The Alexandrian

Xanathar and His Fish - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Go to Part 1

Xanathar stole the Stone of Golorr from Lord Neverember and he stole one of the three Eyes from the Zhentarim. Then he lost the Stone when Dalakhar took it from him.

As a result, once the PCs become truly involved with the Grand Game, it is likely that Xanathar is on a level playing field with Manshoon and the Cassalanters, holding but a single Eye.


Throughout the festival season, Xanathar hosts gladiatorial games every 2-4 days. As noted in Part 3B, those interested in attending the fights must learn the secret pass phrases and go to gladiatorial gathering points throughout the city.

In addition to the arena itself (X6), those attending these fights are allowed to congregate in areas X2, X17, and X18. Servants circulate through these areas, serving drinks and food. Additional guards are placed in the entrance to hallways X21 and X22, however, to turn guests away. (See the Tournament adversary roster, below.)

Panopticus Dwarves: The panopticus dwarves in Area X16 keep the following areas constantly under surveillance:

  • Area X2 – Entrance Hall
  • Area X6 – Arena
  • Area X18 – Audience Chamber
  • Area X23 – Antechamber of Madness
  • Area X32 – Downstairs Hallway

Identifying the function of the ghostly eyes during onsite surveillance is probably crucial to carrying out an effective heist. Their function can be determined with a DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check, making it clear that there must be a panopticus circle somewhere nearby being monitored by a number of watchers equal to the number of ghostly eyes. A detect magic spell combined with a DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check will allow the caster to follow the magical lines of force between the eyes and the panopticus circle, effectively triangulating the location of the circle if they can observe at least two eyes.

In addition, as described in Area X16 below, the panopticus circle can be suborned.


Note that the list of areas surveilled by the panopticus dwarves is deliberately altered. The easiest access to Xanathar’s Sanctum (X19) is through the door in Area X18. By placing a scrying sensor there, it more or less forces the PCs to either suborn the panopticus or find an alternative route to Area X19.


Xanathar's Lair - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

There are no blueprints of Xanathar’s Lair to be found. Questioning Xanatharian agents might give the PCs an opportunity to piece out information, but convincing them to do so when the consequence is Xanathar’s displeasure is not an easy task.

Far easier is contacting one of the many people who have attended the gladiatorial games to describe what they’ve seen. In general their recollections will be limited to the “public” areas listed above, but:

  • There’s one halfling who remembers seeing some of Xanathar’s personal guard come through the secret door between X17 and X16 (“I was looking at this fresco of a leafless tree that had lidless eyes embedded in its branches and suddenly – presto! – the whole wall swung back and some of those shifty-eyed bugbears came through”). She didn’t see how the door operates.
  • If they get particularly lucky, they might track down a foolhardy couple who snuck through the door from the Audience Chamber (X18) into Xanathar’s Sanctum (X19) and can describe what they saw there.


As described on p. 101-102 of Dragon Heist, there are a number of other powerful factions throughout the city that are aware of Xanathar’s Lair and can reveal the secret entrance to Area X1.

There is a magical portal to Xanathar’s Lair in the Guild Sewer Hideout in Chapter 1: Finding Floon. It’s possible (although unlikely) that the PCs already gained access to the lair at that time. If not, they could theoretically put the hideout under surveillance, ambush Nihiloor, and use his amulet to activate the portal and enter the lair.

If Ott Steeltoes is rescued from the Zhentarim (see Part 3B), he may also be gulled into leading the PCs to this secret entrance.


Whenever the PCs choose to launch their actual heist, it turns out that Jarlaxle is simultaneously attempting to do the exact same thing.

The Team: Jarlaxle’s team consists of himself, one of his lieutenants, and a Bregan D’Aerthe response team (see Part 3C).

Entrance: Generally speaking, there are three methods of entry to Xanathar’s Lair. You can come in the secret entrance (X1), you can try to sneak in from Skullport (X4),Jarlaxle Baenre or you can be brought in as part of the audience for the gladiatorial games (also via X4, but almost certainly arriving in X6 before you’ll have a chance to slip away).

I recommend having Jarlaxle’s team use a method of entry which the PCs didn’t. So if the PCs came in through X1, for example, then Jarlaxle’s team arrived from either Skullport or as part of the crowd for the gladiatorial tournament.

Jarlaxle’s Plan: The ace in the hole for Jarlaxle is that he’s aware of the secret passage (X14) leading to Xanathar’s Sanctum. How, exactly, he gains access to the passage is heavily dependent on the circumstances in which the heist takes place. (And, dramatically speaking, the DM should ideally make it cross the path of the PCs’ heist as much as possible: Seeing Jarlaxle or his lieutenants from across a crowded room or at the far end of a deserted hallway about their business will be a satisfying complication. This will also be easier to do if Jarlaxle’s team includes someone the PCs have seen before during the Grand Game, if that’s not Jarlaxle himself.)

