The Alexandrian

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BACKGROUND: The Lesser Emperor brought six Osiran sarcophagi to this abandoned building and had them installed. As nano-mummies are processed from the Nano-Embalming Compound (Encounter 4), they will need to come here and rest in a torpor for a week in order to stabilize their neural-physical interfaces.

Nano-mummies who go through the full period of torpor will be more powerful than the ones seen in this adventure.

LAY OF THE LAND: This encounter was designed for a battlemap from Into the Shadowhaunt, which was given out at the 2008 D&D Worldwide Gameday. (If anyone knows an alternative source where people can find it, lemme know in the comments.)

The Tomb - Into the Shadowhaunt

ENCOUNTER – OUTER GUARD: Two Eyes of Osiris, two Osiran Rocket Bots (see Gamma World, pg. 155), and eight Osiran Zombies guard the entrance to the complex.

Egyptian Incursion - Eye of Osiris

Egyptian Incursion - Osiran Zombies

ENCOUNTER – INNER GUARD: Two of the sarcophagi are currently occupied by nano-mummies. Once the outer guard raises the alarm (or sounds of combat are heard), the Lesser Emperor will activate the sarcophagi. On a 5+ recharge, the sarcophagi will open. Once both sarcophagi are open, the Lesser Emperor and both nano-mummies will move out to assist the outer guard.

Egyptian Incursion - Osiran Zombie

Egyptian Incursion - Lesser Emperor


  • 1 Omega Tech card per PC.

Next: The Random Encounter

One Response to “Gamma World: The Egyptian Incursion – Encounter 5: The Tomb”

  1. John says:

    You appear to have some typos in your monster text…
    ‘missed attack never damages a minion’ twice in the Zombie.
    Death Jaws text refers to Osiran Zombie in Osiran Mummy text; similar issue with Zombie Weakness. Bite also typo’d to bit in Death Jaws.
    Lesser Emperor abilities refer to ‘dragon’ several times.

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