The Alexandrian

Go to Part 1

When talking about node-based design, I’ve generally used examples of single scenarios (and usually quite simple scenarios). This has the advantage of keeping the examples relatively uncluttered, but can also be inadvertently deceptive by masking the true power of node-based design.

For example, nodes can be locations, characters, organizations, and so forth. But conceptually they can also be entire scenarios.

This is usually how I design campaigns: I start by brainstorming the major scenarios that are part of the campaign. I think of each scenario as a node and I connect these nodes with clues, following the standard Three Clue Rule, Inverted Three Clue Rule, and all of that. For the sake of argument, let’s call these campaign nodes.

Once I’ve sketched out that broad plan, I can look at each individual scenario and work it up in detail. Many of these scenarios will also be node-based (featuring scenario nodes), although it’s easy enough to mix in other scenario structures (like dungeons or raids or parties or whatever) as appropriate.

The 5-Node Mystery essay has an example of this process. The 5-Node Mystery itself is a basic node template for creating a simple mystery scenario with five nodes – an initial node, three locations/people, and a finale arranged into a simple pattern. You can whip up five of these simple mystery scenarios and then arrange them in the exact same pattern as campaign nodes to form a full campaign.

You can also invert this process, starting with a single scenario, linking it to other scenarios, then linking those scenarios to still more scenarios, organically building up a node-based campaign. (This can obviously work well as a way of building an active campaign week-to-week as you play.)

Note: Not every campaign node necessarily needs to be a full scenario. You might have a bunch of campaign nodes that are full scenarios (unfolding into much greater specificity) connected to another node that’s simply “Admiral Dawson” (a single NPC).


My campaign notes generally live in a binder. The first section of this binder contains all the campaign-wide details — lists of campaign nodes, revelation lists, etc. Then each additional section is an individual scenario or similar chunk of information.

To keep the individual scenarios / campaign nodes organized, I’ll frequently number them. They’re usually also sorted into conceptual bundles. You can see an example of this in Part 7 of the Dragon Heist Remix:

0.0 Campaign Overview
1.0 Finding Floon
2.0 Trollskull
3.0 Nimblewright Investigation
3.1 Gralhund Villa
4.1 Faction Response Teams
4.2 Faction Outposts
5.0 Heist Overview
5.1 Bregan D’Aerthe – Sea Maidens Faire
5.2 Cassalanter Estate
5.3 Xanathar’s Lair
5.4 Zhentarim – Kolat Towers
6.0 Brandath Crypts
6.1 The Vault

To briefly summarize:

  • The 0.0 document is the campaign-wide material.
  • Node-based design mostly kicks in with Part 3.0, which is a node-based mystery in which the solution is going to Part 3.1 (which is a raid scenario).
  • The 3.1 raid contains a bunch of leads pointing to other scenarios. I’ve broadly organized these into Part 4 (faction-related stuff built as a sort of node campaign inside the node campaign), Part 5 (the major heists, which the PCs are pointed to by leads in Part 4), and Part 6 (the final scenario, which is built as a dungeon crawl and further broken into two parts for convenience).

Sometimes this conceptual structure is literally just the nodes themselves in a simple list. Masks of Nyarlathotep and Eternal Lies use a globetrotting structure to similar effect: Each major city visited by the players is treated as a separate scenario (i.e., a campaign node) with links between them.

Act II of my Ptolus: In the Shadow of the Spire campaign has forty-two different scenarios. In addition to conceptually breaking the campaign into acts, I have further divided this act of the campaign into three sections, using prefixes to distinguish them. (So this campaign features adventures with organizing codes like NOD4, CC3, and BW09. Which may sound confusing, but is perfectly clear in context.)

My big point here is that there’s not necessarily a “one true way” here. It’s what works for you and it’s what works for a specific campaign.


The conceptual separation of a campaign into separate nodes is also a great way to manage prep and, in accord with the principles of smart prep, minimize wasted prep.

Basically, you can set up the essential elements of a campaign node (in terms of how it connects and interacts with other campaign nodes) without fully prepping the scenario that lies “behind” that campaign node. Therefore, you don’t actually need to prep that scenario until the PCs move to engage it.

