The Alexandrian

The Birth of Wolves - Franz Marc (partial)

Go to Dream Pacts (Part 1)


Appearing as either a young girl or boy, Bralla is a lost child – a symbol of either confusion or lost innocence (or both).

Spirit Circle: 1st

Binding DC: 17

Physical Sign: An extra shadow in the shape of a small child.


  • Must give aid, guidance, and direction to those who are lost.
  • Must help any child in need or pain.

Granted Powers:

  • Confusing Touch: As a standard action, a creature you touch suffers confusion, as per the spell, for 1 round per three effective binding levels you possess.
  • Purity of the Mind: At all times while bound to Bralla, you cannot be affected by mind-affecting spells or effects.


One of the Knights of the Dreaming, Cynothia appears in a suit of armor dripping with her own blood. She represents chivalric sacrifice.

Spirit Circle: 2nd

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: A coagulation of blood forms around your body, creating a suit of protective armor.


  • Will not leave an injured comrade behind.

Granted Power:

  • Blood Armor: Cynothia’s blood armor protects you. Its quality depends on your effective binding level. You do not benefit from the blood if you have suppressed Cynothia’s physical sign.
Effective Binding LevelArmor Created
2nd-4thmasterwork full plate
5th-8th+1 full plate
9th-12th+2 light fortification full plate
13th-16th+2 moderate fortification full plate
17th-19th+4 moderate fortification full plate
20th++4 heavy fortification full plate
  • Damage Reduction: Cynothia’s blood armor also grants you DR 1/piercing. This values improves by +1 per four effective binding levels (2/piercing at 4th level, 3/piercing at 8th level, and so forth). At 12th level this protection becomes DR 4/magic and piercing. You do not benefit from this damage reduction if you have suppressed Cynothia’s physical sign.
  • Shield Ally: As a standard action, you can swap locations with any visible and willing ally within 5 feet per two effective binding levels. A suit of blood armor forms around your ally, you swap places within your armor, and then the blood armor around your ally dissolves. The movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. At 7th level you can use this power as a move action. At 13th level you can use this power as a swift action. You cannot use this power if you have suppressed Cynothia’s physical sign.
  • Warrior’s Proficiencies: At all times while bound to Terrior, you are considered proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor (heavy, medium, and light), and all shields (including tower shields).


Spitzer's Orion

If you climb to the top of the highest mountain and look up, the starry sky of the Dreaming will speak with you. It has seen all the things that have ever been and speaks with the weary wisdom of the world’s age.

Spirit Circle: 2nd

Pact Check DC: 18

Physical Sign: In darkness you glow as if illuminated with faint starlight (providing dim illumination within 5 feet).


  • Dislike going indoors.
  • Linger in old and historic locales.

Granted Powers:

  • Appraiser’s Loresight: As a standard action, you gain a +10 insight bonus on Appraise checks to determine the value of an item you touch.
  • Creature Loresight: As a standard action, you learn something significant about a creature (living or dead) that you touch. You can only use this ability on a particular creature once per day per five effective binding levels. Go through this list, in order, and you learn the first bit of lore you do not know:
    • Creature’s race or type
    • Creature’s name (if none, then skip)
    • Creature’s class (if none, then skip)
    • How the creature died (if not applicable, skip)
    • Creature’s most recent, basic goal (obtain food, carry out orders, etc.)
    • Creature’s attitude towards you
    • Creature that this creature interacted with most recently (other than you)
    • Creature’s most valuable possession (if any)
    • Location of the creature’s home or lair (if any)
    • Creature’s alignment
  • Memory’s Prescience: As a swift action, you know the contents of a 20-foot-radius burst centered on yourself as if you had taken 10 on a Search check in a prescient burst of how the space came to arrange itself in its current configuration. You can use this ability once per day per effective binding level.
  • Object Loresight: As a standard action, you learn something significant about an object you touch. You can only use this ability on a particular object once per day per five effective binding levels. Go through this list, in order, and you learn the first bit of lore you do not know:
    • Age of object
    • Name of the last creature to touch the object (if any, other than you)
    • Race of last creature to touch the object (if any, other than you)
    • Name of the object’s creator (a natural object was created by nature)
    • Race of the object’s creator (if any)
    • Object’s purpose
    • Materials that make up the object
    • Location of the object’s creation
    • Name of the most recent owner of the object (if any)
    • Magical ability of the object (if any, random if more than one)
  • Resist Scrying: Your connection with the Faces of Stars places part of you above the normal constraints of reality. At all times while bound to the Face of Stars, you gain a +5 bonus on saving throws to resist scrying attempts.
  • Whisper of the Stars: While bound to it, the Face of Stars murmurs constantly into your ears, allowing you at will as a free action to make a bardic knowledge check with a bonus equal to your effective binding level + Intelligence modifier.


