The Alexandrian

Ptolus - In the Shadow of the Spire


March 9th, 2008
The 7th Day of Kadal in the 790th Year of the Seyrunian Dynasty

Once they were satisfied that they had explored the entire complex, the group turned its attention to a more thorough search in the hope of turning up the antidote for Lord Abbercombe.

Unfortunately, the antidote was not to be found. But scattered throughout the laboratory, the warren of the spider-things, and Shilukar’s bedchamber they found a large number of notes and other papers. Many of these were written in strange characters resembling those they had found upon the obsidian statues within Ghul’s Labyrinth, and these required Ranthir’s arcane arts to decipher.

In addition to the works described in full below, they also discovered The Book of Lesser Chaos, which described in detail a technomantic art known as “chaositech”.

Chaositech - Monte Cook


These notes describe “observational details of the experiments of the Brotherhood of the Serpent”. The details are scant, but the writer seems to have been frustrated that he cannot intuit the “ingredients and alchemical procedures” for something he refers to as askara. This is apparently thwarting him in his attempts to “replicate the so-far limited success of the venom-shaped thralls”.


These are actually several small scraps of parchment, not necessarily gathered together in one place, but sharing a hand quite distinct from any of the other papers to be found here.


We haven’t been able to determine where they’re getting it from. It would probably be relatively easy to follow them, if you were to give us permission for that.


We have been contacted through intermediaries by Silion. They have apparently obtained a bone of iron that requires repair. They inquire as to whether your services might be available?


We believe they have found a cache of chaositech. They have been asking openly around town regarding the subject and have been displaying several items which are almost certainly technology of the taint.


Infiltration of the D. Guild has failed. Retiring to the third safe house. Please send instructions.


This slim book has been bound in human skin. The black symbol of a dragon’s head has been burned into the cover.

The text of the book is composed of strange characters – their shape seems literally inimical to the eye, and as you try to focus upon them they seem to skew and skitter across the page.

Many of the pages of the book have been horribly damaged by both fire and water. Only a handful of the pages remain intact.


This sheaf of papers seem to be research notes – partly based on what appear to be actual experimental work and partly on references to another work (which is referred to merely as “the Book”).

You can see several references which make it clear that this work deals with the modification of humanoid species. You see references to eyes being removed and the sockets sewn shut; tongues being removed and the mouths sewn shut. Other, more esoteric references, suggest complicated rituals and alchemical procedures.

The overall thrust of the research appears to be an attempt to recreate or duplicate the “corruption of Wa’tuel”. The exact nature of this “corruption” remains unclear, but there are references to a “theft of Dreams” and a “severing of the Dreaming” which would “result in an utterly alien character”.


The first part of these notes discuss the removal of blood from the “sanguineous walls”. The writer refers to this as the “blood of Ravvan”.

The second part of the notes deal with an alchemical exploration of the properties of the “blood of Ravvan”. No definite conclusions are drawn, but the blood is observed to be highly reactive to the presence of “living flesh”.

The third part deals with experimentation on living creatures, including goblins. There is little success.

The fourth part, however, discusses a breakthrough: Those suffering the “dreamless corruption” and “trapped in the Dreaming stasis” appear to be “more receptive to the whispers of the Beast”. “Bestial properties” are reported to be emerging, including enormous strength and speed. Complete satisfaction is indicated with a plan to “move all of the subjects into the regime”.

At the end of the notes, a single enigmatic phrase: “Ravvan’s Mouth begins to speak…”


These papers constitute several heavily annotated schematics. Some of them appear to be ancient, while others appear to be of recent vintage – either original work or fresh copies of older material. The schematics describe the creation of “chaositech bombs”.

GENERAL PROPERTIES: Bombs are one-use weapons that explode in a radius, affecting all within that radius. Each bomb has a switch. Once activated, it will detonate at the end of that action—just enough time for the user to throw the bomb or to drop it and take a round’s worth of movement away from it before it explodes. Bombs vary wildly in appearance and size. Unless otherwise mentioned, the effects of bombs are instantaneous.

BOMBS DESCRIBED: Binding, Blight, Chaos Scrambling, Docility, Infestation, Sleep

Chaositech Bombs - Monte Cook


These apparently quickly-written notes appear to briefly sketch out the “hypothetical properties” of and a search for one or both of the “eyes of Ravvan”. The notes seem to indicate that, with the “inclusion of an eye” the “process would be greatly enhanced and quickened”.



I am sorry to say that, with every passing day, Alevolenz is tightening her grip upon the reins of House Vrama. It is unfortunate that your patron should have chosen to anger her upon her arrival. But, of course, how could we possibly have suspected what she would become?

Although if the notes you are sharing with me are truly only the “venom’s tip” of all that you are discovering, perhaps it is for the best that you were forced to flee to the surface! If such treasures of knowledge and power are truly so easy to grasp there, perhaps it is no wonder that the whispers of Alevolenz’ plans that I wrote to warn you of are spreading so quickly.

Fortunately I can still report that Quirilash has escaped the worst of it. Although she has been banished to the Watchtower of the Webs, she keeps her life and her mind. The same cannot be said of Teresstus, who has suffered a grisly fate I do not even wish to entrust to this parchment.

Senetys has been raised to take the place of Quirilash. This may have angered that cantankerous fool Ganthau, but it’s of little report.

Please, keep me informed of all that you discover. Your researches are truly enlightening. May I have your permission to share some of them with the mimics? There seems to be some interesting parallels between what you are discovering and what they have foreseen.



In reading through the notes written in the common tongue, Elestra was the first to voice what they all were thinking: Shilukar had been watching them. But why? And for what purpose? And for how long? What did he know?

Several samples of the “chaositech bombs” described in one of the treatises were found in the laboratory.

While Ranthir continued reading through the lengthier treatises and notes, some hard decisions were made: The possibility of taking the idol of Ravvan with them was raised. It was clearly precious to Shilukar – the center-piece of much or all of his work – and perhaps Lord Zavere could use it to reverse the blackmail.

Ultimately, however, they decided against it. Tee, who had experienced the whispers of the idol, was afraid of it… and also afraid of the taint that might accompany it.

In the end, uncertain of whether Shilukar would return or what aid he would bring with him, the group left the subterranean lair. They decided to secure things as best they could, so Ranthir took the time to cast a spell upon the sewer exit which would alert him if anyone used it. Then they locked the doors behind them and climbed back to the surface.

Someone had to deliver the bad news to Lord Zavere.


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