For example, when I originally laid out Act I of Ptolus: In the Shadow of the Spire, it featured thirteen scenarios. Because of the choices my players made, however, I ended up only needing to prep seven of those scenarios.

The high-level view of the campaign gives enough detail to have a complicated web of interrelated content, while also conceptually firewalling the campaign in a way that prevents you from pouring a bunch of extra detail into areas where it turns out you don’t need it.

Note: As you design and expand individual campaign nodes, you’ll often find new opportunities to link the node to other nodes arising naturally out of the material. Do so. As a corollary of the Three Clue Rule suggests: More clues are always better. (Make sure to list these new connections in your campaign-wide documentation, too.)


The modular nature of node-based design, however, also makes it easy to integrate new nodes into your campaign structure.

In fact, it’s not unusual in the slightest for the actions of the PCs to generate new nodes by either creating leads out of whole cloth (by pursuing methods of investigation or a strategy of action that I hadn’t anticipated) or following leads that I didn’t realize were leads when I made them. I discussed one example of this in Ptolus: In the Shadow of the Spire here, as the unexpected actions of the PCs added two completely new nodes to Act I (even while they were, as noted above, ignoring six other nodes I had planned).

Something similar happened in the Eternal Lies Remix, with the players choosing to go to the Severn Valley by following information that wasn’t explicitly designed as a lead, but which they nevertheless interpreted as such.

As the GM, you may also find yourself proactively creating new nodes that arise logically out of the evolving circumstances of the game. The Shipwrights’ Ball in my Dragon Heist campaign is an example of that.

As you’re adding these nodes to your campaign, don’t forget to link them to other campaign nodes just like you would with any other node. You don’t need to worry about making sure to include three clues pointing to the new node (you’re designing the node because the PCs are heading there; you don’t need redundancy to make sure they do the thing they’re already doing), but seize the opportunity to add new leads pointing to other nodes. (For example, when adding the Laboratory of the Beast to In the Shadow of the Spire, I added several new links to Act II of the campaign.)

These connections will often arise naturalistically in any case. If the PCs become interested in a mobster’s yacht or lawyer or ex-wife because of their connection to the mobster, it just makes sense that those things could be potentially connected to the mobster’s other affairs (i.e., the other nodes connected to the mobster in the campaign).

Note: There are plenty of exceptions to prove this “rule.” If the PCs go haring off on a wild goose chase, it’s perfectly fine for them to discover that it’s a dead-end in terms of their wider investigation. (Of course, this doesn’t mean that they won’t find something interesting there. The Manse of the Red Dragon sounds pretty exciting even if it doesn’t have any connection to the conspiracy of Elf Lords.)

In some cases, you may find that the PCs have blasted open a whole new multi-node section of the campaign. That’s great! Just remember not to prep more of those nodes than you immediately need to.


I spoke earlier about the two prongs of mystery design: That there are leads which point to other nodes where you can continue investigating things and clues that point to other types of revelations (like the solution to a mystery). Furthermore, the latter can be spread out over the course of an entire scenario, with the PCs slowly accumulating the clues they need to piece things together.

This same principle can hold at the campaign level: You can take a big mystery, break it down into separate revelations, and then spread the clues for those revelations out over the entire campaign (perhaps dropping only one or two in a given scenario).

This is a meta-mystery, and it’s an example of what I call a meta-scenario.

Although the design principles here, like much of what we’ve been talking about, are the same as they would be for an individual scenario, in some cases a difference in scale is a difference of kind. Largely, this is a matter of organization: I usually find that meta-scenarios require their own section of the binder. I find them easiest to both design and manage if I think of them as a distinct entity that’s kind of being “draped” over the top of the campaign’s primary structure.

Meta-mysteries are not the only sort of campaign-spanning meta-scenario. Other examples might include:

  • Collecting the specialized components for performing a ritual.
  • Making allies for the Prophecy War.
  • Being hunted by an intergalactic cabal of assassins.
  • A countdown to the apocalypse as the Stars Come Right.