Genna is an urban dream spirit. A small mass of animate, solidified shadow with vaguely human-like features of a particularly canine cast, Genna dislikes open confrontation. He has been known to harass dreamers, cruelly pelting them from the shadows with thrown stones and worser things. From the shadows he speaks with a sibilant venom, but when forced into an open confrontation he will whine and pout until allowed to return to the shadows he loves.

Spirit Circle: 1st

Pact Check DC: 15

Physical Sign: Shadow grows to twice its normal size.


  • Enter sunlight only if no other options exist.
  • Won’t start a fight and skittish when combat is likely.

Granted Powers:

  • Low-Light Vision: At all times while bound to Genna, you gain low-light vision. If you already had low-light vision, you gain the benefits of the Superior Low-Light Vision feat.
  • Precise Shot: At all times while bound to Genna, you gain the benefits of the Precise Shot feat.
  • Shadow Dweller: At all times while bound to Genna, gain a +4 competence bonus on Hide checks.
  • Skulk’s Proficiencies: At all times while bound to Genna, you are considered proficient with all ranged weapons.
  • Twin Shot: At all times while bound to Genna, you gain the benefits of the Twin Shot feat.


Illiki is the manifestation of the light of civilization. He appears as a mischievous, dancing flame of insatiable curiosity.

Spirit Circle: 1st

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: Hands wreathed in flame (harmless to the pact-maker).


  • Cannot use the Hide skill.
  • Must seek an explanation for the mysterious.

Granted Powers

  • Darkvision: You gain darkvision 60 feet.
  • Fire Exultation: You can shoot forth a line of fire as a standard action. The line is 10-feet per effective binding level (maximum 50 feet) and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per effective binding level (Reflex save, half damage).
  • Flaming Hands: Although Illiki’s flaming hands are generally harmless, at will as a free action you can manifest them as a true flame (which is still harmless to you). You can use the flaming hands as a natural weapon that deals 1d6 points of damage (plus your Strength bonus).


Lunesca appears a young maid with milky skin, pure white hair, and ebon eyes. She is clothed in a covering of her own feathers, which can be appear either snow-white or jet-black. A raven rests upon one of her shoulders; a dove rests upon the other. She is a friend to all birds, and while she has the intensity of the hawk she can also possess some of their flightiness of personality.

Spirit Circle: 2nd

Pact Check DC: 18

Physical Sign: A living cloak of white or black feathers, which sprout from the shoulders and fall down to the back of the knees.


  • Cannot be cruel to any bird.
  • Cannot imprison any living creature.

Granted Powers:

  • Lunesca’s Call: As a standard action, you can call either a dove or a raven. It generally takes 1d4 minutes for the bird to answer your call, but you must be in an area where birds are capable or likely to reach you. You can have a total number of doves or ravens summoned at any time equal to your effective binding level.
  • Lunesca’s Friendship: At all times while bound to Lunesca, birds have an attitude of friendly towards you. (At the DM’s discretion, this may extend to bird-like creatures which are not animals.)
  • Messenger of the Dove: As a full round action, you can dispatch a dove to deliver a message, as per an animal messenger spell.
  • Ravensight: At will, you can choose to look through the eyes of one of Lunesca’s ravens. You have complete control over the bird and can see what it sees and hear what it hears. Use the bird’s skill checks to determine the result of its actions and observations (Hide, Spot Listen, etc.). Use your skill bonuses to derive information from its observations (Knowledge, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, etc.). While looking through a raven you are oblivious to your own surroundings except through the sense of touch. As a free action you can switch your view between ravens or back yourself.
  • Swarm of Ravens: As a standard action, you can command one of Lunesca’s ravens to summon a swarm of ravens. The raven will shake loosing its feathers, and each feather will transform itself into another raven. This functions as per a summon swarm spell, except you can direct the swarm to move as you wish.
  • Voice of the Dove: Whenever one of Lunesca’s doves is present, you can speak to birds as per a speak with animals spell (using the dove as a translator).