Jarlaxle’s modus operandi will generally be using secondary teams to create distractions in order to draw people (including Xanathar) away from where he wants his primary team to be. For example, if the heist is going down during a gladiatorial match, Jarlaxle’s plan might look something like this:

  • One of his men picks a fight with the guards blocking entrance to hallway X21. This draws the guards preventing entry to X22 away from their posts.
  • Jarlaxle’s lieutenant and two more of his men slip into X22 and down the stairs to X32. They make their way to the Recreation Hall (X28) and throw smoke bombs through the door.
  • Men from X28 rush to the Audience Chamber (X18), causing the guards on the door there to rush out to X8. Jarlaxle and his remaining men slip through the door behind them and then through the secret door to X19.
  • After locating the Eye, they go down the emergency escape route to X21. Jarlaxle uses his hat of disguise to don the appearance of Ahmaergo, orders the guards to assist in the commotion downstairs, meets up with the rest of his team as they emerge back up the stairs and through Area X22, and then heads for the exit.

Nar’l Xibrindas: N’arl is an agent of Bregan D’Aerthe, but his ability to directly assist Jarlaxle during the heist is limited due to the presence of the grell bodyguard Xanathar has placed on him. Jarlaxle would also prefer to keep him in situ as a valuable source of intel until the Grand Game has concluded.

However, once the distractions start causing turmoil, Nar’l might contribute to Jarlaxle’s plan in subtler ways. (For example, by ordering key guards out of the way on plausible pretexts at the right moment.)

Effect on the PCs: The presence of Jarlaxle’s team will almost certainly cause complications for the PCs’ plans, but the PCs’ actions are also likely to cause complications for Jarlaxle. It will be most satisfying if you let both those things play out naturally, and keep in mind that it’s equally possible for the PCs to benefit from security holes Jarlaxle opens for his own team (and vice versa).


Competing with a second crew trying to pull of the same job is a really exciting situation that opens up a lot of unique tactical choices and dramatic situations. But there’s another reason for including Jarlaxle’s crew here: Xanathar’s Lair is probably the hardest nut to actually crack. If things get out of hand, the presence of Jarlaxle’s crew gives the DM a tool to either (a) easily pull heat off of the PCs or (b) steal the Eye, prompting an easier heist at the Sea Maidens Faire.


Panopticus - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

X7 – Cell Block: See Dragon Heist for full description.

  • Questioning Samara: Samara was part of the original delegation sent to Xanathar to negotiate a Golorr-related allegiance. The rest of her team was killed, but she was thrown in here and has been fighting for her life ever since. Her information is dated, but she believes that Xanathar holds the Stone of Golorr (which is the key to Neverember’s Enigma, although she doesn’t know that’s half a million gold coins) and that he’s taken Manshoon’s Eye. She also knows that there are two other Eyes. She can tell PCs that Manshoon is based out of Kolat Towers, and that the Towers can be accessed from Yellowspire.

X12 – Ahmaergo’s Quarters: In addition to the normal entry for this room, the chest contains A Briefing for Xanathar Concerning the Grand Game.

X16 – Panopticus Station: In addition to the normal entry for this room, it is possible to suborn the panopticus network. A DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check can determine that altering two specific runes in the circle will create an “echo” in the vision provided by the ghostly eyes. (In other words, yes, they can loop the video feed.) Doing so will require sneaking past the dwarves, but that’s not too hard because they’re only half-aware of their immediate surroundings.

X18 – Audience Chamber: In addition to the normal entry for this room, there is a ghostly eye scrying sensor.

X19 – Xanathar’s Sanctum: In addition to the normal entry for this room, Xanathar keeps the Eye in Sylgar’s fishbowl.

X28 – Guild Recreation Hall: In contradiction of the normal entry for this room, there is no scrying sensor in this room.

X35 – Nar’l Xibrindas’ Office: In addition the normal entry for this room, the desk contains a Report on the Seven Masks Theater.

  • Report on the Seven Masks Theater: A letter Rostrum Feilcook of the Fellowship of Innkeepers, a guild which also oversees local theaters, confirms “your exalted suspicion” regarding the new ownership of the Seven Masks Theater, insofar as the purported owner – “Rongquan Mystere” – is actually being funded by another source, most likely with money originating from outside Waterdeep. A second letter, dated two days later, reports that Rostrum has identified Rongquan’s mysterious patron as “Captain Zord of the Sea Maidens Faire” with his money “originating from Luskan”.
  • GM Note: Nar’l Xibrindas stole these letters and hid them before Xanathar could see them.



