vladaams maintain a fleet of trade ships which are active throughout the Whitewind Sea. They are notable for their dull grey sails. The current Fleet of the Iron Sails consists of eighteen ships.

Note that all ship captains of the Fleet of Iron Sails are members of the Brotherhood of Yrkyth. (See Part 14: Guild – Surveyor’s Headquarters.)


  1. Dragon’s Wake – Admiral Vorray
  2. Shark’s Tail – Captain Radgha
  3. Island’s Barnacle – Captain Sycol
  4. Pride of Morrain – Captain Boastia*
  5. Gods’ Pearl – Captain Hinmos
  6. League of the East – Captain Rilundi
  7. Joyful Mermaid – Captain Chever
  8. Prince’s Servant – Captain Therech
  9. Eye of the East – Captain Morsul*
  10. Honest Sailor – Captain Perot
  11. Navigator’s Hope – Captain Kuish
  12. Rhapsody – Captain Kelhin
  13. Sarathyn’s Sail – Captain Croitka*
  14. Southern Majesty – Captain Nisshin
  15. Southern Jewel – Captain Woryss
  16. Teeth’s Trust – Captain Erdrae
  17. Thunder’s Wave – Captain Louzab
  18. Storm’s Blessing – Captain Ennia


These ships have a captain, 2d8 x 3 sailors, 1d6-2 Vladaam Guards, and a 25% chance of 1d2 Vladaam Advanced Guards (possibly serving as first mate).

Particularly valuable cargos may have a special platoon consisting of Advanced Guards and a Vladaam Mage.

Sailors: Use commoner stats, MM p. 345. Proficiency in Athletics, Perception, Navigator’s tools, vehicles (water).

Vladaam Guards: Use guard stats, MM p. 347, with AC 17. (Equipment: breastplate, shield, longsword, longbow, arrows x20, potion of healing, Vladaam deot ring.)

Advanced Vladaam Guards: Use knight stats, MM p. 347.


At any given time, 1d6-3 of these ships will be docked at Ptolus. (Determine which ships randomly.)

Most of the Fleet engages primarily in honest trade, while only occasionally carrying a cargo of smuggled goods or drugs.

CARGO: Each ship generally carries 2d4 loads of goods. There is a 10% chance that 1d3 loads are Illicit Goods. For all other loads, roll on the Trade Goods table below.

*SLAVE SHIPS: The Pride of Morrain, Eye of the East, and Sarathyn’s Sail are regularly used to transport slaves for the Ennin, collecting them from islands in the Whitewind Sea and delivering them to the Ennin Headquarters (Ptolus, p. 168). These ships have a 50% chance of carrying a cargo of slaves. Otherwise, they’re currently carrying normal goods. (See Part 16: Slave Trade.)


d30Trade Good
3Textiles (linen, wool, hides, furs, leathers)
5Smoked Meat
6Dried Fruit
7Grain (rice, wheat, barley, oats)
9Exotic Spices (cinnamon, ginger, pepper)
11Common Metals (iron, copper)
12Precious Metals (silver, gold)
13Very Precious Metals (platinum)
16Quality Stone
27Livestock (pigs, sheep, goats, cows)
30Magic Items


d6Illicit Good
1-2Snakeweed / Abyss Dust (from Freeport, see Part 18: Drug Running)
3Alchemical Supplies (shipping to random alchemy lab, see Part 7)
4Magic Items
5Wildlife (possibly shipping to Korben Trollone)
6Normal Trade Good (avoiding the tariff)

Go to Part 10: Guild – Dreadwood Grove

Curse Den - Rivergate District (Map)

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Vladaam GuardArea 1
1d3 Hostesses + BartenderArea 2/3
Peacock (Vladaam Advanced Guard)Area 3
CookArea 4
Vladaam Advanced GuardArea 6
Vladaam Advanced GuardArea 9
1d4 HostessesArea 10
2 HostessesArea 11
Vladaam Mage + Journeyman AlchemistArea 14 (75%)
Den Master Corellius1Area 14 (75%)
1d3 HostessesEach room on 2nd Floor
2 Vladaam GuardsPatrolling 2nd Floor

1 Carries key for the safe in Area 14.

Curse Den - RIvergate District

Curse Den – Rivergate
Outer Ring Row – E2


Stairs of blue marble lead through doors ornately carved in a yin-yang composition of a dragon and unicorn pursuing each other.


