The Alexandrian

Mephits & Magmin VTT Map Sample - Tessa Morecroft

Mephits & Magmin is the introductory scenario from So You Want To Be a Game Master. It’s designed specifically for first-time GMs, but can provide an evening of eerie, magical fun for any group!

Now it’s easier than ever to run the adventure on a virtual tabletop! Tessa Morecroft of Tessa’s Maps has created an all-new version of the adventure map specifically customized for online play.

In addition to multiple variations of Tessa’s beautiful, full-color rendition of the volcanic caverns, the zip file below also contains a DD2VTT file you can use to import the map with dynamic lighting and line-of-sight to a variety of virtual tabletops, including Roll20 and Foundry.

Mephits & Magmin, map by Tessa Morecroft

(zip file)

One Response to “Mephits & Magmin – VTT Maps”

  1. Doodpants says:

    It seems that the content of Tessa’s Maps is only available to people who have an account on the site on which it is hosted. 🙁

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