beholder zombie + 4 gas sporesArea X2 - Watched Hall(stationary)
animated armorArea X5 - Horror's Alcove(stationary, telepathically summonable by X)
Xanathar (01-25%)Area X6 - Arenaif X present, see A Private Fight
Noska Ur'gray (01-25%) + PrisonersArea X7 - Cell Blocksee p. 104 for prisoner list
10 banditsArea X9 - Guild Barracksnot present during A Private Fight
Noska Ur'gray (25-50%) + Rust MonsterArea X10 - Noska's Quarters
Ahmaergo (01-50%)Area X11/X12 - Ahmaergo's Quarters
Thorvin TwinbeardArea X13 - Thorvin's Workshop
Panopticus DwarvesArea X16 - Panopticus Station(stationary, observe through ghostly eyestalks)
Xanathar (25-50%)Area X18 - Audience Chamberif X present, see A Public Audience
Xanathar (51-75%, with Ott Steeltoes)Area X19 - Xanathar's Sanctumtalking to his fish
Xanathar (75-00%, sleeping)Area X19 - Xanathar's Sanctum
1 kuo-toa whip + 6 kuo-toaArea X23 - Antechamber of Madness
Nihiloor (01-50%) + drow prisonerArea X24 - Extraction Chamber
Nihiloor's PrisonersArea X25 - Food for Thought(stationary)
Nihiloor (51-00%) + 4 intellect devourersArea X26 - Spawning Pool(prisoners stationary, see DH p. 111 for list)
3 kuo-toa whips + prisonersArea X27 - Nihiloor's Prison
10 bandits +1 two goblinsArea X28 - Recreation Hall(prisoners stationary)
2 gazers + 7 chefsArea X30 - Gourmet Kitchen
Halfling CookArea X31 - The Other Kitchen(civilian)
Nar'l Xibrindas + Grell bodyguardArea X35 - Nar'l's Office

RANDOM ENCOUNTERS: When entering any public area, there is a 1 in 10 chance of having a random encounter.

1Flutterfoot Zipswiggle (see DH p. 104)
2Ahmaergo (conducting a routine inspection)
3N'arl Xibrindas + Grell bodyguard
4Ott Steeltoes


  • Xanathar (invisible in southeast alcove)
  • Ahmaergo
  • Noska Ur’gray
  • 10 bandits + 5 bugbears as an audience
  • 2 goblins serving salted rat intestines and stirge meat pies
  • 1d4 random combatants from Area X7


  • Xanathar, using psychedelic light display to deliver an incoherent, self-aggrandizing speech to a group of sycophantic underlings who have never seen his true form
  • Nar’l Xibrindas
  • Grell Bodyguard
  • 10 bandits
  • 2 duergar


During a tournament, there will be gathered an audience of 30-60 people. This crowd will either by in the Arena (X6) or congregating socially in Promenade (X17) and Audience Chamber (X18).

Guards: Xanathar’s bandits act as guards. (These numbers are included in the adversary roster below.)

  • X6: 2 guards at either end of the audience.
  • X17: 2 guards are stationed at the exits to X2, X21, and X22.
  • X18: 2 guards on all three doors.

Xanathar: Xanathar enters the Audience Chamber (X18), gives a short speech extolling how wonderful it is that he’s doing this for everyone, and then floats through the Promenade (X17) to the Arena (X6), where he sets up court in the southeast corner.

The Arena Crowd:

  • Xanathar
  • Ahmaergo
  • Thorvin Twinbeard (01-50%)
  • Nihilor (01-50%)
  • Ott Steeltoes
  • Nar’l Xibrindas (01-50%)

In the Arena: See Dragon Heist, p. 114 for details on participating in the tournament.


beholder zombie + 4 gas sporesArea X2 - Watched Hall(stationary)
animated armorArea X5 - Horror's Alcove(stationary, telepathically summoned by X)
Arena Crowd + 4 banditsArea X6 - Arena
Noska Ur'gray + PrisonersArea X7 - Cell Blocksee p. 104 for prisoner list
Noska's Rust MonsterArea X10 - Noska's Quarters(stationary)
Thorvin Twinbeard (51-00%)Area X13 - Thorvin's Workshop
Panopticus DwarvesArea X16 - Panopticus Stationobserve through ghostly eyestalks
6 banditsArea X17 - Promenade
6 banditsArea X18 - Audience Chamber
1 kuo-toa whip + 6 kuo-toaArea X23 - Antechamber of Madness
Nihilor (51-75%) + drow prisonerArea X24 - Extraction Chamber
Nihiloor's PrisonersArea X25 - Food for Thought(stationary)
Nihiloor (76-00%) + 4 intellect devourersArea X26 - Spawning Pool
3 kuo-toa whips + prisonersArea X27 - Nihiloor's Prisoners(prisoners stationary, see DH p. 111 for list)
4 bandits + 2 goblinsArea X28 - Recreation Hall
2 gazers + 7 chefsArea X30 - Gourmet Kitchen
Halfling CookArea X31 - The Other Kitchen(stationary)
Nar'l Xibrindas (51-00%)Area X35 - Nar'l's Office


