The Alexandrian

D&D Baldur's Gate: Sidekick / Baldur's Gate - Zstąpienie do Avernusa: pomocnik

Here’s a fun announcement:, the official Polish publishers of Dungeons & Dragons, have licensed Act I of the Avernus Remix, translated and adapted it into Polish, and released it as an official PDF sidekick for the campaign.

This is really cool for me because it’s technically my first official D&D book.

If you’re Polish, it’s cool for you because I’m sure it’s an awesome book for your campaign! (I, unfortunately, do not understand a word of Polish. So if you do, let us know how they did!)

If you’re not Polish, this is cool for you because this PDF includes a bunch of original graphical resources and maps that you may find useful for your Descent Into Avernus or Baldur’s Gate-based campaigns.

The book is currently free on the DM’s Guild, so it’s the perfect time to grab a copy!


PDF Edition

4 Responses to “D&D Baldur’s Gate: Sidekick”

  1. Camila Acolide says:

    Nice, congratulations (even if indirectly)!
    You deserve it!!

  2. Szymon Stanuch says:

    I haven’t had a chance to go through the entire sidekick thoroughly, but from what I’ve seen, they’ve done a pretty good job with the translation, reflecting your writing style well. Greetings from Poland!!!!

  3. Justin Alexander says:

    Thanks, Camila! I appreciate it!

    And thanks, Szymon, that’s great to hear!

  4. Ruslan says:

    I’m not Polish, but I can read this work without a translator , but Poland guys did a good job of translating, for which I thank them and will most likely use their work if I run “Avernus” with remix.

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