The Alexandrian

There are lots of short adventures available for RPGs like D&D, Feng Shui, Shadowrun, and Magical Kitties Save the Day. But if you want to do something more than the purely episodic, how can you take those adventures and weave them all together into a cohesive campaign?

This video is the first in what I’m hoping will be a new video production pipeline, featuring a dedicated editor other than myself. If all goes well, this should significantly speed up the production of new videos and let me get back to making regular video releases again. (To put things in perspective, I’ve had the raw footage for this video and three others just moldering away on my hard drive since the end of June without being able to dedicate the time necessary to get them ready for prime time.)

Good gaming! I’ll see you at the table!

2 Responses to “Advanced Gamemastery: The Campaign Stitch”

  1. Jennifer says:

    “Campaign Stitching” is a good name for it. Since (when I’m playing at all) my game is open table, the stitches are less about bringing in the same NPCs than having something going on in the background. One of my go-to encounters in my “city of adventure,” for example, is to have the Queen’s Own Troubleshooters fight something monstrous and mutated in the sewer. It’s okay for me to do this several times in a row because I almost certainly won’t have the same players several times in a row. But I can still stitch it together for my own interest, and gradually reveal clues that lead to the discovery that the reason there are *so many* sewer mutants is that the University has been dumping the dregs of its magical potions in there. Next session is a social one where they have to go before the Uni board or the hygiene commission and get that stopped. Or maybe they’ll discover that the University has a reason for doing this – they’re breeding an army!

    Another thing that I’ve actually done once or twice is to have the party rescue an orphan, street urchin, etc and become attached to them. Three weeks later, a player returns and is informed that the poxy kid he rescued from drowning last time now lives in the barracks and would like to polish his boots.

    The stitches are there, but they don’t have to be noticeable.

  2. Ginger says:

    Loving the new vids!

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