Nihiloor - Waterdeep: Dragon HeistAhmaergo – DH p. 193
Flutterfoot Zipswiggle – DH p. 104
Thorvin Twinbeard – dwarven commoner, MM p. 345 (DH p. 216)
N’arl Xibrindas – drow mage, MM p. 129 (DH p. 211)
Noska Ur’gray – shield dwarf thug, MM p. 350 (DH p. 213)
Ott Steeltoes – dwarf cultist, MM p. 345 (DH p. 214)

Bandits – MM p. 343
Bugbears – MM p. 33
Duergar – MM p. 122
Grell – MM p. 172
Kuo-toa / Kuo-toa whip – MM p. 199-200

Chefs – kobolds, MM p. 195
Halfling Cook – commoner, MM p. 345


Any member of the Xanathar Guild will be fairly familiar with all of the public spaces in the lair.

  • Xanathar is even more paranoid than usual right now and hasn’t left his lair in weeks. That isn’t likely to change as long as the gang war with the Zhentarim is ongoing.
  • Xanathar has some kind of machine that “wakes him up in emergencies”. (GM Note: This is a mangled version of what his dream machine (X20) is actually for.)
  • Virtually all of the Xanatharians steer clear of the mind flayer’s demesne (X23-X27). It’s not unheard of for even loyal members of the Guild to disappear over there. As a result, they don’t know much about the layout or what’s there (although they know prisoners are delivered over there). Conniving Guild members might try to convince the PCs that this is where whatever it is they’re looking for is located (with the expectation that Nihiloor will eat their brains).
  • Xanathar doesn’t allow anyone to enter the Area X33 and most don’t even know what’s in there, but some know that there’s a secret door connecting the Arena (X6) and “whatever Xanathar has hidden down there”.

N’arl Xibrindas knows more than most. He’s even snuck into the Crypt of Xanathars Past (X33). But he’ll also suspect that anyone questioning him is actually an agent of Xanathar trying to reveal him as a double agent.

To Part 4E: Zhentarim – Kolat Towers

15 Responses to “Dragon Heist Remix – Part 4D: Xanathar’s Lair”

  1. Pelle says:

    It’s a cool setup, but what is the justification for the rival team arriving simultanously, and not an hour before or later? Do they know of the PCs plan and want to use them as a distraction?

  2. Justin Alexander says:

    Keep in mind the most likely times to pull the heist are during events. So the most likely explanation is that Jarlaxle just picked the same event from a limited menu of opportunities.

  3. Ayrton says:

    Hey, Alexander!
    Part 4E said that there was a ser of Kolat Towers’ Updated Blueprints in Part D, but I user Search and didn’t find any.
    Loving the Guide!

  4. Kevin O'Malley says:

    Many thanks for this!!!!

  5. Wyvern says:

    The link to Part 5E is missing.

    I can see one potential problem with putting a scrying eye in the audience chamber. Since that’s where the dwarves’ speaking tube leads to, if they see intruders in the area, what exactly are they supposed to do about it?

  6. Gene says:

    THANK YOU for this work….it’s inspired me to run my version of waterdeep in a non-linear non railroaded manner using much of what you’ve written! I have one sort of stupid question—where is the index of your dragon heist work? I can only find individual links at the bottom of each piece to a subset of the others…. maybe because I’m viewing this on a tablet? If there is a hyperlinked idea it would make this more accessible. Keep it up I can’t wait for the rest….my dragon heist game starts in less than a month. Cheers, Gene

  7. Justin Alexander says:

    I generally add a complete “table of contents” for large series when the series is completed. So you should be seeing that soon.

  8. Rob Irving says:

    You list the Beholder Zombie and Gas spores as being in X2 instead of X3 which is where the source book puts them. Was this a typo? If not what’s your reasoning for moving them?

  9. Mike says:

    First off, thank you for making this remix. I was heartily dismayed as I read the opening description in the book. It was my friend who directed me to this website as a resource, and it has made this adventure so much more interesting for me and my players.

    You mention above that Samara of the Zhentarim is still being held and knows that Kolat Towers is accessible from Yellowspire. Upon reviewing the Yellowspire section, I couldn’t find how that was. Could you fill me in on how that is?

  10. Justin Alexander says:

    @Rob: Might be a typo. Probably a typo.

    @Mike: I don’t have my book handy at the moment, but I believe that’s from the original campaign. There’s a teleportation circle in the basement of Yellowspire.

  11. David says:

    Dumb question – But where in X’s lair is the eye? / Where do the PCs retrieve it from?

  12. David says:

    Ah – Finally spotted – The fish has it!

  13. Alex says:

    Hey, but in which location is the eye located?

  14. Justin Alexander says:


  15. Veronica says:

    I assume the eye is in the BIG fishbowl?

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