Strange creatures of the Dreaming, masquers slip quietly into the dreams of sleepers and assume the role of actors – playing out whatever parts the dream requires. In such dreams they can often by caught from the corner of the eye – strange, ornate creatures wearing elaborately carved and painted masks.

Masquers are not integral to the Dreaming, nor do they appear in every dream. The method by which they choose which dreams to infiltrate (if there is any) is unclear, leading some to believe they are mere parasites of the Dreaming, while others venerate them as benefactors.

Although masquers are not Spirit Lords, pacts can still be formed with them normally.

Spirit Circle: 1st

Pact Check DC: 15

Physical Sign: The face becomes a featureless white mask. (The mask can be morphed using the granted disguise self power to assume any features desired, including your own.)


  • Occasionally fail to recognize their own name.
  • Insatiably curious about the personal details of other’s lives.

Granted Powers:

  • Disguise Self: As a standard action, as per the spell.
  • Masquer’s Tongue: You gain a +4 insight bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, you can make a rushed Diplomacy check as a standard action and take no penalty.
  • Masquer’s Skills: When you form a pact with a masquer, you can choose a number of skills equal to your Wisdom bonus (if any). You gain +2 insight bonus to these skills.
  • Masquer’s Will: As a standard action, you can command a single creature within 30 feet as per the spell. At 8th level, your Masquer’s Will acts as a suggestion spell.

Special: You can be bound to more than one masquer at a time.


Sarnat is one of the Dreaming Guides, leading those who seek truth to the answers they desire. (At least in theory.) He wears an iron mask locked shut.

Spirit Circle: 2nd

Pact Check DC: 20

Physical Sign: The pupil of the eye becomes shaped like a keyhole.


  • Disquieted by unopened doors or similar portals.
  • Cannot leave a lock secured.
  • Must take any keys they find and seek to find the matching lock.

Granted Powers:

  • Arcane Lockbreaker: At will, you can suppress the effect of an arcane lock spell that you touch.
  • Lock’s Touch: As a swift action, you can unlock a single lock that you touch with an Open Lock DC less than or equal to twice your effective binding level.
  • Portal Step: Once per day as a standard action, you can step through one door or portal and emerge through another. In all other ways (determining range, etc.) treat this as a dimension door spell. At 10th level you can use portal step twice per day and treat it as a teleport spell. At 15th level you can use portal step three times per day and treat it as a plane shift spell.
  • Sarnat’s Gate: At 20th level once per day as a standard action, you can transform a single door or portal into a gate, as per the spell.
  • Sarnat’s Seal: Five times per day as a standard action, you can place an arcane lock on any door, chest or portal that you touch.
  • Sarnat’s Sight: As a swift action, you can use open/close as per the spell.
  • Sarnat’s Touch: You gain a +4 insight bonus on Open Lock checks.

Go to Dream Pacts – Part 4: Spirit Lords of the 3rd and 4th Circle

4 Responses to “Dream Pacts – Part 3: Spirit Lords of the 1st and 2nd Circle”

  1. brotherwilli says:

    I had this impression from the earlier rules posts, and it seems confirmed now:

    Is this a rework of the Binder rules from Tome of Magic? My group always liked the concept of the Binder, but in practice it was unbalanced and unsupported. I’d love to have a new version to use.

  2. Justin Alexander says:

    As this material is being released under the OGL, I cannot identify it as being compatible with a trademarked title. If someone were to do what you suggest, they’d certainly have to rewrite all the text describing the mechanics and also find a way of recasting those mechanics in order to divorce them entirely from the original non-mechanical content. 😉

    I will also say that when I used the Tome of Magic in my own campaign, tweaking things in an effort to making the binding class more competitive with core spellcasters and also giving options for any character to dabble in the cool concepts were definitely priorities.

  3. FutureOreo says:

    This is neat, and it’s nice and ambitious that you do this.

    The only thing that makes me raise an eyebrow here is Cynovia, whose abilities are identical to ToM’s Savnok, except she gets a few extra bonus proficiencies. Maybe change her abilities around a bit, or at least change the DR to a different physical type, or something?

  4. Paul Goodman says:

    Typo: In the Cynothia section, “At all times while bound to Terrior,”

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