The Alexandrian

Die Wolf - Franz Marc

Go to Dream Pacts (Part 1)


Spirit Lords are powerful lords of the Dreaming. They hold dominion over common families of rivera (minor spirits). For example, Pegana, the Lady of the River, rules over the spirits of stream and brook. It is overly simplistic, however, to consider them as individuals. The Pegana one meets in the deltas of Duvei is not the same Lady of the Rivers one might meet in the spring thaws of the Great Glacier or the mountain streams of Hyrtan. She might not even be the same Pegana you’d meet in the next river valley to the west. She might not even be the same Pegana you met last night in the very same place. Or, on the other hand, she might be.


  • All powers gained from Spirit Lord pacts are supernatural.
  • Unless otherwise noted, using a granted power is a standard action and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
  • Unless otherwise noted, a granted power’s benefits are constant once activated. Effects that are not constant can only be used once every 5 rounds.
  • Unless otherwise noted, all effects created by a Spirit Lord’s granted powers end when the pact ends, the conduit is broken, or the Servant of the Dreaming Lord dies.
  • Unless otherwise noted, a granted power cannot be activated again if the previous use of the power is still in effect.
  • If a granted power mimics a spell, the caster level for that ability is equal to your effective Servant of the Dreaming Lord class level.
  • The difficulty class for a saving throw against a granted power is 10 + ½ effective binding level + Charisma modifier.


Spirit Circle: The higher that Spirit Lord’s spirit circle, the more powerful or complicated their domain. The Spirit’s Lord’s spirit circle determines the difficulty of contacting them, and may limit less experienced Servants of the Dreaming Lord from contacting them at all.

Pact Check DC: The difficulty class of the pact check required to form a conduit with the Spirit Lord.

Physical Sign: As long as a Spirit Lord is manifesting itself through a character, they dsplay a specific physical sign of its presence. This sign is real, not an illusory or shapechanging effect.

Influence: The typical influence the Spirit Lord will wield over a character who forms a poor pact with it. (The exact demands of the Spirit Lord’s influence is ultimately a roleplaying decision left in the DM’s hands.)

Granted Powers: The powers granted to a character who forms a pact with the Spirit Lord.

Special: If any special rules or conditions apply to binding the Spirit Lord, they appear here.

Spirit LordSpirit Circle
Bralla, the Lost Child1st
Genna, the Shade Skulker1st
Illiki, the Lamp's Flame1st
Cynothia, the Bleeding Knight2nd
Face of Stars2nd
Lunesca, Maid of the Feather2nd
Sarnat, Master of Portals2nd
Ilsasil, the River of Magic3rd
Terrior, the Knight of Mists3rd
Maab, the Curious Queen of Cats3rd
Utharah, Lady of Blades3rd
Alladar, the White Stag4th
Baalterrok, the Face of the Rock4th
Kath, the Cavalier King of Cats4th
Nentai, the Three Eyes5th
Catar, the Ill Wind5th
Charabim, Guardian of the Blessed Children5th
Porthas, the Rock of Ages5th
Fassa, the Lady of the Stormy Seas6th
Karnax, Lord of the Dreamshredders6th
Messamis, the Empty City6th
Nesserik, the Serpent of the Grave6th
Saphastos, the Dark Dreamer6th
Face of Stars, Greater7th
Murmauth, the Maelstrom7th
Uragog, the Knight of Scythes7th
Jeladora, the Prismed Witch8th

Go to Dream Pacts – Part 3: Spirit Lords of the 1st and 2nd Circle

One Response to “The Dreaming Arts: Dream Pacts – Part 2: Spirit Lords”

  1. croald says:

    Is this an editing omission? You mention Pegana, Lady of the River, several times in examples, but she does not earn an entry in this table or the following descriptions.

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