The Alexandrian

Is a +1 sword magical? Technically, yes. But does it feel like magic? Probably not.

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2 Responses to “Quick GM Tips: Making Magic Magical”

  1. Jon says:

    Dungeon of Signs has a post from back in 2014 that dealt with this sort of idea, and I love the creativity of some of their options that actually just avoids doing +1 in the first place.

    And then of course there’s Whose Measure God Could Not Take where they wrote a generator that makes up magic weapons of various types with cool names and tells you what exactly type of weapon they are.

    Put both of these ideas together, and you can get some really creative magic items. To me, the risk of doing something like putting a demon in a weapon is that you immediately have a weapon that is potentially TOO cool, and they either never want to move on from that weapon, or they toss it aside and its story potential is wasted.

  2. Jennifer says:

    Again, some useful fodder for my own games. Thanks!

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