Go to Part 3: The Fractal Node

11 Responses to “The Secret Life of Nodes – Part 2: Node-Based Campaigns”

  1. Grasen J says:

    So first off, I am so damn stoked to finally see this! Waiting a week almost felt too long!

    Second, so-far I have only just looked at the image. What’s that Waterdeep Dragon Heist box in the background? Did you get a copy of the remix bound?

  2. Percio says:

    You said: “For example, when I originally laid out Act I of Ptolus: In the Shadow of the Spire, it featured thirteen scenarios. Because of the choices my players made, however, I ended up only needing to prep seven of those scenarios”.
    Can you explain these?
    Have you prepared only the first node and the first X connected directly, then preparing in detail the nodes related to those explored? example: you have prepared node 1, connected to A1, B1 and C1 (each pointing to the other 2 plus to A2, B2 and C2), and then you have prepared only the nodes that the PCs could reach (example: not having explored C1 they have no way to reach C2, but they could go to A2 and B3 so I prepare A2 and B3 leaving C2 aside)?

  3. Justin Alexander says:

    @Grasen J: That’s a 3-ring binder that has all my notes from Dragon Heist in it. It’s a custom cover sheet that I designed. It’s bundled in The Complete Collection on Patreon.

    @Percio: More or less, yes. I have a list of the campaign nodes I have planned and then a revelation list of the clues that link those campaign nodes together. Collectively this is probably 2-3 pages of prep. For Act I there was a meta-scenario regarding their lost memories. In other cases I might have 5-10 pages of act-wide material; for example, an overview of how the mob is organized. (Although often the node list and revelation list carry a lot of water here.)

    In theory, I only need to prep the scenarios they’re actually planning to go and check out. In practice, I’ve usually fleshed out notes on more material than that for one reason or another.

    I should mention that only hitting 7 out of 13 campaign nodes is, IME, a fairly low engagement ratio. Usually he hit rate is higher. (In this case, the PCs coincidentally skipped two nodes that were basically the only connection to the other four.)

  4. Percio says:

    Thank you!

  5. Jin Cardassian says:


    Would you give a few more details on how you actually manipulate this reference material in play? Even with a sectioned binder, I find myself fumbling with page turns too frequently.

    I tried separating campaign-wide material and the localized material into two binders for simultaneous reference, but it was still too cumbersome.

  6. Justin Alexander says:

    I made a note at the beginning of the year to do a post that showed how I set up my GM area for most RPGs… but then 2020 happened and I haven’t actually set up my GM area.

    Short version is: I take the pages out of the binder. And I’ve gotten quite good at anticipating which pages I’ll need, so I don’t need to fumble for them (or at least quite so much) when the time comes.

    For example, if the PCs are heading into a dungeon, I’ll:

    – Pull the stat block pages and set them aside on a side table.
    – Pull the props package (if any) and set them aside on a side table.
    – Pull the map and (usually) attach it to my GM screen.
    – Pull the adversary roster and put it on the table in front of me.

    So then what I have left in the binder is just the dungeon key. When I see a fight coming, I pull out the stat blocks I need and put them on the table in front of me. When the PCs are investigating an area and are likely to find a prop, I’ll pull that prop while calling for their skill checks, etc.

    I also try to maximize table space. I rarely run a game without having a TV tray set up next to me. Rulebooks and binder typically go there, leaving the table space in front of me open for laying out multiple sheets of paper + the vertical reference space of the GM screen.

    It’s not unusual for me to have:
    – My binder and a rulebook open on the TV tray.
    – 2 or 3 sheets of stat blocks in front of me.
    – A map + other reference material clipped to my screen.

    So, without flipping any pages at all, I can reference 5-6 pages of information by just moving my eyes around.

  7. Jin Cardassian says:


    Thank you, that’s very helpful!

  8. Jin Cardassian says:


    Another set of questions occurred to me, regarding clues:

    How would you handle clues that are not self-contained? By this I mean clues that don’t work in isolation, but only when you’ve found another corresponding clue.