A cluttering of chairs around a handful of low tables. The warm, dark glow of polished mahogany gleaming from every surface.

TO AREA 10: A bouncer stand guard at the archway leading to the short hall past Area 9: The Main Stairs or into Area 10: Snakeweed Lounge.  Passing requires approval and the payment of a 10 gp cover. (Or no approval and a large bribe.)


A well-stocked bar, mostly focused on ales.

THE PEACOCK: A pet peacock roosts on the bar here. It spreads its tail in a beautiful display whenever someone tips.

The peacock is actually a Vladaam agent who has been polymorphed. In this form, the agent can eavesdrop surreptitiously on conversations, gleaning potentially valuable intel from bar chatter.


A well-stocked kitchen.


Pretty much what it says on the tin.


The rear entrance is primarily used by those interested in the more exclusive upstairs lounges. It also allows access to the curse den “after hours.” It requires a password or a 100 gp fee.


REINFORCED DOOR: AC 19, 300 hp, DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)

Neatly organized in small wooden boxes on shelves:

  • 15,000 doses of snakeweed
  • 5,000 doses of shivvel
  • 75 doses of agony


These stairs go up to Area 12. They’re used by staff and the “rear entrance” clientele (see Area 6).


The walls of the main stairs have a marvelous set of Ascent of Dragons murals. (Similar to the “Ascent of Man,” but showing a red dragon progressing from a wyrmling to an ancient dragon atop his treasure horde.) The final image of the treasure horde is on the wall opposite the top of the stairs in Area 17.

DC 18 INTELLIGENCE (INVESTIGATION): There are a pair of small amethysts set into the stairs about halfway up. These are the focal points for a pair of alarm spells that are activated after hours. (Audible alarm. Cast at a higher level in order to increase its volume.)


Filled with snakeweed smoke. A number of magical, ceramic sculptures resembling slowly writhing masses of tentacles also a serve as standing hookahs from which anyone can take a hit of snakeweed smoke.

SKULLRATTLE: The tables in the northern chamber are set up with several low-stake skullrattle games using a variety of young dragon skulls.

BETRANT TABLES: The tables in the southern chamber host low-stakes bertrant games.

SECRET DOOR: DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation). A simple secret door spins around to grant access to the high-stakes bertrant tables. (Any observation of the chamber during business hours will notice hostesses and high-roller coming and going through this door.)


These are all high-stakes bertrant games. Minimum bets at most tables are 100 gp, but there’s also a 1,000 gp bet table.

AGONY HOSTESSES: Agony is available for sale in this room. Hostesses carry 1d6 doses each.


The window at the top of the rear stairs is a beautiful piece of stained glass depicting a black dragon. A plaque beneath the window reads, “THE WYRM ORACTHON.”

The Wyrm Oracthon


A number of comfortable chairs where shivvel smokers congregate.


DOOR: Oak-veneer over iron core. AC 19, 300 hp, DC 24 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools)

WINDOW: The window is made of diamond crystal. AC 19, 300 hp.

A desk of dark-stained oak is positioned near the center of the room with a chair angled to look out the window. A workshop for creating magical items is arrayed around the perimeter of the room.

DESK: Includes Report on the Debts of Dilar. (The “CS” referred to in the letter is Celadore Silverwood of Dark Leaf. The Runshallot warehouse is the Vladaam’s slave trade warehouse, see Part 16: Slave Trade.

WORKSHOP: Includes Instructions for Creating Curse Jewels and a set of jeweler’s tools.

  • DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana): Provide players with the properties of a curse jewel.

HIDDEN SAFE: Located in the floor. DC 22 Intelligence (Investigation), DC 30 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools).

  • 15d10 x 10 platinum pieces, mostly in gold and silver coins.
  • IOU from Korben Trollone.

IRON COFFER (10% chance): If present, contains 500 gp, 40,000 sp, and 50,000 cp with instructions to have the Ithildin couriers ship it to the Red Company of Goldsmiths on Gold Street.


A richly-accoutered lounge, with rounded divans of red velvet circling a central area raised in a dais. A bulging aumbry with dragon’s claw feet stands against one wall.

AUMBRY: Contains 10 doses of agony, 40 doses of abyss dust, and 4 curse jewels.

SECRET DOOR: DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation).

DAIS: DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) to discover a secret compartment in the dais. Pushing a concealed button causes a panel to slide aside and a curse globe to rise into view.

DM Background: This room is rented by individuals or small groups. Slaves are led in from Area 16 and curse jewels are used on them.


This room has a permanent silence spell cast on it. It contains 1d4+1 slaves, usually beautiful young women.

SLAVES: These slaves were originally brought to Ptolus aboard the Sarathyn’s Sail (see Part 9: Fleet of Iron Sails) and then sold through the Ennin slave market (Ptolus, p. 399).


Three tables, each set up with a set of dragonscales tiles.

DRAGONSCALES: All three tables have gold dragonscales sets. A trained eye can price two of the sets at 1,500 gp each. At a casual glance, the third set is just as nice, but is actually slightly cheaper in its craftsmanship (and is only worth 250 gp).

  • The cheaper dragonscales set has the word “Yarrow” carved into the edge of its board.
  • DM Background: A dragonscales set was stolen from this curse den several months ago. It was replaced with a set from the Oldtown curse den (on Yarrow Street) until a permanent replacement set is procured.

DM Background: This chamber is rarely used, but very exclusive.


This table has the skull of an ancient red dragon accoutered for skullrattle. It’s a high-stakes game requiring 500 gp minimum bets. The entire room is under the effects of an antimagic field to prevent magical cheating.


The mahogany table in the center of this room is equipped with large manacles designed to bind someone firmly to its surface.

AUMBRY: Contains 20 doses of agony, 100 doses of abyss dust, and 12 curse jewels.

TABLE – DC 20 INTELLIGENCE (INVESTIGATION): The table has a hidden compartment where a slave manacled to its surface can be quickly dropped out of sight. (The compartment has a permanent silence spell cast on it.)

DM Background: Groups (or, more rarely, individuals) will employ his room to use curse jewels on a single slave bound to the surface of the table. This often results in the death of the slave and the groups pay extra for their murderous delights. The “ritual” is often accompanied with doses of agony.

This particular snuff chamber is rarely used. Those looking for this sort of “entertainment” are more likely to use the curse den in Oldtown, but the relative privacy and exclusivity attracts a very particular type of client.



Den Master Corellius—

I understand your concern, but Dilar’s affiliation with the Dark Leaf doesn’t offer him immunity. These debts you’re describing from the Oldtown Curse Den are disturbing and simply cannot be tolerated. In fact, this only contributes to a pattern of irregular behavior which is particularly alarming in light of his duty to provide security at the warehouse on Runshallot.

If you deem it wise, set spies upon him. It’s possible his loyalties have become divided and this matter may give us fair excuse to investigate without raising any possible alarm if other eyes have been placed on him.

In any case, if the matter of the debt is not resolved, you should feel empowered to contact CS directly and resolve it permanently.

                                                                                                Godfred V.

IOU FROM KORBEN TROLLONEI owe personally, upon my honor and to the hand of Master Corellius, the sum of 8,250 gp. Korben Trollone abiding at Edarth's Loans the 8th of Noctural, 790

Go to Part 9: Fleet of Iron Sails


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