    Also, how would you quantify their value with respect to the Three Clue Rule.

    I rarely find myself wanting to do that with leads. I typically make them self-contained. Redundant leads can reinforce other ones, or correct a faulty deduction, but theoretically one is all the PCs need to progress.

    Clues, on the other hand, really seem to lend themselves to this. The obvious reason is that I’m hesitant to present clues that enable the complete answer to the mystery early on.

    For example, let’s say in Scene 1, at the victim’s house, the players discover the diary and immediately conclude it’s a werewolf. The rest of the scenario no longer feels like a mystery, but rather an action game in which they gear up with silver to hunt the wolf.

    That wouldn’t really fit the timing you often see in linear-media mysteries. That feels a bit railroady to say, and surprising deductive leaps are always fun to watch. Still, I wonder how you can preserve a mystery feel under those circumstances.

    Consequently, I think sometimes I’ve reflexively made the concept clues too vague. The players may still find the werewolf and confront him, but don’t always know it’s a werewolf before then.

    So maybe I should just embrace early solving and roll with it, by making the concept clues more self-contained.

    Do you have any advice on that kind of thing?

  9. Justin Alexander says:

    Re: Multi-part revelations.

    If you need to know that the killer is both red-haired AND left-handed to figure out who the killer is, then that’s two DIFFERENT revelations and you need three clues pointing at each.

    (Conversely, if the killer is the only red-haired person and the only left-handed person on the murder yacht, then “red-haired” and “left-handed” are both clues definitively pointing to a single revelation.)

    And, yes, multi-part revelations tend to work best as scenario-solves (i.e., who the murderer is). But there can be situations in which the scenario-solve IS a lead. (For example, the entire Eternal Lies campaign is built around a multi-part revelation that tells the PCs where they need to go for the penultimate finale.)

    Re: The werewolf example.

    A couple things to consider:

    (1) Delay the clues pointing to the scenario-solve. My mysteries are frequently structured so that it’s basically impossible for the PCs to figure out what’s really happening for 3-4 scenes, because the first layer or two of nodes don’t have any clues that can reveal that information.

    (2) Try to build mysteries that require figuring out multiple revelations. For example, knowing that “a werewolf did it!” is useful, but you might still need to figure out who it is or where their lair is or who their next victim will be in order to actually stop the attacks. (Or build the scenario with ALL of those revelations baked in and then let the players figure out what information they need and how they’ll combine it to solve the problem.)

    (3) If you do have a multi-part revelation, don’t be afraid to segregate the information. In Eternal Lies, for example, the PCs can’t go to one city and then “skip to the end” because each part of the multi-part revelation is in a different city-node.

  10. Jin Cardassian says:

    Thanks, that’s solid advice. I’ll try delaying any scenario solve clues for 1-2 layers. Past that part, early solves are possible. Players enjoy it immensely when pull that off.

    And yes, multiple solver revelations are another good idea. Deduction once early has some interesting benefits for the others: this revelation itself acts as ac Bang, it gets players thinking about changing their approach, and knowing only one aspect of the mystery deepens the intrigue without ending the mystery.

    As another method, make the evidence acquisition time consuming. In a spy game, the characters found a predecessor’s case files early on. They contained some major clues, but the notes were disorganized and borderline-unintelligible. Analysis of each section required time (12 hours per section).

    Each player had to choose between to spend days pouring over the files, or keep hitting the street. They could return to the case files at any time. It came to work as a “defalt” action the players could take whenever they were stuck, functioning similarly to TehcnNoires “hit your contacts” action.

  11. licorice says:

    Hey Alexander! Big fan of your work and your book!

    I have a few questions regarding the article and answering them would help me greatly understand it more.

    1. How do you define a major scenario? (i.e campaign node)

    2. How do other campaign nodes connect to other campaign nodes? I know its from the three clue rules and the inverse of it, but can an example be provided?

    3. Can campaign nodes only connect to other campaign nodes? Can scenarios inside a campaign node connect to other scenarios in other separate campaign nodes? Can a campaign node point to other scenarios in a separate campaign node and vis versa?


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